the Clinic (Open character-based RP)
((Clinical Ella:
For those that have read Anti-hero 101, this is approximately 6 months after Ella escaped (was kidnapped) from the island. A lot has happened in that time, but I am not saying what.))
[Portal Corp, Peregrine Island]
Ella looked around in wonder and curiosity at all of the scientific equipment in the room. She absently started identifying the various components that she could see, somehow gleaning the knowledge of their specifications of this model or its predecessors. She allowed her mind to wander over the basic information but didnt allow it to delve into more detail. When an emergency call had come in and taken priority over her transport. Ella and Karen (her security liaison) were shuffled off to the side.
Ella looked up and smiled at Karen who was holding her hand. Karen was in plain clothes, as to not draw extra attention as they drove across Peregrine Island to the Portal Corp facility. She had a kind face in contrast to her professional eyes. She tried talking with Ella briefly but kept the subject very general, as she was ordered.
Ella watched all of the activity. It was cool to watch all of the technicians moving around and working at the various stations in preparation for the incoming emergency. The medical team was set for arrival along with their crash-cart. Ella listened to the preliminary details coming over the radio and watched the response team prep for the arrival. The medical team was quite competent in Ellas estimation.
Some red lights flashed and there was a short blare of a siren just before the teleportation platform activated. The trauma victim arrived onto the platform coming from the hospital in Brickstown along with two EMTs. The medical team sprang into action as Ella casually observed. Trauma victim was an odd use of the term, since this was a hero that had gotten in over their head and therefore not a victim in the technical sense.
This heros costume was shredded and bloody with only enough remaining for circumstances as they were misplaced modesty. Though the hero was healed of their main injuries, they seemed to be in considerable pain despite the amount of drugs already administered. Karen nudged Ella in a protective way to have her turn away. Ella knew it was a patronizing response to shield her young mind from bad things, but it was unnecessary. Ella had already seen and been through bad things. So Ella smiled up at Karen and allowed herself to be lead away from the scene.
Ella and Karen passed the time in a comfortable waiting room. Ella colored in a coloring book, which was again patronizing but she did enjoy it, while Karen watched over her and wondered about all the special treatment for this girl. Sure, she was obviously metahuman with her snow white skin, and all white eyes and a few other peculiarities that showed if she touched on her powers, but Paragon was full of meta-types.
Karen was only given the vaguest overview of subject Ella, and a longer list of dos and donts by which to go. She wasnt cleared for the full story or even the codeword assigned to the young girl.
Also, Karen wondered about Ellas behavior. Physically she appeared in her late teens, but here she was gleefully coloring in a coloring book. While at other times, she displayed a high degree of knowledge on various subjects. Karen had learned this earlier when she made a casual comment on the weather only to be hit with a slew of meteorological details that she couldnt comprehend.
Karens idle thoughts were interrupted when the intercom announced the transport system was ready for her and her charge. Ella smiled her innocent smile and packed up the coloring book and crayons, ready to follow Karen to the portal area.
The portal was already spinning and energized. Ella knew what to expect from various science journals but never actually experienced portal travel before. Needless to say she was very excited and bounced on her heels accordingly.
Everything was pre-prepped for their departure and all there was left to do was walk through the portal.
Ella held tightly to Karens hand with her nervous anxiety as the pair stepped through.
The travel was instantaneous, only the brain filled in lights and darkness to compensate for the awkward vertigo of the travel. The vertigo passed quicker for Ella than for Karen. Ella blinked at her new surroundings her brain coming to terms with the sudden changes.
Immediately in front of Ella was a very handsome security captain. He was much older than Ella, but vaguely reminded her of someone else on which she had once had a crush. She made quick note of the uniform, militaristic enough to indicate he was security, though simple enough to be pleasant and not overbearing. Ella certainly liked what she saw, but that could be attributed more to hormones. She also made note of the various devices he had on his belt and sewn into the uniform. The name tag simply said Captain Roberts. Ella beamed her joyous if not flirtatious smile at him.
Karen, who was all business, walked forward to meet Capt Roberts, towing Ella behind her by hand.
Officer Karen Dey handing over subject Happy-Camper Ella giggled slightly at the temporary codeword Karen used for her.
Credentials were checked and paperwork was exchanged and signed. A few minutes later Ella was holding the hand of Capt Roberts who led her through several security doors toward a small tram platform. She kept looking up at Capt Roberts and couldnt help but smiling at the handsome older Captain. Though part of her mind still couldnt help but notice the layout of the corridors they passed through her mind guessing at the security sensors and counter measures that must lay hidden behind the pleasant décor.
They got to a small tram platform with a tram car already waiting.
The tram whisked them through an underground tunnel for a few hundred meters, until it came out above the surface on the lush green grounds of the Clinic. Ella dropped Capt Roberts hand to go look out the window at all the lush green grass. He subtlety touched a button on his cuff, Ella guessed that he was using a sub-vocal communication system probably to notify others of their impending arrival, though she couldnt hear the words.
The tram slowed at an outdoor station though the tracks continued on directly into the main building.
Ella looked out at the immaculately kept and beautiful grounds in awe. There were several heroes walking about the lush gardened paths some in street clothes, some in costumes. While many wore identical track suits with a color stripe to note if they were under magical or technological care.
Of all the heroes a Cat-girl practicing tai-chi on the lawn was who captivated Ellas attention, unconsciously causing her to take few steps toward the cat-girl. The cat-girls movements were fluid, graceful, and effortless. Ella was somewhat memorized by the display. Deep inside of her memories that were (forcibly) suppressed tugged at her conscious mind begging for remembrance. Ella knew why there were holes in her memories and mind; she knew who did it too. She just couldnt remember what filled those holes, and if she tried too hard to bring back the memories, it hurt. It was part of the reason she was here.
Capt. Roberts who waited patiently for what he considered a reasonable time motioned for Ella to come along.
Still staring at the cat-girl Ella slowly shuffled over to Capt. Roberts and took his hand again. Ella broke her stare from the cat-girl to again smile up at the Captain. He led her over to a waiting golf-cart and they drove off along the path at a comfortable pace toward the long term housing building.
Ella was again in awe of the beautiful grounds they passed as they approached the gleaming housing complex. As the pair entered Ella refocused on the interior. They passed a lounge and common area that looked comfortable and spacious. Again there were heroes here in costume and not, and some in wheelchairs. Many were gathered around a single hero that was telling a story about their adventures. There was a lot of back and forth as other heroes commented on their experiences, but everything seemed good natured and all involved seemed to enjoy their piece of whatever the overall story was.
Ella tried to crane her neck to try to see who the main storyteller was but Capt. Roberts had already ushered her into the elevator and the door closed before she could get a good look at the story-telling hero. Ella looked at the lit 4 button on the elevator panel and read the basic instructions printed there. Her mind filled with details about an elevator manufacturing plant in Ohio: Who the plant manager was, annual cost of the plant, who were the line inspectors, the specifications of this particular elevator and other such irrelevant details to the moment. Ella glanced up to the max load sticker and frowned when she saw that it was lower than the actual rating she had in mind, but figured that someone had played it safe.
A ding announced their arrival on the fourth floor, and a short trip down the hallway Captain Roberts stopped them at a door.
This will be your room Ella he held out a keycard for Ella.
Ella gleefully grabbed the card and swiped it on the reader, and was in the room as soon as the lock released. Ellas smile broadened as soon as she entered. The room was spacious and the décor very pleasing, and there were two beds?
Ella whirled around to face Captain Roberts I get a roommate?
It is possible Ella the option is there but it depends on your progress
Ella opened a random door and found an empty closet; the next door was a closet full of clothes that made Ella squeal with delight. The next door revealed the bathroom. Opening the armoire Ellas delight soured but only slightly.
There was no TV. Not only was there no TV, there was evidence that a TV had been installed and that it was recently removed on purpose.
((Note: Other rooms will have TVs, unless you dont want them to.))
Ella put on her happy face again to mask her discovery and then headed to the balcony. Ella stood at the railing gazing over the lake view. She also had a good view of the spa facility and she wondered idly who might be staying there.
Captain Roberts came over to the balcony and called Ella back inside.
Come on in Ella I want to go over some security protocols concerning your stay here.
Okayeee Ella pushed herself away from the railing and bounced inside.
The discussion lasted almost an hour. Captain Roberts wasnt sure that Ella was listening at times had her repeat the instructions back to him twice to make sure she understood.
At long last Captain Roberts stood Your first appointment is tomorrow at 8 AM an orderly will meet you here to take you to Dr. Tylers office. You have a good evening Ella Captain Roberts headed to the door.
Ella followed him but stopped and leaned purposefully at the door frame as he headed out. I will see you again Captain? She asked playfully.
Certainly Ella He smiled and headed off to administer his duties elsewhere.
------------One Month Later-------------
I want a roommate
Doctor Alyssa Tyler looked thoughtfully at the young girl weighting the request.
I have been good. I have followed ((most of)) the rules and upheld my end of the deal. I hate being alone and I want a roommate.
Dr. Tyler signed heavily Well there are other considerations Ella
I dont care. I want a roommate
pleeeeaaaseeee Ella batted her large all white yet very expressive eyes.
Dr. Tyler knew that Ella could be manipulative and behind the pleading eyes, there was a very smart and calculating persona.
I cant make any promises Ella, but if we have the right candidate we will see. Now lets get back to our session. Tell me more about the tree that attacked you in your dream
((If anyone is interested in being Ellas room-mate, I ask that you PM me first with concept because of Ellas special circumstances.
Doctor Alyssa Tyler is a closed NPC, she reports via dotted-line to the Head of Psychiatric Care, but serves the Clinic on a special assignment with the permission of the Director))
------------One Hour Later-------------
Doctor Tyler walked Ella to the meeting room after their session together.
