Did you know... The unofficial history thread




Did you know...?

The high frequency of Winter Lord spawns during the Winter event led to the phenomenon of "Winter Lord Babies" -- newbies who leveled up so fast from the XP off Winter Lords that they lacked basic game knowledge and had no idea how to effectively play their characters at such high levels. (Seriously, I had a lvl 23 ask me how to send a tell.)

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My friends and I took to calling them sn00bs. Had to avoid PuGs for about three months after that fiasco.

CURRENT MAINS: Akero (V) | Polly Spark (V) | Project MALWARE (V) | Barium Bunny (VIP)
ACTIVE INCARNATES: Polly's Revenge (V) | Stygian Kitten (V) | Archon Abrasax (V) | Alpha Antares (V)
Felines | Wolves | Avians | Bovines | Griffons | Centaurs | Insects | Robots
What, you really think HUMANS are going to save the world? LOL!



-AT inherent powers started in I5, but Defenders had to wait for theirs.

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So how much longer do they have to wait?


Monkeyboy lvl 50 ma/regen
Baboo lvl 50 invuln/ss
Cuervo Jones lvl 50 spines/regen
Johnny Crash lvl 50 broadsword/regen
Rocket Queen lvl 50 claws/regen
Another Dead Monkey lvl 50 spines/dark armor



Did you know...

That the "Kill Skuls" badge is not misspelled, and is based on a joke here from the forums?

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That it was actually some yahoo in Perez Park who sat in a corner of the zone, inviting people to team, then sending them out with the instruction "Go. Hunt. Kill Skuls.", which became a joke in the forums after someone described the situation?

Did you know...

That the 5th Column spawns in Brickstown used to be exclusively Vampyrs and Wolves?

...after this PLing opportunity went away, people found a "glowie mission" that gave XP to every team member regardless of whether they were in the mission at the time or not? This led to Phase Shifters of any levels to be in high demand. I believe the XP was about 500/per glowie, regardless of level.

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It also worked if the team members weren't even in the same zone, and handed out level-adjusted XP, even if the team member was too low-level to get XP normally in the mission. This allowed level 1 heroes in AP to be part of high-level teams and get tens of thousands of XP in an hour or two, slamming them up through levels.

"But in our enthusiasm, we could not resist a radical overhaul of the system, in which all of its major weaknesses have been exposed, analyzed, and replaced with new weaknesses."
-- Bruce Leverett, Register Allocation in Optimizing Compilers



Wow, great pic... looks much more freespirited and wild than the quiet, reserved type we see ingame and in the comics

"Take the Yuan-Ti, bash them with a club made of frozen stupidity, then rip out their sense of subtlety with a rusty spoon, and then you have the Snakes of Mercy Isle" -Taltha Widowfang, drow stalker
Now playing at an MA near you: Dragonslayers #335375




Rikki Tikki Tavo
No say Ravvo
Chilli chilli Sang Sang
Chitty chitty bang bang

Please don't post the real poem in response to this; I like my version of it.

edit: Yes, I know it is not even REMOTELY like the Kipling poem. I never said it was, this is just all of my childhood memories being fused into one bastardized conglomeration.

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Hey, Pan. :-)

I know that Rikki Tikki Tavi was the name of a mongoose in a Kipling story, but there was also a totally unrelated poem, which might be what you are thinking of....it was some kind of story about:

Ricki Ticki Tambo
No so rambo
Everybody bushkey
Kickemup pompom

Fell in the well.

Something about a boy whose name was so long that by the time someone had run around telling everyone in the village that he had fallen in the well, trying to get help, the boy had drowned. I want to say that it was supposed to be a village in China, but I'm not at all sure about that.

I'll [i]almost certainly[/i] be happy with I7....."SOON(tm)"

Too bad "Maturity" isn't an Enhanceable power.

Anybody with a bow is okay in my book. ;-)

Liberty, Infinity & Protector



Did you know....

That unlike what has already been mentioned here, (the CoV bug in which villains could wind up in an empty iteration of Atlas Park), one villain really did wind up, on Liberty server, in the real Atlas Park?

