Completely OOC... Odd things you notice here!
Hehe, yeah....
But even I had a crush on my 3rd grade teacher way back when...It was all harmless presents of construction paper hearts and things(not to mention it probably only lasted a month and a half)...but....yeaaaaah....
I'll probably think of some weird things later. One thing I find odd in most threads I'm in:
Tech. Almost everyone has it, the tech can do everything that can be done magically, mutantly and naturally but to a better degree than anything else. Who's to say so-and-so's magical sword isn't superior than so-and-so's disintegrator blade? I'm not saying nerf RP tech or anything but Experiment 2.0 is the only person I've seen that uses tech that actually malfunctions on its own(one of the drawbacks of using tech I would say). Maybe I'm just noticing the tech/gadget guys more than the magic/mutant guys.

Aside from the fact that you, apparently, have way too much time on your hands this weekend? j/k
When in danger, or in doubt; Run in circles, scream and shout.
Leo: Yeah... I noticed the whole 'Everyone has tech' thing, which is why 2.0 has so much malfunctioning stuff. Some of it works fine, but he has specialized his efforts to maximize its potential. The reason most people don't have malfunctioning tech is probably because they don't have millions of freakin' devices to work on.
On the 3rd grade teacher thing... Here is a restraining order. This allows me to stabify you if you get within five continents of me. Think about that.
Arashi: Well... It isn't like I have a social life. That, and I kind of don't like the sun, so... Yeah.
Yeah, now that I think about it....what are you doing reading SH101? I dunno, maybe you always read it but maybe you *DO* have a little extra time on your hands this weekend...

The other RPs are not moving.
I have nothing else to do but listen to music and read these forums.
I mean, I probably do, but I can't be bothered to do it. Plus, if my computer turns off, it doesn't turn on for a few days, so I try and get the most out of it I can.
I think that is another reason 2.0 has so much bad tech... Same thing happens in real life to me.
Well, as for Essex, I think of her 'relationship potential' on the same level as a 4th-grade crush. She's much more mature than the form she's in, even if she is really naive.
If she decides to actually be 'in love', she might try to convince Dr. West to build her an older body. Which means Angry-Dad interrogations for Hal. >:3
My own personal What The HELL? is the fact that Essex keeps making friends with every villain she meets. D:
As far as others...Um... I can't think of anything right now. To be honest, Ian's teacher-crush isn't that weird to me, because I've seen the same thing happen lots of times. <.<
Art - Theme 005 - Seeking Solace
Wow, Doc West is much more reserved than 2.0 would be...
He would probably make Hal test out every device he thought was lethal until the kid died if he had made Essex.
Hey! My 3rd grade teacher was HOT!
....I mean, she was young and attractive(don't have many of those in my educational career).
All I have to say is follow these steps:
1. Confirm you're between the age of 13-18(I'm sure you're somewhere between there 2.0).
2. Go log onto CoX and find various heroines/villainess and rate their attractiveness.
3. Imagine them as teachers.
For me, I could imagine what most male reactions would be. I'm 19 so I still know adolecents(12-16 right? or is it 13-18?) .

1. 14. Check.
2... Okay, I am not THAT bored.
3... How. 'Bout. No.
...They would be a bad influence on me, if they were villains. Heroines already have an.. Attractive look, most of the time. Also, half the time, if they are overly attractive, most likely they aren't even really female. First thing I think, then I get a mental image of a forty year old guy trying to talk naive 15-16 year olds into...
I suppose the most mature way to put it... Is cybZ0rZ.
Well the reason I say look for female characters is so you get the general idea how they look in the CoX realm. You could just go to Atlas Park and take a look at Ms. Libery(which isn't played by a guy because she's an NPC...). She's very attractive....I don't think I should say anything else....

Very much appreciated Ess... Very. Much. Appreciated.
Aaaanyway... Off the hot-teacher subject that it seems Leo won't give up on for SOME reason, who agrees with Leo that the whole tech-usage thing is odd? What with the amazing amount of technology, and its usefulness?
And, as an edit, I just noticed. Essex changed her name to Essex_ToasterS6... Poor Essie table-cloths herself when being a toaster is mentioned, and now her creator just has to go and make it worse... *Tsk*.
Thanks for changing the subject...I really didn't want to go even deeper into that stuff .
Something that Ess brought up: Villains befriending the little android. Those must be some soft villains....

