Babbage vs Kronos Titan




kong foo is just tryin to use the wrong pvp zone



Since this has some upcoming implications to me, which mission spawns the Kronos Titan ambush?

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When you get the mission "Defeat all Wildflower Agents" beware leaving that mission. He usually takes his sweet time getting to you though.

The Defenders of Paragon
KGB Special Section 8



If it spawns on exitting the mission, how do you control what zone he spawns in (for instance, how did you expect to spawn him in SC when I'm certain that the mission isn't located there).

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If it spawns on exitting the mission, how do you control what zone he spawns in (for instance, how did you expect to spawn him in SC when I'm certain that the mission isn't located there).

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My point exactly! Everyone is talking about "making Kronos Spawn in zone X" and then I get 2 replies saying he is an ambush after a certain mish from Crimson in a certain story arc. To my knowledge, missions are given a specific location, thus you cannot control where the mission that spawns the ambush will show up.

Secondly, I saw the screenies of the 3 Kronos in one zone. That slightly disproves the ambush theory as it substantiates the "making it spawn" statement. However, game mechanics only allows one or the other to be true.

So again the question, HOW did you make the Kronos spawn? or more specifically, how did you organize yourselves to create multiple simultaneous spawns in one zone? (namely the one poster who claimed to making it spawn in X zone "just because")

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If it spawns on exitting the mission, how do you control what zone he spawns in (for instance, how did you expect to spawn him in SC when I'm certain that the mission isn't located there).

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My point exactly! Everyone is talking about "making Kronos Spawn in zone X" and then I get 2 replies saying he is an ambush after a certain mish from Crimson in a certain story arc. To my knowledge, missions are given a specific location, thus you cannot control where the mission that spawns the ambush will show up.

Secondly, I saw the screenies of the 3 Kronos in one zone. That slightly disproves the ambush theory as it substantiates the "making it spawn" statement. However, game mechanics only allows one or the other to be true.

So again the question, HOW did you make the Kronos spawn? or more specifically, how did you organize yourselves to create multiple simultaneous spawns in one zone? (namely the one poster who claimed to making it spawn in X zone "just because")

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He spawns at the location of the mission owner when completing the mission. So the trick is to leave before the mission finishes, get to where you want to spawn him and have a team mate still in the mission defeat the last mobs.



I'm not suprised. Not sure there is any monster or AV that babbage can defeat.

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I'd put money on Babbage in a match against Sally.

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Well thank you for the little faith you have in my abili........ wait... you meant that thing that lives in Croatoa didn't you?

Never mind.



If it spawns on exitting the mission, how do you control what zone he spawns in (for instance, how did you expect to spawn him in SC when I'm certain that the mission isn't located there).

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He spawns (within 5 minutes, generally) on COMPLETING the mission.

So you start the mission, then leave while a teammate(s) remain on map. The Kronos will appear in whatever zone the mission holder is in when the mission completes (besides Atlas, Galaxy, Bloody Bay (bah!), Sewers... Any zone where you can get ambushed).

In theory, they made it so no ambushes can spawn in the PVP zones. This was done so high level ambushes won't be marauding in the pvp zones (ie, level 50 Pretorians in Bloody Bay). But apparently Siren's Call is bugged, and can still spawn ambushes.

My last organized mass Kronos party was in Bloody Bay. I tried it on test, thwo days earlier, got Kronos to spawn there.
Then they fixed it.

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Thanks bpphantom, the mission name is what I wanted, that way I know to have a few teammates for that mission (and after).






Unless they fixed it, do you think a team of heroes could spawn the Kronos Titan in Siren's Call on Protector? I want to kill it with the only high level I've got. My Mastermind.

Now if you don't mind, I'm going to slink back to the less painfully bright villain board.

Statesman said let there be heroes, and there were heroes.

Lord Recluse said let there be villains, and there were villains.

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