Dojo of the Lurking Shadow (open RP)




Toru shook her head, further obscuring any view of her face with her hair. "Forgive me if I seem rude but we've had our share of unpleasant surprises here." She gestured toward the unconcious figure on the floor. "As for him......nothing but trouble being dealt with." she ground her teeth together slightly, her patience wearing thin. She'd already decided she didn't like the one called Ryuu Hotaka very much. He struck her as a bit....arrogant....pompus...and a few other not-so-flattering things. The one called Acid, she took the time to assess once more. This one seemed ....smarter, at least a little. He had the sense to shut the other one up, she'd give him that much.

"As for why so many slumber...." she shrugged her slender shoulders slightly. "I do not know. I too felt the effects of some....spell but it is fading. Now all I sense is dark power. You two wouldn't happen to be responsible for that now, would you?" Toru crossed her arms over her chest and leveled her gaze on the pair.



Shadow Pyre ignored the the pair of new arrivals and knelt down beside the tree that the vortex had sprung up from. When he stretched out his hand towards its' shadow the remnants of darkness that remained surged forward in an attempt to engulf him, however as soon as it took hold of his arm it was immediately absorbed by his own miasma. As the newfound energy merged with his own he suddenly felt something all too familiar.

"Demon." it hissed angrily.

"What would a demon want with that fool?" he thought back.

Standing up he made his way back towards the prone form of their fallen foe. Looking down at him he tried to imagine what anyone would want such a pathetic being.

"I do not know. I too felt the effects of some....spell but it is fading. Now all I sense is dark power. You two wouldn't happen to be responsible for that now, would you?"

Toru's words snapped him from his train of thought as he turned to face her and the newcomers. This was the first time he had given them more than a simple glance and from the way they were dressed he had little doubt that they weren't on the side of the angels.

"I believe part of what you are sensing is coming from me, you have my apologies." Pyre said as he rescinded his shadow from her and her brother.



"Uh, dark?" Acid replied hastily and in a denying tone, "No, of course not, whatever would give you that idea? I'm not dark or anything..."

"I believe part of what you are sensing is coming from me, you have my apologies." Pyre said as he rescinded his shadow from her and her brother.

[/ QUOTE ]
Acid visibly relaxed at this, giving a nod, "There, see? No dark here."

Hotaka only gave an annoyed sigh...

"If I had Force powers, vacuum or not my cape/clothes/hair would always be blowing in the Dramatic Wind." - Tenzhi




She found him! Servant's mind’s eye rested on Hikaru's downed body as she spoke the spell of teleportation for the millionth time.

"What are you doing?" Said the dark, unusual fellow who had finally decided to come out of his 'play room.'

Servant jumped, startled from the outburst. No, that would be an understatement. She looked like a kitten who had been frightened to its 49th floor of his/her scratch post/condo.

She swore in her mind while keeping herself as calm as possible. Something she could never understand was how in the world Darkness Foretold, or 'The Darkness' as he likes to be called, could manage to sneak up on a demonic being with the hearing of over five thousand times better then a human. But, that was also why she loved serving under him.

Servant regained herself, fleshing a fake grin and turning around to meet her master. Her head was bowed slightly as a sign of respect, her pointed teeth shone in the dim light upon bringing it up.

“I’m bringing in our guest.” She said confidently.

Darkness’ eye remained on Servant for a moment, making sure she wouldn’t suddenly break down and tell him the truth... Which, of course, was the truth. Servant’s fake grin remained, the back of her head rolling in a demonic prayer.

The eyes under the metallic skeletal mask never left its gaze on his servant. Not a single drop of sweat fell or bone shook in her body that could possibly reveal her being nervous… Well, besides her over-contracted muscles.

This continued for about five minutes…

“Very well…” Darkness said, turning away to go down the hall. Servant let out a sigh of relief, letting her muscles relax and letting her body return to normal. She then turned back to restart and once more find her victim.

