The Newbie's guide to the Triform PeaceBringer

Ael Rhiana



This is a guide for newbies by a newbie. That's right. I'm not a CoX newbie, I have played many ATs and obviously have at least one of them at 50. I'm a Kheldian newbie. I found a lack of up-to-date guides on the forums, and when I asked I was told "it depends on your personal style", "there's no bad build"... That's mostly true. But not quite. There are mistakes you can make. I sought a few Kheldians in game and a number of below 30 were not quite satisfied with their experience. Some of it comes from the fact that the Kheldians are not Uber-ATs. They're flexible, but a little harder to play, especially if your only experience is with non squishy ATs. That's what makes it fun for me, but can be frustrating for others. You definitely have to learn how to play smart.
There are definite mistakes you can make. Misconception about what powers do, and builds that are "too average". Not bad per se, but not built with a plan.

So I decided to come up with a plan for myself. Then I decided to publish it in this guide, because I thought some of the reasoning that I put in my choices could help others, even if they don't agree with some of my choices. So here's my guide. It's not a power set guide, there are good ones out there. I will be living that build and make changes as needed, and will explain them back here, so this guide is dated and will be updated from time to time.

I wanted to make a tri-form build, because I wanted to experience the whole spectrum of PB powers. I will probably make a Human form PB at a later date, but this is my tri-form guide.

[Last updated May 4th 2006 - improved formatting, spell checked and added missing power pools. Changed Range to EndRed in White Dwarf Step. I just hit 22, endurance can dip pretty low when I do shield+invis+Buildup+Incandescent Strike+Radiant Strike+dwarf+Dwarf Flare... but I wouldn't say the build has endurance issues. So far I am loving it and I'm a major contributor to every time I have been on. Solo just fine on Rugged (but not a walk in the park either). ]

Nova Form:
This is your blaster form and probably the most useful form until late teens, but still good at 50. -defense effect is nice. Just watch the knockback when playing with melee types (my blaster is an energy blaster, so I know all about knockback). It also flies relatively fast out of the box and you can use it for endurance recovery.

Human form:
Everyone seems to agree that the blasts are weaker than the Nova counterparts. On the other hand it contains a lot of really good powers for melee and AoEs. Defining powers like Quantum flight and Light form are also only available to the Human form.
So this form will be our "one shot the boss" and general purpose form. In combat probably get off a few shots then switch to another form (or switch from another form long enough to go through an attack chain, then switch back to a form).
I decided on two rules for choosing powers in this form: don't take something another form can do better (no blasts) and as few toggles as possible for two reasons: toggles cost endurance and I'm going stamina-less, and I'm planning on doing a lot of switching between forms, and it takes time to reactivate the toggles whenever you switch back to human form.
The only exception is the Shining Shield: I can set up a bind to always have the shield activated when I switch to human, and lethal/smashing is the most common source of damage in the early game, so it helps survivability throughout the entire career.

Dwarf form:
I see 3 uses for this form:
- Shelter: if you took too much aggro with your AoEs, are in over you head, etc... switch to Dwarf for better survivability, a heal, and teleport capabilities for a fast getaway if needed. This drives slotting for survivability and healing.
- Tanking: my main view of tanking is that you are there to be the anvil upon which your teammates will beat enemies to a pulp. With this view of tanking, you don't do damage, you resist it and you keep the foes focused on you. This means slotting for survivability, but also on means to generate aggro, be it taunt or damage AoE.
- Mezz resistant damage dealer: without power pools, this is the only form that has mezz resistance, and the late game if full of mezzers (Ritki and Malta for example). Being mezz resistant and standing around is not very useful, so you also need to be able to dish out some damage (I remember in my 40s seeing a PB holding aggro from a dozen Praetorians while the rest of the team got wiped out but in the time it took the rest of the team to go to the hospital and gather back up and buff, he had done very little damage to the bad guys, just managed to survive and stubbornly keep at it).

---- Power pools ----
When I first saw the Kheldian powers set, I figured I wouldn't use nor need any power pools. After paying close attention to the available powers and making the decisions about forms explained above, it became obvious that I would have power slots "leftover" in that I didn't see those powers as must haves for my build.

As a Kheldian you're locked out of the Flight power pool. Big deal. You get Flight as inherent powers from level 1. You wouldn't' take it even if it was available.

As a Kheldian you're locked out of Teleportation power pool. That is a crying shame! I think Recall friend is one of the best team support powers (especially in the early game). I guess I'll have it on my Warshade since it's inherent there.

Some people automatically take the fitness pool for Stamina on all of their builds, and never worry about endurance again. I'm going stamina-less on this build for several reasons: on other (non-Kheldian) builds, the time I most wanted stamina was in the teens, where you have enough end-hungry powers but not access to SOs to boost the efficient of those powers and reduce their endurance cost with end-rec SOs, yet you don't have access to stamina. Another other reason is that both the Nova and Dwarf form can be slotted with endurance modification enhancements and act as endurance recovery forms. Finally Health/Stamina only works while you're in human form, which I don't expect spending a lot of fighting time in. Since this is my first Kheldian, I have no idea how well it will work in practice, but I can always respec later if I change my mind.

Stealth in itself is so-so, it helps avoiding aggro but won't let you go unnoticed either. It will stack with superspeed and give you full invisibility however, so I only recommend stealth if you are going to get superspeed. It's also not too costly from an endurance point of view, so you can just use the default slot with end-reduction. I also gives you a bit of extra defense but is not worth slotting for.
I don't like the other powers in the concealment power pool. Invisibility limits you to powers that affect only yourself, and grant invisibility always seems to run out at the wrong time. That's my opinion, other disagree, but it explains why I would only consider concealment for stealth, and only if you take superspeed too.

I like Hasten. Yes, it takes a long time to recharge, especially without 3 recharge SOs, but while it lasts you can cycle through powers much faster (watch your endurance!) and it helps making some long recharge powers more bearable. I use it the same way I would use buildup and similar buff: as an additional buff when I'm about to take on a particular though crowd. You can only activate it in human form, but it will carry over to the other forms for some quick Nova blasting goodness for example.
I would consider passing up Hasten on a Kheldian if it weren't for superspeed: Hasten is a prerequisite (I hate flurry) and I want superspeed in this build for its invisibility when stacked with Stealth.

This is a good choice for a Kheldian and some people strongly advocate it. You can heal others or yourself, provide mezz protection to teammates and rez. Once you can heal yourself, it makes downtime between fights shorter, but you can't use it reliably in combat. This is a good pool to take if you like being support. I decide to pass on it, except maybe in the very late game, because the Dwarf form has a self-heal, and essence boost helps for in combat emergencies, as do inspirations, but it's a definite possibility

I have no experience with this pool, and Dwarf has a taunt power, however if I really like the tank role in dwarf form (and find it survivable enough) I may look into that pool in the late game. With plenty of other ranged attacks, it's not needed for pulling. I don't know if the intimidate/panic powers can be used as an emergency button to get the mobs away from you if you're in trouble. I hear some people use intimidate to get a lieutenant out of the way while they take on minions... I think this has potential, but only in the late game.