Alyssa smiled down at her young charge.
Here you are Ella. Now just be nice and I am sure you will get along fine
Ellas all white eyes seemed extra large and slightly scared as she stared up at the Doctor. She nervously bite, her bottom lip and nodded meekly at the Doctor as she pushed the door open and entered.
Ella was the first to arrive as she looked around the medium sized room that had several scattered chairs. There was a Welcome Heroes message on the white board and someone had laid out some snacks on a small table.
Ella was immediately drawn to the snack table where she selected an oversized cupcake with a ridiculous amount of blue frosting sitting on top of it. Taking the cupcake with her she took a seat in one of the oversized chairs clearly meant for huge heroes or extra dense people. The oversized chair made the small Ella look even smaller than she was as she sat cross legged in it.
Ella spun the chair to face the windows. The odd thing was that she spun the chair without using any leverage or pushing her feet on the floor. Staring out the window she idly started to lick the frosting off of the cupcake. As she did, so faint highlights of blue started to appear in her usually all white hair, and the star burst pattern around her left eye became visible in a soft blue in contrast to her snow white skin.
Ella heard the latch of the door open as someone entered but she didnt turn. At first the room would look empty, however there would be a vague reflection of the sitting Ella in the window.
((Meeting is a generic meet and greet and not a focus group or support group))
((Next Post is reserved for Leogunner to repost his intro post from the old thread))
Heroes: Lady Halifax, Miss Kia, WhiteLotus, Agent Immolate, Lady Empathy, Sylence Fyredancer, Maiden of Fire
Villains: Innocent-Ella, Aegis-Sprite, Midnight Dragonfly
perhaps not, the middle age man grumbled as he rubbed the black stubble on his chin. He was seemingly sitting on a purple blob of haze before a game board in the courtyard of the clinic. The day was bright and sunny with a cool breeze that tickled the foliage of the tree he was sitting under.
He was one of the first few to be abducted by the Rikti although he managed to escape. His name is Edward Jacob Timbers, dubbed Seismic Psywave during the Rikti War by Statesman himself for amazing physical strength and powerful psychokenisis used to aid Statesmans unit to push back the invaders. After the grueling war, Edward dedicated all his efforts to fighting the remaining Rikti but in the past years his body seemed to begin to deteriorate or change. Call it natures balancing act but it was plain as day that his abilities of the mind were growing stronger day by day while his body began to shrivel.
Even if you could defeat them all, your best alternative is to force them back toward their portal, Edward continued. He paused and examined the board before moving his xiang piece or elephant forward, boxing in his opponents ma piece(or horse) on the side of the board. Apparently he was playing a game of Xiangqi which is the Chinese version of Chess.
His opponent, a boy in a wheel chair, grinned manically. But if the Rikti are so numerous, then pushing them back can be impossible, right? Taking advantage of the elephants inability to cross the river, the boy sat his pao piece or cannon waiting for his enemy to move in close. Now that the elephant right next to his horse, he used the cannon to capture the elephant. Pleased with his move, the boy tightened the blue headband around his head (which he did after every successful move) and leaned back in his wheel chair.
Although he was in his mid to late teens, he seemed to be a boy in comparison to his middle aged opponent. His figure was thin but very athletic which made him seem even smaller compared to Edwards muscular frame. A stick, actually bokken (a wooden sword), hung at his hip which was permitted on the premises because it wasnt considered dangerous but if seen in battle anyone would soon change their mind. Ian Kelly examined the board smugly as he planned out the next few moves.
So it would seem, Edward answered. Without pause or batting an eye, he moved his ju piece or chariot forward and captured Ians cannon. But their numbers can also be a disadvantage. If theyre all lining up to get through a portal then pushing them back eliminates their growing numbers.
Another wide grin crossed Ians face as he saw Edward fall for his ploy. He moved his horse and took out Edwards advisor piece (shi) and had his opponents general in check. Ha, I knew that. But if you simply push forward and eliminate the key enemy they would have no choice but to admit defeat.
As Ian adjusted the tightness of his headband again, Edward simply moved his chariot forward and captured Ians general who was left open after he moved his cannon forward. Once again, so it would seem. You can never be quite sure with the Rikti because you could be falling into a trap.
Bah, you got me again, Ian huffed good-naturedly.
How many times do I have to tell you not to try and protect your general with cannons.
Hey! My cannon strategy may have holes but it works! Youre just mad because I beat you with it those four other times, Ian laughed.
Edward laughed along with him and began cleaning up the board. Maybe so but when it comes to Chess or Shogi, you dont stand a chance.
Just then, one of the clinic nurses came up behind them with crossed arms and a disappointed expression. How many times do I have to tell you to keep your power usage to a minimum, Ed? she asked with a sigh.
Hehe, sorry Nurse Cisneros. We couldnt find another chair so he let me borrow his, Ian explained with a nervous grin which didnt seem to help. Ian quickly hopped out of the wheel chair and pushed it up behind Edward. Ed let the purple hazy telekinetic energy dissipate so he fell gently into the chair.
Dont worry, Ive been taking care of myself, Edward dismissed and wheeled his way to the nurse.
Okay, well its time for your check-up so lets get moving, she said and moved behind the man to push him toward the nearby building. Thanks for your time, Ian. You can take your lunch now, she told Ian from over her shoulder.
Ian just nodded and smiled until the two were out of sight. -Sigh- Lunch in this place? Uhg
. He lazily shuffled into the cafeteria and sat at a table by himself. Lately, Ian had taken up some volunteer work around Paragon when he wasnt rigorously training with his teacher. He had been here at the Somerdale Lake Hero Clinic for two weekends now but was seriously thinking about finding other work that was less passive and more engaging. He had to do everything in his power not to start jumping around off the walls hyperactively, at times. Not to mention the lunches werent so great for those not attending the clinic for medical reasons.
Something behind him sparked his senses but he did not take action as he knew it wasnt dangerous. A light tap on his shoulder made him turn his head around to find a shapely woman with long light brown hair wearing street clothes. She smiled and leaned down to kiss Ian on the cheek.
Cut it out, mom, he blushed and rubbed his cheek vigorously. What are you doing here?
Just checking on you, Sandra said as she sat across from him. I also though youd like some lunch. I didnt know what youd like so I just got you a caterer.
As if on cue, a woman and a man dressed in white wheeled in a cart next to Ians table. Ian placed his face in his palm and prayed no one was paying attention to his table. Roast duck, grilled chicken fillet, stuffed roast, Caesar salad, mandarin salad and many more dishes were placed before him although he just looked past them.
Mother, you know I hate being pampered like this, he gruffed and hid his face.
I know, thats exactly why I did it, Sandra smiled back. Stop being self conscious and just eat. I only have a few minutes left before I have to go. Important meeting and all that rot.
Ian didnt protest further and obeyed. He silently nibbled as Sandra watched him intently with her head propped up on her hands. Ian put down his fork and tapped his finger on the table. What!? he whined and waved a finger at his mother,
and why are you going to a meeting dressed like that?
"I'm the boss, I can wear what I want," Sandra laughed then looked deeply into her son's eyes. ...and Im just so proud of you, taking time out of your busy life to help people
.how many super heroes do that? Sandra beamed at Ian even more happily.
Im not a super hero
I just do what I can
Well, youre my super hero, she said proudly while rising from the table and walking up behind him and embracing him once more. Ive got an appointment to keep. Make sure you call your mother more than once a week. Sandra began to exit quickly but waited near the exit for Ian to say his goodbyes.
You know I call more than once a week, he called back and waved. Ian pushed his plate away and waved for the caterers to leave. He bowed his head to them slightly before leaving the table.
Dusting off his uniform to make sure no food particles would stain it (by the way, hes dressed like a member of the staff at the clinic), Ian slowly walked to his destination, a sort of gathering to meet more people that he could assist. As he walked, patients of the clinic were all greeting him with Hey, Ian! Whats up? or Hows it going, Ian?. He just nodded and smiled back. A lot of people there knew him because he was constantly helping or entertaining anyone that asked but he still felt he should be out fighting crime instead.
He absently walked into the meeting room which was furnished with decorations and food which he easily ignored and plopped in a chair. Gah, how long do I have to stay here?! he sighed loudly, ignorant to the fact anyone else was in the room. It was only a matter of time before his senses grasped his surroundings and he quickly turned his head in Ellas direction.
I mean, hello there. Im Ian. Whats your name? He made sure his voice was full of excitement and enthusiasm to establish an aura of cheeriness. He pushed himself up from his chair and bowed in her direction as if she were his opponent and they were going to spar (another little way he entertains the patients and brings about laughter).
((Okay, 3 pages is my limit. My main character is going to be a non-patient, Ian, while I keep an NPC that Ill probably develop into a main character to take Ians place, Edward.))
((With permission, reposting Halo's post from the other thread.))
Ella swiveled her chair in Ians direction. She was halfway through the frosting on the cupcake and had a tiny bit on the end of her nose. Her eyes narrowed only slightly at the edges as she quickly sized Ian up, taking in the uniform and bokken. Her expression immediately brightened.
YOURE Ian!!!
Ella had heard of the boy hero that has been volunteering at the Clinic, but somehow had kept missing meeting him. Ellas chair rolled over to be closer to Ians, plowing through some of the unoccupied chairs in the process.
Im Ella. Do something cool! She sat up on her knees in the chair setting the cupcake off to the side. She watched him excitedly full of anticipation.
[/ QUOTE ]

((...and my next post...))
Ian quickly recoiled when Ella slid closer in her chair. He quirked an eyebrow at the girls odd mannerisms. Hmm, she seems the same age as me but
shes like a little kid
you have a little
.. he said to her in a low voice and motioned to the tip of his nose with his index finger. An emotion began to surge in him, one that he was familiar with. It was similar to a big brother wanting to protect his little sister but he quickly shook it off.