Heroes kept killing the poor guy, who kept winding up in the hospital. This went on until 2 lvl 50s of the SG True Blues befriended him and took him under their wing. While they were waiting for the Devs to put him back where he belonged, they took him on a badge tour, invited him into their SG, and set up a Hero SG portal in the Rogue Isles.

Last time I talked to one of them (the True Blues are Starfire allies), they said the the portal was still there. They can actually teleport their heroes into the Rogue Isles....they can't stay long, only a second or two before they pop back to where they belong, but in the meantime, they can give fledgeling villains a real scare.... ;-)

And they also told me that they still show the villain as being on their Hero SG list.

Hopefully, one of the True Blues will post here and fill in the information that I've forgotten, names and the like....

I'll [i]almost certainly[/i] be happy with I7....."SOON(tm)"

Too bad "Maturity" isn't an Enhanceable power.

Anybody with a bow is okay in my book. ;-)

Liberty, Infinity & Protector



It used to be that:

Stores didn't show up on in-game maps unless you installed a non-Cryptic program to add them.

The orange inspirations (such as "Sturdy") didn't exist.

The Paragon Dance Party was the best route to Terra Volta, because it was the closest IP entrance to the TV gate (and was also closest to the center of IP and I miss it for that reason).

"Raver" was the music inside the PDP. (and last time I checked, "Raver" was bugged...you click on it the first time, you get some other music, then you click on it a second time, and you get the actual "Raver" theme. It wasn't bugged like that a year ago.)

Did you know:

A store (a bartender) was added to the PDP only a couple of weeks before it was permanently closed in favor of Pocket D.

The very first mention of the PDP in an archived Paragon Times article calls it "Pocket D", and mentions DJ Zero.

I'll [i]almost certainly[/i] be happy with I7....."SOON(tm)"

Too bad "Maturity" isn't an Enhanceable power.

Anybody with a bow is okay in my book. ;-)

Liberty, Infinity & Protector



Did you know...

During the early months of the Game there was a bug that spawned a 5th cloumn bad guy as a Desk. The Desk would yell NPC comments and attack and run etc.

I couldnt fight it, I just kept laughing.



Did you know...

During the early months of the Game there was a bug that spawned a 5th cloumn bad guy as a Desk. The Desk would yell NPC comments and attack and run etc.

I couldnt fight it, I just kept laughing.

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..Must.. ..see this desk of doooommmmMM!!!!1!



The Desk would yell NPC comments and attack and run etc.

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And here I thought that was just because I dropped too much acid at work...

"OK, first of all... Shut Up." - My 13-Year-Old Daughter

29973 "The Running of the Bulls" [SFMA] - WINNER of the Mighty Big Story Arc Contest !
- The Stellar Wind Orbital Space Platform



Did you know that there was a brief period of time, in a patch before the release of I7, where a bug caused any and all Tanker attacks to do PBAoE damage on the Test server?



Hey, Pan. :-)

I know that Rikki Tikki Tavi was the name of a mongoose in a Kipling story, but there was also a totally unrelated poem, which might be what you are thinking of....it was some kind of story about:

Ricki Ticki Tambo
No so rambo
Everybody bushkey
Kickemup pompom

Fell in the well.

[/ QUOTE ]

I loved that book as a kid. I have a copy right here.

Tikki tikki tembo-no sa rembo-chari bari ruchi-pip peri pembo

The Dark Blade
"I've felt your mouse on me before, you perv...." - Troy Hickman
Paragon Wiki



Yeah, I noticed earlier today, while looking through my Prima guide to CoH (the first one), and noticed my grievous error in Duray's name. And I had no clue about his appearance in an SF. Which one, if you don't mind my asking. Also, I avoid all villains from the Tsoo, and haven't been to the PvP zones, so that explains why I've yet to meet them all. Grats. Anyway, back to obscure info.

Did you know this about CoH?

