Jay's Costume Request Thread
We were discussing this the other night, any chance of a "Fat" slider? Please? Screenie
Jay is sexy. Ian ain't so bad.
I would really like to see a Kheldian Sash option.
Though I am uncomfortable saying Jay is Sexy, I'm sure I'll figure out a way to work those words into this post.
Give Jay_The_Tailor a Red Name!
That and I really want to put your symbol on your cape, and put the same symbol in several places on your uniform. (thinking riddler here) or perhaps different symbols.
More cowboy hats!
Hair for witches!
legs for men. I have a guy in a bathing suit, it would be nice if his legs could have skin tone too.
Space suits!
Ok ok, I'll say it. Jay is Sexy. God I hope this doesn't get out to the guys at work, or the corner store.
[color=gold][b][size=5]♪ Sometimes you feel like a Tank, Sometimes you don't! ♪[/size][/color][/b]
[url=http://boards.cityofheroes.com/showthread.php?t=114726][color=black][b][size=5]Moon [color=red]Hazard [color=black]Zone![/size][/color][/color][/color][/b][/url]
Love the screenie of "Lexpin Kingluthor".
This has been requested before in other threads, but can my zombie mastermind please have a "Vahzilok" buzzing flies aura? My scrapper had it during a series of missions early in her career, so could my zombie toons have it on purpose?
Jay would be much sexier with a red name.
Would Love to use those "Badges" we earn through out the game, as "badges" or even as Broches on our Heroes/Villans.
Jay is Teh Uber Sex.
to much? ok ok...
Jay is Sexy.
The Official Resident Fanboi of dUmb
Always Allow/Disallow Mystic Fortune Prompt!

Here's the stuff I'd like to see, in order.
1) Fortunata-style full-length flowing skirts as a "cape" option. They're already on NPCs and I have a character which BEGS for a long back-skirt like this (a hero, ironically enough.)
2) Full-body robes like you see on the Circle of Thorns. I'm really sort of surprised those aren't under "robes" already. Again, this is an existing art asset and model that I'd like to see on players if possible.
3) Another existing art asset: Legacy Chain mantles as a shoulder/chest choice. Just something to diversify the shoulders away from "spiky evil", really.
4) This one's on the bottom of the totem pole because it'd be hard. You know the pictures of they Mystics from page 19 of the City of Villains artbook (the collector's edition one?) The Mystics with the full-body capes that seem to hook into their shoulder pauldrons? I want that, so very bad. I have a villain who begs for a look like that. I know a few things about animation and I understand just how hard that'd be to properly animate with the current Cities engine, but if we're wishing for ponies I might as well wish for a thoroughbred.
Here is another good example of what I mean with a full-body cape, and it also demonstrates why it'd be so hard to animate... but I waaaaant it.
Essentially, with full-body capes, mystical robes, Legacy Chain mantles and long skirts, I'm asking really: give us Magical types some love!
Of course, I know Jay can do this. He's so sexy he made me realize things about myself I never even knew.
I would love to see lower cut boots as a costume option, hopefully with a few different masking options (such as laced, with socks, without socks, with tights option from the legs, etc).
Jay is sexy.
I would like to see female Carnie outfits added to the costume section.
Jay is sexy
Hey Jay!
Love reading your threads. Anyhow, here are my thoughts:
<ul type="square">[*] Trenchcoats: these are already in the pipe for future release AFAIK, byut I mention them for completeness. Just as long as we have a couple to choose from (ideas: modern canvas, modern leather, a pirate/ Reniassance design, 20's style with fur collor, etc.)
[*] Wings: same as above. Choices would include bat, angel/ bird, deamon (think Behemoth Overlord), pixie/ faerie, butterfly, wasp, etc.
[*] Chain mail: maybe too WoW, but I was thinking about this with one of my alts, whose name I borrowed from one of my old DAoC characters. In homage, I tried to recreate his DAoC costume, but couldn't find a suitable chainmail selection. Just make a skin pattern for arms/ torso/ legs with a repeating chain and/ or scale mail pattern, should be easy to do Plus, a pattern could be applied to any costume piece (read: bikinis
More ideas when I think of them. Thanks for reading Jay
Edit: Jay is "teh sexy", too sexy for this thread.
Sipmle request:
Option for hairstyles with hats - even if it is only certain ones.
Example: Put on a hat and look in the mirror.
Edit: Jay is symmetrical.
I would love to see lower cut boots as a costume option, hopefully with a few different masking options (such as laced, with socks, without socks, with tights option from the legs, etc).
Jay is sexy.
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I fully support this idea, and its implementation would make Jay even sexier than he already is.
I second that lower cut boots idea.
And the bigger symbols on capes ala Arachnos soldiers.