Heh, so you know of me? he smiled and scratched the back of his head to occupy his hand. I guess Im kind of popular. Just call me and Ill help you in any way I can, he ended in a beaming grin.
Im Ella. Do something cool! She sat up on her knees in the chair setting the cupcake off to the side. She watched him excitedly full of anticipation.
[/ QUOTE ]
His grin faded a bit to the point it looked forced and tried to play it off with laughter. Ah, something cool? Do you mean a feat of physical prowess? Ian crossed his arms and his face changed to a sort of pout and he looked toward the door.
well. I guess since you asked so nicely.
Ian turned and looked about the room to find something to do. He pulled a chair closer and stood in the seat. He drew his bokken and stood it up with the handle pointing to the ceiling balancing it on the top tip of the back of the chair. He then placed his index and middle finger on the handle end and started to push himself up on it until his legs were in the air and his feet nearly touching the ceiling tiles. The chair began to shutter and the fore legs of the chair were coming off the floor in short instances.
His balance wobbled a bit so he pulled his free hand up to his chest in a hand sign of focus to concentrate his chakra and balance. In truth, he hadn't done any balancing exercises like this in the past few months so he was very rusty. The chair and his body stopped wobbling for a few seconds (which is all he could manage at the time) and he was completely still until he released his focus and let himself fall, landing on the floor in a crouch. Ians bokken balanced for a moment more before falling and bonking him on the head, which looked unintentional but was part of his comedy routine he had recently thought up.
Youch! My head ends up hurting every time I play with my wood, he hissed and rubbed his head.
He replaced his bokken in his belt and rose to his feet, still rubbing the spot on his head. So, Ella, tell me about yourself. Why are you here at the clinic?

((I'm in... just give me a day or so to work someone/thing out. Today was.... >.> Bad for me.))
When in danger, or in doubt; Run in circles, scream and shout.
((Yayy, Welcome Arashi))
Ella cleaned her nose at Ians prompting.
Heh, so you know of me? he smiled and scratched the back of his head to occupy his hand. I guess Im kind of popular. Just call me and Ill help you in any way I can, he ended in a beaming grin.
[/ QUOTE ]
Of course I heard about you. I been here for a month Ella rolled her eyes. It wasnt complete obvious due to her eyes being all white.
Ella watched his trick anxiously. She screwed up her face to mimic his concentration complete with the hand sign he did while Ian balanced himself impressively.
Ella had just begun to clap enthusiastically when the bokken struck Ian in the head. Her hand shot to her face in a Oh No! but just as quickly shot back out toward Ian with tiny glowing golden bubbles popping from her hands and floating in the air toward his injury. His bump would feel immediately better.
Youch! My head ends up hurting every time I play with my wood, he hissed and rubbed his head.
[/ QUOTE ]
How often do you play with your wood? She asked seriously, completely oblivious to the play of words there.
So, Ella, tell me about yourself. Why are you here at the clinic?
[/ QUOTE ]
There was a very easy answer to the question that would have very simply been the truth. However the truth was classified. The people that classified it were nice enough to put together a plausible cover story. The story had the truth sprinkled through it. That way it would be easy to remember and withstand some scrutiny.
Without hesitation and even more remarkably without it sounding rehearsed Ella responded. I need to see the shrink. I got memory holes Ella made a dizzy motion around her head, but smiled pleasantly.
Heroes: Lady Halifax, Miss Kia, WhiteLotus, Agent Immolate, Lady Empathy, Sylence Fyredancer, Maiden of Fire
Villains: Innocent-Ella, Aegis-Sprite, Midnight Dragonfly
Tallia approached the closed front gates of the picturesque Warhawk clinic carefully. She was not used to spending so much time outside in the open, especially without the benefit of her tactical group. She constantly checked over her shoulder, making sure that she wasn't being followed, but she knew that if she was, she probably wouldn't know it until the blade struck. Her thermal goggles would probably let her see anyone cloaked nearby, but she had been caught unaware several times in the past, and though cloaked herself, her old "colleagues" had the same equipment.
She sat on the ground by a large rock about 100 feet away from the gate, facing away from it. She was mostly hidden from the clinic, and she could see out over the nearby hills and, farther away, the outskirts of Paragon City. She reactivated her thermal scanning goggles and waited, looking for any signs of being followed. She thought she might be being a little paranoid, but she knew better than most how certain mercenaries worked.
She waited for fifteen minutes and was about to get up when she saw two heat signatures walking toward her. She was momentarily afraid, but when she switched back to normal vision, she found it was just two teenagers, hand in hand, taking a walk in the park on a sunny afternoon. Once the two had followed the path out of her sight, she stood up and made her way to the gates. Taking a deep breath, she switched off her stealth suit.
She had of course hoped that her sudden appearance at the gate would go essentially unnoticed, but she couldn't risk becoming visible farther away. Unfortunately for her, the security detail at the gate did notice when she appeared from nowhere, and didn't seem to take kindly to such actions.
"Stop! Stay where you are!" Came a male voice. He could obviously see that she was very well armed. He probably didn't know exactly how well, however. "Show your Hero Registration!"
Tallia didn't have a hero registration, so instead of pretending to, she raised her hands above her head and said, "I don't have one, I'm more of a mercenary." She smiled to herself, but the small mask she wore hid that. "I've come to talk to Mr. Henry."
"Is he expecting you?" The man asked. The urgency and aggression was gone from his voice, but Tallia elected to keep her hands up. The faster she got within the perimeter, the safer she would be.
"Heh, I doubt it." She replied. "Can I come in? I think it would be easier to speak face-to-face."
"You can come in, but you'll have to surrender your weapons."
Tallia switched on her thermal goggles again and took one last look around, hoping against hope that the fact that she didn't see anything meant that there actually wasn't anything to see. Satisfied, she stepped through the now open gate.
When the gate had shut behind her, she found herself surrounded by three men, two of whom had firearms pointed at her. She suppressed a laugh, knowing that she could easily have taken all three down within seconds.
The man in the center, directly in front of her, looked her up and down. For a moment he just stood and looked her over, but finally, he must have noticed some small detail that gave her away, because his facial expression flickered from a steely neutral to afraid and back. He quickly pulled out his own weapon and levelled it at her head. At that moment, Tallia really wished that the stealth suit that she had been issued was not quite so identifiable as belonging to the Knives of Artemis sisterhood.
"Get on the ground, now!" The man yelled. She immediately complied, and waited patiently while the man stripped all of her weapons, or at least, all of the ones he could find. He also removed her tactical belts and all of the pouches that he could. He also took her thermal imaging goggles and her mask. Before she was allowed to stand, the man snapped a large, glowing bracelet onto her left wrist. Finally, when the man was satisfied that she was (mostly) harmless, she was dragged to her feet. Stripped of all her defenses, and unable to use her stealth suit or thermal goggles, she felt quite helpless, a feeling she'd not endured for a long, long time.
"Come with us, and don't try anything." The lead man grumbled. He nodded his head slightly, and the other two men holstered their weapons and stepped forward, each grasping one of her upper arms. The lead man turned and started walking across the grassy hills toward the largest and nearest building. Tallia followed, half walking, half dragged.
Tallia had to sit in a small, windowless room for several minutes, under guard, while she waited for the security chief to come and speak to her. She had assumed that getting in would be a little unpleasent, and so far, everything had been exactly as she had expected. After what seemed like an hour, the door finally opened and an athletic man stepped through dismissing the two guards with a wave of his hand. Once the door had closed, he sat in a chair accross the table from her and crossed his arms over his chest.
"My name is Jacob Roberts, the captain of security here at the clinic." He said. "Who are you, and what exactly are you doing here?"
"I'm Tallia." She said. She couldn't bring herself to give her last name. "And I've come to see Mr. Henry. I think that my life is probably in danger, and I'm seeking asylum." She tried to inject a sense of imminence into her voice.
The two went back and forth for a short while, Tallia explaining her situation, Captain Roberts explaining his. In the end, they came to a compromise. Captain Roberts stood and walked to the door, he motioned for Tallia to follow. As they walked past the two guards, who had been stationed right outside the door of her little room, she winked and smiled, beaming arrogance.
The pair did not have to walk far before they came to the office of the director. A brass and crimson plaque on the left side of the door read "Gregory Henry". Roberts knocked once, but they were apparently expected, because a voice from within immediately said, "Come on in, Jacob." The security captain opened the door and ushered Tallia into the large, comfortable office. When Tallia got a look at Mr. Henry, she got a strange feeling, another one she hadn't felt in good long time. She realized that, although she did not know the man at all, she already trusted him completely- it was like he radiated an aura of confidence and trust. Novel as it was, she found that she liked the feeling.
"Tallia, have a seat." Gregory said. "Captain Roberts here has explained the situation, and I think that we can come up with something that everyone will be happy with." He leaned forward, putting his elbows on his massive desk and resting his chin on his interlaced fingers. "Here are our conditions: First and foremost, I need you to turn over the rest of your weapons. I assure you they will be held safely for you."
Reluctantly, she unclipped the tiny, hidden crossbow from her right wrist and unfastened the small pouch of darts from near her elbow. She placed both items on the desk.
"And if you want us to remove the glowie, I'll need all of your power packs, too." He added. Without hesitating this time, she reached back and pulled a small clasp near the back of her neck, releasing the two small capacitors into her hand. She placed them next to her crossbow. "Thank you, Tallia." Gregory said. He took the items from his desk and set them on the floor to his right, she noticed that he also had her sword, her stun- and web grenades, the bags of caltrops and all of her shuriken. He also had her goggles.
