This screenshot makes me grin
At Last!
Thought I would post the sterotypical self congradulatory 'Hey I'm 50' post the only place people know me :-D sorry for the spam, I just wanted the people that I consider friends and aquaintences, who don't nessecarily play with me to know. My first 50! it only took 15 months of paid time, and having an account since beta 3!
Curse you altism!
Seriously. I owe the Art board folks a lot, you all keep me inspired and playing! Keep doing what you are doing guys. The last year has seen the Art board become my favorite spot on CoH!
[/ QUOTE ]
Congratz! I hit 50 not too long ago, so I still smile when I see my level
Enjoy your squid!
*gasp* i see a free alt slot! *GASP!*
Haha! You level faster than me! Power Gamer!
<---Since Beta also, highest is level 27.
your = Belonging to you.
you're = Contraction meaning "You are."
Ur = The name of an ancient Mesopotamian city.
ur = This is not a word.
A free slot that's now filled with my Peacebringer! (I'd just deleted an 18 fire/kin controller >.>
Thank you all :-) I'm giddy. seriously. I should not be this happy over a video game.
edit Happy Rowr?
Hmmmm, maybe worthy of a calaendar appearance?
Haha! You level faster than me! Power Gamer!
<---Since Beta also, highest is level 27.
[/ QUOTE ]
I could hug you, Frosty. I dont feel so alone now. I've been playing since July 04 and my severe altitis, combined with a server jump and lazy leveling, have kept me from getting higher than 26.
slackers unite! highest being 42 after a year and a half+
...the sword is truth...
/emote clap
That still seems monumental from where I sit.
slackers unite! highest being 42 after a year and a half+
[/ QUOTE ]
Feh, I'm a slacker on a different plane than you. See, you have slacking in the game, and as such don't have a 50 yet. I, on the other hand, place my slacking much more skillfully in my schoolwork, and as such have five
That makes me feel inexplicably sad for some reason... Oh well, at least I've yet to get a level 50 villain Level 41 and slowly, very, very slowly, climbing... I fuggin' hate Grandville...
I'd never use a nuke in a superhero universe. You nuke a city, you kill 1.5 million people minus one. The last guy not only gets superpowers from the explosion, but ones that let him survive a nuke...and wow, is he torqued off
PPD Mastermind
Hmmmm, maybe worthy of a calaendar appearance?
[/ QUOTE ]
>.> well, if you do the peacebringer, I removed the wings. Changed my mind about them... <.<
Otherwise, Snow's got lots of ref pics in my Character reference page
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At Last!
Thought I would post the sterotypical self congradulatory 'Hey I'm 50' post the only place people know me :-D sorry for the spam, I just wanted the people that I consider friends and aquaintences, who don't nessecarily play with me to know. My first 50! it only took 15 months of paid time, and having an account since beta 3!
Curse you altism!
Seriously. I owe the Art board folks a lot, you all keep me inspired and playing! Keep doing what you are doing guys. The last year has seen the Art board become my favorite spot on CoH!