Page A Week November
Yellow-Wolf and any others you choose could be trying to sell their apartment and wacky people want to purchase it. the wacky people could be anyone of your choice.
at work..thats all I can type for now
use yellow-wolf, captain-midnight, or anyone else I have whenever ya want
Lady Comet
Tormented Soil
Soon after the destruction of Rox's home he became determined to seek revenge on The Council. He trained himself and furthered his mastery over his inherent stone abilities. Soon he became the hero who is now known as Roxstar. Once he had settled himself into Paragon City's band of heroes he created a super group called Paragon Stone.
This elite group only became open to those like himself that had an innate control over the earth. Mainly consisted of Stone Tanks, Earth Controllers and Storm Defenders they have used their powers to help mankind with their struggles against Lord Recluse.
When Roxstar is not fighting against the perils of evil he is off searching for his brother, Clay, who was taken from him when The Council invaded his home. He has since moved on with his life when he met the love of his life, Sapphire a.k.a. Lady Comet. Later they birthed a son known as Magma Roc and together all three have fought side by side against evil.
Unfortunately, Rox's brother had become too overtaken in The Council's ways when they finally crossed paths. Even though Clay had left those that had kidnapped him he still had a sense of evil about him that could not be swayed. Tormented Soil, as he called himself, now led his own army of mercenaries that succumbed to his every will. Now when they cross paths Rox and Clay fight about whose fault it was that their family was destroyed. Maybe one day Rox's brother will change his ways and join Paragon Stone, until then we can only wait.
I have their twin daughter and son too but I don't have any screens of the daughter. I figure you could come up with some funny fights for those two!
edit: haha just realized I need to update the history as it doesn't even have Hott Ash in it.....oops!
I have a Crey profile and Blog for MarDun in my signature. That should give all the information needed.

Become a Fan of MarDun on Facebook - Follow on Twitter : MarDun_COH
I am all over this like a... something on something.
Feel free to use my character, Alex. Bayani does not have any catch phrases.
I'll be putting up more later >< but I want to say I think this is really cool >< will add screenshots, info, and whatnot later tonight when I've rested and such!
A Warrior's Friend: ID 335212 - Help Infernal save Valkyrie from Battle Maiden.
Above Mars Part 1: The Wellington: ID 159769 - Save Mars by destroying a monstrous battleship from the inside!
>.> My DA page, where I attempt to art.
Hmmm I hope I am sticking true to what you are asking for.
How about a page where my main villain, Black Magistar is taking on all comers in chess in perez park.
I figure you could have a line of Heroes waiting to take him on. Guys like Roxstar (we are in the same VG) and Yellow Wolf (we are in the same SG) could be in the line. You could have several of the posters in this thread make cameos.
Black is very dramatic so I could definately see him accussing people of cheating, calling them cretins, curs and throwing tantrums like burning or melting pieces. Freezing the board and shattering it with a fist. Ripping Roxstar a new one for playing while listening to his I-Pod.
After he plays his last match, a Paragon city policeman tells him "breaks over" and he steps into one of those orange jumpsuits the Prisoners wear and goes back to doing community service by picking up garbage with one of those pointy stick thingys.
You guys are getting the gist, so for Yellow Wolf, his situation would be "Trying to sell an apartment", for Black Magistrar, it would be "Chess game in the park."
So don't put your character in a situation, rather give me a situation: getting caught goofing off at work, shopping for groceries, I'm going to be choosing a situation and then putting characters in that situation.
Feel free to use Rowr for comic relief.
Ref screenie
She's good for that because she can be naive sometimes
Lol what about a hero pickin' their nose and then a whole bunch of villains laughin' at him! haha ebil.....puuuure ebil.
So we have:
Trying to sell an apartment
Playing Chess in the Park
Picking nose in public
Keep them coming!
playing multiplayer video games is always funny. we could have a few heroes on some pannels/villians on the other all playing COH/ ehhh?
I could see it now, YW all into the game with some other heroes at a lan type party and some villians somewhere else.
"I can't believe he just used 'rock' against me!" (halloween item)
you could really have fun with this page I think.
Or have our heroes playing online as us! Turning the tables, so to speak.
Attempting to put together a piece of IKEA furniture.
A Survivor or something situation. Someone gets voted off the island! :P
ACME!! Could always pull situations from those great old loony toons and their ACME products.
Edit: here's some to play around with.
Everyone would make an alliance to vote out TA. "He's too strong, he's go to go."
Sounds like an amaztic (so amazing and fantastic the words themselves imploded on each other to make that one) idea Alex. Can't wait to see what you come up with for everyone. Hope this is enough info for you this time around.
Situation: On vacation at a beach.
<edit: I added ref pics and my bio to my sig. Who says you can't learn from TA. >
Trying to garden and everything comes up dead. Must be a necromancer hiding around here somewhere...
if you remember Devin and
hows about this kind of situation.
Trinkit is in her work room, making huge and miraculous devices with ease with a bunch of touch screen monitors floating around her displaying her mathematics and engineering schematics, when Devin busts in the room, sits on something (more than likely very dangerous) and asks Trinkit what she is doing later.
She is rather distracted by her work and hardly notices Devin's busting in and sitting on her stuff, and only recognizes his presence to hold things for her.
The whole time, he is talking about this great theme park that opened across town, and it should be lots of fun. Brags about being an expert at the games and could win her a big stuffed animal.
In the mean time, Trinkit is piling stuff on Devin, and unknowing to him, trying to make what he is holding work.
Finally, Devin asks what she thinks. Trinkit smiles as she looks at him, and very excitedly shouts YES. Then, she switches the device on and it shocks Devin before she realizes he is there. She quickly turns the device off and sees if Devin is okay. She appologizes and tells him she didn't see him standing there.
Trinkit - She has the powers to create devices out of nothing, inventing things from her own creativity. She also has the power of force fields. Then, strangely enough she is also is her own computer, which intails she can have monitors or keyboard appear out of thin air around her, access to the internet just about anywhere, and solitaire. She gets very deep into her work and tends to block out the rest of the world while she creates. She is trying her best to come out of her shell, by dating Devin on an inconsistant schedual (damn being a super hero!).
Devin - Phaser. He is a hot head and loud mouth guy from Detriot. He ran away from home because his mother was using him to steal from banks and stores and eventually his disgust of his family life sent him off. He eventually returned to theiving to make ends meet and became a weapon collector. Out of all his weapons he looooves his specially made dual pistols. Originally .45s he had them converted into 9mm pistols and chrome plated. Those pistols are almost his defining characteristic, if it wasn't the fact that his Phasing ability has come so far as to allow him to adjust his or other objects density or even visibility. He once planned on using his super group, Mutant Force Five, for an alterior purpose, but since dating Trinkit he has come to odds with himself over his original purposes.
Member: Mutant Force Five, Chaos Legion & Team Awesome