"Now, while you are here, I expect you to act appropriately. I don't know much about you or your group myself, but I have read some reports about what you have been implicated in. I want you to know that if, at any time, Captain Roberts or myself feels that you are not here for the reasons you've given, you <b>will</b> be transported to Ziggursky. You will therefore be under surveillance until we are convinced. I believe in giving everyone a second chance, but in some cases, a person gets just one."
"Understood." Tallia replied. She kept her expression serious, but she was overjoyed at the chance to get away from her past. She didn't even feel regret over having practically neutered herself, giving up all of her weapons and all of her gadgets.
"Finally, you'll be required to take several "re-integration" classes, to help you get back into society successfully. As the need arises, you may also be required to take others as Captain Roberts or myself sees fit."
Tallia just nodded, happy to submit to any requirements either man may have. She saw it as a fair exchange for her freedom.
"Okay. In that case, here is a keycard for your room, located in the other building, fourth floor, lakeside. And your timing is great, because we are having a "meet and greet" for a lot of the new admissions. They are upstairs, just follow the signs." He stood up and offered his hand to Tallia. She also stood and took the offered hand gracefully. He reached forward with his other hand and unlocked the cuff from her wrist.
"Thank you, sir." She said. "I won't disappoint you." She turned and left the office, giving a curt nod to the security captain on her way out. After just a few minutes wandering the halls, feeling naked without her things, she found the right door, wide open. She stepped through the doorway and saw a large sign that said, "Welcome Heroes!" which she found highly ironic. Below the sign, in the middle of the room, were two people, a young boy with a stick and a ghost-white girl, looking at him. She figured they were probably 8 years younger than she, putting them at about 16, but it was awfully hard to tell with teenagers, and she had seen so few in the past few years. She watched them for a moment from the doorway, waiting for one of them to notice her.
How often do you play with your wood? She asked seriously, completely oblivious to the play of words there.
[/ QUOTE ]
Huh!? Ian blurted out and rubbed his head vigorously to redirect his attention. After a short pause to collect his thoughts, he turned his eye to the ceiling. comment
I mean, just forget it.
After the terse answer he got for his question, Ian eyed the girl questioningly. Well, thats not saying much, he mumbled, but I can see you also have reconstructive abilities. Inwardly he also commented on her simple and childlike personality and her strange appearance but covered it up with a smile.
Anyway, if youre ever bored or want to have some fun you can get someone to call me. But dont expect to get me too early in the morning or too late at night because I dont really stay here.
He had started to think about some of the good and bad situations he had encountered during his volunteer time at the clinic but he disrupted his thoughts when his senses began to pick up another presence in the room. A woman to be exact. Ian quickly fixed his hair, straightened his uniform and put on a charming smile to greet her.
Hello and welcome to this
er, um
.meeting thing. This is Ella, he said and motioned to the girl beside him. My names Ian and Im here to help out anyone that needs me
please tell me you need me. The last part he said slightly under his breath through a wide grin and no one probably recognized that part.

((Ella is physical between 18 and 19 years old. Her personality and mannerisms often make her seem younger))
Ella eyed Ians reaction to her cover story. He didnt seem to have bought it completely though he didnt look like he would push the issue. It was better that he not know that she is in hiding from the very person that filled her head with so many memory holes. It was also better that he doesnt know that she is dying. He would treat her differently and it would lead to questions like why and she couldnt answer those questions, not for lack of knowing but again security protocols. The less people know about where she came from the better.
Ella nodded enthusiastically to Ians comment on her reconstructive abilities. It was one of her more minor abilities but one that had come in handy on several occasions. Something odd happened in Ellas brain for a brief second. It was almost a memory, but that actual memory was gone forever, but for the faintest second she thought she smelled jasmine.
Ella smiled brightly at Ians offer to have fun. It was an affectionate infectious smile that lit up her whole face. Id love to have fun with you! I get so bored here sometimes. They wont let me help the doctors she added with a small pout but it hardly affected her shining smile.
Ella leaned in and changed her voice to a low whisper And if you ever need to stay over you can stay with me, but wed have to be sneaky about it. Im not supposed to have a roommate faintly Ian would smell Ellas natural scent, a low pheromone that mentally associated to something pleasant in the mind of the smeller. It was always different to whoever smelled it but always something pleasant.
About this time, Ian shifted his attention to the young woman that stood in the door.
Ella quickly scanned in Tallias appearance.
A uniform of the Knives of Artimis Ella remembered the missions that the KoA were hired for, through deep third if not fourth party contacts. She also remembered the autopsy of a fallen KoA mercenary, it had taken months of planning and though more mercenaries fell that day the recovery team was only able to secure one body. Every aspect of the uniform and weapons were studied. Ella quickly ran her eyes over Tallias body and verified that woman was indeed disarmed.
Then the information overload began. The country where the base uniform were manufactured (before modification/customization), who originally developed their stealth technology, the chemical compound used in their sleep darts, the major pharmaceutical companies that carried those compounds, thefts reported by those same companies of those same compounds, who investigated those thefts, where they lived, their last tax return...
With a force of will, Ella made it stop. She regained her senses enough to wave politely at Ians introduction. The whole episode only lasted fractions of a second.
Hi Ellas face showed childlike curiosity, but she was intently studying Tallia. Ella knew how to keep her face childlike and innocent. She knew that in situations it worked to her advantage. It was something that mom had even encouraged
.wait that wasnt mom.
Heroes: Lady Halifax, Miss Kia, WhiteLotus, Agent Immolate, Lady Empathy, Sylence Fyredancer, Maiden of Fire
Villains: Innocent-Ella, Aegis-Sprite, Midnight Dragonfly
The window fogged up for the fourth or fifth time, being wiped off again by a small blue hand. The hand was attached to a childlike blue arm, which was attached to a tiny blue girl. She had pulled a chair up to the door to look through the high up window, watching her master laying in bed in what was almost a full body cast and talking to a doctor. The past few minutes had been quite interesting indeed. There had been an argument between her master and the medical staff over her, they had been ordering him to dismiss her, and he had been desperately trying to tell them that she just didn't DO that, she didn't go away! Finally they had simply locked her out of the room, an orderly going off in a rush to file papers for a second entry. They had decided to register her as a live-in, seeing as she didn't want to leave without him.
And so there she was, wiping off the mist that had formed on the window from her breath. Again and again it fogged up but this didn't seem to stop her, or even irritate her for that matter, she just continued to wipe and watch. She glanced away a moment listening down the hall, turned back, and fell backwards off the chair. The doctor's face was up to the window glaring at her. He frowned and pulled down the shades so she couldn't see, and in a huff she pulled herself up and dragged the chair back to its spot by the wall. The blue girl slumped into the chair and pulled her legs to her chest, staring at the door. She was one of the creatures commonly called a "Jack Frost", and an odd one at that. Her master wasn't very skilled when she came to be, he could barely use his new powers, and somehow she just...was. He just couldn't figure out how to dismiss her as other controller-types did, and as such had allowed her to live with him.
After a few moments she pushed herself up from the chair and began to move down the hall, skating on a thin layer of ice under her feet. She smirked as she passed one of the cleaning crew, freezing his bucket of water as she passed and giggling as he turned and stared in confusion at the sudden block of ice. She froze his mop to the floor and took off again, smiling at the thought of him struggling to pull it up later. Out the door she went, blinking in and sunlight and lowering her body temperature to compensate. She crossed her arms behind her back and casually skated down the walk towards another building, watching the people around her enjoying the sun, all in the same jumpsuits from earlier. She thought everyone must have those. Before she had been discovered she had been hiding in the clothes closet in her master's room, watching the happenings. Unable to control herself she had chilled the doctor's stethoscope, and he had jumped when his hand met with the super-cold metal, nearly freezing himself to it.
But that was then. She pulled open the heavy door in front of her with a little trouble and passed through, glancing at a sign. Party? She headed in the indicated direction and pushed through the doorway, glancing around with wide eyes at the various people and the large banner. Welcome Heroes? Spotting food she smiles wide and slides over, inspecting the table with awe.
((Well, that didn't take TOO long <.< >.> She goes by Jaime, though at the moment I dunno if anyone will know that, seeing as the paperwork still has to be filed. As for size, in game she's at the very smallest end of the scale, and her build is very light. In height, she's around the waist on most normal-sized people. She's entirely light blue, has short hair, and long ears the sweep back behind her. I'll grab a picture at some point ^_^))
Server: Virtue
Felis Noctu (50MM Necro/Miasma)
Night Widow Noctu (23SoA)
Toxica Mentis (50Troller Ill/Kin)
Thunder Kiandra (2*Tank WP/SS)
I dont want to see you for three weeks, minimum. He handed her a small backpack. No sneaking off either.
They glared at each other for a moment.
Fine, she replied, tossing the backpack over her shoulder.
Fine. He slammed the visor of his motorcycle helmet down and revved the engine. She ignored the cloud of dust and turned to stare at the building in front of her. It was almost too Italian, evoking images of the Tuscan countryside as pictured in movies that were actually shot in the San Fernando hills.
Trudging towards what looked like the entrance, she frowned. She was pretty sure enforced relaxation was against the Geneva conventions. It hadnt stopped her SuperGroup though.
Thinking back, she figured she could pinpoint the last straw. It was probably when she had tumbled out of the bases hospital transporter on fire. Well, smoking. It had been a painfully successful mission. Shed taken the brunt of the final explosion, just like she was supposed to. It wasnt her fault it had shredded her clothes and set her hair on fire.
Shed gotten a tongue-lashing from Catwalk. Saffyre had hovered. Doc had pumped her full of Gatorade and slapped a bandage or two on her. Belinda and the Colonel had snickered quietly in the background. There had been a discussion about her recent missions. She hadnt been allowed to participate.
