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  1. Duck_LOrange

    Vectorman WIP!

    Love the WIP Definitely watching for this one.

    And the Ender series is definitely one of my all-time favourites
  2. Woot! Thanks for featuring my Nina piece That took me completely by surprise!
  3. But of course, Nina I loved doing this piece... I still have a few tiny touch-ups I'd like to do (coloring the linework, for example)

    Yes, I realize this is a pseudo-necropost... I don't read the forums as often as I should
  4. I've been keeping this one under wraps for a while now - pretty much just Nina, Hex, and a few other people even saw the works in progress.

    I actually had this whole pose thought out in my head before I asked Nina if I could take some screenshots of her - she just seemed like the right subject for this one. (My apologies to people who have asked me for art - it's still coming! This was just begging to be drawn though!)

    Anyway, I'll stop going on about it... because we all know we're here for the art!

    Naughty Nina
  5. Duck_LOrange

    Simplified TA

    Hey everyone

    I know I've disappeared for a few months.. life has been pretty eventful, to say the least. I've started sketching and colouring again, and decided to play with some new techniques. To practice them, I decided to start with a fairly simple and goofy sketch...

    and for some reason, whenever I start drawing goofy, TA is the result. *shrugs* At least there's no Ninja Volcanoes this time.

    Anyhow, enough rambling. Here's the incredibly Simplified TA

    And unrelated to CoH, please meet Cthulhu from Accounting.

    I've got more coming soon
  6. That is an amazing piece
  7. Don't worry - I delve into massive cutetardedness every now and then on my DA :P

    can't wait to see what you put together next
  8. It's not bad, it's cutetarded!
  9. Again, CoHLCD's home page isn't online right now.
  10. HeroStats isn't my creation, so I can't take credit for it.

    I'm having trouble with both CoHLCD and HeroStats as of today's patch as well - once HeroStats has corrected their system for the patch, I'll do so with CoHLCD as well.

    CoHLCD's home page isn't online right now for various reasons, but I hope to have it back up in the next few weeks.
  11. MightyIsis,

    try this: /bind somekey "++autorun$$e flyposex"

    I'm at work right now, so I can't say for certain that works correctly or not
  12. Hey Weijyan,

    I'm replying in a PM - I don't really want to turn this thread into a CoHLCD discussion
  13. I guess that would work too I derived this from my old Dynamic Taunt bindset, which required loading different /say commands as each was used, and performing a taunt at the same time.
  14. I know what you mean... I picked up a pair of Z - 10 Speakers for my second PC, because it was weird not having CoHLCD *somewhere*
  15. The following is a quick guide to recreating the dynamic feel of the i8 Test Flyposes. To achieve this, we are going to create 4 text files which will contain some Keybinds. You'll also need to choose a key on your keyboard that will activate the poses - we're going to use TILDE for this example (the squiggly thing next to the 1-key).

    First, create a folder on your computer to store a few small text files in. I suggest making a folder called "binds" right in the root of your C: drive, to keep the commands short

    Once you've made your new folder, open Notepad (Start -> All Programs -> Accessories).

    In Notepad, type the following:

    <font class="small">Code:[/color]<hr /><pre>TILDE "emote flypose1$$bindloadfile c:\binds\fly2.txt</pre><hr />

    Save this file in our C:\binds folder as fly1.txt. What we've done is created a bind to the TILDE key which activates the flight pose, and then loads a new bind file, fly2.txt.

    Still in Notepad, type the following, and save it as fly2.txt in the same folder:
    <font class="small">Code:[/color]<hr /><pre>TILDE "emote flypose2$$bindloadfile c:\binds\fly3.txt</pre><hr />

    Save this as fly3.txt in the same folder.
    <font class="small">Code:[/color]<hr /><pre>TILDE "emote flypose3$$bindloadfile c:\binds\fly4.txt</pre><hr />

    And last, save this as fly4.txt, again in the same folder.
    <font class="small">Code:[/color]<hr /><pre>TILDE "emote flypose4$$bindloadfile c:\binds\fly1.txt</pre><hr />

    The next step is to load City of Heroes, and load in a Flying character. Once in-game, enter the following command:

    <font class="small">Code:[/color]<hr /><pre>/bindloadfile c:\binds\fly1.txt</pre><hr />

    Now, start flying! While travelling straight, hit your TILDE key (or whatever you chose to bound to), and you should enter Flypose1. Hit it again, and you should enter Pose 2. Then Pose 3, 4, and back to 1.

    This lets you quickly cycle through the poses using only 1 key, instead of binding them each to seperate keys, or only choosing one to use. And that's it!
  16. Yes, this will also work for the G11 (the G11 didn't exist when I originally wrote this, so it wasn't mentioned at the time)
  17. As a die-hard fan of Fire Tankers, I just have to say Thank you This single thread has really summed up the potential of Issue 9 better than much of my past reading/toying/testing combined.
  18. Lol, you're still welcome :P
  19. The original sketch was just a mechanical pencil on paper... the rest was done in photoshop. I do use the Pen tool to trace the outlines of my lineart as a vector, and then fill in the lines.
  20. So about 6 months ago, I posted a Pencil Sketch of my main, Duck L'Orange. I *finally* inked and coloured today! So yea, the costume is old, and I have no wings... I still really like the sketch :P

    Duck L'Orange - Completed
  21. I'd like to present my first almost-commission! Herricane and Mistress Noire!

    Mistress Noire asked me to draw this as a Thank You to Herricane, and since they're both friends of mine I refused any payment for it.. though I hear cookies may be involved

    Pencil Sketch to Digital Ink and Colour - this is what I was taking a break from when I was drawing those goofy TA comics :P

    And look! They don't have a spare, unnecessary bicep like a certain other piece I drew.
  22. It's those sneaky volcanoes I tell ya!