“One more thing.” He said, forcing Servant to return to her previously tense state.

“Yes?” She responded through her teeth, Turning around and putting back on her cheesy smile.

Don’t open the bathroom door. I’ll be taking a bubble bath.” He laughed maniacally while walking back down the hallway. About three steps down the stone path, two abnormally thin dark servant women manifested themselves from the shadows, wrapping their arms around Darkness’ waist and walking with him down the hallway.

Servant rolled her eyes, returning to the task of retrieving her prize from the real world through ways of darkness.


By now, the remains of the dark vortex had fully dissipated, leaving nothing to show that any type of magic had been there, except for a faint, dark, ominous feeling of evil lingering through the air.



The two sat in silence, Kanata eating at his normally quick pace while Jase just nibbled on his food and stared off into space. “Are you not hungry?” Kanata asked after slowing down his pace enough to get words between mouthfuls, “or have I overcooked it?”

“That’s not it. I just sense something…someone else has arrived uninvited to this dojo,” Jase replied finally looking eye to eye with the purple haired boy. “There are two but I don’t think they are going to fight.”

“That is a relief to hear. Maybe the situation is back under control now.” This lifted Kanata’s spirits a bit even if it wasn’t true and so he continued to eat. “Are you going to eat that?” he asked with a mouth full of food.

Jase just stared at him coldly before pushing his bowl of soup across the table to him. “For someone of your size, you sure do eat like a horse,” Jase smirked.

Although Kanata was tall, his build was on the slim side even with the muscles he built wielding Kantetsu. “Using a naginata can use a lot of energy. I make sure not to miss a meal so I am always at my best.” Without hesitating, Kanata accepted what was left of Jase’s meal and finished it for him. “So how long have you been attending this dojo?” Kanata asked in an attempt to spark a conversation.

“…two days.” Jase replied tersely. The two days Jase had spent here weren’t in any classes but to enroll and recover his strength from long months of scavenging for food and shelter and hopping from town to town stealing whatever he needed to survive.

Kanata blinked for a long silent moment then returned to eating. “So, you can sense people from far away. You must have had a brilliant teacher. Where did you learn your techniques and how to fight?” Kanata asked while cleaning off the table of the dishes, hoping Jase would be more open.

With a roll of the eyes Jase sighed out an answer. “….around.”

“Is that so? Well you certainly did a fine job of defending yourself from that dangerous shinobi.”

“Dangerous shinobi? You mean that joke of an assassin that chose me to pick a fight for him? He was pathetic. If he were a ninja of any skill he would've killed his target without anyone even realizing he'd set foot in the dojo. He was just here to act like a fool and stroke his ego,” Jase ranted angrily. He purposely left out how he failed to land a single hit on Hikaru even though he tried his best with what he had.

“Or maybe he just underestimated the students here at the school,” Kanata added with a bit of a smile.

Did he just complement me? Jase thought to himself. I already told him I haven’t been to the school for long so it couldn’t be congratulating the school’s great students….most of them are still asleep. As he thought, Jase turned his face to a far corner of the room to hid his reddened cheeks.

Kanata buried a yawn in his fist and walked back to his armor. “I am still very sleepy but if there are more threats arriving, maybe we should go back.”

“You’re still feeling that attack? Let me see if I can help.” From where he was sitting, Jase dove into Kanata’s mind. It only took a moment to free his mind of the spell. It was like a weight being lifted off of his mind when Jase broke him free but also shield his thoughts from further effects.

“What just happened?” Kanata pondered as he perked back to his normal self. “I feel the lethargy disappearing.”

“Let’s just say I did the same thing to wake you up earlier but just gave you a second dose.”

“That was your voice I heard before? So you can read other’s thoughts?” Kanata asked wide eyed.

“Pretty much.”

At first, Kanata was amazed and intrigued but his awe began to fade. “Does that mean… know what I am thinking now?”