At Saffyres insistence, she was being allowed to take some time off from the New Breed to rest and relax. The group had a condo at The Spa, so here she was. Pushing through the glass doors to the reception area, she brushed blonde bangs out of her face. Saffyre had sworn she would take care of everything, which probably meant beauty treatments. Suppressing a shudder, she stepped up to the counter.
Good morning! Checking in?
She nodded, handing over her Hero ID.
lovely to have you with us, Miss Jackson.
Everyone calls me Sis. She rolled her shoulders.
The receptionist checked the Hero ID again and nodded. I see, SisterChen. Very well
.your room isnt quite ready, but we do have you scheduled for a physical and preliminary wellness checkup. I can take your luggage if you like.
Shrugging, Sis handed him her backpack. s all Ive got.
He raised an eyebrow. Ah
Ill be sure this gets up to your room. One of our attendants will be by in a moment to escort you to your appointments, if youd care to have a seat? The receptionist gestured to the comfy couches and handed her back her Hero ID. Welcome to The Spa.
Well, it seems like youre in pretty good shape. Youve got some tendonitis in your knees and right elbow, and overall, Id say youre suffering from exhaustion.
Sis sighed and looked at the floor.
And no, your SuperGroup didnt tell me to say that. Its all here in your charts. Well start you on some physical therapy sessions in the mornings for your knees and elbow. Swimming, resistance training, that sort of thing. The doctor patted her shoulder. Cheer up SisterChen. Even the big guys need a break to recover every once in a while.
How old are you?
Do you wear sunscreen when you go out?
Sis shook her head. Rocks.
The esthetician blinked, then shrugged. So no. What about your daily routine? Do you use a face wash or a mask?
soap and water?
Any makeup at all?
just this red stuff around my eyes
.for work
. Sis shifted in her seat. This was not her favorite pastime.
The esthetician peered at her, then picked up Siss right arm and pinched the skin. It was stiff to the touch. Did that hurt?
Huh? Sis looked down at where the girl was pinching her. Not really.
Okay. I see by your chart youre classified as a Tanker, so Im going to guess that your remark about rocks had something to do with an armor you wear?
I concentrate and they kinda cover me.
And youre normally hard to hit, anyway? Or rather, things dont pierce your skin?
Sis nodded again.
well, weve got some great treatments that can help with maintaining the condition of your skin while still protecting you. And you really should use sunscreen. Well start with a massage and a facial tomorrow afternoon, and then probably a wrap and some sea salt soaks the day after.
It wasnt bad enough she was being forced into a vacation. Now they wanted her to meet people. With another sigh, she trudged down the hall, tightening her ponytail as she went. Stefan would be laughing hysterically right now. Luckily, he wasnt here to see her.
Pausing briefly outside the meeting room, she slipped in and to the left, finding a piece of wall to occupy. She was still in her work clothes, which meant a red t-shirt and loose black pants that came to the tips of her boots. She brushed blonde bangs out of her eyes again and realized she had forgotten to take off her fingerless gloves. Which meant she probably still had the red eye makeup on.
Hope I dont scare anyone, she muttered to herself, watching the other occupants. The girl in the chair looked even more out of place than Sis did. Then again, she could have sworn she saw a small blue woman flit past. She grinned as the teenage boy straightened his uniform while talking to the other woman in the room. Great
back in high school, she muttered again.
Writing: Cape Fic
Featured Art: MechaTerp & CorporateRock, by Shia
Music: DJ Pyrria

Hello and welcome to this
er, um
.meeting thing. This is Ella, he said and motioned to the girl beside him. My names Ian and Im here to help out anyone that needs me.
[/ QUOTE ]
Tallia walked forward, toward the two. Oh? what do people need help with around here? She thought, but she appreciated the offer; It had been a long time since anyone had offered to help her do anything. When she reached the pair, she felt suddenly uncomfortable. Not only had she not been in any sort of social situation for over a year, but she had had basically no conatact with any male, except a few assassination and kidnapping targets. She had really forgotten how to deal with the sort of scenario that she now found herself in. She tried to hide her mental agitation as she held out her hand.
"I'm Tallia..." She said. She again decided not to divulge her last name, and though she tried not to let her voice trail off uncomfortably, she knew it had.
Ian took his hand off of his head and shook her hand.
"Hi" Ella said. Tallia looked at her, releasing Ian's hand and turning toward the girl. The look on her face, one of complete innocence, filled Tallia with a sense of endearment. Though she certainly didn't know the girl, she automatically liked her. Closer now, Tallia could tell that the girl was a little older than she'd thought at first, but the way she sat in the chair, and the way she was smiling, made her look a lot younger. The stark-white skin had thrown her off as well.
As she studied the girl and boy, a small blue creature came skating in the room, apparently not subject to such petty laws of physics as friction. The tiny thing glanced at Tallia, and without a word slid over to the table with the food, which Tallia then
noticed for the first time. She glanced over from where she was standing, and found that, for institutional food, it looked delicious. It had been a long time indeed since she had gotten to choose her own meal, when she wanted it and as much as she wanted. She'd been living on too-small rations for a very long time.
"I don't think I'm ready, Brandy," complained Scratch as she paced the large white room.
"Hush. You're more than ready, and you know it. You're just scared," admonished the short, busty blond, leaning back in her chair.
Scratch Kitty turned abruptly to face Brandy, her eyes flashing yellow and a growl building in her throat. "I'm not--!" She whirled around, away from her friend, to hide the sudden tears. "I'm terrified," she whispered.
Brandy stood and hugged the tall, slender redhead. "I know, and it's okay," she said soothingly. "But you're never going to beat this unless you take some chances. Remember, I'll be with you the entire time."
Scratch glanced around the "room" they occupied. Her eyes were drawn uncontrollably to a dark spot in the midst of the endless white. She shuddered. While the darkness was seemingly far, far away, Scratch knew the truth; it was as close as her own heart. Still, she knew Brandy was right.
"Okay," she whispered. "Let's go."
Glowing golden eyes opened in the shadows of the trees, reflecting the spreading light from the rising sun. Gracefully she moved from tree to tree, covering the distance from the outskirts of the Clinic's grounds to within sight of the main building in mere minutes. At the sight of people, an involuntary growl rose in her throat, but she viciously repressed it.
I told you I'm not ready, Brandy!
You are. Just find your peace, like I've taught you. Remember, I'm here with you.
Scratch took a deep breath and steadied her thoughts. Her peace pulsed white, pure light, calming her. As always, at the very edge of the white, lay the darkness she could never completely avoid. I'll never let what happened to you happen to anyone else ever again, Brandy, she thought to herself. I'll die myself first.
((OOC: The orange is Scratch's mental communication with Brandy, while the regular white is her private thoughts. The pink is Brandy's communication with Scratch. If the colors are too hard to make out, let me know, and I'll change things around while I can edit this. ))
((Im going to grab the Head of Technological and Cybernetic Medicine. If its cool, Im going to RP him as well as a hero who will be staying at the clinic. So here's my first post))
A dark haired man stumbled into a dimly light workshop. His eyes where glowing a bright blue, almost white light. A faint blue aura could be seen emanating through the black spandex suit he was wearing. The suit was covered with electrical diodes that were glowing bright blue as well. The combination of his eyes, the suit, and they aura was illuminating the workshop like a small sun.
Denise? said the man. He stumbled for a moment then saw who he was looking for. Dee
I need
to release
soon. To
it hurts
A short red headed woman rounded a table in the workshop. She looked at the man in shock. With almost no hesitation she ran over to him and tried to take him by the arm but had to pull away due to the energy buildup inside the man.
Good lord dear, she said, The suit
its not working?
know, replied the man, Im reaching
The man was apparently in a large amount of pain. He also appeared to be trying to maintain control over his powers.
Right, replied Denise, Quickly, I left the portal on stand-by in case the suit didnt work. I just need to fire it up. She ran over to a control panel on the opposite wall and punched in a key code. All the lights came on, and machinery came to life. Part of the wall next to the panel started to slide upward. Behind it was another room, and inside was a Portal Corporation type portal generator.
Im activating portal now. Setting coordinates for just outside the asteroid belt, direction 000 mark 023. Denise said as she continued to punch commands into the console. That should keep your blast out of harms way. The man had been slowly moving himself towards the wall as the woman punched the commands in. She turned in looked him as he struggled to keep himself in check.
The portal then opened with a large crackle. A continuous crackle could be heard coming from the portal as the energy swirled. The man stepped into the room as the woman stepped out of the room and keyed the console. The wall shut and sealed.
Be safe sweetheart, Denise said as she touched the wall.
A loud blast was then heard from the other side of wall. The initial blast shook the entire complex. There were multiple blasts that occurred in succession to the first, but the first was the loudest. Then everything was quiet. After a moment Emitai re-entered the code and the wall opened again. The dark haired man was laying face down on the floor in front of the portal. She rushed over to him and rolled him over. He was alive, just unconscious.
As she rolled him over three new people appeared in her workshop. The first were blue skinned with white angel wings and elf style ears. They both wielded sword composed of ice. Third was a larger man in a black suit that was semi robotic.
Emitai?!? called out the tall man as he entered the room. The visor on his helmet glowed a bright green as he looked around the room. Where are you?
Jekada, Denise answered back, Im here, in the portal chamber. Following the sound of her voice, the three would be rescuers entered the room with the portal. They found Denise sitting on the ground hold the dark haired mans head in her lap. Raynos, could you please shut down the portal? she asked not looking away from the person she was holding.
Certainly, replied the blue skinned as the sword in his hand disappeared. He then moved over to the control panel and started keying in the shut down sequence.
Jekada, Denise began, Could you please check his vitals?
What happened? asked Jekada. As he knelt beside Emitai, he then began using his suits systems to run a vitals check on Epiyon.