I love the leaping pool, several of my other toons have it. I don't think it's right for a Kheldian though: you have inherent travel powers, and if you take superspeed for stealth, you don't need yet another travel power. The only reason I can see to take it is because it affords you some level of mezz and knockback protection. Combat Flight (inherent at level 10) lets you deal with knockback and Dwarf has some mezz protection, so I don't see this pool as a must have.

You have much better attacks than Boxing and Kicking. Tough and Weave numbers scale down to just about nothing for Peacebringers (they're great for Tankers though). Stealth gives you as much defense as Weave, and you can get it early and it stacks with superspeed. I think anything in this pool is a waste unless you are trying to do something really special with defense and resist numbers.

Ah leadership! I don't think there is a more hotly debated pool. I forgot about it altogether in the initial revision of this guide, but then I did research it, and discovered that Kheldians get the same benefits out of it than controllers and masterminds. Only defenders get higher numbers. That makes it a viable pool if you are a fan of the pool. I don't like Maneuvers, 2.75% is not enough, even though you start from nothing. Assault 15% damage is OK, but remember it's 15% of the base damage, not the slotted damage, so on a 3-dmg slot power it's more like 5%. Tactic's 10% accuracy bonus is the only interesting one to me, since it affects all your Human powers and could be a way to save accuracy slots. I use the leadership pool on my controller, but I'll pass for my triform Kheldian. That pool is expensive and I won't have Stamina and only affect Human form powers. I would definitely look into it for a Human form only build with Stamina though.

---- Power Choices ----

Power choices in order of leveling, using some of the rules above. Also when there is a choice between two powers, slotting considerations will be taken into account.

lvl1: Incandescence - no choice here but not a bad choice. Provides you with some energy and negative resistance. That actually covers quite a few foes. For example electric is considered energy damage. If I believe my hero builder, the base resistance is 10% which would make it 15% 3 slotted with SOs. If I weren't so tight for slots, I'd 3 slot it, but for now this will just get a damage resist in the default slot.

lvl1: Glinting Eye - I tried both Glinting Eye and Gleaming Bolt. Their DPS (Damage Per Second) are similar, but Gleaming Bolt requires 3 times the clicking and Glinting Eye has a slightly longer range, which will be helpful for pulling in Human form. If this were a blaster build you'd plan on using this power as a mainstay of your build forever, but once you get Nova this power gets to be mostly irrelevant. It'll only get a single default slot for damage at first, and I'll probably change that to range at some point.
lvl1: Energy Flight - inherent power, speed is decent. Use the default slot for endurance reduction. I'm not going to add extra slots in it for now, if I had slots to spare, I might make this my main travel power and slot it for speed. I don't want to slot Bright Nova for speed or it would be too fast for fine control in indoors maps, so I'll live with slow-ish speeds. I'll use Superspeed as my main travel power (very safe when invisible) and this will give me vertical movement when required, or I'll use Nova if I need to recover endurance while traveling. This power suffers from suppression: you flight very slowly for a few seconds after an attack. Remember that when you want to squeeze "one last attack before flying away".

lvl2: - Shining Shield - As explained above this is the only shield I intend to take, but it protects against the most common type of damage in the game and will help the survivability in Human form. Note that by not taking Gleaming Blast here, I'm making leveling to 6 a little harder, but the long term benefits are well worth it.

lvl4: Essence Boost - My scrapper loves Dull Pain, and this is essentially what it is. It heals you for 40% and adds 40% to your max hitpoint points for a while. You can't activate it if you're not in Human form, but its effect carries over to the other forms. This just means that you may end up using it preemptively rather than after you took some damage. It also grants you some resistance to toxic damage, which is nice for those early Vahzilok missions.

lvl6: Bright Nova - As a tri-form this is a no-brainer. Your life just changed for the better. You now have access to 2 single target and 2 AoE blast. You also have a form that properly slotted will help you recover endurance faster. The bad news is that in one shot you now acquired 1 power and 4 attacks all begging for enhancement slots. I'm not very good at the number game, but I'm being told that to-hit buffs enhancements are more efficient that accuracy enhancements. I had someone on the forums run the numbers and that 3 to-hit SOs give 95% accuracy against even con minions. That may not be enough if I play much at higher levels, especially since AoEs have an accuracy penalty. I'll start by slotting to-hit buffs in Nova then worry about slotting accuracy in the powers. Others recommend one to-hit buff in Nova, and one Acc in all blasts but the bolt. That'll cost you an extra slot.
lvl6: Bright Nova Bolt -
lvl6: Bright Nova Blast -
lvl6: Bright Nova Scatter - this one has a shorter range than the other blasts which can be pretty annoying for alpha strikes. You might want to consider putting range in this one if this annoys you. I learned to deal with it.
lvl6: Bright Nova Detonation - Very useful knockback effect in this power. Just be aware that you if you're at range, you will knockback some foes out of BN Scatter range and will have to get closer before firing BN Scatter.

lvl8: Radiant Strike - Using our guidelines of "no blast powers for Human form if an equivalent exists in Nova form", we skip Photon Scatter. Using our guideline of "no toggle powers" we skip Thermal Shield. Fire/cold protection is not as important as lethal/smashing anyway. Here we pick up our first real Human form attack. Pretty good melee attack, will get better with slotting. This will become an important "one shot the boss" power. It is for this type of power we are taking stealth+superspeed. Its possibility for knockback also may take the foe out of commission while you execute another attack.

lvl10: Hasten - always nice to have, and a prerequisite to superspeed. I wish we could 3-slot it for recharge immediately, but at this point we'll have to live with it only being up some of the time. Think of it as a buff before a hard battle. With Hasten there won't be a gap in your Nova attack chain, and Radiant Strike comes up much sooner. Also hit it when you just used a slow recharging power like essence boost, even if you don't need the speed for the battle at hand.

lvl10: Combat Flight - Another inherent, basically the same as Hover. My blaster has Hover and I love it. It mitigates knockback, it provides a bit of defense, and lets you turn knockback from your blasts into knockdown. I'm not spending nearly as much time hovering as I did on my blaster because Human form powers are melee, so I'll just slot the default slot for flight speed and call it good.

lvl12: Buildup - In my opinion a no brainer: +50 Acc and +80% Damage for 10s. Too bad it doesn't last longer, but this will work for our "one shot the boss" strategy when combined with Radiant or Incandescent Strike. It carries over to other forms, so you can switch to Nova immediately after activation and hit one of the AoEs. Here again we don't take any other set powers because they are either a shield or something Nova can do better.