Oh! Id really like some shoulder pieces that would mesh well with capes, you know, kind of like Statesman's upper cape part he's sporting nowadays. Just a couple different ones that look "gathered" at the shoulders. Sorry, no screenies
One more thing. I need, nay, I CRAVE that greek hairstyle that the contact in Pocket D had (his name escapes me, he was the one in the toga). Ive wanted a hairstyle like that ever since the game came out and when I saw it on him I felt slighted.
Jay, according to numerous people around the world, is in fact a SEXY BEAST.
Yay for sexy Jay! (and Ian!)
1. Kheldian Sashes (even if earned for something like the Moonfire TF)
2. V-neck tops in Tops with Skin.*
3. Scoop-neck tops in Tops with Skin.*
4. Square-neck tops in Tops with Skin.*
5. Off-the-shoulder tops in Tops with Skin.*
*Basically, tops that allow a bit of neck and/or shoulder to show without being strapless/sleeveless.
6. All of the above tops in short-sleeve options also. (Think v-neck Hanes t-shirts)
7. Full-length tank tops for females. (Like the "sports" bra top, only full-length.)
8. A "Strapless Sleeves" option, like "Bandeau Sleeves" that currently exists, but for the regular "Strapless" top.
9. Skirts with leather texture(s).
10. Skirts with the "Tights Sleek" texture.
11. Flat shoes ("Slip On 1") that can be used with full tights. (Add a "with tights" option to Slip On 1, like "with socks" on the Sneakers.)
12. Halter tops, both cropped and full-length.
13. Baggy tops with V-necks, Scoop-necks, and Square-necks.
14. Plain Baggy Tops (non-textured) for use like sweatshirts.
15. Ankle-height boots (of all sole types). (available with and without "tights" reaching down to the boot)
16. True bangs with ponytails. (Combine the front of the "Bangs" hairstyle with the back of the "Low Ponytail" and "High Ponytail".)
17. Shorter ponytails/pigtails.
18. Braided pigtails/ponytails.
19. Low pigtails. (Banded behind and below the ear, instead of on top of the head)
20. Long hair (like Glam) with varying front hairlines: Bangs, over one eye, etc.
21. The option to have "Makeup 1", "Makeup 2", "Makeup 3", and "Makeup 4" both with and without matching lip color. (Some colors don't look right on lips at times.)
22. Solid-color thigh-highs. ("Fishnets" pattern with a solid fill, instead of the fishnet texture)
I'll stop there, honest!
..and Jay's sexy.
More Tribal Tattoos - A tribalized Dragon down each arm would be fantastic.
Supergroup Logos on Capes (think that's what Golden Ace meant anyhow).
More Anthropomorphic Options - The reign of Catgirls and Werewolves must end! (No offense to either). My toon Deadly Panda just looks more Deadly than Panda at the moment.
Animal heads with regular necks instead of the 'Big Fuzzy' necks from Monsterous (ok, so this just continues my Anthropomorphic idea)
And that brings me to my last point - Detail Options for Monsterous Heads - My Leet Photoshop Skillz!
I Must agree, Jay would be sexier as a Redname
EDIT: Cat Ears for Men would be handy too.
Okay here are some suggestions:
1. Angel wings, bat wings, and insect wings - each with a simple little animation that activates when you fly. A small pair of bat wings for the temples on one's head would also be nice.
2. Transluscency - Some phase/stealth powers create a transparency effect, so why not have it as a fixed option. Here I am thinking of Ice/Smoke/Astral themed characters.
3. Arachnos costume pieces - It still really annoys everyone that those Arachnos helmets are now largely unavailable. Adding them to the options would be nice.
Also the "over the shoulders" Spider chestpiece that all Arachnos personnel wear would be nice. At a stretch, the "Spider Legs backpack" of the Crab Spiders would make a nice addition.
4. Under the "face" options, many makeup styles are available, but none allow for someone to choose a separate colour for eyeshadow and lips. The two areas should be independently colourable.
5. Cigars for women!
6. Hair - I've felt for a long time that the hair styles and textures are the weak link in costume creation. Unless one uses a very dark colour all hair styles appear to be plastic wigs or a skilled work of origami. More vibrant textures and some reworked styles would help to fix this.
7. Shoulder animal - some more variations please, like a spider, snake, bat, parrot, etc.
8. More helmets - Japanese style helms, Retro Sci Fi helms, elaborate and ornamental helmets.
9. A veil would be nice for female toons. Not the small frontal veil we now have, but an over-the-head all around veil, like at wedding or in really scary movies
10. A quiver option under belts, for archers, a holster option for gunners and a sheath/scabbard option, for those with swords.
11. A harlequin/jester parti-coloured outfit!
12. A spider-eyed head type similar Tarantula Mistresses.
The Widow's Dark Hand - leader of Faux Pas
Champion Server
Tee Hee!

My Top 10 list (in no particular order):
1. "Leather Straps" glove and boot color mask patterns (mentioned in the previous thread).