-The badge in the center of Perez Park (can't remember the current name offhand) was once called "Bridge." It was the worst badge name ever, and was much ridiculed. I miss it.

-The only plaques before I2 were in front of Atlas and Galaxy Girl's statues. The plaques in City Hall and Freedom Corps existed, but were unreadable until very, very recently.

-My statement about AT inherents showing up in I5 was inaccurate. I'd forgotten about Kheldians, who had theirs since I3.

-Speaking of I3, I3 was the first big regen nerf, and the first really poorly-received issue.

-During the I3 transition event, when Fifth Column and Council were fighting in the streets, many heroes, myself included, would kill the Council members before the 5C (as they were known).

-CoT Earth Mages used to stack Quicksand. 'Nuff said.

-Last year, all us heroes that logged in got a special Accolade badge called "Celebrant."

-Requiem used to use fire and dark blast attacks, but now uses Kheldian powers. Also, his fusion to the Nictus was mentioned in his description, even back then.

-PFF and Rest are mutually exclusive (that ought to save you guys some debt).

-Luminous Eidolons have always been the easiest Eidolons, and more often are the named foes (as opposed to Murk or Mire). Not only that, but Eidolons in general are one of few foes that run out of endurance naturally.

-The badge you get for beating Eochai in Croatoa is not the same that you got from Halloween '04.

-Not only do civilians you save give you influence, but they occaisionally give you inspirations.

-The loading screen for the Abandoned Sewer Network used to look like it had graffiti for the word "Abandoned." It was changed to a stenciled look sometime between I5 and I6 (and may have changed again since).

-Both the Arenas and Universities had construction sites at their present locations during the issue before they were finished being built. The workers would say funny stuff when you got near them.

-The Bright Star badge used to be on the roof of a building that stood where the Steel Canyon university now stands.

-The Secret Admirer badge used to refer to War Witch as if she were still alive (and she was).

-Kiosks didn't used to work. I believe they were activated back in I4.

I'll see what else I can dig up for your reading pleasure.

[B]The Once and Future Official Minister of Awesome[/B]
[I]And don't you forget it.[/I]




-The loading screen for the Abandoned Sewer Network used to look like it had graffiti for the word "Abandoned." It was changed to a stenciled look sometime between I5 and I6 (and may have changed again since).

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AFAIK, the Abandoned Sewer Network loading screen has always been a duplicate of the normal Sewer Network with the spray-painted "Abandoned" on top.

-Both the Arenas and Universities had construction sites at their present locations during the issue before they were finished being built. The workers would say funny stuff when you got near them.

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Did you know...

In Talos island, the foundation for the Arena was poured after a inter-issue patch, but the construction worker NPCs were not removed, resulting in word bubbles coming from underground? It was quite humorous.

Never surrender! Never give up!
Help keep Paragon City alive with the unofficial City of Heroes Tabletop Role Playing Game!



Did you know...

Once there was a secret command that allowed heroes to gain access to villain costume parts in Icon? Apparently it was some sort of internal software developer switch that was left in after a patch. In the first couple of hours after it was discovered, all Icon stores were mobbed by heroes taking advantage of the "bug."

(sorry, wanted to be the first to bag this one)

"OK, first of all... Shut Up." - My 13-Year-Old Daughter

29973 "The Running of the Bulls" [SFMA] - WINNER of the Mighty Big Story Arc Contest !
- The Stellar Wind Orbital Space Platform



Talos Island is only around forty years old. It was created when Talos and Chimera (not the Praetorian) battled it out in the Atlantic Ocean sometime in the Sixties. Their battle cracked the ocean floor pouring out magma that, by most accounts, trapped the two giants in eternal combat. In the Eighties, developers began construction on the island, and an anonymous benefactor donated the giant statue of Talos. Real estate prices soared there. During the Rikti War, it was the only area of Paragon City that wasn't attacked by the invaders, driving real estate prices even higher.

This all contradicts the in-game history, however, as it's explained on a plaque in Talos that Spanky Rabinowitz was born on that island in the 1800s.



-Kiosks didn't used to work. I believe they were activated back in I4.