Please, no character specific situations
Capn Jack, yours would be: Bugging someone while they are working on something to save the world"
Please, no character specific situations
Capn Jack, yours would be: Bugging someone while they are working on something to save the world"
[/ QUOTE ]
burring someone while they are working on something to save the world is fine...
or ...
playing games at the county fair...
((I'll get it right sooner or later))
Member: Mutant Force Five, Chaos Legion & Team Awesome

playing games at the county fair...
((I'll get it right sooner or later))
[/ QUOTE ]
that's a great one, can you imagine a group of heroes and villains playing that game where you shoot the waterguns to inflate a balloon!
*gets in line first!*
Page a Week November!
This is pretty ambitious of me, so I might fall on my face, but nothing ventured, nothing gained.
I'm going to do a comic book page(penciled most likely on the comptuer) a week! Each page will be a self-contained story of sorts! But instead of featuring just one character per page, I'd like to do two, three, maybe four, five is pushing it and six is most likely way out, but never say never.
With that I need from you teams, of two, three, four, you get the idea. I NEED good screenshots, front, back, side, and closeup of face, and short bio and powers. If that info is easily found in your sig, cool, if not please post them.
Now for the wacky part, I'll need situations, now I don't mind battles and such, but I would prefer normal situations or even wacky ones. Something like shopping for shoes, or making a sandwich or home improvement. Battling Lord Recluse over city is cool too, I likes to draw me battle scenes, but give me something odd or crazy. Keep the situation general, nothing like my toon racing all the fast toons on Virtue!
I will also need lines of dialogue. Battle cries, smart alecky remarks, those all work, once again, I want you to go crazy, so something like: "Monkeys are stealing my underwear!" would work! No obscenities or lewd remarks(unless they are so clever you can argue that they are not lewd and the moderators won't come after me with a wet herring!)
Fun part, I take your characters, choose at random a situation and then put in the dialogue, of course I'll add my own dialogue as well, having everyone shout "We are the knights of who say neee" over and over is funny, but only once.. or maybe twice.
So post your teams, your situations, and your dialogue! I'll randomly pick teams or put together individuals who post, but keep on posting situations and dialogue. If this works, and I hope it does, I can try to keep it going past November!
If you guys have any suggestions to improve this idea, which I thought up over dinner last night, by all means let me know!