You know you're an old gamer when...




You used to get up at 7am on a Saturday morning just to watch Robotech. Well, it might have been 8am.

You know that Danger Mouse isn't a DJ.

You played on a Commador Vic 20. I think that's what it was called.

When all the new movies coming out weren't remakes.


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It was 7am... because my bus to school left at 6:45am (hour drive) and I had to spend my 'sick' days wisely to catch key episodes. I was always pissed off, if I got one of the 'crappy' episodes where the girl floated around space singing for the majority of the show.

Long live 'Pitfall' and 'Missle Command'.

You might be old if: You know if you are old if you remember being 'spanked' in public elementary school (I used to wear multiple underwears the days of my punishments)--- we called them 'hacks'. Our principle was missing the top 3rd of this ring finger and had a nice rubber whacking paddle with holes cut in it for that nice zing.

You might be old if: You were only givin 30 minutes detention for bringing your homemade Chinese stars to elementary school and throwing them at recess and sticking them into the school buildings themselves vs. the electrocution you would get today for doing something so stupid.

You might be old if: After debating who kicks more @$$ Bruce Lee, Sho Kusogi (sp?) , Chuck Norris, or the unknown asian guy on Cannonball run and Big Brawl (who turned out to be Jackie Chan) you signed up for a martial arts course.

Actually if you even know who Sho Kusgoi is (The Black Ninja).

I am 33 going on 11.



I knew I wouldn't get my five points...

But have you seen _the_ doctor in a Sinbad movie? (Golden Voyage in this case) My dad took me to all 3 of the Harryhausen Sinbads in the theater. Wasn't until years later I realized it was the doc. Tommy plays a great villain.

And once again, the old gamer thread comes back to haunt me...

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He was also in the crappy D&D movie that came out a few years ago.

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Thankfully, since I only understand AD&D 2.0, I never caught the movie, released far after that ruleset.

What's possibly more crappy is not playing, sitting here waiting to see if I have to pick up my daughter. Which of course gets me back to being an old gamer (it's really too easy). And in that vein, you may be an old gamer if: ever saw a lot of these critters driving around.
...your family had a woodpaneled station wagon (and it wasn't used) [heck, maybe this should be amended to just a station wagon]
...your neighborhood had one Delorean, before Back to the Future
...but really, what the heck was up with this. Those were hideous (even moreso than those horrid box-shaped cars on the road today).

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My grandparents used to drive around in this! Actually you would pull quite a few heads if you drove one today.




You could not make a long-distance call without the operator (There were times when you could not even make a local one either, but I'm not that old )

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oh oh! How about you SHARED a phone line with everyone else on your street and if you were a true 'assassin' could pick up the receiver without your neighbors knowing you were listening to their phone conversation.



That MTV showed music videos 24/7, and rap and hip hop had not been invented.

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What about the Suger Hill Gang, Grandmaster Flash and the Furious Five, and Houdini. Rap was around before MTV was even thought of.

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Never heard about them in the town I lived in, at that time (I am soooo glad to be out of that town, let me tell you!) As a result I can't name anything they did or what time frame they came on the scene.

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Aw man.... I'm sure you have heard the phrase "Hip hop...hippy to the hippity hip hip hop you don't stop rockin' to the bang bang boogie to up jump tha boogie to the rhythm of the boogity beat!" Suger Hill Gang, also an old lady in "The Wedding Singer"

"Don't Push me cuz I'm close to the edge...I'm trying not to lose my head.....huh huh huh huh" Grandmaster Flash

" Friends.....How many of us have them....friends.....the ones we can depend on....friends!" Houdini

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*SNIFF* just brought back some memories....I was so excited when my mother gave me a sony walkman for my birthday and I could listen to my cassette taped recordings of those songs....

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It's "Whodini"... but yeah...
Don't forget "Freaks Come Out at Night" and "Five Minutes of Funk", two more classics from Whodini.



It's like a jungle sometimes
It makes me wonder how I keep from goin' under

Ugg, I guess I'm old



you know your old when you reference the old superfreinds cartoons

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Gleek FTW!!!!!

Ya know, he was around long before Banananator and those other Rikti monkey knockoffs!!!



And in that vein, you may be an old gamer if: ever saw a lot of these critters driving around.
...your family had a woodpaneled station wagon (and it wasn't used) [heck, maybe this should be amended to just a station wagon]
...your neighborhood had one Delorean, before Back to the Future
...but really, what the heck was up with this. Those were hideous (even moreso than those horrid box-shaped cars on the road today).

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My grandparents used to drive around in this! Actually you would pull quite a few heads if you drove one today.

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Okay you got me there. Never saw one of those, but I don't doubt its fearsome head-pulling capabilities.