Jase smirked and rose to his feet. “If you want to find out about the two that just arrived, I’ll wait for you outside while you get changed like you had planned.” With that said, Jase climbed out of the window he had entered from and waited near the door.

Kanata twitched nervously before he took off his keikogi to replace the armored shirt he wore under it. Could he have heard….I am sure he did but I hope not.



“Dangerous shinobi? You mean that joke of an assassin that chose me to pick a fight for him? He was pathetic. If he were a ninja of any skill he would've killed his target without anyone even realizing he'd set foot in the dojo. He was just here to act like a fool and stroke his ego.”

[/ QUOTE ]


Hikaru: He understands me!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! ))



"There see? No dark here."

Shadow Pyre could tell that tact certainly wasn't one of the hooded figures strong suits. Nonetheless, the pair hadn't proved themselves to be a threat as of yet so there wasn't any need to provoke them. That of course didn't mean he was about to let his guard down around them either.

"Well, it seems as though classes have been suspended at least for the moment. We should at least help the remaining sensei with the clean-up. Unless you two have something else in mind?" he asked, motioning towards several of the unconscious students strewn about.

Without waiting for a reply he walked over, grabbed the would be assassin by the ankle, and began dragging his face down body towards the building. He was careful to make sure that he didn't miss a single stone or rough patch on his way.

"I'll take this one to the infirmary myself and make sure he's secured. I need to check to see how Yuri's doing anyway." Pyre said as he felt a bump from his baggage hitting another rock.



Jase and Kanata waited a few rooms away, with Jase sitting with his back against the wall nearest where the others were talking and Kanata kneeling closely infront of Jase to hear him. “Okay, they’re not far. I can hear them from here,” Jase whispered, “I wouldn’t doubt they’re the cause of the attack but I can’t be sure.”

“Correct. It seems tactically sound they would put everyone under a slumbering spell so they could come in and take what they want,” Kanata surmised.

“I have a feeling they’re good so we won’t be able to actually beat them but the least we can do is scare them off.” Jase reached into his gi to get his short blades but soon winced in pain.

“No, allow me. I will protect you and the other students with my Kantetsu. Your wrist is still injured.”

Jase rolled his eyes then shook his head. “Fine, but be careful. I don’t wanna hafta clean up any messes.” Kanata just nodded with reddened cheeks then grabbed at his naginata strapped to his back. He let the heavy weapon rest on the ground and then closed his eyes to do a breathing meditation. It took nearly thirty seconds to finally prepare himself although there was no physical difference.

Kanata recovered his Kantetsu and moved closer to the room in time to hear Toru speak.

"As for why so many slumber...." she shrugged her slender shoulders slightly. "I do not know. I too felt the effects of some....spell but it is fading. Now all I sense is dark power. You two wouldn't happen to be responsible for that now, would you?" Toru crossed her arms over her chest and leveled her gaze on the pair.

[/ QUOTE ]

He wanted to know why the two were here as well or if they were responsible for the attack on the school. Kanata waited patiently for the answer to Toru’s question but when it was apparent the two weren’t interested in giving answers, Kanata attacked. He rushed the two from their left with an unnatural high speed, his naginata trailing behind him in his left. When he was in range, he brought the weapon up with such speed, it split the wind with a slash that was ready to disembowel both.

((Let’s move this along people ^^. Others are (or were) wanting to post. Dunno if Khell was still planning to participate.))



Yes! She found him! Death’s Servant had her Mind’s Eye directly on Hikaru’s position.

She grinned to herself, giving herself about two seconds to let her unusual joy of finding a dead man sink in. She lifted her hands slightly, letting dark energy begin to drip slowly off of the tips of her fingers; similar to the characteristics of water after coming in from a storm.

Just as she was about to begin the ritual, the target suddenly moved…

Servant stared blankly at where the body used to be. With the body moving in light, catching up was like having a snail try to catch up to lightning. After a few curses in a demonic language, she continued to follow Shadow Pyre in an endless and near impossible chase.