lvl14: Superspeed - Once combined with Stealth, will make us fully invisible. A single endurance reduction in the default slot is all we need here, although you could go running speed, which is great for travel but may be a little to much for indoors map. This power stacks with Sprint if you want to travel even faster. This is going to be our main travel power, with energy Flight giving us the vertical movement we need. You'll get to missions must faster than with flight alone. Also, you can leave Stealth and Superspeed activated while using Energy or Combat flight to be invisible while flying (and endurance usage is till not bad). Group Energy flight which just became available is situational at best. I may pick it up way late for use in Hamidon raids. maybe.

lvl16: Stealth - Picked for invisibility when stacked with superspeed. Pick something else here if you're not going to get superspeed. Also note that Stealth has a significant slowdown effect on your running speed (yet another reason to get superspeed). Slotting the default slot for endurance reduction is all we should need. We can now go /e boombox in the middle of a spawn. Later in the game, some foes have enough perception to see through it (like ritki drones, snipers, ...) but they're still a minority. We can stealth "click the glowie" missions, find named bosses, etc... if only we could get Recall Friend! Being invisible allows us to position ourselves right in front of that (Void?) boss, queue Hasten, Essence Boost, Photon Seekers (later), Buildup and hit with Radiant/Incandescent Strike. Note that both superspeed and stealth suffer from suppression: their effect fades after you attack, making you slow and visible for a few seconds. Also, foes you have attacked will keep seeing you until they reset or die. Releasing Photon Seekers, which we'll get later, is not considered an attack, so suppression only kicks in when the seekers explode.

lvl18: Incandescent Strike - Our second Human melee attack and another option for playing "kill the boss" (or chain it with Radiant Strike if the boss is still standing). Its possibility for knockback and disorient also may take the foe out of commission while you execute another attack. We will be slotting this one a well. Slotted + buildup it'll allows us to one shot reds. Note that the target can attack you during the activation animation, so you're not 100% safe. This is also a great power for "jousting": queue the power then superspeed past the foe: by the time the power "kicks in" you will be out of range of the enemies surrounding your target, yet the animation will take place and you will hit your target from a distance. This power is a big endurance drain, but since we'll probably switch to Nova or Dwarf after the initial attack we should be OK.

lvl20: White Dwarf - This forms opens up new possibilities by providing resistance, heals... Our survivability went up quite a bit! Taking the "anvil" analogy again, we'll prioritize slotting for survivability first (resistance, heal). Then you need to decide if tanking ( i.e. grabbing and holding aggro) is more important to you than damage (which is not stellar even when slotted for it). If you solo a lot, damage is probably more important. Because I want my build to be soloable in dwarf form, I will slot for damage. Very importantly, you will get mezzed very easily in every other form, so we want to slot this form to still make us an effective contributor in environments that have mezz-heavy mobs (our only alternative is a tray full of breakfrees).
lvl20:White Dwarf Strike -
lvl20:White Dwarf Smite -
lvl20:White Dwarf Flare - the best Dwarf attack because of the knowckback, decent AoE damage too, and will generate aggro in between taunts. Slotting for Acc first
lvl20:White Dwarf Sublimation - Important part of our survivability in Dwarf form. Slot either with Heal or Recharge enhancements.
lvl20: White Dwarf Antagonize - not autohit like the Tank's Taunt, so we slot this one with accuracy, then taunt duration.
lvl20:White Dwarf Step - Good to get your dwarf to safety fast in case of emergencies, but also a very fast travel power. Good for crossing a zone fast for example. I had originally slotted this for Range, but EndRed seems to get you further in the end. You can always switch to Nova if you run low on endurance during travel however.

lvl22: Reform Essence - Adding to our survivability, another heal. You need to switch to Human form to use it. It only recharges 25% hitpoints and takes a full minute to recharge unfortunately, so it's not that great out of the box. Hasten will help cut the recharge time almost in half, and three slotting it with health boosts the regeneration to roughly 50% hitpoints. Also you can use your Dwarf form heal in between.

lvl24: Conserve Energy - By then I should know where I stand on endurance issues. Everything will be slotted with SOs . We're also entering respec range should there need to be adjustments made. A lot of "good" Human form powers to come are big endurance users. The benefits of Hasten are also limited by how much endurance you have. So I'm guessing I want this here. Turn it on before big battles, etc... If I don't feel a need for it at 24, I will take it at 26 and take pulsar now instead.

lvl26: Pulsar - Our first real crowd control power (the knockback effect from AoEs was all we had until now). As long as we take this at 26 and not 24, the other option for crowd control is Solar Flare and it could be substituted here. I chose Pulsar because I prefer disorient over knockback, and Solar Flare requires you to be on the ground to activate, so it can't be used while hovering. Solar Flare does damage, Pulsar does not. This will need slotting to be effective. 2 accuracies and 2 disorient duration is the goal. Regardless of slotting, this does not have the magnitude for disorienting a boss.

lvl28: Quantum Flight - Up till now our panic button was switch to Dwarf, teleport away. This is THE panic button. Immediate activation, intangibility and fast flight speed, but in a sense nuke-like in that you're in big trouble if you didn't get away fast enough. You can't really use it to stealth glowie missions (but we can already do that), but you *can* open doors without unphasing, so get to the closest elevator or mission door before you run out of endurance. it's also useful to absorb an alpha strike or as for void/quantum protection. You can't shoot at a target while using it, but your photon seekers can be released before entering Quantum flight. Because this will mostly be an emergency button, we only put an end-reducer in the default slot. Even fully slotted for endurance reduction, the endurance cost of this power increases dramatically after 45s (more with accolades, conserver power, etc...) so plan on never using it longer than that.

lvl30: Glowing Touch - I team enough that a power to help teammates is always nice, although I see this as an optional power. Just remember that a dead teammate can't help you defeat the bad guys. The recharge time is pretty good too, so you can help multiple teammates (or the same one several times). If you mostly solo, now would be a good time to pick up whichever one of Pulsar or Solar Flare you haven't taken yet, or possibly a shield, but I won't because of my "no toggles" approach.

lvl32: Photon Seekers - Not really what I'd call a Pet. But again I wouldn't call a /dev blaster's mine a Pet. I understand the UI is screwy though (I saw a post saying they wished they were as good as the fire imps. My fire controller though the imps were screwy!). They have a few good things going for them though: if all 3 hit the same target, they have one of the highest single shot damage in the game. They also have a small AoE of damage so they're not true single target. You must be in human form to release them, but you can then switch to a different form. I think I will however mostly use them as another "one shot the boss" tool: just like a blaster's mines, they are not considered an attack until they go off, which means that your invisibility will not be suppressed until they hit, and that takes a second or two, enough to hit Buildup and a Strike.

