Consolidated Storage thread




can't believe we didn't have one of these with the amount of discussion we have about Storage. So here's a place to focus some feedback on the storage issues.

For reference, these were included in the summary of Base issues.
<ul type="square">[*]Inability to edit while people use Storage, because storage keeps repainting the base and resetting your edit[*]Storage needs to be sortable, or simply default sorted by item instead of by time (such as using the same sort order as an NPC store)[*]Storage permissions don't match how most groups want to use them. Some enhancers should be more secure than others, and so on. (Permission by table would be ideal, a whole tier of more-secure tables would probably give enough flexibility to be useful.) In general, the all-or-nothing nature of the permission, combined with the need to educate new SG members makes it difficult to trust people with any storage permission at all.[*]Storage log can be spammed to remove history - should something be guaranteed to exist for a length of time before being pushed off the list?[*]Storage doesn't always remember who placed an item, and definitely forgets it all if you move the storage to a new room.[*]Lack of a way to pool Invention Salvage and Recipe resources among a SG. Thouse should have SG Storage items.[*]Whatever happened to seeing Storage from a Worktable/Empowerment?[*]Adding more personal storage would prevent people from trying to retask group storage for personal means[*]Inf storage[*]Text labels on Storage item interface since people have many systems for how to file their group's items (eg, "Magic Enhancers only in here")[/list]



I think the biggest issue here is this[ QUOTE ]
Storage permissions don't match how most groups want to use them.

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Most people who come to this forum to talk about storage want a way to set different permissions for different people. Certain stored objects can be more public, others require a bit more trust in the SG members.

Certainly it's odd to treat storage all-or-nothing when it comes to permissions given the huge list of little things a SG can give permission for. You can change the SG Colors but not our Chest Logo. You can change the MOTD, but not the Motto. Yet storage is very broad.

Now a lot of people ask for Inspiration less secure than Enhancement, or things like that. That is a *subset* of the issue here. It's asking for &lt;This&gt; Storage to be different security than &lt;That&gt; Storage. Whether &lt;This&gt; and &lt;That&gt; are different types or the same type shouldn't matter and should not limit the solution. If this is going to get coding time, I'd hope it gets a solution that useful for the majority of groups. Permission by type would not be very useful to all the people who want Large Insps different from Small Insps, however a system by bin can easily have eacy type of bin given the same setting if that's what your group desires.

So how about a system by bin? How would that work?
The SG Security permission would be changed to "Set Storage Permission."
Each storage item then has a Settings button near the Log button. (Or in place of it, move the Log access onto the settings screen if you only want 1 button.)
The Settings Screen then has the 5 ranks with Add and Remove permission, which can be changed by people with the SG permission.
The Settings Screen could also have that short text message people ask for to label storage bins.

The slightly less complex solution would be 2 sets of Storage objects.
Most of the time I see posts talking about the idea setup as No Permission -&gt; Some Permission -&gt; All Permission. Instead of the current None -&gt; All.
Focusing just on that setup a minute, there may be a simpler solution: 2 groups of bins. One group of bins you can give permission to the people with "Some Access" and the other group of bins you hold off for only the people with "All Access".
This setup allows the often requested permission by type (just choose the first set of bins for one type of storage, the 2nd set of bins for the other) as well as a multitude of other setups. Yes, it's not infinitely flexible like the settings per bin, but we only have 5 security ranks, how much resolution can fit in there? It would definitely meet *most* group's needs for splitting storage permissions.
From a code point of view, this may be extremely easy. Make a new SG Permission just like the old one. Make a new set of bins just like the old ones except change which permission they check against. Sounds like a lot of copy+paste, instead of coding a whole new interface window. It's a huge bang for the buck.

Why is this all so important? It's not really about Leader Privledge. The trouble with storage comes down to trust and education. Can you trust this person who you only know as an avatar to not be gluttonous and take the SGs stuff? Can you teach this other person that bringing every IO to the auction house is not the best way to fund his costume change? Its hard to do that if you expose everything at once. Opening up some storage, however, is a way to identify potential problems early.



I'm new to SG bases and I am planning to make a small base just for trying it out.

This thread mention about storage. I want to know though what kind of items can you store in these storages? Can you store Influence/Infamy, recipes, enhancement, salvages, etc?

I am asking since I want to have a storage so that if I try and make a new toon, I could easily access some of my stuff.



There are inspiration storage items, enhancement storage items, base salvage storage items (note these can also store holiday and certian special salvages but not vanguard merits), and Vault storage (which is basically a link to the vault storage in pocket D and can store Invention salvage.) Currently there is no method of storing Influence/Infamy, or recipies. (Note: Recipies can be semi stored by placing them in the consignment house and not posting a price for their sale.)