One, she almost lost. That was, until Shadow reach the shadow of the hallway. So long as anyone was within a shadow, the darkness could hold a permanent grip on a figure.

The darkness gathered beneath Hikaru, permanently latching on to the body’s shadow upon entering light. The darkness began to stir, swirling in the hidden darkness of literal deadweight…

Just Pyre was within ten feet of the door of the infirmary, Servant’s plan went in to action.

Her hands moved, almost like controlling a puppet as her mind was fixed on the location of her target. Slowly, Dark tendrils moved up and around the body. After about two inches up, they flew across the body like a bullet, the other end seeping in to the darkness.

The darkness had grown in shape as well, no longer looking like a shadow, but more of a large puddle. This helped in making the Tendrils stronger, faster, and similar in a snake’s moment… That is, if they were uncontrolled, and at the moment, they were. In the right hands, of course, this made them much more deadly.

Servant’s fingers controlled each of the ‘stems’, moving them in the way as to force each vine to strike. Each one was wrapped around the body, pulling it in to the dark vortex on the ground. And even if Pyre fought back, this was one battle of tug-a-war he would not be able to win…


((OOC: I agree. Moving is better. ))



((Negative, Khell has cancelled the LMOUSVEV attack. ))

Standing on the left, the cloaked figure who'd identified himself as Acid was the contacy point of the naginata. The blade tore into the folds of the cloak with terrifying ease, slicing through the drab, gray fabric with what seemed no opposition at all.

Until it ground to a sudden halt. If Kanata could feel the texture of the surface he'd struck through the naginata's pole, the blade had clearly come into contact with something that had flexed, but not yielded, and carried a rough, uneven pattern.

"Well, what wasn't quite the response I expected." Acid commented, his head turning to the side a bit, "My dear friend, would you mind not poking me with sharp sticks? It is highly unpleasant."

"I should've expected as much." Hotaka practically spat, "Very well, don't bother to show us the way out. We're leaving..."

"If I had Force powers, vacuum or not my cape/clothes/hair would always be blowing in the Dramatic Wind." - Tenzhi




((OOC: Aww... Don't leave Devious... This place becomes a dance club at night! Oh, and tell Yosef that the payment for CoH went through sooner then expected. I'm staying for another month. ))



(( Pyre may not be able to win, but he's not going to make it easy for you either. ))

As Shadow Pyre moved down the hallway toward the infirmary he swung his cargo back and for a bit so that it bounced off the walls. Just as he was about to reach his destination he felt something suddenly pull against him. Turning around he found several dark tendrils drawing the body toward another vortex, the same power emanating from this one as the other.

"Back again are we? Whoever you are you've chosen the wrong person to play shadow games with." he said to himself, the crimson orbs returning beneath his helm.

The shadows around him began to swirl and several of his own tendrils shot forward, taking over for his hands. His burden lifted, Pyre drew his katana from its' sheath a burning blue aura surrounding the blade. A single slash with his sword cut through three of his foe's tendrils setting the remnants ablaze in brilliant blue flame before reducing them to ash.

"Time to send a message." he said flipping over the remaining tendrils and landing beside the vortex.

Lifting his blade high he drove it down into the dark puddle that had gathered on the ground. As he did the aura surrounding his katana pulsated energy into the abyss seeking out its' source to deliver a shock that was not only quite painful to demons but eerily familiar as well.

"Now to end this." Pyre said, withdrawing his sword in preparation for a final strike.

Unfortunately, before he was able to plunge home the final blow he heard the unmistakable sound of footsteps echoing from down the hall. Turning to look he saw Kanata dashing towards the pair of newcomers with his weapon drawn for battle. He couldn't believe the kid was rashly charging at two unknown opponents without provocation.

"$#!+." he muttered, knowing he didn't have a chance of reaching him in time to stop him.