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Did you know....

... that the kiosks worked in beta, but stopped working at launch, until they were turned back on in I4. Here is screenshot of the kiosk during beta

... that when the beta servers for both CoH and CoV were offline for most of the week, many testers would leave the game early so they could stay logged into the character creator until the servers came back up. The character creator being always on, was one of the main reasons why the beta thread for costume knock-offs was so impressive.

Edited to add link



Yeah, I noticed earlier today, while looking through my Prima guide to CoH (the first one), and noticed my grievous error in Duray's name. And I had no clue about his appearance in an SF. Which one, if you don't mind my asking.

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It is Silver Mantis' Strike Force which is launched from either a mission computer or oracle inside a super group base.

The Dark Blade
"I've felt your mouse on me before, you perv...." - Troy Hickman
Paragon Wiki



Did you know there have been many ways to power level that have disappeared?

This is significant because almost all nerfs since I2 are due to either PLing or to PvPing. Also, at some stages of the game, one of these methods was so dominant that it was very difficult to find teams that did NOT do this (notably Kraken, Winter Lord, Sewers, and Frostfire), so these things had major impacts on different aspects of the game. Even players that abhorred PLing (and some people will not consider everything I have listed as PLing) know of these techniques because of the constant broadcasts and requests that would be thrown out in chats during the times that these methods were in use.

So I thought it might be informative to have as many of these methods listed in one area to see how prevalent PLing was and still is in City of Heroes). Here are the ways I remember, in no particular order, although some have already been mentioned in this thread and I'm sure I haven't seen them all...

1. Winter Lord: Massive monster spawns from winter of '04-'05 let lower level toons form WL teams and power level themselves in KR and such. Unfortunately, this also led to the previously mentioned Winter Lord Effect, where PUGs were totally unmanageable for months as a result of lvl 20+ toons not being built for real team play (especially lvl 20+ tanks and scrappers with no mez protection).

2. Hydra pulling: Only saw this once on Freedom around Feb of '05... a lvl 50 rad troller used Radiation Infection and Enervating Field to empty the entire lake of Hydras and pull them to near the Galaxy City gate of Perez Park, where she would use EM Pulse and other non-damaging mezzes to hold them and let her lvl 10 friends aoe them to death. Wash, rinse, and repeat. Probably not very fast xp, but that was the only time I've ever seen the lake empty, and I saw many a lvl 8ish toon run in terror at the approach of about 150 lvl 13-14 Hydras

3. Kraken farming: Farming the Krakens from the abandoned sewers trial used to be the shortcut from 36 to 42 for many, many toons. This disappeared when I4 was released and the xp from Krakens was reduced to almost nothing. Since then, the Abandoned Sewer Network has been very aptly named

4. Glowie missions: Some glowies in missions used to give out xp to the entire team, regardless of where in the game they were. This was particularly significant due to a lvl 40-45 Nemesis mission that contained a lot of such glowies in an easily navigated outdoor map. Thus, any toon with phase shift and super speed could simply run in, click all the glowies, give all teammates insane xp, run out, and reset. In the meantime, rest of team could be afk somewhere or out street hunting and thus earning even more xp. Two changes were made because of this. First, the auto-afk timeout was implemented in a patch sometime in the fall of '04, and second, when I3 was released in Jan '05, all glowies that gave xp only gave xp to the person who clicked them. Thus, this PL technique died with I3.

5. BP farm: This farm was created as a result of the devs fixing a bug. It used to be that Death Shaman spawns were capped at lvl 29. The devs fixed this around I5, I believe, so that they spawned to the level of the Death Shaman, which could be up to lvl 52 in portal missions. Thus the BP farm was born, since Death Shamans generally do not attack much, a bunch of them could be herded together, and they would constantly spawn minions that would run to a tank that had burn on auto. Just set it up, go to bed, and wake up with all the SK'd toons several (or many) levels higher. This lasted only a very short time, however, as the devs quickly made the spawned minions worth no xp.

