Finished - Heaven and Hell II - by Juggy
To say that that is sexy actually discredits the word sexy. That is so far beyond sexy that there are not words to describe how incredibly sexy it is. "Awesome" comes close. But only close.
your = Belonging to you.
you're = Contraction meaning "You are."
Ur = The name of an ancient Mesopotamian city.
ur = This is not a word.
Wow, thanks man.
(honestly, that coment made me feel quite cool - thanks)
Awesome work Jugg, love the piece. My favorite parts would have to be his face, his muscles, and both their wings. Good job!
'Nuff said
That is most rad, most rad indeed.
Wowsers. This actually made me say "wowsers" aloud.
On Liberty, my playmate and I created a couple who died in a car crash. As she lay dying, she called out to the Gods to protect the soul of her hubby, who she loved dearly. The Big Kahuna from the Hot Place replied, and pointed the husbands soul in a northernly direction. The cost of this was the wife's soul. They have both been reborn, he as an avatar of Good, and she as a spawn of Evil.
They make a lovely couple. We put them in a 2 man SG called Heaven and Hell.
If ever you want to make a go of Heaven & Hell III, and need some models, we would be an ideal choice. I would be honored to have you create something.
Great back story you've got there... but your missing one point;
the sequels get handed off to different directors. H&H I was made by the industry's nutty bugg-eyed Graver, While H&H II was made by the musclebound "no talent" immigrant. Who will step up for number III?
Awesome. And what a large file size you have there
Yeah, that is 50% of what I work with.
Already said this but..
Insane man, just insanely awesome!!!
I like the poses and the background. But the two characters are have lost something in the coloring process. The sketch seemed to have more definition than the final piece. The angel wings feather detail is lost in the coloring and the darker wings, appear to be just a shade darker than the angel ones, I expected them to be more bat wings or at least much darker to reflect the 'Hell' side.
I think the digital coloring overshadows the line work you did in the sketch and is watering down the whole feel of the piece for me. Also the angel's hands look a bit odd, the fingers are a bit too sausage like.

To say that that is sexy actually discredits the word sexy. That is so far beyond sexy that there are not words to describe how incredibly sexy it is. "Awesome" comes close. But only close.
[/ QUOTE ]
JUGGY'S bringin' sexy back!
the sequels get handed off to different directors. H&H I was made by the industry's nutty bugg-eyed Graver, While H&H II was made by the musclebound "no talent" immigrant. Who will step up for number III?
[/ QUOTE ]
Nice piece! I hope you do go back and do the whole heaven opening and the futuristic city, maybe see a few spires of the celestial city in the clouds?...That would look cool!
Heaven and Hell 3: Heaven Bound, with a Vengeance! Coming to a theater Near YOU!
I think this might be my favorite of yours so far. I LOVE the lighting and how it plays through the whole piece. The wings are excellent, and background colors are very pleasing. Well done!
Bah, I could have done better in MS Paint!
...No really, that is wicked to the maxxx.
End Of Man - Ill/emp Troller <- First 50.
Robosaurus - Robo/Dark <- Second 50
Urban Viking - BS/Regen <- Unplayed
This is one of the most realistic looking ones I've seen from you Juggs
I really like it actually.
Wow, thanks man.
(honestly, that coment made me feel quite cool - thanks)
[/ QUOTE ]
I'm glad to have brought even half as much joy to your life as that picture has brought to mine.
your = Belonging to you.
you're = Contraction meaning "You are."
Ur = The name of an ancient Mesopotamian city.
ur = This is not a word.
Juggs crits at art for 99999 damage. Way to go man!
I like it
(Virtue/Champion) Neil Fracas: Inv/SS
(Virtue) Gideon Fontaine: MA/SR (Sc), Generic Hero 114: Ice/Cold, Marcus Tyler AR/En, Project F: Spines/DA (S)
(Champion) Jenna Sidal BS/SD, Generic Hero 114: En/En (Bl), Loganne Claws/WP (Sc)
Very nice juggs, great concept as well with the heavens opening up and the ruined city below
I know a few of you were tracking the progress on this one so I thought I'd post it up. I really like how it turned out, pretty much exactly how I had envisioned.
Heaven and Hell II