Looking to do something more Ambitious
MarDun would love this!
Will these pics do? You can read more about him in my sig.

Become a Fan of MarDun on Facebook - Follow on Twitter : MarDun_COH
I'm more than willing. Let me list:
Tomb of Samedi mind/force field controller, Dominate, Confuse, Mesmerize, Levitate, Personal FOrce Field, Dispersion Field
Tomb of Samedi Tomb of Samedi's twin brother, mind/psi dominator. Mesmerize, Dominate, Confuse, Levitate, Telekinesis, Psi Bolt, Drain Psyche
Lord Apollon Arrow/Fire Blaster, Ranged SHot, Blazing Arrow, Fire Sword, Burn, Blazing Aura, Aimed Shot, Exploding Arrow
StaticThunder loves to participate in these things. He is currently lvl50 elec/elec/elec blaster on the Champion forum.
Here are some alternate drawings of him. He is also working on a new uniform.
StaticThunder close up StaticThunder by _Juggertha
StaticThunder by Counterweight
StaticThunder by Psibug
Good luck
BTW, it does not matter if I have done a char for you before, this is open to everyone. So repeats are welcome!!!
Here is my bad girl.
back first
and front
sounds like an exciting idea I look forward to seeing the results.
she is energy invuln and can have the sparkly glow and pink pom poms if you are so inspired.
I ment to say I will be using between 4 and 6 chars. I would like as many people that feel so inclined to list there referances here so I have alot to pick from. Again ty in advance.
Well, I'll repost mine and Jayme's characters, and see if maybe they get a spot
Jackets and Scarfs: Front / Back
Tights and V-Capes: Front / Back
Fallen Leo: Level 47 Fire Blast / Thermal Radiation Corruptor.
Jocelyn: Level 32 Fire Blast / Thermal Radiation Corruptor.
The characters share the same powersets and a similar look, and we play together all the time. The only reason she's several levels below me is because her laptop died last month
Character info:
Fallen Leo is the hero that was known as Doctor Leo. An ill/emp/fire controller, he lost control of his illusion powers after a really bad breakup that he never expected from the girl he'd been with for five years, and in a berserk rage his pets levelled several city blocks. Longbow Nullifier and Spec-Ops agents came into the scene to try to contain him, and their nullifying and sapping guns left him powerless and completely drained of endurance. He was then thrown into the Zig.
When his powers started to come back, he noticed something different. His empathic abilities had mutated, and the Fire Blasts from his epic powers had become more intense. There was nothing left of his Illusion powers, and as the rage consumed him, he found himself able to use more and more fire-based abilites similar, but not equal, to the powers he used to have.
He befriended a fellow Zig-mate named Jocelyn whose powers were very similar to his, and together they broke out and headed to the Rogue Isles to escape Longbow. Jocelyn is a true villain; Doctor Leo, however, just seeks to escape the city that carries way too many hurting memories.
www.SaveCOH.com: Calls to Action and Events Calendar
This is what 3700 heroes in a single zone looks like.
Thanks to @EnsonsDeath for the GVE code that made me VIP again!
Here's another:
Heaven's Agent
Dark Blue Demon would love to be in on this. He's a Dark Miasma/Dark Blast/Psi Mastery Defender who is always serious and somber, and occasionally righteously angry. He's sort of zen, and exudes a "don't mess with me" aura.
EDIT: Fixed link
Vampiresse, or that's what the papers call her, she calls herself Valie, and she hates the name Vampiresse, and what a stupid person it must have been, adding a E at the end?
Vampiresse 1
Vampiresse 2
Vampiresse 3
She's a hero, even if she doesen't act much like one, she is half vampire, half harriken, but she usually hides it, she just claims to be a goth that writes poetry about suicide, she's also a seductress, she seduces girls(as seducing the guys are too easy) and feeds from them, and that with concent.
She is a hero, or atleast registered as one, and she do actually save people, but she doesen't like talking about it, she tries to act like a tough heartless woman, but deep in she's a softie
She's a Invoul/SS Tanker.
Roxstar - The Hero
Tormented Soil - The Villain
Sounds like fun, here are some screenies
Migrayne has the innate ability to copy arcane knowledge from others. He primarily deals in mind control and force fields so he can pretend to be psychic. He also dabbles in fire. He was attcked by the CoT and stabbed by a spirit thorn, but due to his innate powers, was able to maintain control. So, he has a ghost stuck in his body. His name comes from both from his mind control and the migraines he gets when he steals magic. Personality wise, he's pretty heroic and works to make the world a better place, though the fame is nice too. However, he isn't afraid to kill anyone who threatens the city
Hi Celsia,
Ria is a fire/ice blaster who designs outfits for others. So she's usually in style! That's pretty much it!
with a friend
This is a different outfit but it sums up Ria's powers.
Hope you enjoy!
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Ok, this does not mean that the previous thread is dead. I will be doing kinda one off chars as I have been when I have time (or will continue to try). But I have been debating doing something more ambitious. So in that vien I would like between 4 and 6 volunteers for an attemp at a cover/multi char pinup. I would prefer and even split between good and bad. If you would not mind me using your chars please post screenshots here. Please list powers, and some char info. Please list only one. For this, I do reserve the right to pick which chars I will use so listing first does not mean your char will be used.
When, I have decided on the chars to be used I will list them.
I give no timetable on this and it will likely take me a long long time. My hope is to take this all the way through ink and color, but only time will tell. Please be very very patient and Thank you all in advance.