lvl35: Solar Flare - Similar to but not as good as the Dwarf equivalent. So why are we taking this? because when using Light Form which we'll take next, you will be limited to using Human powers, and this will nicely fill up our attack chain. Also while not doing much damage (although with buildup its BI is about 11), its knockbak gives us another way of doing crowd control. If for whatever reason you don't plan on using Light Form much, you might want to pick Dawn Strike here instead of later

lvl38: Light Form - An Unstoppable-type power with high resistance to mezz and damage. it's like the human version of the dwarf, minus the HP boost and the taunt, and with a crash at the end. It also has high endurance recovery rate. With slots, the damage resistance of this form is higher than the Dwarf's. This will allow us to take full advantage of the melee attack chain we have been building for the human form. If you don't like this power much, slot it with a single damage enhancement in the default slot. If you plan on using it consistently plan on slotting 3 damage and 3 recharges. Our Human attack chain has a lot of slow recharging powers in it, so plan on hitting Hasten when entering Light Form. (it'll also make it recharge faster)

lvl41: Restore Essence - No more need for awakens = more room for those breakfrees. Hitting hasten after using this might be a good idea so that it's available again soon Unfortunately unlike some other rez powers, you don't get restored to full health and have zero endurance. You can also get hit during its animation time, so be weary of using it during a fight. I'm aggressive enough of a player that a rez power is not something I'd pass up. This is a good power to skip if you need a power slot for something else. Just carry awakens.

lvl44: Dawn Strike - Basically a version of the energy blaster's Nova, although not quite as powerful. Nice but takes forever to recharge and leaves you drained of endurance, so don't use it unless you have a blue in your tray. The nice thing here is that unlike my energy blaster who is defenseless (until she gets PFF from the Epic Pool), you can hit Dwarf after you pop that blue and be relatively safe from survivors while regaining endurance. I like to play against higher level foes, so I don't expect this to nuke everyone in one shot, even with Buildup. This could be a good opener or closer for Light Form. I wouldn't take this unless you plan on giving it some slots, since you want to make sure you hit and kill as many as possible. Goal here is a minimum of one Acc and 3 Dmg.

lvl47 and lvl49: Really anything you want at this point. I've taken all the powers I consider must have (and more). I'll see what the feel of the build is by then. It's weird to be left with two empty slots. I could have build things differently (like adding fitness from the start), but taking powers early allows me to put more slots into those that matter. From now on we are more concerned about judicious slotting than power choices.

Other possibilities:
- fill in the Human blasts with Photon Scatters and Luminous Detonation or Gleaming Blast. This would allow to get a feel for what a Human only build might be like, and while they're relatively weak attacks (especially unslotted) they will fill up the attack chain some more for Light Form.
- grab the shields to boost your human form. be worried about endurance issues though, toggles are expensive.
- get powers from the presence power pool. get another taunt and a crowd control tool
- get Grant Invisibility. I don't like it but maybe you do.
- get Combat Jump, Superjump and Acrobatics from the leaping pool, enjoy faster movement and some mezz protection (you need to ditch another previous power to get Acrobatics by 49 though, not worth it IMO)
- get the medicine power pool: if you haven't by now, you probably don't need it. If you team a lot specialized ATs (like empaths) will provide most of the support the team needs.
- Get Energy Group Flight so you can help with high Mitos during Hamidon raids
- get Whirlwind as another crowd control tool, or as a costume change power. (now we're getting desperate)
- respec and work in Stamina. if you are endurance limited, maybe now is the time to work in the fitness pool and delay some of your other powers a bit. Be mindful of limitations due to examplaring if you want to do some lower TFs for badges for example. Health has (minor) sleep protection.
- get Assault and Tactics if you think you can spare the endurance for running at least one of them constantly while in Human form.

---- Parting thoughts ----

As I mentioned at the start, this is mostly based on reading and speculation, things may not quite work out the way I think they might. Or I might learn that I don't care for one of the functions of the AT (such as preferring scrapping to tanking). The need for Stamina is my biggest unknown.
I'll keep posting back as I live this build and update with my experiences. I am planning on running all 3 respec trials, and it looks like I7 will come with a "freespec", so "errors" can be corrected as we go.

Here's a sample build, (I didn't slot from 46 on as I'm not sure yet where they would best go)

Exported from Ver: of the CoH_CoV"]]CoH_CoV Character Builder[/url]
Name: pbguide
Level: 50
Archetype: Peacebringer
Primary: Luminous Blast
Secondary: Luminous Aura
01) --> Glinting Eye==> Dmg(1)
01) --> Incandescence==> DmgRes(1)DmgRes(43)DmgRes(45)
02) --> Shining Shield==> DmgRes(2)DmgRes(3)DmgRes(3)
04) --> Essence Boost==> Rechg(4)Rechg(5)Rechg(5)
06) --> Bright Nova==> EndMod(6)EndMod(7)TH_Buf(7)TH_Buf(11)TH_Buf(11)
08) --> Radiant Strike==> Dmg(8)Dmg(19)Dmg(25)
10) --> Hasten==> Rechg(10)
12) --> Build Up==> TH_Buf(12)
14) --> Super Speed==> EndRdx(14)
16) --> Stealth==> EndRdx(16)
18) --> Incandescent Strike==> Dmg(18)Dmg(19)Dmg(25)
20) --> White Dwarf==> DmgRes(20)DmgRes(21)DmgRes(21)EndMod(23)EndMod(23)EndMod(34)
22) --> Reform Essence==> Heal(22)Rechg(37)Rechg(43)
24) --> Conserve Energy==> Rechg(24)
26) --> Pulsar==> Acc(26)DisDur(27)DisDur(27)Acc(29)
28) --> Quantum Flight==> EndRdx(28)
30) --> Glowing Touch==> Heal(30)
32) --> Photon Seekers==> Acc(32)Dmg(33)Dmg(33)Dmg(33)
35) --> Solar Flare==> Acc(35)Dmg(36)Dmg(36)Dmg(36)
38) --> Light Form==> DmgRes(38)DmgRes(39)DmgRes(39)Rechg(39)Rechg(40)Rechg(40)
41) --> Restore Essence==> Rechg(41)
44) --> Dawn Strike==> Acc(44)Dmg(45)Dmg(45)Dmg(46)
47) --> Provoke==> Empty(47)
49) --> Intimidate==> Empty(49)
01) --> Sprint==> Run(1)
01) --> Brawl==> Dmg(1)
01) --> Energy Flight==> EndRdx(1)
01) --> Cosmic Balance==> Empty(1)
02) --> Rest==> Rechg(2)
10) --> Combat Flight==> Fly(10)
06) --> Bright Nova Bolt==> Dmg(6)Dmg(13)Dmg(17)
06) --> Bright Nova Blast==> Dmg(6)Dmg(13)Dmg(17)
06) --> Bright Nova Scatter==> Dmg(6)Dmg(9)Dmg(15)
06) --> Bright Nova Detonation==> Dmg(6)Acc(9)Dmg(15)
20) --> White Dwarf Strike==> Dmg(20)Dmg(31)Dmg(37)
20) --> White Dwarf Smite==> Dmg(20)Dmg(31)Dmg(37)
20) --> White Dwarf Flare==> Acc(20)Dmg(34)Dmg(34)Dmg(43)
20) --> White Dwarf Sublimation==> Heal(20)Rechg(29)Heal(40)Rechg(42)Rechg(42)
20) --> White Dwarf Antagonize==> Acc(20)Taunt(31)Rechg(42)
20) --> White Dwarf Step==> EndRed(20)



