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  1. ((I’m going to grab the “Head of Technological and Cybernetic Medicine”. If it’s cool, I’m going to RP him as well as a hero who will be staying at the clinic. So here's my first post))

    A dark haired man stumbled into a dimly light workshop. His eyes where glowing a bright blue, almost white light. A faint blue aura could be seen emanating through the black spandex suit he was wearing. The suit was covered with electrical diodes that were glowing bright blue as well. The combination of his eyes, the suit, and they aura was illuminating the workshop like a small sun.

    “Dee… Denise?” said the man. He stumbled for a moment then saw who he was looking for. “Dee… it’s… not… work… ing… I need… to release… soon. To… much… it hurts…”

    A short red headed woman rounded a table in the workshop. She looked at the man in shock. With almost no hesitation she ran over to him and tried to take him by the arm but had to pull away due to the energy buildup inside the man.

    “Good lord dear,” she said, “The suit… it’s not working?”

    “I… know,” replied the man, “I’m reaching… critical…” The man was apparently in a large amount of pain. He also appeared to be trying to maintain control over his powers.

    “Right,” replied Denise, “Quickly, I left the portal on stand-by in case the suit didn’t work. I just need to fire it up.” She ran over to a control panel on the opposite wall and punched in a key code. All the lights came on, and machinery came to life. Part of the wall next to the panel started to slide upward. Behind it was another room, and inside was a Portal Corporation type portal generator.

    “I’m activating portal now. Setting coordinates for just outside the asteroid belt, direction 000 mark 023.” Denise said as she continued to punch commands into the console. “That should keep your blast out of harms way.” The man had been slowly moving himself towards the wall as the woman punched the commands in. She turned in looked him as he struggled to keep himself in check.

    The portal then opened with a large crackle. A continuous crackle could be heard coming from the portal as the energy swirled. The man stepped into the room as the woman stepped out of the room and keyed the console. The wall shut and sealed.

    “Be safe sweetheart,” Denise said as she touched the wall.

    A loud blast was then heard from the other side of wall. The initial blast shook the entire complex. There were multiple blasts that occurred in succession to the first, but the first was the loudest. Then everything was quiet. After a moment Emitai re-entered the code and the wall opened again. The dark haired man was laying face down on the floor in front of the portal. She rushed over to him and rolled him over. He was alive, just unconscious.

    As she rolled him over three new people appeared in her workshop. The first were blue skinned with white angel wings and elf style ears. They both wielded sword composed of ice. Third was a larger man in a black suit that was semi robotic.

    “Emitai?!?” called out the tall man as he entered the room. The visor on his helmet glowed a bright green as he looked around the room. “Where are you?”

    “Jekada,” Denise answered back, “I’m here, in the portal chamber.” Following the sound of her voice, the three would be rescuers entered the room with the portal. They found Denise sitting on the ground hold the dark haired man’s head in her lap. “Raynos, could you please shut down the portal?” she asked not looking away from the person she was holding.

    “Certainly,” replied the blue skinned as the sword in his hand disappeared. He then moved over to the control panel and started keying in the shut down sequence.

    “Jekada,” Denise began, “Could you please check his vitals?”

    “What happened?” asked Jekada. As he knelt beside Emitai, he then began using his suits systems to run a vitals check on Epiyon.

    “The suit… it didn’t work…” replied Emitai, “I’m guessing it just can’t contain the vast amounts of energy that he builds up. But…” she trailed off in thought.

    “What?” asked the blue skinned woman, she had also knelt down. Her ice sword had long since disappeared. The other blue skinned man, Raynos, walked over from the consoled and watched..

    “It’s just…” she began again, “I was hoping that if this happened the suit would give him some kind of control… but it didn’t… it was worse than before, far worse....”

    “His vitals are good,” said Jekada, “Dalani, Raynos, could please help me get him to the infirmary so we can let him rest?”

    “Of course,” replied the both of the blue skins.

    Jekada looked back down at Emitai. The little woman had begun to cry profusely. “Em?” he asked as he placed his hand on her shoulder, “What are you going to do?”

    “I’m going to call my father,” she answered through the tears, “I think he might be the only person left that can help…”
  2. “No!!”

    The cry came from the alley below Epiyon as he materialized over it. He immediately teleported to a nearby roof top to see what was going on below him. The battle was over with by the time he got to the ledge, but he did see what appeared to be a fellow hero passing on.

    “Damn villains,” muttered Epiyon. He’d been making his way to Kings Row from Croatoa as fast once he’d heard of the villain attacks. There had been numerous skirmishes he fought in on his way. Reports indicated that the bulk of the villain army was currently assaulting this area. Somehow the villains had been able to circumvent all of the cities early warning and defensive lines. They reached the inner areas with little resistance and were now entrenching themselves. If the heroes weren’t able to rally back soon, this was going to turn into a long bloody fight.

    Epiyon was getting ready to teleport down to the fallen heroes’ comrades, when he heard a loud whirring engine. He turned and a saw one of the villains airborne assault flyers hovering behind him. It appeared to be charging some kind of energy weapon, and instinctively Epiyon channeled his energy based powers into a defensive shield. The flyer’s energy weapon impacted his shield hard, harder than he had expected. He was launched from the rooftop and went plummeting into the building behind him.