2. Shorts 1-4 for male and huge characters.
3. Shoulder animals for male and huge characters.
4. Shoulder parrots! Please? We have all these pirate costume pieces, and no parrots... it's very sad.
5. Hawaiian shirts (whether a new costume piece or just a new pattern).
6. Upper arm (for Robotic Arm styles) and upper leg styles that better match the Robotic Claw pieces.
7. Kilts for men.
8. Larger "outer" chest logos on the women's jackets -- they're so tiny right now, you can barely see them.
9. Barbed wire wrap boots (you can get gloves, belts, even masks, but not boots).
10. Actual names for the Brooches, so I can actually find what I'm looking for.
Hey Jay!
Love reading your threads. Anyhow, here are my thoughts:
<ul type="square">[*] Trenchcoats: these are already in the pipe for future release AFAIK, byut I mention them for completeness.
Just as long as we have a couple to choose from (ideas: modern canvas, modern leather, a pirate/ Reniassance design, 20's style with fur collor, etc.)
[*] Wings: same as above. Choices would include bat, angel/ bird, deamon (think Beheamoth Overlord), pixie/ faerie, butterfly, wasp, etc.
[*] Chain mail: maybe too WoW, but I was thinking about this with one of my alts, whose name I borrowed from one of my old DAoC characters. In homage, I tried to recreate his DAoC costume, but couldn't find a suitable chainmail selection. Just make a skin pattern for arms/ torso/ legs with a repeating chain and/ or scale mail pattern, should be easy to do [/list]
More ideas when I think of them. Thanks for reading Jay
Edit: Jay is "teh sexy", too sexy for this thread.
[/ QUOTE ]
Triumph Server
FerralWolf lvl 50 elec/elec Blaster
FerralStorm lvl 35 storm/energy Defender
Sound Vibe lvl 33 sonic/psychic Defender
Lord FerralWolf lvl 35 Peacebringer
PsiFerral lvl 37 plant/psi Dominator
Healing Fires lvl 16 fire/thermal Corrupter
I would like to see an option where you can change hair on the various hats. As much as I like the cowboy hat and duster, many times I do not use them because the resulting hair does not fit the concept.
Also Jay is sexy.
1) Pirate shirt from CoV beta. Jay is sexy.
2) Eye lenses like many superheroes have, which block out the pupils. Screenshot (Best way to implement this would be to make a new category for "Eyes" and just offer Lens or No Lens, so people can combine with whatever masks they want. Jay is sexy.)
Ian is probably sexy, too.
3) Masks without mouths. More of 'em please. Would allow better use of the "full mask" option. Screenshot (To be more specific, I'm referring to mask patterns, not the actual "Face" options available. Like Deadpool has the two black spots around his eyes, but no black pointing out where his mouth should be.)
I once heard of a firefighter named Jay. He saved lives.
Jay asked me to post this for him, take it away, Jay:
Howdy Im Jay. I am one of the character artists here at Cryptic. The other artist that works on characters is Ian. We make will be making all of the new costume options and characters that you will see in up coming issues.
The purpose of this thread is for you to put in your request for costume pieces. So if you want see something on your character please post it here. If you want to point out a bug, there is a thread for that called Jay's Costume Bug Fix Thread.
Costume requests posted here will be addressed in future updates (time and scheduling pending).
Your happiness is our priority; thats right you, the guy or girl reading this. You guys love to make super heroes and I love to make pieces for you. Its fun coming up with ideas for what you guys want. Here is your chance to influence the future of the costume creator.
I will be looking at this thread every chance I get. One of the first thing I will do everyday is hit refresh on my web browser to see all of the crazy things you guys come up with. There is no middle man here, everything you post will be read by the costume guys (Me and Ian). I want you to be happy with all of the characters you create. We may not respond but know that we are reading this thread. Please understand these are requests and many of these will not make it to the game, only the really cool ones will. And when you see something that you requested pop up in the costume creator you can take pride in knowing that it was all because of you. When you see someone running around the game that has a glowing metallic plunger on his head, you can tell him that it was your super awesome idea. When he tells you that you are a nut ball because only a super sassy concept artist can come up with great ideas like that, you can smile because you are not crazy, right?
When posting, please be polite and to the point. The shorter the post the better, plus there is a better chance of the request getting in. Screenshots, Screenshots, Screenshots, they are very helpful in illustrating your point.
Here is example 1: I would really love to have bat wings. Jay is sexy. (Screenshot of some guy with batwings)
Here is example 2: I gots to gets me some Trenchcoat. Jay is sexy. (Screenshot of Trenchcoats)
Here is an example how NOT to do post:
*scream* OMG I need to have <random costume piece>, make the sliders so I can make <random body change>. BTW all the devs suck and Jay is not sexy. *panic ensues* (No Screenshot)
Djeannie is a member that has made some really nice posts that I have used; you may look to her/him for a solid post. OK, have at it.
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