Just a couple of things you might want to add, especially since this guide is aimed at PB newbies. You don't mention that Kheldians can't take the Flight or Teleportation pools - I've seen more than a few PBs that had Teleport Foe or Recall Friend in their plan builds. PBs cannot get those powers.

Quantum Flight will, after 45 seconds, begin exponentially increasing its endurance cost until it runs you out of Endurance. It thus cannot be run continuously and a PB player should know in advance that he/she must turn it off after a short while or completely run out of Endurance. A well-timed Conserve Power or Geas of the Kind Ones (Accolade power) can extend this beyond 45 seconds, but you'll still have to turn off the power eventually (or be turned off by it).

That said, Quantum Flight is an instant-activation phase shift power. The Warshade power Nebulous form and the pool power Phase Shift both have activation delays before they kick in -- this does not, making it a very good panic button.

With great power comes great RTFM -- Lady Sadako
Iscariot's Guide to the Tri-Form Warshade, version 2.1
I'm sorry that math > your paranoid delusions, but them's the breaks -- Nethergoat
P.E.R.C. Rep for Liberty server



Pretty nice guide. However there are a few errors and a few minor points I think rate mentioning.

Energy Flight/Combat Flight/Nova Flight. There's an inirtial glide effect for these powers that is highly noticable in the lower levels. This causes you to not stop where you want to and may (depending on where you wanted to stop) send you into agro range. It also counts as an action on your part and will interrupt glowie interactions. The effect tapers off in the later teens and nearly disapears beyond 20.

Nova's flight speed in not surpressed when attacking. This will make you readjust some tatics as holding the sidestep with launch you at full speed. You go totally immobile when exicuting an attack though.

Restore Essence will grant most of your health and roughly a third of your End, but the instant your Peeb lifts into the air, you're a viable attack target. While you can move once your toon lifts into the air, you won't be able to attack until near the end of the animation. The bigest problem with this is that you may very well get pounded back to the ground if mobs are around you when you rez unless they get distracted by teammates.

When in danger, or in doubt; Run in circles, scream and shout.



Thanks for the feedback. I'll make those corrections as well as fix the formating a bit.



Even with three to-hit bufs in Nova, you can't reliably hit +2+ enemies. If you are going to mostly solo, especially if you don't use the hightest reputation setting, I think you will be fine without slotting any accuracy enhancements in your Nova blasts.

I find myself playing on teams and having to hit purple mobs all the time. After running for a while with to-hits in Nova and without accuracy slotted in my blasts, I got really tired of missing a lot. Now I have 1 to-hit enhancement in Nova and 1 accuracy enhancement in Blast, Scatter, and Detonation and I virtually never miss, when I do, it is usually with Bolt (no ACC in it) against enemies I hadn't previously hit.

That greatly improved hit rate cost me only 1 slot since I took 2 to-hit slots out of Nova and put 3 slots into Nova blasts.



I don't find myself missing that much and I have been playing on invincible most of the weekend (both teamed and solo). The main issue with invincible is the downtime bewteen battles, because you're pretty drained after each fight, and you want to make sure at least some of you buffs are recharged. I'll probably lower it again.

I hate missing at all too, so I'll give your suggestion a try when I can respec (first respec or I7 freebee) and I'll give it a try on test first. I'll also have SOs by then (currently almost at 20 so still running DOs in everything)

As for my own feedback on my build (at almost 20) I must say I love it so far and have found my toon to be very effective, both in teams and solo. I definitely don't feel "average" in any way and this is a lot of fun to play. Powerful but not safe would be a good description for how it feels to me.

I should have taken superspeed at 14 and stealth at 16. Not a biggie but Superspeed is so useful as a travel power (flight, even Energy Flight, is too slow for my taste), and stealth without superspeed is so slow!

I also was surprised that you will often get hit during the Incandescent strike animation, I expected the enemy not to react until they were hit (and with buildup, one shotted for anything below red). still a great power, even only with the default slot, and makes me glad I have invisibility to set it up.

Also, since we're on the subject of missing, Incandescent strike can miss pretty easily too with an Acc in it. If this were a Human only build, I'd definitely put an Acc into it, but since it is less imprtant to our attack chain as a triform, I'm currently not putting an Acc in it, but on important strikes (like if I'm going to hit a Void), I'll pop a yellow inspiration first, just to be sure.

Nothing new here, but htere just aren't enough slots for everything...



Nice guide Papa, and not just because your build and philosphy closely mirror my own. I concentrated my slotting on getting powers that helped all three forms, so hasten, build up, conserve power, and essense boost were six-slotted in the pre-ED days. I went without stamina all the way to 50, although I did eventually respec into it. I also went without any shields to 50, but respec'ed into shining shield.

A tri-form Kheldian is the most versitile character available. You can tank, scrap, blast, defend, and control, but not as well as the true ATs. As has been mentioned before, warshades have a bit more controller feel and peacebringers a bit more defender.

I think part of the frustration many folks have with Kheldians comes in the teens, especially if you solo. Without any form of mezz resistance and lots of aoe attacks, you might as well be a neon-lit dart board. You'll need to play carefully and stragically with this build until you get dwarf or find a team.

My human form was mainly for self and team buffs. I took concealment and medicine pools. I would hit conserve power and hasten, invis my team and cast stimulant if needed, then hit photon seekers, essense boost, aim, and nova form. I would then do a dive bomb run with my Nova's aoes and switch to Dwarf as I was about to land and do a footstomp. The combination was usually enough to take out all the minions and left Lt's with a sliver of health. For voids/quantums I would buff and cast seekers the same way, but run in with stealth and superspeed to clobber him with incandescent strike. Be sure to have the attack cued before you run in.