Well... she IS overly friendly...
...But I still don't think she enjoys Blightlord's company, right Ess?
Well... she IS overly friendly...
[/ QUOTE ]
Help!!! I need an adult!!!!!
It seems I am able to post tonight.
I would note that Hal is actually seven at the time of Crown of Thorns. Yeah, he's seventeen physically, but if you take his actual age into consideration it's not so bad. Or anyway that is, I'm sure, what Hal keeps telling himself.
And Schizo? Come on. He's messed up in every other way. . . what did you expect?
Well, Schizo may be messed up...
...But come on...
...He is now someone, if 2.0 had seen the first part of that, the next one in line for disembowlment.
. . . Given circumstances in Crown of Thorns. . . isn't Schizo ALREADY next in line?
Well, yes, but he will continue being next in line until he has no bowel existing to rid him of.
Hmmm...well, Leo does bring up a valid point with the tech thing there. I guess most tech-users in the comicbook world rely on mostly prototypes and what they themselves fave created - like Experiment.
As for my guys, Acid and his crew...well, things are usually quite volatile in the design stage, especially if someone happens to be meditating near it. But seeing how they have an intelligent supercomputer as well as a sentinent computer virus that can exist in the real world, the series models are pretty close to flawless.
Schwarzherz, on the other hand, uses both tech and magic, so the tech he doesn't know how to work is magically augmented until it does.
And Spion and Pete...they use your general off-the-shelf stuff. After all, there are enough tech stores in Paragon City that can either be bought or stolen from, inversely respectfully.
Actually, that does remind me of the Etatstopper, which was supposed to work like a better sapstick - as in intended to weaken enemies but not kill them - but ended up draining all energy from the victims' molecules, causing them to die in a most painful and horrific way until they finally crumbled to dust...
"If I had Force powers, vacuum or not my cape/clothes/hair would always be blowing in the Dramatic Wind." - Tenzhi
This 'Etatstopper' scares me. I must investigate.
Well, my only real tech characters are Asuka, Dr. Vladamir and Tetsuko. And the last two I only used for comedic purposes (and Dr. Vladamir has some pretty wacky inventions...)
I get kinda irate at people using demons as their characters or having their characters in some way associated with demons.
I'm guilty of this, of course, with Asuka's energy-sucking sword, but the idea behind her was to combine all the origins (except mutation) and confuse the hell out of people: ninjitsu (magic/natural), implants (science/tech), and her sword (tech/magic).
I also notice a LOT of people limit themselves to the archetypes. There are a few notable exceptions of course
In case you people hadn't noticed from my speed posting, I am always here waiting for posts.
Hehe, 2.0 is the same way, but instead of mutation, he is nowhere near Magic. He has acrobatics, which are natural, his dark armour, gained from mutation, his spines, gained from science, and everything else from tech.
As for 'limiting to archetypes'... I will assure you, 2.0 is nowhere NEAR limited by that. For instance, grenades, all types of vehicles, and other technical devices, while having spines, and rarely, dark armour, as well as basic training in weapons.
Something else weird I notice...
When I am at school, or otherwise not on the forums, there will be a million posts. The second I start watching, the whole forum just... Stops.
Is the forum a kettle, waiting to boil?
I get kinda irate at people using demons as their characters or having their characters in some way associated with demons.
[/ QUOTE ]
I have to ask why is that? I ask because I have a character that's essentially a demon mastermind with demon ninja. If I can find out what peeves people off about them I can at least try to dodge that or figure something out to cover it up .
And when it comes to tech, I don't really care it's just you never know what they're going to pull out. I run into few posts that say exactly how much and what kind of gadgets and tech people have on them(or capable of obtaining) in an RP. It's probably just me but I keep thinking, "Okay, they just made that up..." while the mutants only have so and so different applications of their powers.
I suppose that's why I tend to stay away from the stuff in RP because it's too complicated. Mutants have limits because their powers probably have limits; Mystics may tap into something they're not prepared for and get their soul ripped from their body or something; Naturals are limited to what their body can sustain; Tech/Science can be limitless and often times is portrayed as such in RPs. Do people subconsiously build in limits to their tech?
I also notice a LOT of people limit themselves to the archetypes. There are a few notable exceptions of course.
[/ QUOTE ]
I tend to limit myself by AT....kind of. My main katana scrapper guy has element 'control' which I try to downplay because it seems overpowered to me. It's weird.....I don't really know what I can do about AT limiting....I guess as long as you don't have a billion 'I win' powers on a characters you're good....right?
How do you know if characters have crossed the line?

This is for any odd things you notice in RP on these forums...
Let me point out, and go into, the most obvious thing here.
Very ODD crushes, and the age differences between them.
For instance, just now, I read some of Super Hero 101... Well, Leogunner, you are close to having a character with the STRANGEST infatuation, what with the teacher and all...
Hal x Essex.... I am sure I have talked about the oddness of this relationship before, but I will simply sum this one up in one acronym...
Hal is eternally 17. Essex, unless modified, is eternally... 6. Can anyone say 'Pedophilia'? I sure can. Granted, Hal isn't 18, but still... Almost 10 year difference, people!
...I think I will leave out Reikoff x Veronica... I don't even WANT to get into THAT one...
Schizo x Essex... Let us just say, I will not think of Schizo the same way ever again. Ever.
...Ever. <.< >.> X.x
Well, what have YOU people noticed?