Gotta go back to the TV stuff, since I'm seeing a lot of it in the posts, and since the first one came up in a failed Sewer Trial this weekend:

* You are painfully, tragically aware that Generalissimo Francisco Franco is still dead.
* You waited every Saturday to catch Gloop and Gleep (the formless, fearless wonders) do their thing with the rest of their "alleged" team. (C'mon--stone tank, 2 blasters, scrapper, scrapper lite and no h34lr?!? How did they survive?)
* Somehow, you appreciated Batmite
* Though the mullet was to be feared, you knew Rick Springfield's Mission was Magic
* You still sing this song to yourself:

"Kings and queens
Knights on white horses
All these things mean nothing to me
Kings and queens
Living in castles
Will never be as happy as me."

Giving 10 points to anyone that gets the cartoon that was from.

President of the Arbiter Sands fan club. We will never forget.

An Etruscan Snood will nevermore be free




My grandparents used to drive around in this! Actually you would pull quite a few heads if you drove one today.

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Okay you got me there. Never saw one of those, but I don't doubt its fearsome head-pulling capabilities.

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You never experienced the magic of the Volkswagon thing ? You poor poor child.


* You waited every Saturday to catch Gloop and Gleep (the formless, fearless wonders) do their thing with the rest of their "alleged" team. (C'mon--stone tank, 2 blasters, scrapper, scrapper lite and no h34lr?!? How did they survive?)

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Ok I remember Gloop and Gleep from the Herculoids, and I remember the Dragon thingy was Zok, but what was the name of the Rhino with the fireball shooting horn?

The Avalanche has already started, it is too late for the pebbles to vote.

Blue Spot, Son Spot, Cyan Siren, Polar Gale, Scarlett Fury, Stygian Warlock, Lady Lilac, Elsbeth (villian), Furious Squirrel (villian)

Infinity server



While your playing and running at top speed you remind yourself of that chick from the Thunder Cats Thunder...Thunder...ThunderCats... Hooooo




My grandparents used to drive around in this! Actually you would pull quite a few heads if you drove one today.

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Okay you got me there. Never saw one of those, but I don't doubt its fearsome head-pulling capabilities.

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You never experienced the magic of the Volkswagon thing ? You poor poor child.

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Child? CHILD?!? I may have been called an immature 16-year-old in-game but...uh, what were we talking about again?

Well, no one in my neck of the west Omaha suburbs was kind enough to purchase one. My mom had the sawed-off Volkswagon station wagon that somehow we got to Michigan and back, but it hardly compares to the thing.


* You waited every Saturday to catch Gloop and Gleep (the formless, fearless wonders) do their thing with the rest of their "alleged" team. (C'mon--stone tank, 2 blasters, scrapper, scrapper lite and no h34lr?!? How did they survive?)

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Ok I remember Gloop and Gleep from the Herculoids, and I remember the Dragon thingy was Zok, but what was the name of the Rhino with the fireball shooting horn?

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They're all here.

Boy, I'd hate to not have wikipedia around. And yes, I was the nerd that would grab a World Book and soon have a pile of them around me as I jumped from "link" to "link" long before Al Gore even dreamed of the internet.

President of the Arbiter Sands fan club. We will never forget.

An Etruscan Snood will nevermore be free


Posted loved to watch the "Doctor Who" marathons on PBS.



While your playing and running at top speed you remind yourself of that chick from the Thunder Cats Thunder...Thunder...ThunderCats... Hooooo

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Ok, I'll just go back to lurking now.



37 here, and about to retire from 20 years in the Navy. I still freak guys out on the ship when I mention I had a PONG game with the paddle controller.



While your playing and running at top speed you remind yourself of that chick from the Thunder Cats Thunder...Thunder...ThunderCats... Hooooo

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And from the 4th season...

Want me to runt through Voltron, GI Joe, He-Man, and Transformers next?


Ok, I'll just go back to lurking now.

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[ QUOTE ] loved to watch the "Doctor Who" marathons on PBS.

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You still HAVE the Dr Who marathons that you taped...minus the Tom Baker ones that you wore out.....
and think that K-9 could beat the crap outta Lassie



You know your old when you know Texas Instruments made a computer and got pissed when hearing someone else say they got a TI99... Forgetting to put the /4a at the end..


You got the damed expansion box and after 3 hours of entering freakin "extended" basic programing language. bumped the "foot" and lost everything!

Or got a "new" IBM computer and were consered "L33T" cause it had 16 megs(Ya.. I know my watch got more) of ram!

Dam I remeber when you used to mess the school computers up with Peek and Poke comands.. And for you youngsters it has nothing to do with illegally lookin in windows or touching somene..

DAM.. you kids got it easy!..

Now wheres my freakin WALKER!




My grandparents used to drive around in this! Actually you would pull quite a few heads if you drove one today.

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I can beat that! My grandfather was the original owner of one of these. His was a black hard-top. He would pull it out on some Sundays in the spring and summer, and we would ride to church in it. We heard that when he passed away, he was the last original owner of that kind of car anywhere. My Uncle still has the car, but it will end up in a museum.

LOCAL MAN! The most famous hero of all. There are more newspaper stories about me than anyone else. "Local Man wins Medal of Honor." "Local Man opens Animal Shelter." "Local Man Charged with..." (Um, forget about that one.)
Guide Links: Earth/Rad Guide, Illusion/Rad Guide, Electric Control



Now that is a truly beautiful car.

