Silver Spectre's art thread




Holy moly! That is what I like to call

31 Flavors of Awesome

Both the oddly clothes Invincibelle and the ROCKing Kilotonnage.

You have a gift my friend, don't hide it in a bushel or basket.

Edit: Oh hey Spectre, did you get that forum PM I sent you?

@Jeffery Duke
Meanwhile...On The Internet...



Well, those are just fantastic. The poses, the expressions, proportions, it's all great.

If any of my characters strike your fancy, feel free to check the links below or on this page.

Definitely a favorite



Oh and I really don't see the problem with your posting in .png

.png is higher quality and I think people can stand the extra load time (which is only noticeable on dial-up) to see the highest quality image they can.

@Jeffery Duke
Meanwhile...On The Internet...



Oh and I really don't see the problem with your posting in .png

.png is higher quality and I think people can stand the extra load time (which is only noticeable on dial-up) to see the highest quality image they can.

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Or even both if you have the hard drive. Appeal to both the clunky internets and the sleek suave ones as well that don't really mind that extra second. Glory be, glory be.



Thanks again, the support I am getting is awesome! You guys are the best! OK here is the Iron Jawed troll. I saw the avatar was putting on stone armor, so I thought I would do something like that as well. Hope you enjoy it. I saved it as a jpeg this time, I hope its more efficient, I am a noob when it comes to this stuff.

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Like it? I love it! Everything is perfect down to the scars on Kilotonnage's face. I love your style and I am glad you took a shot at the rock armor, it turned out fantastic!

I hope this inspires Turbo's coloring juices also

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well I did shove it into my artwork folder with the 20 other pieces in there...might get around to it. Also did you check this out



Thanks again, the support I am getting is awesome! You guys are the best! OK here is the Iron Jawed troll. I saw the avatar was putting on stone armor, so I thought I would do something like that as well. Hope you enjoy it. I saved it as a jpeg this time, I hope its more efficient, I am a noob when it comes to this stuff.

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Like it? I love it! Everything is perfect down to the scars on Kilotonnage's face. I love your style and I am glad you took a shot at the rock armor, it turned out fantastic!

I hope this inspires Turbo's coloring juices also

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well I did shove it into my artwork folder with the 20 other pieces in there...might get around to it. Also did you check this out

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Aye I did, many thanks I responded in your thread also.



Hey guys, thanks again for all the support and comments, positive and negative, I need them all to grow. I will also try to color those pics of Invincibelle and Killotonnage if I can, but my plate is a bit full right now. I am practicing on Photoshop, and tried a slightly more complex image to color and add a background to, and decided to show where I am thus far here. This is the Silver Spectre in his "Silver Age" costume, as opposed to his normal duster and suit/trench combo which is meant to be more pulp/golden age. This costume is meant to be more theatric and dramatic.



Thank you so very much for drawing Invincibelle, she looks incredible! I can't thank you enough! The other two are looking pretty sweet too! You are definitely going to develope quite a fan following here. You rock!



Actually Spectre, that coloring is fantastic and that costume is very Golden Age. It looks like he belongs in the Justice Society of America with that look. (and that's a compliment cause I love me some JSA)

@Jeffery Duke
Meanwhile...On The Internet...



Thanks, Awesome. That was kind of the effect I was going for. A 1950's version of the Spectre, if you will. Anyway, I am working on some designs for your request now, should be posting it tomorrow sometime. After that I will do an ink of Zapros, Rocket Boy and Yellow Jack. In return, I ask if anyone who I have drawn for or will draw for would like to either color one of my inks, or make a drawing of one of the characters I submitted? I would like to see someone else's version of my characters.

I also am very interested in doing commisions, but I am curious....whats fair?



Fair is pretty subjective. But your art is clean, sharp and just all around AWESOME. I think you could easily get away with some high prices that some of the others get away with. Check out some of the other threads of artists that DO commission such as Alex.

@Jeffery Duke
Meanwhile...On The Internet...



Well *ahem* they don't like us talking MONEY here on the official forums... buut... if someone would be so kind as to post up the DA sites for Jim Tessier, Brandon McKinney, or Jim Farlowe, I'm sure you could get an idea of how much people are charging.

"City of Heroes. April 27, 2004 - August 31, 2012. Obliterated not with a weapon of mass destruction, not by an all-powerful supervillain... but by a cold-hearted and cowardly corporate suck-up."



Hey guys, thanks again for all the support and comments, positive and negative, I need them all to grow. I will also try to color those pics of Invincibelle and Killotonnage if I can, but my plate is a bit full right now. I am practicing on Photoshop, and tried a slightly more complex image to color and add a background to, and decided to show where I am thus far here. This is the Silver Spectre in his "Silver Age" costume, as opposed to his normal duster and suit/trench combo which is meant to be more pulp/golden age. This costume is meant to be more theatric and dramatic.

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Wow! I thought your black and white stuff was awesome but the color takes it to a new level!



Wow man, absolutely fabulous artwork! I cant even draw stick figures.



Oh and I really don't see the problem with your posting in .png

.png is higher quality and I think people can stand the extra load time (which is only noticeable on dial-up) to see the highest quality image they can.

[/ QUOTE ]

Seconded.. I vastly prefer .png over pretty much anything.

EDIT: Oh and I love your style, very very nice and golden-age'ish... +WATCHED on dA.

Main Hero: Flame Blade (Scrapper lvl 50; Katana/Regeneration)
Main Villain: Elenor Seahawk (Mastermind lvl 44; Necromancy/Poison)
My Arcs: #337278: Learning Curve
Fight my Brute: SMASH



Ok, with the info Iwas given, here is my take on MrAwesome's idea, Indestructible. I wish I had finer pens, I could have done more complex celtic roping, but I am pretty happy with this considering.


Yay! It worked, thanks buckeyestar!



wow that one was really cool
indestructible is AWSOME!!!!1!!!11!



HOLY [censored]!!

There is no way you could have better nailed the look. It's like your reached into my mind and pulled out exactly what I wanted!

You sir, have just made it into my top 5 Artists of all time list.

I am just so freakin amazed at this. I wish I knew how to color good in Photoshop cause I really want to color this.

@Jeffery Duke
Meanwhile...On The Internet...



wow that one was really cool
indestructible is AWSOME!!!!1!!!11!

[/ QUOTE ]

Were those 1's deliberate? >.>

And wow, great job on that piece!



Two more great pieces Spectre. If only you could get something like that in game for Indestructible. Your Silver Age Spectre is great, but I just love that one with the Duster, but it's clearly made up for by the background. The swirling kept me in a daze for moments. Great stuff.



Woah!!! Just wow! That looks great!

Scarf_Girl�s Official Kid Brother!



I try to avoid joining the OMGWOW! choir, but damn man, your stuff is good. And Mr. A's got a nifty idea with those bracer/greave patterns, looks like you did a grand job of bringing them to life =D

"Take the Yuan-Ti, bash them with a club made of frozen stupidity, then rip out their sense of subtlety with a rusty spoon, and then you have the Snakes of Mercy Isle" -Taltha Widowfang, drow stalker
Now playing at an MA near you: Dragonslayers #335375



Here is Rocket Boy. I didnt know his powers or anything, but he reminded me of a Flash Gordon or Rocketeer type, so I gave him a ray gun. I wish ray guns and holsters were in CoH. I wanted Silver Spectre to have pistols. Anyway... Rocket Boy



All of these have been fantastic! The detail is incredible, and gotta love those rayguns!!