The Newbie's guide to the Triform PeaceBringer

Ael Rhiana



Thanks for the feedback and glad my guide was more of a help than a hindrance to you.

I came to the same conclusion that you did on a few points and my current build (now at 47) is not identical to the build in the guide. I also 6-slotted the forms, and I took Gleaming Blast (I think at 40, I don;t have the build with me atm) once I had access to Light Form, becuae the attack chain was a little thin.
I still haven't taken Gleaming Touch, not because I think it's a bad power, but because I find myself enjoying the fight too much to worry about healing teammates. I'd rather take the bad guy down and let them rest.

Thanks for the binds section, my guide was getting too long so I didn't add them to it, but it so happens that I use the exsact same binds you do with the exception that I added sappers to the list of baddies to autotarget.
I laos have a bind that turns on both stealth and superspeed with one key stroke, but I don;t have it handy. basically it activates stealth on key down and superspeed on key up, you have to delay releasing the key just a smidge, but it's very convenient to turn invisibility on.
I have also become a fan of Dawn Strike, wich is quite safe to use as a PB.

Human powers do suck endurance but I don't regret not taking it. differences in playstyle may make it more of an issue for some. Since I'm now in HO range, I'm plannign my build for HOs, which will also help by making for slots available for end-redux for example.



I'm actually thinking about putting together a guide to binds for the PB (actually it'll be more of a directory so they can all be in one place) so any binds you have I would love to use. The super speed/stealth bind sounds especially helpful. The one I use requires me to tap the key twice.
Anyway, I appreciate you letting me post my thoughts in your guide thread.



/bind t “goto_tray 2$$powexec_toggle_on bright nova”

For Dwarf form: /bind y “goto_tray 3$$powexec_toggle_on white dwarf”

For Human form: /bind g “goto_tray1$$powexec_toggle_off bright nova$$powexec_toggle_off white dwarf$$powexec_name shining shield”

[/ QUOTE ]

I tried this and I get: Unknown command "goto_tray

Please help. I'm at a point that I really need these. I've run out of room on my trays.



-deleted- I tested and was incorrect. Read the posts below by my more accurate fellows.



I don't have that problem. But I do have the bind worded differently. Maybe it you put the goto_tray <#> at the end of the bind would work better.

"every defender needs to fight. I don't care if you have to use BRAWL!"



For Human form: /bind g “ goto_tray1 $$powexec_toggle_off bright nova$$powexec_toggle_off white dwarf$$powexec_name shining shield”

[/ QUOTE ]

Think I found the problem. If you were copying the bind directly from the forum page, I forgot to put a space between goto_tray and 1 in this bind. Oops, so sorry. The bind should read:

/bind g “ goto_tray 1 $$powexec_toggle_off bright nova$$powexec_toggle_off white dwarf$$powexec_name shining shield”



One common mistake I see is people doing "goto_tray_1"

You might check, just to make sure. goto_tray 1 and gototray 1 are equivalent, but an underscore between "tray" and "1" will mess up the bind.

With great power comes great RTFM -- Lady Sadako
Iscariot's Guide to the Tri-Form Warshade, version 2.1
I'm sorry that math > your paranoid delusions, but them's the breaks -- Nethergoat
P.E.R.C. Rep for Liberty server



For Human form: /bind g “ goto_tray1 $$powexec_toggle_off bright nova$$powexec_toggle_off white dwarf$$powexec_name shining shield”

[/ QUOTE ]

Think I found the problem. If you were copying the bind directly from the forum page, I forgot to put a space between goto_tray and 1 in this bind. Oops, so sorry. The bind should read:

/bind g “ goto_tray 1 $$powexec_toggle_off bright nova$$powexec_toggle_off white dwarf$$powexec_name shining shield”

[/ QUOTE ]

That could be the problem he was having. The space.

"every defender needs to fight. I don't care if you have to use BRAWL!"



these are the contents of my bind file, cut and pasted:


1 "powexec_toggleoff White Dwarf$$powexec_toggleoff Bright Nova$$powexec_name Shining Shield$$goto_tray 1"
2 "powexec_toggleon Bright Nova$$goto_tray 2"
3 "powexec_toggleon White Dwarf$$goto_tray 3"

[/ QUOTE ]



One quick note on copying binds from the forums.

I am seeing an increasing number of posts, both here and in my Guide to Binds for the Peacebringer, where someone is getting a "goto_tray" error msg. I think it has to do w/ when ppl copy/paste things from the forum page directly into their chat window. For whatever reason the bind doesn't transfer right.

This is not to excuse my typo earlier, but there are ppl that have the problem when copy/pasting from here. Even when the bind is typed correctly.



/bind TAB "target_enemy_next$$target_custom_next void$$target_custom_next quant$$target_custom_next cyst"

[/ QUOTE ]
This is just a note to anyone that might decide to use this bind: If there is a quantum, void, or cyst in the area you will be unable to tab off of them once they are selected unless you loose line of sight or after they fade away (after they are defeated). This makes it hard to gain a new target if you need to fire on another target.

