Silver Spectre's art thread




Ya Spectre, I too would like a price range as I have 6 other heroes that need themselves a little Silver Spectre lovin'.

@Jeffery Duke
Meanwhile...On The Internet...



OK. Here is the last of my samples. I'm sorry I haven't been able to post this sooner, I was busy. Here is Yellow Jack .

As far as commisions go, anyone who wants one send me a PM with a screenshot or detailed descrition of the character you want, including what pose or feel you want to get across(sexy, strong, scary, batman-like, etc.) also what style, I have 3. They are anime, stylized superhero, and traditional superhero. And I will get back with you soon.



Holy... That looks great!

"A good Defender is the battle hardened Corpsman who will kill a Nazi with a tongue depressor while putting a splint on your leg, then hand you a fresh clip of ammo." ~Jock_Thompson
Repeat Offenders, TNT Profile, My little hero




thank you mr. spectre



Good work on Emma´s boyfriend



what no eww gross
that wierd



what no eww gross
that wierd

[/ QUOTE ]
you're really confusing at times.



i was resbonding to teh guy who implied that jack had an intimate relationship with a hologram



Well it was meant as a joke



Welcome. Just another voice in the chorus of "Bravo!" Your stuff is clean and stylish. Methinks you could generate a nice little side (primary?) income from the community here. Look for a PM with a commission offer in the next couple days. Good stuff!



Thanks a bundle. It's good to get such support from you guys here on the thread. I am really going to try to be fair in coming up with quotes, btw. Please don't run away



Hey all! I just wanted to show you the good job Rocket Boy did on the 3-D Spectre!! It's great!
The link is here!
Additionally, anyone who wants anything done by me, send me a PM, and I can discuss with you the specifics!



Here is a commissioned Work In Progress for Chazzmatazz. I have just the pencil guidelines at the moment. If you cant see it, I apologize. It is a pic of Chazz's toon Pocahostess. She is leaning on a wooden rail fence, and holding a margarita. There is a large parasol leaned up behind her to provide shade, and her bow will be pinched by her thumb and index finger in her other hand. Tell me what you think, and Chazz, give me suggestions or comments please, they are important to me. After I hear from Chazz, I will refine the pencils and ink them, then post the finished product here. Pocahostess



Wow! That's beautiful so far, look forward to seeing that one finished.



Here is a commissioned Work In Progress for Chazzmatazz. I have just the pencil guidelines at the moment. If you cant see it, I apologize. It is a pic of Chazz's toon Pocahostess. She is leaning on a wooden rail fence, and holding a margarita. There is a large parasol leaned up behind her to provide shade, and her bow will be pinched by her thumb and index finger in her other hand. Tell me what you think, and Chazz, give me suggestions or comments please, they are important to me. After I hear from Chazz, I will refine the pencils and ink them, then post the finished product here. Pocahostess

[/ QUOTE ]

Very nice! Better than what I was thinking. My mental image was more cinematic (i.e. wide-angle), but this image FILLS THE PAGE with the character. This is a true portrait. Much better. Sending a couple nit pics in a PM, but so far....



Here is a commissioned Work In Progress for Chazzmatazz. I have just the pencil guidelines at the moment. If you cant see it, I apologize. It is a pic of Chazz's toon Pocahostess. She is leaning on a wooden rail fence, and holding a margarita. There is a large parasol leaned up behind her to provide shade, and her bow will be pinched by her thumb and index finger in her other hand. Tell me what you think, and Chazz, give me suggestions or comments please, they are important to me. After I hear from Chazz, I will refine the pencils and ink them, then post the finished product here. Pocahostess

[/ QUOTE ]

Awesome job so far SS. You have amazing talent my friend.



Wow, amazing!!! Woot, can't wait to see this finished!

Scarf_Girl�s Official Kid Brother!



That's looking great!



Here is a commissioned Work In Progress for Chazzmatazz. I have just the pencil guidelines at the moment. If you cant see it, I apologize. It is a pic of Chazz's toon Pocahostess. She is leaning on a wooden rail fence, and holding a margarita. There is a large parasol leaned up behind her to provide shade, and her bow will be pinched by her thumb and index finger in her other hand. Tell me what you think, and Chazz, give me suggestions or comments please, they are important to me. After I hear from Chazz, I will refine the pencils and ink them, then post the finished product here. Pocahostess

[/ QUOTE ]

Very nice! Better than what I was thinking. My mental image was more cinematic (i.e. wide-angle), but this image FILLS THE PAGE with the character. This is a true portrait. Much better. Sending a couple nit pics in a PM, but so far....

[/ QUOTE ]

This is gonna take a little longer than planned. My 'nit-picks' developed into some additional background/detail elements and an expansion of the commission. I'm with you guys in wanting to see it, but I'm throwing him some curves. Can't make a debut commission too easy.



OK!! Almost done, I think. Here is the pic with the changes and all the inks nearly complete. Wanted to stop to eat, and see what you guys think thus far. Chazz, feel free to chime in!




*picks jaw up off of floor*

"City of Heroes. April 27, 2004 - August 31, 2012. Obliterated not with a weapon of mass destruction, not by an all-powerful supervillain... but by a cold-hearted and cowardly corporate suck-up."



OK!! Almost done, I think. Here is the pic with the changes and all the inks nearly complete. Wanted to stop to eat, and see what you guys think thus far. Chazz, feel free to chime in!

[/ QUOTE ]

That is SWEET! I appreciate the change to the face (the face in the first draft was gorgeous but this version is more Native American in character.) The critters look great and have great personality!

Looks terrific!



Ok! Here is the final product for Chazzmatazz. I did another layer of inks around Poca, so she wouldn't disappear with all the other action going on, detailed the umbrella, and other minor tweaks. Tell me what you guys think! I give you Pocahostess !