My kheldian also forced me to learn binds. You have so many powers that are form dependent that I found it necessary to have a one button bind that changed my forms and set up the proper tray with the appropriate powers. F1 for human, F2 for Nova, F3 for dwarf. I also made a bind that would drop me from human form and cast my peacebringer heal on a friend and used the number pad enter as my panic button that dropped form and activated quantum flight. I strongly advise anyone wishing to level a kheldian to learn how to bind.

Good luck with the care and feeding of your Kheldian, Papa. Call me in game or by PM if you want to chat about builds and strategies.

50s: Inv/SS PB Emp/Dark Grav/FF DM/Regen TA/A Sonic/Elec MA/Regen Fire/Kin Sonic/Rad Ice/Kin Crab Fire/Cold NW Merc/Dark Emp/Sonic Rad/Psy Emp/Ice WP/DB FA/SM

Overlord of Dream Team and Nightmare Squad



Just be careful when respec-ing. I've heard some people gimp their Khelds after doing it. Fortunately, I for one have made mine very well out to my liking that I will keep the freespec till I realy need it. Tri-form FTW!!

"every defender needs to fight. I don't care if you have to use BRAWL!"



I think part of the frustration many folks have with Kheldians comes in the teens, especially if you solo. Without any form of mezz resistance and lots of aoe attacks, you might as well be a neon-lit dart board. You'll need to play carefully and stragically with this build until you get dwarf or find a team.

[/ QUOTE ]

bah! those people had either a Tanker or Scrapper as main

I find my PB easier to play than my blaster and my controller at those levels. I'm more experience though. I suffer from minor altitis and while I was levelling Hand of Baahr to 50, I also levelled one of every other AT to their 20s or 30s (my first toon is a level 32 energy/dev blaster).
I definitely can't charge a group of red/purples and expect to live, but I soloed my late teens this weekend all the way to invincible and played with +2 teams, so I know how to handle those situations the smart way.

I should get Dwarf by tonight if I get to play...



I think part of the frustration many folks have with Kheldians comes in the teens, especially if you solo. Without any form of mezz resistance and lots of aoe attacks, you might as well be a neon-lit dart board. You'll need to play carefully and stragically with this build until you get dwarf or find a team.

[/ QUOTE ]

bah! those people had either a Tanker or Scrapper as main

I find my PB easier to play than my blaster and my controller at those levels. I'm more experience though. I suffer from minor altitis and while I was levelling Hand of Baahr to 50, I also levelled one of every other AT to their 20s or 30s (my first toon is a level 32 energy/dev blaster).
I definitely can't charge a group of red/purples and expect to live, but I soloed my late teens this weekend all the way to invincible and played with +2 teams, so I know how to handle those situations the smart way.

I should get Dwarf by tonight if I get to play...

[/ QUOTE ]

I think it's a deliberate conspiracy on the part of the devs. One or more a sadists. You don't get Dwarf form until level 20. You don't have access to SO enhancers, either. And you get a story arc and missions involving the Tsoo once you hit level 15. Everyone know how much "fun" Tsoo are especially when your missions at 17/18 when you start getting the ranged mezz Inkmen. It's pure tortue. There you are as Dwarf Form and blissful mezz protection is hanging there just out of touch, beconning you.... It's just pure torture, I tell you! Pure torture!!!!



Now at 26.
I don't have endurance problems although I do have to monitor endurace, especially in large fights while soloing.
I decided to take Pulsar at 24 and Conserve Power at 26. I think You could go either way there. It's hard for me to comment since it took me about 4 hours of play to level from 24 to 26, running on a large team and doing the Moonfire TF.
I have soloed and teamed this build fromHeroic to Invincible. You can solo on invincible but it tends to be slow, because you need a lot of recovery time between fights, waiting for abuffs to be back up, etc... but it's quite feasible.
I'll update the guide again in a while, I'm keeping tracks of the fact I want to share. Including:
- Pulsar blows out of the box
- Check if there is a mezz on you before switching out of Dwarf
- ...



at lvl30 I decided to take solar flare instead of glowing touch.
I'm so busy doing damage I don;t really have time to be a healer, I'll take probably still take it at 35. I was also feeling the need for a human AoE damage, so solar flare was perfect. I just need to rework my slotting some.
Did the lvl24 respec tonight but there is nothing wrong enough wiht the build so far to warrant using that respec.



Ugh this is like watching the food channel where they eat the really good looking food that you know you will never get to try. Exept i mean to get to 50 with a hero. and even if you can't have the food right then its always nice to watch it. Good job.



I did take Glowing Touch. It's nice to have a way to heal teammate during long, protracted fights, but yeah, you can wait a few levels. I do recommend slotting EndRedux in addtion to a Heal.

Still, the most use I ever got out of it was a four man team vs. AV Nosferatu and that was only when the stone tank started dipping into yellow and I was the only member who could heal others. (Also had a soninc/sonic Def and a WS) Still, most of the time I was blasting away.

When in danger, or in doubt; Run in circles, scream and shout.



Wow, I'm really surprised. Your power choice is almost the same as my planned build (though I hadn't considered Solar Flare. It's looking more interesting now), but yours is more efficient with more timely choices. Though most of the info wasn't new to me, I want to say thanks for helping me refine my build and consider Solar Flare.

"OOOOPPPSSSS." -Statesman



you're welcome.

FYI at 31 I decided to slot Nova with a 3rd end mod and white dwarf sublimation with a 2nd recharge. I play in SG mode and I'm tired of transferring influence 99999 at a time, so my PB is poor even though my 50 is rich. This means at 30 and 31 I have been playing with white and yellow SOs because I didn't ++ them all. This put a drain on my biuld becuase it's less effective. I found that the extra endmod was just what it needed (I've been also doing Croatoa missions ans it helps to recover faster when the Cabal suck the end out of you).
It probably is not a necessary adjustment but it seems to work for me.
I have been also doing a lot CoT teams and tanking them a lot and found that the faster recharge on the heal was necessary without an empath around.

Finally I love Quatum Flight, it's saved me more than once, I pop a breakfree before switching to human if I was in dwarf, hit flight and hightail it for the nearest safe spot. Someone mentionned "survivor's guilt". Now I understand.

There was a "do you feel Uber" discussion on the Kheldian forum earlier. My answer with this build is "yes". Not invincible mind you, but always a major contributor to my team, and very adaptable to what is needed.

I am very happy with my choice of powers (I knew it already, but hte choice to go superspeed+stealth really adds a lot of flexibility to this build).
Photon Seekers is the only power that I feel doesn't really meet my expectation (slotted with 1 DMG in the default slot at 32). you really can't guess what's it's going to hit, even point blank (unless there is only one target there, but that almost never happens). For now I think of it as a PBAoE rahter than single target power.



lvl35: Solar Flare - Similar to but not as good as the Dwarf equivalent. So why are we taking this? because when using Light Form which we'll take next, you will be limited to using Human powers, and this will nicely fill up our attack chain. Also while not doing much damage (although with buildup its BI is about 11), its knockbak gives us another way of doing crowd control. If for whatever reason you don't plan on using Light Form much, you might want to pick Dawn Strike here instead of later

[/ QUOTE ]

I'm not sure why you say Solar Flare is inferior to Dwarf Flare. It is a superior attack from a damage perspective, although it does Knockback instead of Knockdown. Even that is situational as when you are soloing it gives you more time to deal with one target than just knockdown does (as the mobs have to close back to melee distance unless they opt for a (usually) less damaging range attack).