"You, dear sir, are a legend. "- nelly. "PIE DOESN'T HAVE TENTACLES!"
Bladewing Draconian lvl 30 KAT/SR scrapper
DarkNinjutsu lvl 50 DM/REG scrapper
Dajoji Hino lvl 50 elm/ela scrapper
Bloody Byakko lvl 20 claws/sr scrapper



Invention Storage vault requires control and power, unlike all other storage devices for bases (it's a small amount, but it still uses some and this can be a pain to a small base trying their best to maximize power and control usage). Even the inspiration storage, which can contribute directly to helping defenders in a PvP base raid doesn't require energy or control to place. Since the invention storage vault was introduced I don't think a reason was ever given for why it needs to use power or control. Additionally, as the Invention Storage vault can't be used to share invention salvage between characters or SGmates a control and power requirement seems unnecessary.



<ul type="square">[*]Lack of a way to pool Invention Salvage and Recipe resources among a SG. Thouse should have SG Storage items.[/list]
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Being totally selfish for a moment: this is the only one I really care about.

I am still cross with the Devs for putting the market economy before the needs of SGs. Perhaps now the market is established they will rectify the issue?

*This is me - not holding my breath*

This is a song about a super hero named Tony. Its called Tony's theme.
Jagged Reged: 23/01/04



<ul type="square">[*]Lack of a way to pool Invention Salvage and Recipe resources among a SG. Thouse should have SG Storage items.[/list]
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Being totally selfish for a moment: this is the only one I really care about.

I am still cross with the Devs for putting the market economy before the needs of SGs. Perhaps now the market is established they will rectify the issue?

*This is me - not holding my breath*

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I completely agree. Now that people are used to using the markets and the novelty factor has worn off, I think the devs should let go of their hoarding fears and give us storage. And if it involves new types of storage bins, they should increase the number of bins allowed in a base substantially. It is far too low as it is.

"Home is where, when you have to go there, they have to let you in."



Bring back the Daleks for pooled storage



There is a problem a few of my groups are facing: Storage Creep.

This is where people donate to the Insp/Enhancement bins and never take anything out, yet when someone does take a bunch of ____ insps or ____ enhancements, some people get cranky.

There should be a base setting that group leaders can change so that unused items eventually get auto-sold and the proceeds be credited to the group.

Inspiration bins []Indefinite or [__] Days before being sold.
Enhancement bins []Indefinite or [__] Days before being sold.

This would also eliminate all the "orphan" IOs like confuse that no one seems to want, no one buys, yet are overstocked because of badge hunters.

About 6-10 people in my group going after the IO badges on multiple characters, yet some refuse to sell back to the auction houses. Then again, no one is buying the "junk" enhancements.

Triumph: White Succubus: 50 Ill/Emp/PF Snow Globe: 50 Ice/FF/Ice Strobe: 50 PB Shi Otomi: 50 Ninja/Ninjistu/GW Stalker My other characters



These may have been mentioned...

I would like to be able to place more then 18 storage devices. Alternatively, I would like to be able to buy advanced ones with larger capacity.

I would love to be able to place a device that was like a set of lockers and functioned like the vault to give each member some personal storage for other types of things.



I wish we could sell them for prestige.

[/ QUOTE ]
Yes, that was the hope.

To put this into perspective, here is a sampling of the groups I'm with:
Hero group 1: has 8 full Enhancement bins, 2 full inspiration bins.
Hero group 2: has 5 full Enhancement bins, 1 full inspiration bins.
Hero group 3: has 3 mostly full Enhancement bins, 1 full inspiration bin.

Villain group 1: has 5-6 full Enhancement bins, 2 full inspiration bins.
Villain group 2: has 1 almost full Enhancement bin, 2 mostly full inspiration bins.

That is a lot of enhancements, and inspirations that sit around doing nothing except withholding prestige.

The base could be set up so that after 60 days any enhancement gets sold, and after 90 days the inspirations get sold with all proceeds being returned to the group as extra prestige. Or let the leaders disable the selling if they choose to.

This way people could still donate to the group, yet prevent the bases getting cluttered with junk.

Triumph: White Succubus: 50 Ill/Emp/PF Snow Globe: 50 Ice/FF/Ice Strobe: 50 PB Shi Otomi: 50 Ninja/Ninjistu/GW Stalker My other characters



These may have been mentioned...

I would like to be able to place more then 18 storage devices. Alternatively, I would like to be able to buy advanced ones with larger capacity.

I would love to be able to place a device that was like a set of lockers and functioned like the vault to give each member some personal storage for other types of things.

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This I like. It would also give us the 'Locker' item to use as well for our bases.....

"Big Bada Boom(tm)!"
1295 Badges - Virtue
Niska: Are you Familiar with the works of Shan Yu?



Recently Ive heard of several Super groups on the triumph server being cleaned out at night from a recent recruit being given access under the all or nothing system in place right now.