6. Portal farming: This was the same thing as the BP farm, but occurred long before then. Basically, aggro a portal, kill all the spawns, move to next portal. Nerfed once portal mobs were no longer worth xp (Also worked with Rikti portals summoned by Communications Officers).

7. Puppy farms: Shadowhunter and some lvl 40+ 5th Column Warwolves missions used to be very farmable. At one point, wolves did not have any ranged attacks, so Inv scrappers and tankers were particularly good at herding tons of farms into a small area where blasters could nova them in seconds. The devs responded by making all wolf missions timed and by giving all wolves hurl bolder, which can disorient tanks if stacked enough. This was also a significant reason why Invincibility from the Inv power set no longer gives defense to ranged attacks as well as why Unstoppable is no longer perma (which in turn forced the devs to make Elude, Rage, and MoG non-perma to balance them out).

8. Dreck farms: A lvl 50 Unai Kemens mission was the PL map of choice for a long time. Containing Freaks in a large outdoor instanced map, this map can be farmed very effectively, due in large part to the fact that freakshow give more xp than most other mob types of the same level. The devs responded by making this mission timed, and by making it completable just by killing the AV. Many people, however, still have this mission (some untimed Shadowhunter missions still exist as well). Currently, there are many lvl 50 outdoor missions that are farmed in this way.

9. Kora runs: This worked around I2 and I3. Kora missions from the Shadow Shard were missions in which toons were asked to pick a certain number of Kora Fruit (bright plant-like glowies that gave tier 3 inspirations to whoever clicked them). These missions still exist, but they used to be completable just by clicking all the glowies. Thus, a lvl 50 would get the mission, which was always in Firebase Zulu, a flyer would go to the mission and TP the rest of team there, and then all the runners (toons with phase shift and super speed) would go in and click the Koras, thus giving everyone mission complete xp for a lvl 50 mission. The devs responded by adding a kill boss component to these missions, and the Shadow Shard has been abandoned ever since. This and the other glowie missions, as well as PvPing, is why Phase Shift, Quantum Flight, and Nebulous Form can no longer be kept on permanently, as well as the reason why you can no longer click glowies while phase shifted. Since then, you see PSers far less frequently, and Invisibility is far more common.

10. TF teams: This technique was particularly common with the Synapse TF, which used to begin with a 'Visit 5 locations' mission, a kill 30 clockwork mission and either a delivery or some short door mission, each of which gave the entire team lvl 20 mission complete xp and could be completed by a team of lvl 15s. They would simply then quit the TF and restart. The devs responded by adding a new mission or reordering them so that a rather annoyingly long kill-all mission is the first mission in the Synapse, Sister Psyche, Bastian (now Citadel), and Manticore task forces. Thus, some complain that now these original task forces, notably Manticore, is very much front-loaded. Not to mention they're too long anyway.

11. Burn tanks: The devs created this monstrosity when they released I3 granting fire tanks much better mez protection as well as boosting tank damage in general. Suddenly fire tanks, which used to not have any sleep protection, could herd large numbers of mobs to them, sit in a corner and burn them to death in a very short amount of time. This had a major effect on many aspects of the game from Jan '05 until I5 was released in the summer of '05. Fire tanks became the most predominant type of tank, whereas before I3 it was Inv tanks. Also, teams that had fire tanks on them were basically defined by the tank and a support cast to keep the tank alive or at least stay out of its way. This period of the game came to an end when I5 was released and Burn was severely nerfed so that it was much shorter in duration, much slower to recharge, did less damage, and caused foes to flee... the rare quadruple nerf not seen since Invincibility had been nerfed when I3 was released. Burn tanks were also the root to other game changes, as well, such as a target cap and an aggro cap. Currently, other ATs/Builds are predominant PLing toons, including spine scrappers, dark scrappers, all tanks, and now trollers, especially fire/kins.