Now he had a choice to make, continue playing tug-a-war with an invisible enemy or try to keep the kid from getting himself killed. Letting out a sigh he brought his blade to his side and ran down the hallway, his own dark tendrils rescinding back to the depths from which they came.

"I have a feeling I'm going to regret that." Shadow Pyre thought to himself as he raced to aid Kanata.



((Does that mean you’re out too, Devious?))

As Kantetsu hit its mark, Kanata froze. He was caught completely off guard. An upward strike with a naginata isn’t very practical for attack primarily because of the weapon’s weight. Such an attack is mainly useful as a counter attack or followed by a far more devastating downward slash so he wasn’t prepared when his foe didn’t evade. Once again, he felt his naginatajutsu, as well as most of his speed, disappear after Kantetsu reverberated with the sound of the impact.

Finally finding himself at the insult to his family’s prized weapon, Kanata quickly withdrew his naginata, turning it in a reverse spin then finally bringing it to rest on his shoulder. His stance was defensive and low to the ground, the handle end of his weapon pointing at his opponent while the blade faced the opposite direction and resting near his ear. “Expected as much? What are you talking about and why have you invaded our dojo?” he asked in a particularly demanding voice just as Pyre arrived on the scene.



As soon as Pyre's own Tendrils had vanished from this plane of existence, the body sunk in to the floor, disappearing forever in cloud of darkness, and a puddle of raw obsidian.

The demoness was somewhat pleased with herself as the body finally came to rest on the other end of the dark realm. Though, it was almost... Oh, what's the word...? Humorous? Yes, it was humorous that the other had delivered such a small resistance. Maybe she would check back later to watch the next series of events unfold, but, she was much too tired to continue stretching the limits she had left between the two realms.

Of course, THIS wasn't the dark realm; it was merely, the other end of two points in the light realm. Dark magic was... Complicated, to say the least. For reasons she didn't know, she was losing her control over the darkness. It was unnatural for such a young demon to be tired after only a few tricks.

Anyway, forget the new recruit. For now, she should rest... She would deal with her new bundle of joy later.



((Maybe. Hotaka's story won't make any sense without most of the people controlling the dragon-themed characters posting, and Acid's won't without a LMOUSVEV attack - one front's diminished, the other got nuked. ))

Obviously annoyed that his cloak had been cut, Acid didn't reply, instead fiddling with the thing to try and properly cover himself again despite the large gash. Apparently, he had something to hide.

Hotaka, however, seemed to have no such concerns, confronting Kanata and crossing his arms, "First of all, I have invaded nothing. We knocked, no one answered the door, so we let ourselves in. Last time I recall that counting as an invasion was during the Heiji War or something. Sheesh, was that ever stupid. Oh, and look, here comes another numbskull with a dragon symbol charging at us. It's like every kid who thinks they're tough automatically gets one of those. And don't even get me started on the names."

"Oh, would you drop it already?" Acid sighed, "Your name's Mountain Dragon, and the Arachnos database lists you as Dragon of Decay."

"Those names were given to me." Hotaka argued, "I did not choose them myself..."

"If I had Force powers, vacuum or not my cape/clothes/hair would always be blowing in the Dramatic Wind." - Tenzhi




(( Anyone else find it funny that with all the different insignias you can have in CoH, there isn't a single dragon? ))

Shadow Pyre sheathed his katana as the two newcomers seemed to notice him for the first time, despite his earlier words with them. From their mannerisms it seemed as if Kanata had avoided provoking them into a fight, at least for the moment.

"At least you two seem to have cooler heads than our young friend here. Although it's probably easier for you with that lampshade on your head." he said, looking over at Mountain Dragon.