    Crashing through the concrete and steel placed even more of a strain on Epiyon, and he couldn’t maintain the shield. The shield dispersed and he crashed through a multiple walls and ceiling or two unprotected. He was sure he’d sustained some kind of injuries, probably some serious, but he had no time to check. Those heroes he’d been watching would be taken completely off guard by the flyer. He had to warn them and do something about that thing.

    Emerging through the street side door, through the blood flowing down his face he looked up at the flyer as it emerged from over the building he’d been on.

    “Look out!!” he managed to holler as he pointed skyward. Epiyon rallied all the strength he had remaining and brought his right arm up as he moved into a sniper stance. He braced his right arm with his other, and took careful aim. As he did this the flyer began charging its own energy weapon again. A second later Epiyon released a massive blue energy blast. It impacted the flyer in the weapons barrel causing a massive explosion in the machines underside, but it did not destroy the vehicle. Instead it retreated back over the roof tops.

    “Thank god,” muttered an exhausted Epiyon as he dropped to his knees and then to ground unconscious.
  3. You could say that she had techno-nanites created to harness and amplify the residual energy left behind by the demon. After some experimentation she learned that the demon’s energy powers had a very interesting effect on plant life. It could make them grow at astounding rates. She also discovered that it allowed controlling that growth in various profoundly amazing ways.
  4. My DA is http://epiyon.deviantart.com

    I don't any of my stuff up there yet, but I will put some up as soon as I get a scanner to scan it all.
  5. Check out www.photoshopsupport.com/ for starters. I've got a whole bunch of others too, but I'm at work and don't remember them off the top of my head. When I get home I'll see about adding a couple more.
  6. Dude those are sweet!!!!!

    Oh and thanks.
  7. [ QUOTE ]
    [ QUOTE ]
    Ignittus, it's all digital, and I'd seriously think twice before doing something like this again, but I am thinking about another group pic, but not until this one is done!

    [/ QUOTE ]

    I'm first in line for the queue for number two!

    Relax, I'm kidding.

    [craigferguson]No I'm not. Yes I am. (Shakes head "No.")[/craigferguson]

    [/ QUOTE ]

    LoL I think what Ironik is saying is if you decide to do a second one then he'd like to be first in line. And if you decide to a second one, I'd love to be second in line.

    But either way I can't get over the awesomeness of that piece of work!
  8. Summer_Heat those look really cool.

    Here's a couple screen shots of Epiyon if you want to practice on.
    Epiyon standing watch
    Sniper Blast recoil
    Full on Power Burst
    Teleporting into water (I love this effect)
    Nova at night

    If you decide to do one, please don't feel compelled do them all. I just wanted to give you options to choose from.
  9. Another use you don't mention for TP Foe is for Melee Blasters.

    Aim --> TP Foe --> BuildUp + Power Boost --> Bonesmasher --> Total Focus.

    If they're still standing, they're almost guarenteed to be walking funny.

    In fact any AT with a single target mez can benefit from TP Foe in a similar fashion.
  10. I typically find http://www.photoshopsupport.com/index.html to have a wide range of everything Photoshop. They've got some Elements 3 video tutorials on there.
  11. This isn't free, but a really nice graphics program out there is Paint Shop Pro. It was originally by Jaasc, but Corel owns it now. The last version I used was 8 and it worked really well. Only reason I stopped was because I got Photoshop CS as gift. After a quick search I found 8 for sell for about $20. 10 (aka X) is for sell on Corel's site for about $60 with the newest version XI for sell for $80.

    Again I know it's not free, but it's a considerably cheaper alternative to Photoshop.
  12. WOW! .... that's impressive...

    I've inclined to believe atleast some of the claims on her site. She's got interviews on cnn.com oprah.com and abc.com.

    Still that's just flat out amazing artwork.
  13. Yeah BAS's arms and Reptilectric's chest are definitely a different shade of gray. Trust me I eye-droppered it in Photoshop.

    BTW It looks great Alex. When's round 2?
  14. That looks awesome! Painful though.... very painful.
  15. Welcome. Nice artwork you got going there. Look forward to seeing some more.
  16. As I said, bright indeed but awesome all the same!
  17. [ QUOTE ]
    Now, by no means do I have any "mad skillz with the PS", so some minis have some minor pixelation, but are still decent.

    [/ QUOTE ]

    Suggestion. Shrink them back down to their original size, then simply increase the canvas size to 80X80, then just save as normal. You won't get any pixelation and the mini will be it's original size and dimension. Just a thought for you.

    Oh these are looking awesome!!!!
  18. Epiyon’s favorite “weapons” are a pair of energy manifested swords. He prefers to use these twin swords over his ranged abilities. They are manifested to appear like your standard katana in size and shape.

    Epiyon charges his opponent and does a soccer style bicycle kick. The kick is enhanced with his energy manipulation powers and thus his foot glows. He connects with his opponent with such tremendous force that they are rocketed into the air.

    Epiyon then teleports directly up to them and manifest his swords. Using his energy powers, he propels himself in a serious of strikes on his enemy. He usually hits his enemy 10-12 times before he’s done.

    He finishes up by channeling a massive energy power burst style attack and unleashes on his opponent. The burst launches his opponent back towards the ground. When they impact, the force of the impact creates a large crater and a sock wave is released from the impact site damages anything in the near vicinity.

    Epiyon then teleports back to the ground to survey his opponent.
  19. DOH! I missed out on my birth month. Bummer. Oh well. I'd love for Epiyon to be a calender pinup.

    Epiyon 1
    Epiyon 2
    Epiyon 3
    Epiyon 4