Overall, good guide. You emphasize different powers and a somewhat different playstyle than I prefer with my tri-form (I use human form about half the time in combat), but they are certainly good choices.

Honor Harrison: 50 PB

Capt. Arabella Blood: 50 Ice/Kin C
Maiden Might: 50 SS/INV B
Valentina Metis: 50 NW
Dark Falconayra: 45 EM/DA B
Imperiatrix: 45 Fire/Kin C
Fiona Flitterwing: 47 Ice/Kin C
Doc Electroshock: 43 SM/ELA B



you're right, my reference numbers were wrong because I compared one slotted to the other unslotted in my hero builder. doh!
I am liking Solar Flare, like I said I took earlier than I tought, instead of glowing touch.

I'm working on an update to the guide that I should post within a week or so. Since Cuppa has to post the updates for me, I don't want to abuse her services (and I understand she's out right now).



because of the new changes in ur build, could there be anyway u could post it here? u sound like an amazing pb--i hav based my entire build off of urs...thx so much for the great guide!

22 50's in Bio
RIP PX, GMW, and the game that used to be fun.

Still playing for reasons unknown.



I don;t know if I'm amazing but I feel amazing, so that's good enough to me. This is the most fun character I have played, I have simply been mostly playing CoV lately to play with the SG...

I'll get around to updating it eventually, but Ireally didn't make significant changesx, mostly tooks powers in a slightly different order starting with delaying Glowing Touch.



thx, for ur help--if ur feel amazing and ur having fun, isnt that wut this game is about?

22 50's in Bio
RIP PX, GMW, and the game that used to be fun.

Still playing for reasons unknown.



What level are you now? Do you have end issues without the fitness pool? Thanks for the guide.



I also have an addition to your guide. Quantum Flight and Stealth does equal Invisibility because the general rule is that anything Phased and Stealth will be invisible. You can still be seen by Snipers and the like, but that will be few and far between. So, if you don't want to waste a bunch of powers, you can achieve invisibility with just stealth.



*Edited since I misunderstood what a previous poster had said and answered totally wrong.)

As far as QF+Stealth, it may be invisibility but you can't interract with objects, and it drains your END very fast, so it's only situational. So to me the use is very diferent from SS+Stealth. I spent 90% of my human form time invisible,and even at level 45 it is very useful, so I don't see taking Superspeed as a wasted power at all. I would have taken Hasten no matter what.

I like Quantum Flight as a simple panic button, so I only use the default slot and free slots for other uses. Same with superspeed.

I stand by my guide, I would still take SS+Stealth in a heartbeat. and I'm 45 now, so not quite the newbie anymore
that said, if QF+Stealth works for you, that's great!

I do not have END issues, but like most other toons, I do have to watch END. I have basically nothing left after 2 full human attack cylces without any buffs from teammates (SB, AM...) or Conserve Power. The trick is that I don't use Human all the time, just as an opening or finishing move )or in between ). Switching to Nova or Dwarf allows you to recover END pretty fast. Although with Hasten+Nova I will also run out of END wihtout buffs or Conserve Power.
You use Human only powers in Light Form but it comes with +recovery so you don't have this kind of worries there.
For my play style, I am totaly satisfied with my choice not to take Stamina.

I'm working on an update to the guide, but really it's not very different from what is in the current version. I took powers in a slightly different order, and I added Gleaming Blast to complete the Human attack chain in Light Form. I have yet to take Glowing Touch on Live, I like it but I'm usually dispatching bad guys, not looking for teammates to heal. I'll take it at 47.



Hey Papa and all the Peacebringer “newbies” out there,

I just wanted to give some feedback on your guide as someone who has used it from the beginning of their Peacbringer career. It has been my #1 source of info for power choices and lvling outside of the forums and testing certain “iffy” power combos on the Training Server. If you get a chance, I would love some input on what you think of my build (posted below). Currently, I am at lvl 33, and have just respec’d my toon to mirror the build more closely. Originally, I disagreed w/ the Stealth/Super Speed idea, but after I respec’d at 32 I added them in there.

I have been bugging Papa for some updates to his guide ever since I started playing a Peacebringer a few months ago. Mostly, I just wanted to see how his slotting compared to my own. As far as power choices go, I have followed the guide very closely and have to say that I was very, very happy with it overall. For the first few lvls I went with Gleaming Blast instead of the Shining Shield to get to Nova as quick as possible. Then I used the freespec w/ I7 to drop Gleaming Blast and pick up the shield. The rest of this is gonna read a bit like a guide of my own, but that is not my intention. I only wish to relate what I have learned while playing a Peacebringer using this guide.

My thought’s on playing a Peacebringer:
As someone who’s only 50 is a scrapper, I have to say that playing a Peacebringer is a challenge. I have played every kind of AT (outside of the villains) to at least lvl 20 and most to the 30s. It is easy to see why people think of the Peacebringer as gimped or weak. It is an AT that takes lots of thought and planning. It is very easy to gimp your Peacebringer by over-slotting or under-slotting certain powers. Another way to gimp your PB is by going whacky with the respecs. I took a solid week to plan my respec at 32. I copied my toon over to the Training Sever tons of times to try out different combos. Ultimately, I ended up going with basically the same build I already had w/ some very minor adjustments (the Stealth/SS addition mentioned above and that was about it). It had worked for me all the way to 32, why wouldn’t it take me to 50? For me, there is no other way to play a PB other than Tri-Form. Why take something and try to make it something else? The heart of the AT is shape-shifting, and I say go with it. If you want a scrapper, play a scrapper. If you want a tank, play a tank. And so on…