((OOC: Bwahaha! Sad, but true! Y'know?! ))



Kanata cocked an eyebrow but his stance did not falter. “I know not what this talk of dragons has to do with anything but do not evade the question,” he spit out, still being quite serious. Even though Kanata could indulge his mind quite easily in a battle, he could be considered not as perceptive of details he doesn’t find important and seeing as he had nothing relating to dragons on his weapon, clothes, in his name or relating to his techniques, he wasn’t sure if he was being called a numbskull or not.

“Why are you here? Or shall I ask in a different manner?” Kanata didn’t seem intimidated but he was at a slight disadvantage, as his naginatajutsu was knocked down to half strength.



((/em jumpstartmainplot? ))

"I just answered your question, kid." Hotaka retorted to Kanata with a sneer, "And I was talking about your buddy there. I'm guessing you just need someone to be angry at right now, otherwise you'd be smarter than how you're acting."

"There I have to agree." Acid chuckled, having twiddled the gash in his cloak shut as best he could, "And I'm told d-, I mean Hotaka's a great psychologist - when he's not off being ticked at the world for dragon symbolism, at least."

"Oh, who asked you...?"

"If I had Force powers, vacuum or not my cape/clothes/hair would always be blowing in the Dramatic Wind." - Tenzhi




Puzzled by the answer he got, Kanata began to become flustered. “What…? You still have not told me why you are here….and I do not take kindly to being labeled unintelligent.”

Not waiting for another witty response, Kanata thrust forward at the cloaked figure nearest him with the handle end of his naginata, popping it off his shoulder which gave the weapon an abnormally high amount of momentum for such a small movement. “You can answer me with your weapons or answer me straightly.” The blunt end of his weapon sailed quickly through the air aimed accurately between Acid’s eyes even if the cloak masked his face.




*Grabs some pop corn* You know, this is getting good... ))



((Burning, you instigated the main plot here. What's with the sitting back and eating, hmmmm?

Oh, and Leo, if this wouldn't happen, please tell me and I'll edit right away. ))

As he noticed the movements of the naginata, the unprepared Acid had just enough time to look from Hotaka to Kanata again before the thing made contact. His right arm came up, but apparently caught itself in the reshuffled cloak by the cut, making it much too slow to stop the strike.

Something else, however, most certainly did.

The staff made contact in the darkness under Acid's hood, tapping onto something hard and sliding upwards at a low angle long before the face that Kanata had expected to hit was ever reached.

Kanata reacted in reflex at the surprise, loosing his fingers about the handle of his weapon and sliding his hand up partway, then grasping firmly again to obtain a better fulcrum. His arm then jerked the unbladed end of the naginata upwards as he rotated the staff about his elbow to bring the cutting edge to bear again in preparation for the expected counterattack.

But as the staff went up, so did Acid's hood, the cut cloak once more falling apart halfway and releasing its haphazard grip on his head.

Kanata had indeed struck his target, hitting the man's face dead-on.

Only it wasn't a man's face.

Acid wasn't even remotely human.

His skull stood reminiscent of that of a dinosaur, like the portrayal of velociraptors in popular culture, a streamlined head descended from reptilian ancestry. The slitted eyes only underscored this, though the scaleless, deep-green, and leathery hide that stretched like some manner of organic armor stood in stark contrast to the reptilian features of the skull and eyes.

Thicker ridges above the eyes and finely developed lips rimming a very large mouth filled with rows of clearly carnivorous teeth allowed a wide range of expressions - though the present one was rather obvious to anyone: annoyance.

"Nyeh." Acid blinked a few times as he ran a handful of five clawed fingers of the same deep-green, leathery style across the bridge of his skull, where the naginata's handle had struck, "Well, there goes that idea."

"You really should figure out one of those human form spells sometime." Hotaka chuckled with a smirk, "Though I'm told they're difficult to maintain for long periods of time. Not that I have any practical experience there, of course."

"Yeah, yeah." Acid growled in a low tone, his eyes now firmly on Kanata in case he got impulsive again, "And what the heck was that all about, kid...?"