So, my suggestion is to make this into a macro or bind it to a different key if you use TAB all the time like I do.

Anyway, just my two influence worth.

50 Fire/Kin Cont
50 Fire/Axe Tank
50 Spine/Inv Scrap
50 Eng/Dev Blast
50 Claw/SR Scrap
50 Emp/Dark Def
50 Eng/Elec Brute
50 Fire/MM Blast

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I had just gotten my PB to level 14 and am dying for a respect to fix what I had decided to be mistakes. Upon reading this Thread, I was actually heading in the right direction to a decent build...with just some minor adjustments.

I apparently don't need that Respec as soon as I thought. Thanks for the info.




/bind TAB "target_enemy_next$$target_custom_next void$$target_custom_next quant$$target_custom_next cyst"

[/ QUOTE ]
This is just a note to anyone that might decide to use this bind: If there is a quantum, void, or cyst in the area you will be unable to tab off of them once they are selected unless you loose line of sight or after they fade away (after they are defeated). This makes it hard to gain a new target if you need to fire on another target.

So, my suggestion is to make this into a macro or bind it to a different key if you use TAB all the time like I do.

Anyway, just my two influence worth.

[/ QUOTE ]

I have this one set up on my TAB button. Then I have this bind for when I come accross a Void/Quatum/or Cyst:

/bind shift+mbutton "target_enemy_next"

This bind allows me to continue conning the group.






As I mentioned at the start, this is mostly based on reading and speculation, things may not quite work out the way I think they might. Or I might learn that I don't care for one of the functions of the AT (such as preferring scrapping to tanking). The need for Stamina is my biggest unknown.

[/ QUOTE ]

just wanted to comment on this last part - yes, you will need stamina for a tri-form, all the way to 50. You can trust me or listen to those forum fibbers who tell you otherwise, but I will finish by simply saying that anyone who tells you you don't need stamina is either a fool, a liar, someone who likes to play gimp, or some combo of these .



I'm at 48 and I'm doing just fine without Stamina Thank You.
I also have never been accused of being a gimp.
True, without Conserve Power or Light Form, you can't have a long human form attack chain, but I use human as an opener or finisher.
I never regretted not taking stamina.
I do have the forms slotted with end mod



SupaTroll might be correct if Stamina actuall happened to transfer to forms, which it doesnt. You just can't stay human very long, which is fine for Triformers.

I know that I am better at what I do then most PBs I see taking Stamina. That's because I use my forms for their abilities and I don't rely on my human form for more then boosting my powers, healing, finishing a boss.

Some people just take Stamina because it's habit and they don't know any better. If you want to see gimped, go look at some of these newbs running around PI with Super Speed and Invisibility running and their not even built for PvP.



not taking stamina will significantly limit your ability to maintain steady offense in human form, yes that is true. You can use human form only as openers or closers as well, yes that is true also. However when you're on a decent sized team, your inherent power of Cosmic Balance is what truly transforms your human form into a thing of beauty to behold. I like to stay in human form at least as much as my other forms on teams. I see quite a few of tri-form out there that relegate their human form to nothing but something to click hasten and buildup in. Or something as mentioned above, only to be used as an opener or closer form. Personally I think that's not really a tri-form at all, and self-limiting. Hence, Stamina.



Ya, but you said anyone who doesn't take Stamina is a gimped Kheldian.

That is really going to depend on your build and how much emphasis you put on your human form and your other forms. Every form has it's own inherent bonuses and human gets some pretty good ones. However Cosmic Balance is not going to be the same everytime because you'll always have different team makeups.

I think it would be better to tell people that depending on their build, Stamina is or is not needed. After all, you don't always want to chug away three powers for Stamina when you don't necessarily have to.

Kheldians are just so varied in builds I don't like seeing someone blanket statement that Stamina is always needed.



One quick note on copying binds from the forums.

I am seeing an increasing number of posts, both here and in my Guide to Binds for the Peacebringer, where someone is getting a "goto_tray" error msg. I think it has to do w/ when ppl copy/paste things from the forum page directly into their chat window. For whatever reason the bind doesn't transfer right.

This is not to excuse my typo earlier, but there are ppl that have the problem when copy/pasting from here. Even when the bind is typed correctly.

[/ QUOTE ]

Hmmm. Confirmed. Just started my PB today, spent 15 minutes pasting binds and having it fail... and once I just retyped it manually, it worked fine.

I guess it's a "feature."



Good stuff everyone, i haven't reached the coveted 50 yet, but am closing in on it. Looking forward to reading more, and thanks for the info on PB.



I have been very bad about posting an update to this guide, now that my PB is 50 I really should do it before I get too taken by my warshade.



Good stuff you have here, Papa Smurf. PB = Fun.



I actually have extreme end issues in human form. I basically need constant RA to do much of anything. In dwarf or squid form, I am 100% fine

"Certain it is and sure: love burns, ale burns, fire burns, politics burns, but cold were life without them." - Romulan proverb

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