My strategy for playing this character is more of a 3 stage Tri-Form. In the first stage I picked mostly powers that carried over to the Nova form (Hasten, Build Up, and Essence Boost) or powers that helped in defense like Radiant Strike. If a mob gets in too close, just switch to human and pound him with a Radiant Strike to send him flying. Also, I found that Incandescent Strike, due to its looong animation, isn’t so good for this. I died many times during the powers activation time without ever hitting the target. IS is great for use with the Stealth/SS combo however. I totally agree with Papa that you should stay away from powers that another form can do better. The exception to this would be Gleaming Blast. Not as good with damage as the Nova equivalent, but you will need something to round out the attack chain once you get Light Form. I plan to pick it back up in the 40s. Possibly at 44. During the first stage I focused on slotting mostly the Nova form. My slotting is almost exactly the same as Papa’s in this respect. Except that I six slotted the form and also put 3 slots into Hasten. So far I haven’t had a need to put any Acc into the Nova attacks. The three To-Hits in the form plus Build up at the beginning of most fights has been sufficient. The Def-Debuff from the Nova attacks has also helped considerably.
The second stage started once I picked up Dwarf form and will continue through lvl 40. Here is where my power choices differ from Papa’s in terms of order picked. This is due mostly to play-style. My wife also started playing the game around this time so I had to pick Glowing Touch to have something to keep her alive.  Basically all I have done w/ these lvls is slot my Dwarf form and attacks. I fully plan on 6 slotting the 2 main attacks and having the lowest attack 4 slotted. I have found no need to keep more than an acc in the taunt so far. The Dwarf heal should also be fully slotted before you begin putting anything into the human Reform Essence. When you’re in Dwarf form you are usually in the thick of it and cannot switch to human for a heal anyway so it is great to have the Dwarf heal come back faster. The exception to this would be to drop into Quantum Flight for buffs, but that is not always an option as sometimes your end is too low to support Q Fly for more than a few seconds.
The third stage will start once I hit 41 and will continue to 50. This is where I will flesh out the human part of my build by slotting all my human attacks to make them more effective when I have to go into Light Form. I also plan to pick up Pulsar during this stage. As you can see below, I don’t have it yet. It just hasn’t worked for me so far. Probably due mainly to the fact that I want to slot up the forms first before the human attacks and Pulsar has a -20% acc so it really blows outta the box.

My build below shows how I have slotted my powers and what lvls I took them at so far:
Exported from Ver: of the CoH_CoV Character Builder - (
Name: Generic Justice
Level: 33
Archetype: Peacebringer
Primary: Luminous Blast
Secondary: Luminous Aura
01) --> Glinting Eye==> Dmg(1)
01) --> Incandescence==> DmgRes(1)
02) --> Shining Shield==> DmgRes(2) DmgRes(3) DmgRes(3)
04) --> Essence Boost==> Rechg(4) Rechg(5) Rechg(5)
06) --> Bright Nova==> TH_Buf(6) TH_Buf(19) TH_Buf(19) EndMod(23) EndMod(25) EndMod(27)
08) --> Hasten==> Rechg(8) Rechg(11) Rechg(11)
10) --> Radiant Strike==> Acc(10)
12) --> Build Up==> Rechg(12) Rechg(13) Rechg(13)
14) --> Super Speed==> EndRdx(14)
16) --> Stealth==> EndRdx(16)
18) --> Incandescent Strike==> Acc(18)
20) --> White Dwarf==> DmgRes(20) DmgRes(21) DmgRes(21) EndMod(23) EndMod(25) EndMod(27)
22) --> Reform Essence==> Heal(22)
24) --> Conserve Energy==> Rechg(24)
26) --> Glowing Touch==> Heal(26)
28) --> Quantum Flight==> EndRdx(28)
30) --> Solar Flare==> Acc(30)
32) --> Photon Seekers==> Dmg(32)
01) --> Sprint==> Run(1)
01) --> Brawl==> Dmg(1)
01) --> Energy Flight==> EndRdx (1)
01) --> Cosmic Balance==> Empty(1)
02) --> Rest==> Rechg(2)
10) --> Combat Flight==> Fly(10)
06) --> Bright Nova Bolt==> Dmg(6) Dmg(9) Dmg(17)
06) --> Bright Nova Blast==> Dmg(6) Dmg(9) Dmg(17)
06) --> Bright Nova Scatter==> Dmg(6) Dmg(7) Dmg(15)
06) --> Bright Nova Detonation==> Dmg(6) Dmg(7) Dmg(15)
20) --> White Dwarf Strike==> Dmg(20) Dmg(31)
20) --> White Dwarf Smite==> Acc(20) Dmg(29) Dmg(31) Dmg (33)
20) --> White Dwarf Flare==> Acc(20) Dmg(29) Dmg (33) Dmg (33)
20) --> White Dwarf Sublimation==> Heal(20) Rechg(31)
20) --> White Dwarf Antagonize==> Acc(20)
20) --> White Dwarf Step==> EndRdx(20)

Some things to consider when playing a Peacebringer:
Binds are your friend.
You will definitely need binds (or macros if you prefer) to help you keep your power trays in order and to change forms efficiently. If you’ve never used binds before, you will need to start using them now. Otherwise when you shift you’ll have to go hunting for you powers before you can fight. I have always been a bind fanatic so making binds for my PB wasn’t that hard. I just surfed the forums to find the ones I needed. Personally I keep 3 trays open at all times. The top tray (#9) is all my toggles. The middle tray (#4) is all my buffs so no matter what form I’m in, I can see if something is recharged yet. The bottom tray can be #1, #2, or #3 depending on what form I’m in. Here are the basic binds I use:

For Nova form: /bind t “goto_tray 2$$powexec_toggle_on bright nova”

For Dwarf form: /bind y “goto_tray 3$$powexec_toggle_on white dwarf”

For Human form: /bind g “goto_tray1$$powexec_toggle_off bright nova$$powexec_toggle_off white dwarf$$powexec_name shining shield”

For the human form bind you can substitute any power you want at the end. I have about 7 different keys to switch to human form depending on what the situation calls for (8 including a panic button for switching to Quantum Flight).

Human form drains end like crazy.
I plan on having Conserve Power 3 slotted soon to have it available as often as possible. Stamina is a possibility, though you will have to drop a few valuable power choices to take it. I may take it in the late game to offset the end drain of Quantum Flight or fighting in human form. Another option is to slot an endred in each attack and you should be fine. Also, I plan to have an endred in each of the big attacks on both alien forms as having Hasten running so much is quite draining.

Voids/Quantums will kill you fast (even in dwarf form).
All you have to do is miss a Quantum Gunner in a huge mob once to learn to respect these guys and kill em fast. Con through every single mob (especially in missions) before attacking, and let your teammates know where the Quantums and Voids are so they can be taken out first. A handy bind I have found for this is:

/bind TAB "target_enemy_next$$target_custom_next void$$target_custom_next quant$$target_custom_next cyst"

This bind will allow you to con through enemies as normal, but will default to any Quantum or Void in a pack of baddies. It is also useful in helping to targets Cysts while they are surrounded by Unbound Nictus.

Well those are my thoughts in a nutshell. Papa has made a great guide here. Take what you want from it and leave what you don’t. As for my ramblings… they’re just intended to add a little spice to what is already laid out in the guide, and to second a few of Papa’s better ideas. Have fun out there!