The suit
it didnt work
replied Emitai, Im guessing it just cant contain the vast amounts of energy that he builds up. But
she trailed off in thought.
What? asked the blue skinned woman, she had also knelt down. Her ice sword had long since disappeared. The other blue skinned man, Raynos, walked over from the consoled and watched..
Its just
she began again, I was hoping that if this happened the suit would give him some kind of control
but it didnt
it was worse than before, far worse....
His vitals are good, said Jekada, Dalani, Raynos, could please help me get him to the infirmary so we can let him rest?
Of course, replied the both of the blue skins.
Jekada looked back down at Emitai. The little woman had begun to cry profusely. Em? he asked as he placed his hand on her shoulder, What are you going to do?
Im going to call my father, she answered through the tears, I think he might be the only person left that can help
((First off. HAPPY BIRTHDAY Pyrria!!!!!
Second welcome to all who have joined!
I hope to have my next post up today))
Heroes: Lady Halifax, Miss Kia, WhiteLotus, Agent Immolate, Lady Empathy, Sylence Fyredancer, Maiden of Fire
Villains: Innocent-Ella, Aegis-Sprite, Midnight Dragonfly
((Aw heck...thanks! ))
Writing: Cape Fic
Featured Art: MechaTerp & CorporateRock, by Shia
Music: DJ Pyrria

It was a coincidence, really. Nearly every other alley in the neighborhood had one of Dr. Vahziloks insane surgeons dissecting a corpse, but this was the one they ran into. This was the one that bore the brunt of their disgust for the rampant lawlessness they saw everyday. It was over quickly, leaving the pair of heroes to take care of the situation the villain had left for them.
Youre the medic. Whats the procedure for
this? Broken Memory asked his companion, indicating the lifeless victim they had rescued. Her response was another one of those glares that Memory tended to ignore.
Im not a medic, Jade Rune explained yet again. And there is no
. I think hes still alive! Broken Memory arched an eyebrow at Jades word choice as she dropped down to work her magic. In the time that he had known her, she had never once admitted that she could be wrong, or even unsure. For her to do so now, and in her field of expertise, told him much. It told him that whatever spark of life she may have seen was so faint she could afford no distractions, and Memory watched silently, ready to intercept any that might arrive.
Ive done all I can. Hell live to reach the hospital as long as you dont dawdle, Jade stood up and stepped away, ignoring the hair that had come loose while she was occupied. Memory wordlessly scooped up the patient and began walking, fading away after the second step. His voice trailed behind, Catch up when you can. Jade waited for the voice to fade away also before collapsing against a nearby wall to catch her breath.
Roger Gile watched himself in the mirror as he finished buttoning the loose, blue shirt. Five years shouldnt have made him so unrecognizable to himself, but the prematurely gray hair always drew his attention now. He forced himself to look away, and then to stop fiddling with the buttons on his sleeve.
The shirt was covering up the bandages over the discoloration in his arms, which was even more disconcerting than his hair. The doctors and Jade Rune both assured him that it wasnt spreading, but were forced to admit that they didnt know what it was. Jade required more than a little prompting before revealing that much. So far no treatment had had any affect, and Jade said it actively resisted anything she attempted. That thought made Roger shudder. He shook his head to clear his thoughts and then made his way downstairs. There was a Meet and Greet going on. The staff had said it wasnt mandatory, but Roger didnt want to skip out.
Jade Rune and Broken Memory had both promised to keep in touch, feeling somewhat responsible for his well being since rescuing him. Jade had said she might consider volunteering, as well, if she had time, in a tone of voice that said she expected to be very, very busy.
Roger had no intention of relying on their sympathy, so he was very grateful that an official get together had been scheduled so close to his arrival. Jade and Memory were nice enough people, but they werent very personable. And they were busy.
The event was in a fairly large room, but it was still just starting to fill up. Grabbing a paper plate and a handful each of crackers, cheese, and salami, Roger wandered over to where a small handful of people had already started gathering.
Ella continued to smile up at Tallia, but was also momentarily distracted when the small blue girl literally slid into the room. Ellas eyes lingered on the blue girl for a moment as she watched her playful mannerisms, as she took stock of the snack table.
Ella spryly hopped off the chair and landed lightly almost noiselessly. Turning she moved her cupcake to the center of her chair, so that no one else could sit there.
Turning back to Tallia still maintained her girlish smile but added in the perfectly polished manners in her speech and body language. I am very please to meet you Tallia, and I cant wait to talk to you more, but if you could excuse me for a moment
Ella stepped around Tallia past some scattered chairs nearby, though there was more room the other way, as Ella squeezed by Tallia, Ellas fingers gently brushed Tallias body. Leaving Tallia wondering if she had just been frisked? If so it was expertly done.
Ellas (long) path to the blue girl took her near Sis. Ellas eyes flicked back and forth from Sis and her red eye makeup, and back to the curious blue girl.
I um
like your gloves Ella said shyly (and distractedly) to the taller blonde woman as she passed, her eyes lingering on Siss red top before going back to track the blue girl at the snacks table.
Ella (at least a part of her) HATED the white jump suits ((picture the Island)). They simply blended too much with her white skin. On the outside, she would never wear white. On the outside she was never allowed to wear white. Ella had a very ingrained fashion sense. Some would say too ingrained. She took a lot of pride in her appearance, and (too) often fussed with her hair, even if it didnt need it. Ellas fashion sense wasnt something she had learned on her own it was forced on her, partly out of necessity because Ella really had no clue about clothes (or modesty) at first. However, the fashion sense she ended up with was a little bit too hard coded into her brain than it should be. Maybe the doctors would fix that too.
A sudden and slightly mischievous thought occurred to Ella. She would need to see if she could get a hold on a red shirt, then shed need to sneak into the laundry room. She would need to talk to the blonde woman later, but first
Ella rounded the snack table on the opposite side of the blue girl (Jamie) she watched for a moment then shyly said Hello with a timid wave.
Jaimes reaction wasnt as she expected so she continued Hola?
Bonjour?...Ciao? a slight mannerism in the blue girl stopped Ella. Ella frowned for a second then signed {Hello my name is Ella what is your name?}
((Thunder let me know if you would like me to edit that initial interaction with Jamie))
Heroes: Lady Halifax, Miss Kia, WhiteLotus, Agent Immolate, Lady Empathy, Sylence Fyredancer, Maiden of Fire
Villains: Innocent-Ella, Aegis-Sprite, Midnight Dragonfly
Ella rounded the snack table on the opposite side of the blue girl (Jamie) she watched for a moment then shyly said Hello with a timid wave.
[/ QUOTE ]
Jaime turned, a bit of cold mist swishing around her from the sudden moment. She had grabbed a cupcake similar to the one Ella had earlier, but due to her size it looked absolutely goofy and massive in her hands. It was apparent she had already taken a bite, the color of the icing blending in with the color of her skin. She hadn't even tried to take a clean bite, just bit down.
Her head tilted at the greeting, an ear twitching.
Jaimes reaction wasnt as she expected so she continued Hola?
Bonjour?...Ciao? a slight mannerism in the blue girl stopped Ella. Ella frowned for a second then signed {Hello my name is Ella what is your name?}
[/ QUOTE ]
With the cupcake in her hands it was difficult for her to sign anything, but she tried to act out that she couldn't talk audibly. It seemed to have worked, though in the process she had accidentally rubbed the cupcake against her face, smearing more icing. When she saw the signed greeting Jaime grinned wide, eyes sparkling. Someone was making an attempt! Relaxed already, she spoke back, hand coming up to try and clean her face, only making the mess worse.
==Hi, I'm Jaime!==
The transmission was odd. put it simply...lacked some things that normal mental transmission seemed to have. There was no force behind the speech, as most mentalists seemed to have. The voice seemed live, as if she had spoken it out loud to the room. It was very light and chirpy, which made sense coming from what was a near-perpetually happy girl.
==You'cn talk, I understand! I jus' can't speak. It might hurt'ya!==
Just as clear as before, and if not for the others in the room not noticing, you could just swear it was audible.
Server: Virtue
Felis Noctu (50MM Necro/Miasma)
Night Widow Noctu (23SoA)
Toxica Mentis (50Troller Ill/Kin)
Thunder Kiandra (2*Tank WP/SS)
{Hello my name is Ella what is your name?}
[/ QUOTE ]
When she heard the greeting mentally Jaime grinned wide, eyes sparkling.
[/ QUOTE ]
((Opps, wasn't meant mentally. Ella can't do that. I was trying to use the {} as what she signed))
Heroes: Lady Halifax, Miss Kia, WhiteLotus, Agent Immolate, Lady Empathy, Sylence Fyredancer, Maiden of Fire
Villains: Innocent-Ella, Aegis-Sprite, Midnight Dragonfly
Dr. Sheridan McCelland looked up from the report, the GIFT logo prominently displayed along the top, to the trio in his office. Dr. Michale Witherson of GIFT he knew. The second man was a Longbow Nullifier officer, his gun still on him and ready to be pointed at the third member at the slightest provocation. That such would be required of the clearly drugged teen aged girl was surprising. The tale tail light at her wrist was clearly a metahuman energy suppressant. A 'glowie' in the more plebeian terms used by others. Either way, the device blocked her powers and should've made her no different that any other apparently 17 year old girl.
"Tell me Dr. Wistherson, why should we admit a documented supervillain from the Isles into here?"
"For one thing, Cortianna turned herself in to get help. Her previous... 'benefactors'... had their own agenda for a telepath of her strength and her interests wasn't on it." Witherson gestured to the girl. "The suppressants blocks her powers, but that's only treating the symptoms at this point. Hearing the thoughts of everyone in her, rather considerate, range drove her into psychosis, but merely stopping the voices isn't enough to cure her, not any more. She need the help of pyschitrists trained to handle things like this."
