Silver Spectre's art thread




Only ray gun I know of is the Crey Cryo-Pistol.

But yes, it's the ultimate accessory for the Golden-Age Tech or Science hero.

"City of Heroes. April 27, 2004 - August 31, 2012. Obliterated not with a weapon of mass destruction, not by an all-powerful supervillain... but by a cold-hearted and cowardly corporate suck-up."



You guys and your talk of ray guns make me want a ray gun all the more... T-T




Fantastic stuff. You are just pumping them out SS very impressive speed and quality.



Old school cool! Very nice!



You captured him perfectly! Amazing. He's an energy blaster but the funny thing is when I created him, I really wanted a Flash Gordonesque ray gun. The rifle was just too big and Ramboish so I went with energy. But everything from the pants, jacket and helmet are exactly how I wanted him to look. You have mad skills my friend. I'm busy as hell but let me know if your interested in me working up one of you characters in 3-D. Been into it about a year but I think I'm getting the hang of it.

Thanks again!



Damn your inks are cool.

Is there any way that you can be coarsed, pressganged, sweettalked or flattered into drawing Snowman Frost

If ther is I will be one (sleightly dearanged) happy camper




Great work, man!! I will drop some colors on some of these when I get some free time... If you don't mind that is.



Rocketboy looks awesome, dude.

And Piepgrass, excellent use of the word "pressganged."



And Piepgrass, excellent use of the word "pressganged."

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I agree, that word doesn't get enough play and just sounds so fantastical.

@Jeffery Duke
Meanwhile...On The Internet...



Heh thanks guys, I´ll try to use it more often

@Silver Spectre. Perhsaps its because english is not my frist language but I dont comprehend your reply. Is it a yes? (jumps up and down in childish anticipation of his pressganging actually working)
^^^Se I used it again ^

* Poul



I'm sorry, my comment was directed at Gollum's request to color my pics. Sorry for being vague. I want to actually start taking commissions for my work, after I belt out one or two more pics. I will say that commissioned work will be higher quality, though.
@Gollum- If you need to know what colors any of my toons are, send me a pm, and I will send you a screenshot.
@Rocket Boy- That would be awesome. I would like to see my Golden Age Silver Spectre in 3-D, complete with trenchcoat, vest, duster, gasmask and even twin revolvers, if possible. Sadly, there are no revolvers in CoH for heroes to use...not even a power pool!



I'm sorry, my comment was directed at Gollum's request to color my pics. Sorry for being vague. I want to actually start taking commissions for my work, after I belt out one or two more pics. I will say that commissioned work will be higher quality, though.
@Gollum- If you need to know what colors any of my toons are, send me a pm, and I will send you a screenshot.
@Rocket Boy- That would be awesome. I would like to see my Golden Age Silver Spectre in 3-D, complete with trenchcoat, vest, duster, gasmask and even twin revolvers, if possible. Sadly, there are no revolvers in CoH for heroes to use...not even a power pool!

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Gladly. Need some screenshots. Do you have some posted somewhere?



Ok, you're on! Here is a pic of Silver Spectre from the front.

Here he is at 3/4 view.

And here is up close . The only change I would like to suggest is that he would wear a suit or at least a vest underneath the trenchcoat. I have many versions of the Spectre, but this one is the easiest to show. Once again, thanks for considering the piece.



Some quick colors on the ugly metal mouth troll... JK!



nice colors



Not that I am trying to steal anyone's line, but thats awesome! What program did you use to color it, if I may ask?



Photoshop CS 2 that is.



Woah, fantastic-o!

Scarf_Girl�s Official Kid Brother!



Some quick colors on the ugly metal mouth troll... JK!

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FAN (of yours)-freaakenntasstic! Your colors have made the ugly metal mouth troll...beautiful.

Awesome job on the eye glow. Scary thing is you say "Some quick colors" Thats a really nice job for being quick.



Hey if any of my characters take your fancy you're more than welcome to draw them!
Turbo-Ski (Ice/Cold/mace Scythe-wielding Corruptor)
Sarix the Devourer/Rebecca Morrison (Dark/Fire/Soul Brute)
Project Reaver (both a NRG/SR stalker and a Ninja Blade/SR stalker)
All 3 together form a villain group called "Torment", a group of outcasts that is binded together through the suffering their powers bring to them and a desire to express that pain with violence.




FAN (of yours)-freaakenntasstic! Your colors have made the ugly metal mouth troll...beautiful.

Awesome job on the eye glow. Scary thing is you say "Some quick colors" Thats a really nice job for being quick.

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My usual coloring jobs takes me like 3-4 hours (sometimes more) this one took around 1 hour... so It was quick in comparison. Glad you liked it! Cool character!



Incredble. That really pops.



I'm sorry, my comment was directed at Gollum's request to color my pics. Sorry for being vague. I want to actually start taking commissions for my work, after I belt out one or two more pics. I will say that commissioned work will be higher quality, though.

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In that case, could you please contact me in a pm about the pricereange for your work. If my taxrefund is reasonable I might want to place a order
