'Massacre' Melanie art




I've really fallen in love with my Fire/Dark corruptor, 'Massacre' Melanie, over the months of playing CoV. She's the evil version of my Fire/Fire blaster, I find the calling of the Rogue Isles too great to resist. I had previously gotten a commission of her from an artist named Momo and more recently from another named Sue-chan. Since I'm extremely happy with how they turned out, I'm sharing them here.

While she's not a very well known character, she did place in the finals of the "Ladies of the Dark Isles" swimsuit contest on Virtue a while back. Her outfits really run the gamut, but this is her main outfit.

'Massacre' Melanie's normal in-game screenshot

Melanie by Momo, digitally colored by me.

Melanie by Sue-chan, ink and markers.


http://www.virtueverse.net/wiki/Massacre_Melanie -the original Fire/Dark Corruptor -
The Guide to BURN



She's really cute!!!



Very nice. I particularly like the one by Momo.



They look cool. I prefer the 2nd one over the 1st. It seems to have a manga touch to it.



Those are really nice.

�Alas, regardless of their doom, the little victims play!� - Thomas Gray



A fine investment, says I. I really like both of those... especially the first...



Do you have a link for those artists?



Nice art and nice character!



Great pics ! and you need to draw a few yourself as I sooo know you draw :P

great seeing you on the art boards



[color=#cc99cc]Those are both really great, liking the one by Momo a lot.

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