Sheridan looked at the girl, Cortianna according to her file, no known other names. The purple hair may have been dye, but it was hard to tell with metahumans. The pale skin made the vains at her temples stand out, probably why she wore her hair over it. Cortianna's head lifted up slowly at Sheridan shuddered. Even glazed over, the pale eyes seemed to drill into him, he could only imagine what her gaze would be like when the drugs wore off.
"I'm not too comfortable with the idea of a documented sociopath roaming the halls Michale." He stated, even as he pulled a pen from the holder and began writing. "But the terms spelled out are acceptable." He signed the transfer of custody form and looked at the slightly wobbling teen. "Welcome to the Crimson Warhawk Clinic, Miss Cortianna."
((Two months later))
You need to interact more with others, it'll help you build social skills and let you bond with others.
The 'advice', more a thinly disguised order, from her case worker rang in Cortianna's head. Thanks to the glowie, it was the only foregin thought in her mind. It was an odd feeling. She had spent almost a year in the isles wishing for the voices to go away. Now that they had, she was... lonely.
The room Mrs. Shane told her about was just ahead. There were voices from inside, her hands were halfway to her ears to block the sounds before she realized they were sounds. Sounds and not thoughts, no different then what anyone else hears. She cautiously poked her head around the door frame. The people inside caught her eyes, the room itself filling in gradually to her awareness.
When in danger, or in doubt; Run in circles, scream and shout.
((Opps, wasn't meant mentally. Ella can't do that. I was trying to use the {} as what she signed))
[/ QUOTE ]
((Ooh, well, edited!))
Server: Virtue
Felis Noctu (50MM Necro/Miasma)
Night Widow Noctu (23SoA)
Toxica Mentis (50Troller Ill/Kin)
Thunder Kiandra (2*Tank WP/SS)
((Gah, and I thought this would be a slow RP. But I guess 10 really long posts are better than 20 or more medium posts
oh and Happy B-day Pyrria!))
Id love to have fun with you! I get so bored here sometimes. They wont let me help the doctors
Ella leaned in and changed her voice to a low whisper And if you ever need to stay over you can stay with me, but wed have to be sneaky about it. Im not supposed to have a roommate
[/ QUOTE ]
Ian just nodded enthusiastically at the first part but when she leaned in to whisper something he leaned forward an ear to go along with the secrecy. He paused for a long moment before his cheeks began to glow red. Whoa! Wait! I mean
Im not
The smell of an incoming rain storm filled his nostrils and served to distract his mouth from babbling any further. She wasnt serious of course he laughed to himself,
shes just a little kid
.right? At least she acts like one. His mind raced with thousands of thoughts on the situation but he quickly dismissed them all when Ella left toward the food table.
He took the hand of the new arrival and shook it gleefully. Well, nice to meet you Talia, Ian continued with his cheery expression although he didnt have to force it much in this situation. He followed Talias eye toward the reception table then back to her. Oh, did you want something to eat? he asked releasing her hand,
well lets go see what they scrounged up here. He then walked over, supposedly with Talia following, and grabbed a cup. After filling it with iced tea, his gaze fell on the small blue girl then to each new person that walked in.
Strange patients we have today, is all he said in his mind, knowing to keep his thoughts as polite and carefree as possible in case a telepath were unintentionally listening. Compared to some of those in the room he looked like a normal civilian although he did have a few strange quirks like his unnatural purple irises and other physical alterations that were not his own doing, which went a long way to color his opinion on other metahumans.
He was about to bend down to talk to the little blue girl but Ella was already busy talking to her. He did notice that she had a bit of icing smeared on her face so picked up the pile of napkins and pushed them in her direction.
Suddenly, Ian felt exhaustion set into his bones but it felt more like stress than fatigue. I wonder if this is what having a job is like, he sighed to himself and retreated to a chair on the far side of the room. He quietly had slipped away from Talia, Ella and Jaime as he didnt want to seem discouraged infront of them and he didnt want to leave the room as it might seem rude. So he just sipped his tea and closed his eyes to relax his mind.
It wasnt his fault really, it was just a bad day for him. He had helped several nurses deal with a particularly grumpy patient (which he had been trained and qualified to help with) by thwarting his attacks and holding him in place until he had succumb to the medication, then another patient had his little daughter visit him and while he was getting his vitals, etc. checked Ian had to babysit which wouldnt have been too stressful if she hadnt been a noisy brat. He even had to resort to using that ability to entertain her and keep her from disturbing others. Although violated and exhausted from that experience, Ian still had his scheduled chess game with Mr. Timbres too and that was just up until lunchtime.
Ian let out a quiet yet long exhale of fatigue to relax a few minutes but quickly perked back up when he realized a woman with red eye makeup was probably only three or four chairs away from him. Nice, cheerful, enthusiastic, helpful, he repeated in his head and smiled. Hi. You look pretty jovial, he greeted but felt she didnt want to be there. My names Ian, do you stay here or work here? he asked after pondering her red Tee shirt and black pants.

((I think I'm gonna have some fun with this :P))
Jaime took the napkins from the unseen host, but they froze solid before they could get near her face. She frowned, setting them on the table behind her. Sometimes being subzero had disadvantages.
+++ Several months ago +++
"She's a True Alpha, General."
"A what exactly?"
"A True Alpha! Werewolf. You know, beast of the night?"
"That tone will not be tolerated, Colonel."
"I apologize, sir. I haven't been sleeping well lately, given the circumstances."
A chuckle. "And what is so horrible as to keep you from sleeping?"
"As I said, sir, she's not like anything we've dealt with before. I assume you've seen the disks on werewolves?"
"Of course Colonel."
"Imagine the roughest, toughest, most dangerous werewolf on there. Getting an idea yet?"
"And we have ways of dealing with them."
"Oh, I'm not finished. Imagine that were on steroids. Lifting twenty times its own weight, leaping buildings."
"I see."
"And for her, that's on a slow day."
"Hmmmm. Will this system hold her?"
"We can't be sure. This is the first recorded capture of any alpha. They're very rare, often killing each other off in shows of dominance."
"Can we reinforce security?"
"The science team doesn't think that's a viable course of action. We need to take a different approach."
"Your report mentioned that. What do you suggest."
"We can only see one solution, allowing her us to study her daily life and at the same time keep heavy guard."
"And that is?"
"The Clinic."
"Are we prepared to potentially seriously endanger the patients and visitors there?"
"We believe their technology and security can keep her under control, even during the eventual changes."
"General, we need a decision."
"...Do it. And God help us all if you're wrong."
-----'s been so long. How long? Days? Weeks? Months? And so bright... voices? Are those voices? What are they saying. If only I could hear. Where am I? Last I remember, I was hunting in Perez, then some sort of soldiers jumped me. I wonder how far away I am. I wonder what they're going to do to me. If only I knew...if only...if only...
"She's stabalizing!"
A crew of men, women, and otherwise ran between stations, all wearing white medical coats. They busied themselves around a cell, walls made of pure force energy. It was a containment field, designed to prevent anything and everything from getting in or out. The walls shimmered with energy and a girl with wild black hair, looking about 19 or so, floated in the middle.
"Redirect the current to less vital areas, we need to take her out slow enough to secure her!"
The girl's clothes were heavily shredded and tattered, it was surprising that they stayed on her. The left shoulder had slid down her arm and only just barely kept her decent.
"And for God's sakes where's that orderly with a jogging suit? She'll need something to wear!"
Said orderly was running back into the room as the field was being deactivated. Some of the crew rushed forward, a young woman snapping a modified "glowy" to the girl's ankle, another crew member snapping a thin metal band around the girl's neck, an expanding shock collar in case she became violent. The girl's eyes fluttered open, bangs hanging across her eyes. They had a feral look to them, wild, insane. A console let out a fierce squeal, an alarm, and at the same moment the girl leapt at the younger woman, going for the throat with a loud snarl. Two larger men rushed forward and heaved the girl back who, not being in wereform due to the "glowy" wasn't as strong as she could be. Two more alarms went shrieked, the shock collar going off but having no visable effect.
The older man, the one calling out the orders, grabbed the sedative from the frightened orderly and stabbed the needle into the girl's rear end, injecting quickly. Almost immediately the girl stopped struggling, eyes closing halfway and the snarl slipping to a low growl, then fading completely. The older man stepped back and wiped his brow.
"Get her into those clothes and to her room. Post guards outside, make sure there's no one entering or leaving without my permission. Especially leaving."
The two large men dragged the girl out of the medical room, and the older man leaned against a console, breathing heavily.
"I swear to God, if I ever get my hands on that man..."
+++ Now +++
"Now Alissa, you know I'm not supposed to leave you alone."
"I know Natalie, but I've been good the past few months, haven't I?"
"That's true. You've been very well behaved..."
"And don't you want to go see Jonathin?"
"Hmmm...that'd be nice. Alright, you've convinced me, I'm trusting you. Just be good, alright?"
"I promise. I promise."
The older woman parted with the girl at the door, waved goodbye, and took off in a hurry to meet her Jonathin. The girl, Alissa, trudged into the room in one of the Clinic's standard jogging suits, black in color, and gazed around the room with her wild eyes. The glowy on her ankle shone brightly, and the collar around her neck glinted in the light of the room. Her long black hair was still messy and tangled, bangs in her eyes. She didn't care enough to do something about it. She sniffed, picking up the scents of those in the room as well as the food in the corner, previous visitors, and a spot where some visitor's dog had peed in the corner in fright of some patient. Wonderful, that. She was an average looking 19 year old, save the messy hair and hungry looks. Under her clothing she was finely muscled, being much stronger for her size than you might think. The clothes hung off her, wearing a set that was a couple sizes too large for her. There was nothing underneath it either, she didn't wear such human things as underwear if she could help it. When she shifted it was always the first to go, so why bother? Besides, why do humans wear something so restricting? She smirked as she started into the room. That was the wolf in her talking, she had long gotten used to it.