The Avalanche has already started, it is too late for the pebbles to vote.

Blue Spot, Son Spot, Cyan Siren, Polar Gale, Scarlett Fury, Stygian Warlock, Lady Lilac, Elsbeth (villian), Furious Squirrel (villian)

Infinity server



AirWulf, name ALL of the transformers from the original series, Dinobots and all lol, I dare ya.



You might be old if...

... you didn't know that the Incredible Hulk was green because you owned a black and white TV.

... you watched the original King Kong on TV and were amazed at the great special effects (ok you're really old if you saw it in the theaters).

... you watch Star Wars: A New Hope with your kids and they think the special effects suck.

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About a month before Star Wars came out, I remember a Time magazine cover story about how this new movie used all kinds of special effects that had never been done before. That article really built up my burning desire to see it, and I saw it about 6 times in the theater -- two times I sat through it twice. I also was at the 1980 World Science Fiction Convention in Denver, and saw the very first time Star Wars and Empire Strikes Back were shown officially as a double feature! Producers Kathleen Kennedy and Frank Marshall were there to tell stories about the productions. Empire won the Hugo Award, of course.

... you ever ordered a "spud gun" or "sea monkeys" out of the back of a comic book.

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I ordered Sea Monkeys, and those X-Ray Glasses that were supposed to let you see through people's clothes. What a rip off!

... you ever played a game on a Wang, OSI or Trash 80.

I used them all, and used to work on a Wang dedicated Word Processor that used the 8-inch (really) floppy disks. These came out a little before Apple started selling "micro-computers."

... you had to assemble your brand new spanking computer you mail ordered (and I mean actually soldering it together).

... you ever played Wumpus Hunt.

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I remember playing it on a mainframe, but I just can't remember what the game was. The "Wumpus" reached the same level of mythological status on my campus as a "snipe."

... you know who Thomas Covenant is and couldn't wait for the second book to come out.

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"Lord Foul's Bane" taught me more about leprosy than I had ever known. What made those books so good was that Covenant wasn't really a hero or anti-hero. He was complicated and really frustrating, as he had the power to fix everything, but not the will.

LOCAL MAN! The most famous hero of all. There are more newspaper stories about me than anyone else. "Local Man wins Medal of Honor." "Local Man opens Animal Shelter." "Local Man Charged with..." (Um, forget about that one.)
Guide Links: Earth/Rad Guide, Illusion/Rad Guide, Electric Control



When you still have an Atari 2600 and a Vectrex that still work....and most people won;t even know what a Vectrex is....

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I knew it not a single person that has read this thread since I posted even responded to this...why? the never heard of the Vectrex that's why.....
By the way I am old...I had most of the Transformers from the original series [I think I still do], I also had an Action Jackson doll [the GI JOE competition way back when]......I'm 46




My grandparents used to drive around in this! Actually you would pull quite a few heads if you drove one today.

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I can beat that! My grandfather was the original owner of one of these. His was a black hard-top. He would pull it out on some Sundays in the spring and summer, and we would ride to church in it. We heard that when he passed away, he was the last original owner of that kind of car anywhere. My Uncle still has the car, but it will end up in a museum.

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Well... in some ways you don't win, you lose... because that is a NICE car and the Volkswagen Thing is a piece of crap that they couldn't even come up with a name for.




My grandparents used to drive around in this! Actually you would pull quite a few heads if you drove one today.

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I can beat that! My grandfather was the original owner of one of these. His was a black hard-top. He would pull it out on some Sundays in the spring and summer, and we would ride to church in it. We heard that when he passed away, he was the last original owner of that kind of car anywhere. My Uncle still has the car, but it will end up in a museum.

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Well... in some ways you don't win, you lose... because that is a NICE car and the Volkswagen Thing is a piece of crap that they couldn't even come up with a name for.

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Actually, I don't think the name would have gone over too well in America, it is simply the WWII German army staff car. Can't remember exactly what it was called but it starts with Panzer.*edit the panzer designation is because of the military usage, the actual name is Kubelwagen see link

The Avalanche has already started, it is too late for the pebbles to vote.

Blue Spot, Son Spot, Cyan Siren, Polar Gale, Scarlett Fury, Stygian Warlock, Lady Lilac, Elsbeth (villian), Furious Squirrel (villian)

Infinity server



AirWulf, name ALL of the transformers from the original series, Dinobots and all lol, I dare ya.

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This is just from memory at the moment with no googling...
Optimus Prime
Bumble Bee
Cliff Jumper
Iron Hide
Wheel Jack
Sun Streaker
Ultra Magnus


Thats really all I can recall from the origanal series. There might be more, like the Aerial bots and the City-bots, but its been so long that I think those were part of G2.

Star Scream


Formed Devestator
Long Haul
(one or two more. Can't think of the names)

Thats it. My brain is now sufficiently fried. I haven't had to think about Transformer names like that in a long time. Was fun. Can anyone add any without googling? I know there are a bunch from season 3 and on but this is all I could recall of the first season or two.