Sketch A Day Strikes BACK!!! The CUTE!
:: skims through photobucket::
I'd love to see a Chibi like Crestent or Mideva.
Crestent lvl 50 Mind/Emp Controller
MUST...HAVE...CUTE KILO! I know you have done plenty of art for me Alex but what can I say I am greedy when it comes to your work. You can always bump me from the list for a first timer though, I won't mind.
Oh and its not called slacking if you are ingame with your fellow Envisionaries its called...RAVE TIME!!!
I already saw Siouxsie's Mistress on dA and it is awesome! I'd be honored if you want to cutify (<-new word) Lightslinger.
Lightslinger Reference
And if you'd like to do a cute fight scene, put him against one of these baddies:
Lightslinger's Villains
I sure wouldn't mind seeing my demonic couple cutie-fied.
Queen Demonica and her accountant/boyfriend Hell Toupe. (HT full.) She's about twice his size.
Of course, if someone comes along that hasn't had one of your fabulous drawings, by all means bump my request.
The Alt Alphabet ~ OPC: Other People's Characters ~ Terrific Screenshots of Cool ~ Superhero Fiction
well since this seems to be a demonic theme ... I'll throw in
my Maiden of the Pit for your consideration.
She is a fire/dark brute with a bio that goes a little like
She is a very self confident princess that is never wrong and that believes that every creature is meant to do her bidding. She is a bullying diva that intends to rule by fear. She is very proud and loves to spread her wings.
You can regularly find by her side Aylmeth, her Lord's envoy that is by her side to advise her (and report her progress). She is fully aware of the dual agenda (or actually believes there is one since it was never confirmed). Therefore she often speaks openly to Aylmeth of things he should and shouldn't report to their Lord.
She is on this plane to prove to her Lord that she is worthy. She isn't exactly sure what is expected of her or when (or how) her test will end. So she plows along while trying stuff and checking the stoik Aylmeth's reactions for hints. Underneath her very confident exterior is a very uncertain entity hoping for acceptance.

Char Site | My DeviantArt
Submitted for your approval, characters of mine that need some art lovin'. Any of the following would be the awesome:
Cold Turkey
Jethro Skull
Kitty Whompus
Please and thank you. =)
Ooh ooh!
Winter's True Spirit please!!
College Girl outfit
Please read my FEAR/Portal/HalfLife Fan Fiction!
as usual, I'd do naughty things for art of Gamma
I'd give you direct links to her screenies but my work blocks out photobucket... click my micro hero link, go up one directory, and then you'll see a screenshots directory.
but you've already drawn Gamma once so I'm sure you have an idea what she looks like =)
I'd give you direct links to her screenies but my work blocks out photobucket... click my micro hero link, go up one directory, and then you'll see a screenshots directory.
but you've already drawn Gamma once so I'm sure you have an idea what she looks like =)
[/ QUOTE ]
yeah my work blocks it too, so just put up those links when you get home.
Me me! I'm cute!
Here I am!
I'd be honored to be drawn! I like your OP picture
P.S. If you draw me with someone else please let it be a guy
I'd give you direct links to her screenies but my work blocks out photobucket... click my micro hero link, go up one directory, and then you'll see a screenshots directory.
but you've already drawn Gamma once so I'm sure you have an idea what she looks like =)
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yeah my work blocks it too, so just put up those links when you get home.
[/ QUOTE ]
Hookie Duckie *quack*
((Give Tarosvan a shot if you like. There's a link to his reference gallery in the sig. I'd shove Parz forward, but his gallery needs a bit of work, and many more screenies. Muchas gracias.))
Links to my Virtueverse crap
I submit for your cutifying Phoenix Serenity, Sinfernal in her nurse outfit or White Sands, my former main.
Phoenix Serenity
[/ QUOTE ]
Teh Frosty Femme:
Frosty Front
Frosty Back
Frosty Left
Frosty Right
Best Frosty close up I've got. Sorry!
your = Belonging to you.
you're = Contraction meaning "You are."
Ur = The name of an ancient Mesopotamian city.
ur = This is not a word.
OOooo! Awesome!
*hops in queue*
LadyLiberty's main costume reference
Thank you so much in advance if you draw LL...
I could get behind a cute picture of Hero Automaton or Downtown Defender, but it'd be amazing if you could find a way to make Skull Sama adorable.
If its cute girls you're aiming for, then let me throw my favorite demon girl, Jala into the mix, as well as my angel Serene .
A few profile shots:
Writing up some litter bugs
Standing 1
Standing 2
Standing 3
Standing 4
Jala looking around
random butt shot! (but really to show the wrapped gloves that were removed in I3 and can no longer be seen, the gloves in the 4 shot profile above is different from these, this version of the wrapped gloves is the prefered version)
Get some!
who shall we have Alex cute-ify?
Here's Torch Juggler again! only this time she's all ready for the Vegas headline act... or at least part of Cirque de Soleil...
"City of Heroes. April 27, 2004 - August 31, 2012. Obliterated not with a weapon of mass destruction, not by an all-powerful supervillain... but by a cold-hearted and cowardly corporate suck-up."
Alright got a chance to do a quick sketch during lunch break
Lil Kilo sketch
Will finish it up when I get home.
Awww adorably trollish!
I'd love for you to do my villain Lillith
Oooo he's SO Cute!!!!!
Crestent lvl 50 Mind/Emp Controller
Well it's time to get back on that Sketch A Day thing, I've been slacking waaaaaaaaaaaaaay too much.
So here's how it works, this time it's Cute sketches, here's the first one: Lil Pyromindi
So post a good and I mean good screenshot of your toon, gonna need front, side, back(to show off any cute bums!) and nice closeup of the face. Please have all that in ONE post, so I don't have to dig around. Any "pics are in my sig" will most likely be ignored. :P
While I like drawing the girlies, bring out your cute boys! No discriminating here! Cute couples(two different people) should apply together(That's boy/boy, boy/girl, or girl/girl)! Oh I should also say monsters are also welcomed!
Since I started late, only 17 spots this month! I will choose whomever I want, so don't feel any need to rush, it's NOT first come first served! Once I get my 17, I'll let you know and close the queue.
*edit: couples should be two different people. Chance for more people to get a pic!
1. Siouxsie's Mistress