Welcome Home by Brandon McKinney
That's nice!
�Alas, regardless of their doom, the little victims play!� - Thomas Gray
Really good stuff there.
A little something Brandon and I have been working on
Welcome Home Algon Hyve
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Awesome looking piece!

Very nice. What is going on with the beret? Is the Mastermind giving it to a hero, another villain?
The Dark Blade
"I've felt your mouse on me before, you perv...." - Troy Hickman
Paragon Wiki
Very nice. What is going on with the beret? Is the Mastermind giving it to a hero, another villain?
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Take a look at my MM in my Sig.. that should answer you question
LvL 50's Inv/Em Tank, Katana/Regen Scrapper, Merc/Traps MM, Ninja/Dark MM, Crab
@Torell Guardian, Liberty & Freedom

Very cool!!! I need to get a piece from Brandon.
A little something Brandon and I have been working on
Welcome Home Algon Hyve
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as other have said very nice. whats the story behind it? shot like this could us the set up...~
...the sword is truth...
Very cool.
A little something Brandon and I have been working on
Welcome Home Algon Hyve
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as other have said very nice. whats the story behind it? shot like this could us the set up...~
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Lord Sammarov is a Hero and is Lord of House Sammarov (my hero side SG). Algon is a Villian and just completed the Redemption Trail/TF/Mish and returns home to House Sammarov. where he belongs
LvL 50's Inv/Em Tank, Katana/Regen Scrapper, Merc/Traps MM, Ninja/Dark MM, Crab
@Torell Guardian, Liberty & Freedom

there we go...adds a bit more weight an meaning to the piece, for me at least. this in turn makes me like the piece even more.
silly I suppose, but that's how it goes....especially for pieces like these where there is obviously a story involved. it is these stories, or backdrops, that complete the picture....otherwise we are left to wonder...what the hell is goin on here? ...but that's just me.~
...the sword is truth...
Someone should recreate that moment as a Norman Rockwell style painting.
I like that piece a lot Torell and the backstory puts a lot of "umph!" into the pic.
Lol, after typing that it looked kinda funny. I'm gonna leave it anyway.
Eee! And my excitement to see my own Brandon McKinney commission increases a little more.
Awesome piece, man.
Gah I love Brandon's art.
And what a very very nice story to go with it! (or is it the other way around?) Excellent work on both sides of the comission.
Please read my FEAR/Portal/HalfLife Fan Fiction!
Amazing awesome piece. I don't know how crits go here around here, but I have one if you dont mind. It's not mean spirited at all I promise, it's just something I noticed.
To me, the armored guys legs look a tad too skinny, almost like they wouldnt support the heaviness of his chest.
Anyway, even with that minor bit I noticed, the picture is amazing. The other 50 billion characters are flawless. Great job! I love it.
A little something Brandon and I have been working on
Welcome Home Algon Hyve
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I had to reallly think what to say about this... I really REALLY like this thing >.<; I think what I like most is there's a sense of narrative, cause I checked your sig and tried to get a feel for the situation. Its definitely cool.
A Warrior's Friend: ID 335212 - Help Infernal save Valkyrie from Battle Maiden.
Above Mars Part 1: The Wellington: ID 159769 - Save Mars by destroying a monstrous battleship from the inside!
>.> My DA page, where I attempt to art.
The backstory you provide gives this piece so much more weight and significance than just "Yay, more Brandon art FTW!"
Speaking of which, how is Brandon? Haven't heard from 'im in awhile...
"Take the Yuan-Ti, bash them with a club made of frozen stupidity, then rip out their sense of subtlety with a rusty spoon, and then you have the Snakes of Mercy Isle" -Taltha Widowfang, drow stalker
Now playing at an MA near you: Dragonslayers #335375
Wow, that's one sweet piece you got out of Brandon!
Hello all -
This was a really cool piece to work on with Torell. What I enjoy most about art is Storytelling, and he has a heck of a cool story behind this. Torell was also a great Art Director -- he really knew what he wanted and I think we ended up with a cool looking piece with an interesting backstory.
AS always, I greatly appreciate the comments and the feedback -- ALL feedback -- Dante, I hate to say it, but you're absolutely correct about the skinny legs on Lord Samarrov. Dang it!
Anyone ever work on a piece for hours and not see an obvious flaw until someone else notices it?
Anyone ever work on a piece for hours and not see an obvious flaw until someone else notices it?
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Sadly, all too often! I tend to go into a wonderful, yet strange "zone" when I'm creating - hours pass like minutes, I cease to "think" and just draw. Afterwards - I find I have to put it on the couch and step back and just look at it for a while to actually "see" it for the first time.
I'm trying to force myself more to break out of it every so often and come up for air - even tho it breaks the "in the zone" feeling. But I'm also trying to train myself to more easily/controllably go into the "zone" whenever I want.
Hello all -
This was a really cool piece to work on with Torell. What I enjoy most about art is Storytelling, and he has a heck of a cool story behind this. Torell was also a great Art Director -- he really knew what he wanted and I think we ended up with a cool looking piece with an interesting backstory.
AS always, I greatly appreciate the comments and the feedback -- ALL feedback -- Dante, I hate to say it, but you're absolutely correct about the skinny legs on Lord Samarrov. Dang it!
Anyone ever work on a piece for hours and not see an obvious flaw until someone else notices it?
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Very nice work Brandon! I think you did an excellent job telling the story in a static image. *Pulls out paddle* As far as looking at a piece for hours and missing a few flaws we are in the same boat my friend. * Har! Har! Har! Its an artists life for me! * Looks over at DJ, Graver, and Sayterra hey yall better be singing too...lol!
Hello all -
This was a really cool piece to work on with Torell. What I enjoy most about art is Storytelling, and he has a heck of a cool story behind this. Torell was also a great Art Director -- he really knew what he wanted and I think we ended up with a cool looking piece with an interesting backstory.
AS always, I greatly appreciate the comments and the feedback -- ALL feedback -- Dante, I hate to say it, but you're absolutely correct about the skinny legs on Lord Samarrov. Dang it!
Anyone ever work on a piece for hours and not see an obvious flaw until someone else notices it?
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Very nice work Brandon! I think you did an excellent job telling the story in a static image. *Pulls out paddle* As far as looking at a piece for hours and missing a few flaws we are in the same boat my friend. * Har! Har! Har! Its an artists life for me! * Looks over at DJ, Graver, and Sayterra hey yall better be singing too...lol!
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Me too <,< I'm not even *half* as good as any of you big peoples - and I definitely make that kinda mistake all the time <x.x> Current piece I'm working on I have to find a way to edit someone's arm thinner... cause I made one arm too thick >.<;;
DAMN YOU EVIL LINEART! <T.T> /failsatlife
A Warrior's Friend: ID 335212 - Help Infernal save Valkyrie from Battle Maiden.
Above Mars Part 1: The Wellington: ID 159769 - Save Mars by destroying a monstrous battleship from the inside!
>.> My DA page, where I attempt to art.
Squirrel then sing along.
*Har! Har! Har! Its an artists life for me!*
A little something Brandon and I have been working on
Welcome Home Algon Hyve
LvL 50's Inv/Em Tank, Katana/Regen Scrapper, Merc/Traps MM, Ninja/Dark MM, Crab
@Torell Guardian, Liberty & Freedom