Merry Christmas Mr. Majesty
Awesome job, I love the coloring. What a great holiday present!
This is one of my favorites of yours, Juggy. Very nice.
As always Juggy another great one!
�We�re always the good guys. In D&D, we�re lawful good. In City of Heroes we�re the heroes. In Grand Theft Auto we pay the prostitutes promptly and never hit them with a bat.� � Leonard
�Those women are prostitutes? You said they were raising money for stem cell research!� � Sheldon
That is just about my favorite. Totally awesome man.
Holy..I mean...*sputter* I mean sing from the top of the hill a'la "Sound of Music" WOW!!! Thanks so much bro! That puts the "kick" in "kick-[censored]"! Have a great holiday!!!!
That one kicks butt dude!!! I really think the chest area turned out great. The thick black lines around the emblem really bring it out!
That's beautiful...( in a manly way of course )
I think this is my favorite of yours so far. Just awesome.
You on fire Juggy!
Great piece. Yeah I agree, the chest looks wonderful. I like the little highlights.

Char Site | My DeviantArt
better with every shot Jugg
Great job on this, he looks very....MAJESTIC!!!!
haha I know not that funny but I couldn't think of anything better to say, my brain seems fried today...
Nice One!!
LvL 50's Inv/Em Tank, Katana/Regen Scrapper, Merc/Traps MM, Ninja/Dark MM, Crab
@Torell Guardian, Liberty & Freedom

Thaks guys.
So far it's been really fun surprising everyone.
good stuff and a gifty ta boot....niiiiice
big congrats Mr. M. ms majestic is jealous...heh~
...the sword is truth...
Ah yes, I remember her.
Dear Santa Juggy,
I have had a really hard year. My husband lost his job twice, and I had to take a 3rd job as a scullery maid to pay for groceries and medecine for little Billy, who is deathly ill. I drove my car off a bridge, and my house burned down. My dog got rabies, and bit the neighbor, who is suing me. The IRS called and told me I need to go in for an audit. I also have a strange sore growing on my lip. Please Santa Juggy, give this girl a break and bestow upon her a gift of hope! I apologise for the smearing in this letter, but my pencil wore down to a stump and I had to write most of it in blood.
Yeoman Medic would love to get done by Juggy
Dear Santa Juggy,
I have had a really hard year. My husband lost his job twice, and I had to take a 3rd job as a scullery maid to pay for groceries and medecine for little Billy, who is deathly ill. I drove my car off a bridge, and my house burned down. My dog got rabies, and bit the neighbor, who is suing me. The IRS called and told me I need to go in for an audit. I also have a strange sore growing on my lip. Please Santa Juggy, give this girl a break and bestow upon her a gift of hope! I apologise for the smearing in this letter, but my pencil wore down to a stump and I had to write most of it in blood.
Yeoman Medic would love to get done by Juggy
[/ QUOTE ]
Derek or Zapros would love to get done by Juggy too, but I doubt it'll happen.
I don't remember anyone asking Juggy to do these. I thought he was just giving them out as gifts.
You know, cause I would have asked him a while ago.
As an FYI, I didn't ask for this piece. Juggy did it as a very kind and generous Christmas gift to me and wanted to share the piece with everyone in this forum.
I can understand a person's desire to have Juggy do a piece for them once they see what a fantastic artist he is, but I think such unsolicited requests for art should be done in a Private Message and not in this forum, let alone this thread.
After all, 'tis the season for giving.....not getting.
Cheers and peace to all.
*looks around*
Sorry, I'd heard this was the "nice" forum area...
*hangs head*
If it is better to give than to receive, someone still has to do the giving...
*rereads original post*
Meh, at least I asked in a semi-creative way...
*runs back to the PvP forum*
Oh, now don't get your feelings hurt.
This is a "nice" forum and that's mainly due to the fact that most everyone treats one another with respect and courtesy. These artists give a LOT of their time and talent and deserve every kindness available, especially during this time of year.
Now, I can totally understand getting excited and wanting to get noticed by an artist hoping he'll create something for you. However, there is a more polite way of going about it.
If this is your first time posting to the fanart forum, a couple of the "regulars" have posted a little etiquette primer for requesting art.
I know all the artists here are thrilled to have a new fan take interest in their work. So, if you find one you like, let them know you're a FAN! But, as with everthing else in life...manners are important and make a great first impression.
Ho ho ho.. yet another present found in my bag of goodies!
Merry X-Mas Mr. Majesty!