"If I had Force powers, vacuum or not my cape/clothes/hair would always be blowing in the Dramatic Wind." - Tenzhi




Shadow Pyre had only looked away towards the motionless Toru and Ryuu (( where are they? )) for a moment when Kanata struck. He turned back just in time to see him land a blow to the hooded figure's face with the blunt end of his naginata knocking back his shroud. The secret it hid wasn't anything compared to what he had seen in the city before, but he could understand why he felt the need to conceal it.

"Kid, if you don't calm down you're going to have me to deal with. By rule, this is neutral ground so they have as much right to be here as we do." Pyre said, extending his blade so that it stood between the pair.

"Such an impetuous whelp, why do you not leave him to his own devices? Allow him to reep the consequences of what he has wrought?" the beast hissed.

"Though he's a bit overzealous his heart's in the right place. Besides, do you think the whatever demonic forces have been attacking this place are done yet? With the majority of the Dojo comatose and the Wonder Twins over there petrified we may need his strength to help fend off the next assault. he thought back.

"Your compassion could very well be our undoing, however you logic is sound." it grumbled, reluctant to concede the point.

Despite the mental debate, his focus on the pair had not been diverted. Watching the the two closely he was prepared if either made a move, though with the restraint the reptilian had shown thus far he doubted it would be him.

"If you really want to fight the guy that much Kanata then challenge him directly, striking an adversary without provocation is quite dishonorable."



((Well, I wouldn’t say the weapon slipped by ‘accident’ with such a simple and controlled move. Heck, I can even smack something with the end of my staff and keep it at the point of impact on even an odd or round shaped object and I’m not even that good with one but I’ll allow it….this time….))

Kanata withdrew, taking a defensive step backward and spinning his weapon about his hand once before turning the blade up and piercing the ground with it yet still holding it with both hands and still in a stable stance. It was called the Mountainside stance by his father, using the ground as means to steady his glaive. Kanata quirked a brow at the sight of this lizard creature but did not withdraw as he had seen pictures of the monsters, demons and other villains his father had helped slay. That shouldn’t be confused with confidence, mind you. He was still nervous, for he had never faced any such opponents so wasn’t sure what to do, which is why he took a sturdy defensive posture.

“What manner of demon are you? Wait…do not answer that,” Kanata sighed and shook his head. “I would rather know the circumstances of your arrival….You did not come as a pupil nor a teacher. Are you some kind of messenger or would you rather just do battle?”

"Kid, if you don't calm down you're going to have me to deal with. By rule, this is neutral ground so they have as much right to be here as we do." Pyre said, extending his blade so that it stood between the pair.

[/ QUOTE ]

Keeping his eye on the pair, Kanata answered over his shoulder. “Do you not see we are under attack? Most of the school is asleep by some strange spell, a shinobi marched in and attacked one of our peers and two mysterious figures arrive and would rather brood and argue beneath their cloakes than fess up to their intentions. I do not know about you but I am not going to stand idle and fall into some sort of trap.”



Do you not see we are under attack? Most of the school is asleep by some strange spell, a shinobi marched in and attacked one of our peers and two mysterious figures arrive and would rather brood and argue beneath their cloakes than fess up to their intentions. I do not know about you but I am not going to stand idle and fall into some sort of trap.”

[/ QUOTE ]

"I can see very well, however as you put it all these two have done is "brood and argue" since they arrived. If they really had some ill intent don't you think they would have carried it out by now instead of just standing around? Someone cowardly enough to use a spell like that would have attacked when we were at our weakest, which they did. The magics that created that vortex are exactly the sort of cowardly technique I would expect from them." Shadow Pyre explained.

This definitely wasn't like him for the most part he liked to keep to himself and barely speak to anyone, now here he was lecturing a fellow student. It couldn't be helped though as the current situation definitely wouldn't help should they come under attack again.

"Besides if they were the ones who cast that spell how would you stop them? I imagine it's pretty hard for you to fight in your sleep."