12. Ninja farms: The ninjas of the Chimera mission do relatively little damage and have almost no damage resistance. Their only effective weapon is caltrops, which is completely negated by Hover, Speed Boost, and Phase Shift (before the PS timer was implemented). Thus almost any toon with PS or any tank with hover or SB could herd a ton of ninjas to a corner and then let a blaster nuke them with one shot. Sometimes a PS'd blaster would do this single-handedly. This mostly disappeared with the implementation of max targets for attacks and the aggro cap (either I5 or I6... can't recall).

13. Frostfire & Atta: These two Hollows missions are single-handedly worth about a level or more to any even level toon who completes them on an 8 person team. As of now, they still exist, and are the dominant means of advancing toons from level 5 to level 15. Chances are, however, they will not be nerfed in any way, since they actually engender teamwork and they are very effective and introducing the face-plant position to bad players.

14. Sewers and PP: Before I2 and the Hollows were introduced, low level teams would often PL themselves simply by going to the Sewers and killing mobs until they reached lvl 7, then go to Perez Park and hunt the skulls and hellions on the street until they were high enough level to go hunt Hydras in the lake. Before long, they could be lvl 15 and on their way to the Synapse TF. Thanks to the introduction of the Hollows, PP has been cut out of this equation in favor of Frostfire and Atta missions, and is only visited by low level toons who enjoy pain or are there to complete the "Find the Missing Fortune Teller" mission for the Spelunker badge.

15. In general, some teams would often hunt in hazard zones due to the large spawns and relatively high levels of the mobs there. This was/is particularly prevalent in the Hollows, PP, Boomtown, Sewers, Abandoned Sewers, Cray's Folly (esp. for lvl 35+ burn tanks who farmed the freakshow areas near the RCS entrance to PL themselves to 40).

16. Synapse TF: At present, this still exists. Because the first eight missions of this TF consist of five kill-alls, one delivery, one patrol, and one hunt mission, each of which provides lvl 20 mission xp, it is very easy for a lvl 15 or 16 toon to join a Synapse TF and finish at lvl 20 a few hours later. Unfortunately, this means that relatively few lvl 19 or 20 toons are interested in doing this TF anymore, since they will do the last couple of missions as lvl 21s who are exemped and thus receive no xp, and so the first few missions are run with very poorly balanced teams, and the last missions are too easy (and usually stealthed since people are tired of fighting nothing but clocks by then). There is no change in sight for this situation that I know of.

17. Monster/AV farming: This has been done periodically, and some still do it. Basically, missions in which there is an AV (notably first mission of Katie Hannon TF) or where outdoor monsters spawn (Hive or monster island in PI), sometimes people will farm these beasts for xp, or more recently for prestige or lvl 53 SOs. The devs have adjusted the rewards for AVs and Monsters often, which is why this method is seasonal.

Well, that's all my memory could dig up. Please feel free to add or correct anything



Why is this thread more about the history of nerfs, power leveling, and complaining than about the history of the game itself?



Why is this thread more about the history of nerfs, power leveling, and complaining than about the history of the game itself?

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Why complain about what other people view as important elements of this game? In the case of nerfs and power leveling, these are the only things other than the introduction of new zones and ATs that have significantly altered the way the game was played. For example, the lvl 36-42 game is now much different than it was when everyone would go to the sewers at lvl 36 and emerge at lvl 42. Not everyone is complaining about these changes, but you cannot deny that nerfs (or power adjustments, if you prefer) have had a very big impact on how this game has been played. And in my opinion, the history of how this game has been played really is the history of this game. Consequently, you shouldn't be surprised when a lot of people reflect on the past and remember what their favorite toon used to be like with a sense of longing, and so they want to capture that in this thread. That's partialy what this trhead is here for, after all.

This is significant because almost all nerfs since I2 are due to either PLing or to PvPing.

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Just because you say so doesn't make it true.

It's downright false.

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I'm sure I made several, if not many, mistakes in my post. But please correct them rather than just refuting them without any support.



This is significant because almost all nerfs since I2 are due to either PLing or to PvPing.

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Just because you say so doesn't make it true.

It's downright false.

[/ QUOTE ]

"almost all"

Yes, I'm gonna have to go TRUE on that one.