Is there anything in the works from Dev's to address the issue with storage rights currently in the works.

having varying access to storage items also allows Super groups to offer more reward to those having earned more rank. Along with providing some control over a new person staying long enough to get rank for access and then emptying contents of all base storage maliciously.



Frankly, in my SG we have eliminated most of the old Enhancement storage we used to have (separate bins for each origin) and just loaded them up with a bunch of IOs at various levels (15, 25, 35; 20 damage, 20 accuracy, 10 recharge at each level, plus whatever inventions people want to drop in them).

In their place we greatly expanded the insp storage which seems to be the most used of our bins anyway. Salvage bins can now hold so much salvage that you tend to have more than you need before they fill up, especially if you convert their contents to base salvage on a regular basis (3 to 1 space savings!). We have so much base salvage that we've actually been trying to get our members to use the buff station just so it doesn't go to waste.



Im certain some of the reasons storage doesnt have the permissions right now is the game mechanics and what it would take for the developers to fix it ( or they just dont like us :P )

I thought of a different approach that might not be that complicated by game mechanics stand point, and give us some control within the current system with a minimum of programmer changes.

What if we had more than one type of each storage item.....

New base items with tier'd access based on rank

even if only a second of each storage type was added , IE Secure Salvage Bin vs Salvage Bin - req a leader or officver to access would solve alot of the grief over base security issues.



I wish we could sell them for prestige.

[/ QUOTE ]
Yes, that was the hope.

To put this into perspective, here is a sampling of the groups I'm with:
Hero group 1: has 8 full Enhancement bins, 2 full inspiration bins.
Hero group 2: has 5 full Enhancement bins, 1 full inspiration bins.
Hero group 3: has 3 mostly full Enhancement bins, 1 full inspiration bin.

Villain group 1: has 5-6 full Enhancement bins, 2 full inspiration bins.
Villain group 2: has 1 almost full Enhancement bin, 2 mostly full inspiration bins.

That is a lot of enhancements, and inspirations that sit around doing nothing except withholding prestige.

The base could be set up so that after 60 days any enhancement gets sold, and after 90 days the inspirations get sold with all proceeds being returned to the group as extra prestige. Or let the leaders disable the selling if they choose to.

This way people could still donate to the group, yet prevent the bases getting cluttered with junk.

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*summons ZombieThread*

Ok, I actually agree with Snow here, with the following caveats.

1- Any item sold back actually gets a decent prestige bonus, unlike the ungodly face rake we get at the registrar with the 500:1 Inf-&gt;Pres exchange. I just cleaned my base today. I had just over 2 million in randon DO/SOs in 2 bins (about 180 enhc.). I don't want to get bent over by the base selling 2 full bins for some ridiculously stupid amount of prestige such as 200 pres. At that point I'd laugh at any future "We are the Devs. We care about our players." type of propaganda thrown around here.

2- This, as with all things SG Related, should always have the ability to be turned off.

Nightmare Scenario #1,983,377: (If IOs are in the list of what the Base sells off for prestige) You have 4 Hecatomb (120 +/- mil Inf), 6 Numina Uniques (200+/- mil Inf), 5 LotG +7.5s (350+/- mil Inf), and say about 20 various pieces you really need. Now, lets say you are 1/2 way done with aquiring the sets you need for a characters "Uber Build". It's taken you 6 solid months of gaming 4 days/wk, 12-20 hours/day to get this far. All of a sudden you log in and your stuff that's been sitting there has been "Auto-Sold" for 200 prestige. Would you personally look into buying a plane ticket, or would you just load your revolver and give up your mortal coil?

Ok, Doomsday aside. As long as I can turn off the sell part if I want, and the prestige I get in trade is decent (read actually useful...say even value of the selling price in inf of a said item) then Hell Yeah!

Comic and Hero/Villain Culture
Saturday January 29th, 2005 (12:37 PM) ~ Monday August 9th, 2010
Those Who Lived It Will Remember Long after your Ban Hammer Crumbles and the servers flicker dead.
We Will Remember This One Moment In Time! ~ Shadow Ravenwolf



Mad, if you're still able to edit your first post in this thread, maybe provide links to the other salvage related posts you can find? This way even if they get buried, people can go to them for informational purposes.



I realize that there are probably hundreds of tangents and threads related to bases, bugs, wishes, and whatnot. I Necro'd this thread for 1 simple reason. It was a link from the stickied Base Issues List, post-I12 thread. To me, it looked like the "officially sanctioned" place to address issues because the sticky refers us to it. If this was in fact incorrect, accept my apologies, along with a 100lb. bag of freshly baked Guardian Cookies.

Comic and Hero/Villain Culture
Saturday January 29th, 2005 (12:37 PM) ~ Monday August 9th, 2010
Those Who Lived It Will Remember Long after your Ban Hammer Crumbles and the servers flicker dead.
We Will Remember This One Moment In Time! ~ Shadow Ravenwolf