Sketch A Day Strikes BACK!!! The CUTE!




You have been busy Alex. I was away the weekend and you really have been pumping them out.

Great job on the colors Larissa!



Hahaha, those are all so awesome! I love them all! d=^_^=b

<3 <3 <3

=. .=



Turbo-Ski looks so cute holding her scythe like that! I LOVES IT LOTS!



The scene seen through the mind of Lillith:

I heard the gibbering first, that terrified babble that those monkeys speak when they know they're about to die. The soft scrape of cloth against concrete. I could almost picture the poor fool in my mind, hands raised in the air, tears in his eyes as he pleaded for his life. I could also hear an odd crackling, like the sound of ice forming. Then I heard that sound, you know the one, like a cleaver slicing through meat and bone? You get that one almost crunch/thud, followed by an odd gurgling. I could smell blood, hot and tangy in the air. I wrinkled my nose, disliking the scent even though it was one I had smelled many times before. Other, unpleasant, aromas quickly followed, due to the bodies natural response at the moment of death. I heard a cold laugh, surprised at the sound of the soft, feminine voice. I turned around the corner of the building, making almost no sound. Her head quickly whipped around, as if she had sensed my presence. The pigtails and soft blue of her outfit contrasted sharply with the bloody scythe made of ice she held in her hands. That explained that unusual sound. Her eyes peered over her scarf at me. Not quite challenging, they narrowed as she inspected me. I simply stood there, casually leaning against the wall. The bloody body before her lay steaming on the pavement. A trail of blood showed that he had dragged himself several feet before she landed the killing blow. Apparently deciding that I wouldn't interfere, she straightened and casually walked away. It was a sight to warm my heart, if I had had one. There was nothing I loved more than seeing the monkeys kill each other off. Made things so much easier for me...

Fantastic work Alex! I love that "You surprised me at the moment of the kill" feeling it has



Guess I need to put some blood on that scythe now!



Put cherry syrup instead of blood on the scythe, as if she was cutting ice to make snowcones! The cuteness levels would be unhealthy!



omg cute overload

LvL 50's Inv/Em Tank, Katana/Regen Scrapper, Merc/Traps MM, Ninja/Dark MM, Crab
@Torell Guardian, Liberty & Freedom



Snowman Frost would simply love to be pictured like this.

Is the screens in my sig enough or do you need better ones?



HAHAHA!!!! I love Kilo!!!!!



Snowman Frost would simply love to be pictured like this.

Is the screens in my sig enough or do you need better ones?

[/ QUOTE ]

Sorry Snow, Queue is currently closed.



Snowman Frost would simply love to be pictured like this.

Is the screens in my sig enough or do you need better ones?

[/ QUOTE ]

Sorry Snow, Queue is currently closed.

[/ QUOTE ]

Fair enough
If I had taken the time to read the thread in full I would have noticed, but I am bogged down at work.
Besides I allready have one great drawing from you, my greed just made me try to get one more
Guess most people here can relate to it



0. Pyromindi colors
1. Siouxsie's Mistress and Imagesbyalex sketch inked
2. LiL Kilo sketch inked
3.Crestent sketch inked
4. Maiden of the Pit sketch
5. Lightslinger sketch
6. Hell Toupe
7. Winter Nacht
8. Nurse Sinfernal sketch inked
9. Frost Femme sketch
10. Skull Sama sketch
11. Lillith sketch
12.Motorcycle Wolf
13.Turboski sketch
14. Massacre Melanie sketch
15. Gamma Girl
16. Heart of Madness
17. Nezumi-ko sketch inked
18 The Ultra Marine sketch



BURN ftw. She's adorably dangerous! :3

Also, Lil' Ultra Marine is made of Win and Awesome. The proportions on his arms just amuse me to no end. -the original Fire/Dark Corruptor -
The Guide to BURN



Nice, very nice. Keep it coming.



Holy mother! I stop frequenting the boards and come back and you're STILL going at it. You're part machine. It frighten yet intrigues me. Here I go back to ghosting the boards. :P

It's easy to be born in Steel, but you are never forged until battle.

Guardian known as

Avengers forever.



Wow, chibis!

Sadly, I can't request right now, seeing as I'm re-designing Derek/Akio.



Wow, chibis!

Sadly, I can't request right now, seeing as I'm re-designing Derek/Akio.

[/ QUOTE ]

... and the queue is closed atm ...

Arc: A Little RnR (17523) - Poster
Char Site | My DeviantArt



Wow, chibis!

Sadly, I can't request right now, seeing as I'm re-designing Derek/Akio.

[/ QUOTE ]

... and the queue is closed atm ...

[/ QUOTE ]

Oh. I missed that. >_>;;



0. Pyromindi colors
1. Siouxsie's Mistress and Imagesbyalex sketch inked
2. LiL Kilo sketch inked
3.Crestent sketch inked
4. Maiden of the Pit sketch
5. Lightslinger sketch
6. Hell Toupe
7. Winter Nacht
8. Nurse Sinfernal sketch inked
9. Frost Femme sketch
10. Skull Sama sketch
11. Lillith sketch
12.Motorcycle Wolf
13.Turboski sketch
14. Massacre Melanie sketch
15. Gamma Girl sketch
16. Heart of Madness
17. Nezumi-ko sketch inked
18 The Ultra Marine sketch



He's a machine I tell you, a machine! And he still has time to outlevel me in game!




commented in DA

p.s. *GLOMP*