She collapsed into an empty chair near the food table, inspecting what was available. No raw meat...figures. There never was, was there? Always cooking their meat, those humans. Her gaze returned to the crowd, not bothing to move the bangs from in front of her eyes. Out of wereform, there were few signs that she was what she was. One of them was fully apparent then however, fingers clenching into the chair arms and claw-like nails ripping the fabric. She unclenched again and her whole body relaxed, sinking back into the chair with a quiet sigh. It felt good to be roaming alone again, no matter where she was. She never did like the being watched constantly.
((Thought I'd add in one of my old characters, from long before I played CoX ^_^ She's easy enough to fit in, and really fun to play. I hope no one minds me having two chars <.< If nothing else, it'll keep me alive longer.
If anyone's wondering about origin or anything, alphas are typically stronger than regular weres, especially in wereform, from being fullblood. True Alphas are different in that they were born a were under the power of a full blood-moon, which enhanced them even further than their genetics already had. True Alphas keep their own minds when they shift, unlike the common shifting were. There's no change of mind at all, they just shift and go. The trade-off is that they naturally have violent personalities, extremely so, no matter what form they're in. She's just as likely to tear your arm off as shake your hand, if she didn't like your face. That's what makes her so fun ^_^ Just be careful around her if you're a werecreature of any kind. True Alphas are extremely territorial, and she won't hesitate to confront you <.<;; Aaaaaanyway... *stops rambling*))
Server: Virtue
Felis Noctu (50MM Necro/Miasma)
Night Widow Noctu (23SoA)
Toxica Mentis (50Troller Ill/Kin)
Thunder Kiandra (2*Tank WP/SS)
Ellas (long) path to the blue girl took her near Sis. Ellas eyes flicked back and forth from Sis and her red eye makeup, and back to the curious blue girl.
I um
like your gloves Ella said shyly (and distractedly) to the taller blonde woman as she passed, her eyes lingering on Siss red top before going back to track the blue girl at the snacks table.
[/ QUOTE ]
Sis raised an eyebrow, but smiled. Thanks, kid. She watched the young woman walk away. She was definitely older than she looked at first glance. There was something very childlike about her though. It seemed like the other woman had already taken a motherly interest in her. And that the young woman had taken an interest in Siss clothes.
Ian let out a quiet yet long exhale of fatigue to relax a few minutes but quickly perked back up when he realized a woman with red eye makeup was probably only three or four chairs away from him. Nice, cheerful, enthusiastic, helpful, he repeated in his head and smiled. Hi. You look pretty jovial, he greeted but felt she didnt want to be there. My names Ian, do you stay here or work here? he asked after pondering her red Tee shirt and black pants.
[/ QUOTE ]
Jovial? Sis smirked. And here I thought I was showing irritation. Ill have to work on that. She eyed him for a moment, gaze dropping momentarily to his bokken. Nice to meet you, Ian. Im Mary, but everyone calls me Sis. Im on vacation. Her tone made it clear that it was not her idea of rest and relaxation. Noticing him taking stock of her outfit, she said, And my eyes are up here. Sis grinned, softening the statement. Youre part of the welcome wagon?
As she spoke, Sis glanced around the room quickly. Another young woman, who looked equally unhappy to be here, had slunk into the room and claimed a seat. From the body language, it looked like she wouldnt be giving it up without a fight. Another girl hovered in the doorway.
Turning back to Ian, she chuckled. Youve got a harem, brother. Lucky you. Just, no ice breakers, kay? I cant stand em.
((Short, I know. And thanks for the b-day wishes!))
Writing: Cape Fic
Featured Art: MechaTerp & CorporateRock, by Shia
Music: DJ Pyrria

The Clinic, Overview.
The Clinic was founded shortly after the Rikti War. It is primarily a long term care and assisted living facility for heroes injured during or since the war. Since it has opened its doors, it has expanded its offerings to include a full spa, catering to heroes not physically injured but needing a break from the rigors of Paragon City.
The Clinic is located far outside of Paragon City in the picturesque wooded hills near Somerdale Lake. The vast park-like grounds have various nature trails, tennis and basketball courts, 9 hole golf course, and some recreational boating on the lake.
Those not taking conventional travel methods can use a dedicated portal-gate located in Portal Corp on Peregine Island. Teleportation at the Clinic is very restricted. Attempts to teleport into the Clinic from outside the facility will redirect the porter to a secured arrival station just outside the grounds. ((Much like some CoT/Council missions or Mayhem Missions)). There is no teleporting within the buildings of the facility, though if on the grounds you can teleport freely anywhere else on the grounds.
The Clinic consists of several buildings. The main building, a large four story T shaped building, is the hospital/treatment center and administrative area. The T shaped building is split into separate areas for different specialties including technology and cybernetics, magic and conventional surgery. Deep under the main building is the rehabilitation center for heroes to practice their powers in a safe controlled area.
The next building is a four story building shaped like inversed parentheses )( joined in the middle. This building is the assisted living building with rooms along the inside curves of each parenthesis that feature a lake or golf course view. There are single and double rooms (You may specify in your intro post which occupancy and view). The rooms are furnished much like a decent hotel. Some contain unique furniture for large or extra dense patrons or for fire hazards, etc. The first floor contains the cafeteria (open all hours, though with a limited menu during late hours), common room with various activities available, meeting rooms and an expansive hall for large gatherings.
The last building (detailed, other buildings might spring into existence as the RP progresses) is the extravagant and luxurious Spa. Connected to the Spa are a series of condos available for rental for heroes staying at the Spa. The Spa is decorated in classical Roma Italian architecture with columns, fountains and many marble statues of various heroes. The most prominent statue is of the famous arcane tank Crimson Warhawk, the founder of the Clinic. Crimson Warhawk is a large tank, wearing Egyptian style armor, depicted with a hawk head helmet and great feathered wings made of flames. He shown standing on a pile of fallen Rikti warriors.
The Clinic: Rules (please read)
This is an Open Role-play set to slower post rates. We are setting a maximum post rate of two in character post per day* . We encourage longer post that are more descriptive and collaboration though PMs for joint post (if needed). Post limit is regardless of number of characters/NPCs that you control.
*Post limit may change dynamically based on how things go. Note that there is a GM exclusion to the two post limit, should it prove necessary
This RP is character focused not combat focused. Because combat is the primary cause of speed posting, accelerating a thread to the point it is difficult for some user to keep pace and/or participate. There will be some use of combat, but it is not the threads main focus.
Standard RP rules:
Be courteous to other participants
No God-moding or power-gaming (Should be easy with limited combat)
Hero and Villain powersets allowed, though Masterminds are not preferred. (If you have a Mastermind concept that you feel will work, please PM me.)
Although we are allowing Villain archtypes(Power-sets), the Clinic is a hero hospital. Villain types with outstanding warrants are sent to the much less hospitable Zig Infirmary. I like the villain powersets and want to open those to the Clinic, but the Clinic is not for known evil doers.
Weapon wielding heroes will have additional security considerations, and generally will not be allowed to carry their weapons (Guns/swords/traps/grenades/etc ) while on the grounds. (Please PM me if you need special consideration for this)
In-game power sets preferred. Please PM me, with any deviation concepts you would like to play.
One main long term resident character per participant.
Participants may also rotate one or two, short term characters as Spa guest.
NPC characters (Staffers or visitors) are unlimited, but unless specified are considered public. So please specify.
Crimson Warhawks story:
Crimson Warhawk was an experienced and extremely wealthy hero before the Rikti War. He was seriously injured toward the end of the war. Damage to his central nervous system had left his powers uncontrollable. No amount of healing magical or technological would fix his powers. He was a danger to the medical staff trying to help him and in chronic pain when his powers were nullified with a glowie*. He lived out his days heavily medicated until he succumbed to his injuries. Statesman himself spoke at the funeral. Crimson Warhawk left his enormous fortune to the Warhawk Foundation whose purpose was to create the Clinic.
*Glowie: Power nullification bracelet that glows when active.
NPC Cast:
Closed NPCs
Director Gregory Henry is a small in frame but a brilliant and charismatic man. He doesnt seem to have any powers, though some suspect that his great intellect is beyond human range. His background is in business and finance, and he has served on the boards of several prestigious hospitals before taking on his role here. Independently wealthy Mr. Henry has invested much of his personal wealth in the Clinic and has encouraged many prominent business men and active heroes to do the same.
Security Captain, Jacob Roberts isnt an extremely large man but has a fit athletic build and very serious eyes. Capt Roberts has handled Director Henrys personal security for years and the two have a deep respect for each other. Capt Roberts had also served as a consultant to the Longbow training program.
Open NPCs:
These NPCs are open for writers to claim and develop the personalities and characteristics. Below are some of the key staff members (You may tweak the job titles), though this is just a small list. If someone grabs a department head of a specialty that you have a concept for then you can always make a staff Doctor to support your concept.
To start off, please only claim one department head. Id rather not have a single writer control a block of department heads.
Head of Psychiatric Care
Head of Maintenance
Head of Magical Medicine
Head of Technological and Cybernetic Medicine
Head of Mundane Medicine
Power Training Center Coordinator
Spa Manager
I am always open to suggestions and ideas so Feel free to PM me.
Note: This is a re-do to the short lived original Clinic thread, to change the title while it was still early enough to do so.))
Heroes: Lady Halifax, Miss Kia, WhiteLotus, Agent Immolate, Lady Empathy, Sylence Fyredancer, Maiden of Fire
Villains: Innocent-Ella, Aegis-Sprite, Midnight Dragonfly