CoV Bad Player Guide(orginized by class!)
2. The Suicidal Sadists. These brutes have it out for both themselves and their team. They invariably rush from the last mob, halfway down on health and with a 1/4 a bar of end, straight into the next mob. Their teammates, just finishing up the +3 Carnie boss that 1-shotted the /Thermal(who is still dead), are than forced to run to the aid of the brute(now screaming H34L!!!11!) and than of course... are wiped out.
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There is a term for is called Fury-lock. Much like the Scrapper version, Scrapperlock. You get so intent on keeping that Fury meter up, you don't pay attention to silly little things like Health or Endurance.
2. The Suicidal Sadists. These brutes have it out for both themselves and their team. They invariably rush from the last mob, halfway down on health and with a 1/4 a bar of end, straight into the next mob. Their teammates, just finishing up the +3 Carnie boss that 1-shotted the /Thermal(who is still dead), are than forced to run to the aid of the brute(now screaming H34L!!!11!) and than of course... are wiped out.
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There is a term for is called Fury-lock. Much like the Scrapper version, Scrapperlock. You get so intent on keeping that Fury meter up, you don't pay attention to silly little things like Health or Endurance.
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wait.. I'm supposed to watch something BUT the fury bar? the others go up on their own, fury dont.. must SMASH!!
2. The Suicidal Sadists. These brutes have it out for both themselves and their team. They invariably rush from the last mob, halfway down on health and with a 1/4 a bar of end, straight into the next mob. Their teammates, just finishing up the +3 Carnie boss that 1-shotted the /Thermal(who is still dead), are than forced to run to the aid of the brute(now screaming H34L!!!11!) and than of course... are wiped out.
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There is a term for is called Fury-lock. Much like the Scrapper version, Scrapperlock. You get so intent on keeping that Fury meter up, you don't pay attention to silly little things like Health or Endurance.
[/ QUOTE ]
One of the best sig's on these boards was
"Fury makes you do dumb things"
LOL- gotta love it.
"I'm not scared of anyone or anything Angie. Isn't that the way life should be?"
Jack Hawksmoor, The Authority.
Cute. I would like to point out however that you used "than" 9 times, and 8 of those times incorrectly. Very distracting. You meant "then" in all but one spot.
then: followed by ("heal up then pull")
than: compared to ("an AV is tougher than an elite boss")
But it was still a fun post.
I would like to contribute to your player guide (which I loved, thank you for posting it!)
Your assessment of the Dom rings so true. I love my Doms, but oh so squishy. I do have a Dom to contribute to the bad player guide though.
"I'm gonna play my signature power no matter what the other Dom is doing".
This Dom will throw 'roots' out to all those mobs bouncing around on the ice slick the other Dom has put down - effectively allowing the mob to stay planted on the ice slick and shoot back at us. This tactic is also especially useful to wake up a pack of foes that have been put to sleep.
I would like to also contribute an overall 'Team' concept.
The meaning of 'Pull!' is the following:
One person shoots - preferably hitting the boss - ... and then the entire team rushes forward into the advancing mob. This is most effective by running over and past the caltrops or other device put down to slow the advancing mob. (I saw this just last night and had to marvel that only half the team got wiped out w/in seconds.)
Cute. I would like to point out however that you used "than" 9 times, and 8 of those times incorrectly. Very distracting. You meant "then" in all but one spot.
then: followed by ("heal up then pull")
than: compared to ("an AV is tougher than an elite boss")
But it was still a fun post.
[/ QUOTE ]
i no ennglesh gud. Sorry bout that, despite my status as a history major and the 20,000 essays in my future...I still suck at english.
Cute. I would like to point out however that you used "than" 9 times, and 8 of those times incorrectly. Very distracting. You meant "then" in all but one spot.
then: followed by ("heal up then pull")
than: compared to ("an AV is tougher than an elite boss")
But it was still a fun post.
[/ QUOTE ]
i no ennglesh gud. Sorry bout that, despite my status as a history major and the 20,000 essays in my future...I still suck at english.
[/ QUOTE ]
You've met one of The Flame Warriors.
Moggie's big forum-brother.
"I'm a tech. I tell it how it is. I'm incapable of the sunshine blowing necessary in their field." - BillZBubba
You've clearly not seen anyone flamed if you thought that was a flame . My post was meant to educate and inform. Then and than are often confused, and unless someone points it out, a lot of people just go on making the same mistake. Maybe he'll remember in the future. Maybe he was just typing real quick and made an honest mistake. Either way, if no one points it out (and I believe I did so quite gently) then he'll never know. As an added bonus, there is the vague possiblity that someone else will learn the from the post as well.
Carry on. Oh, and Kaptain, that picture you linked looks nothing like me.
STOP HIJACKING MY THREAD! Seriously. I could care less about my grammer on a web forum, nor do I care if said person criques my grammer. It doesen't matter. What I do care about is City of Villians players that are morons and play like the above mentioned charaterisitics. Comment on that, not howz ich spell, or getting angry at people getting angry at howz ich spell.
1. The "Pets are made from gold" MM. This MM treats his/her pets like they are the most precious thing in the world. Nevermind that they can just be resummoned back up, the MM refuses to put their pets in anything that could be resembled as danger. They will NEVER take the alpha, and will instead insist that the Dominator or Corrupter do it, provided they have no Brute(and if their is a Brute, than they scream at them to tank).
[/ QUOTE ]
I hate having my pets die. If my pets die, I have to hope they've been alive long enough for the summons to recharge. They have to perform at lower efficiency, since if they've died I'll probably have my hands (and endurance) full making my own contribution to a battle and staying alive. Being distracted to upgrade is a pain...
Besides, from an RP perspective I hate having henchmen die. It means we're all deprived of my Battle Drone's sardonic comments, and it means my eccentric merc MM has fallen down on his job (kinda hard to do with Force Fields, but still).
On the other hand, I can safely say I've never had any of these other problems!
Excellent post. While I have yet to see all of these, I can definitely identify with some of them. The one that pisses me off most--corruptors that refuse to heal or buff. Those are way, way too common. I am amazed when I check someone's powers, and even though I've been playing a half hour with them, I had no idea they were a thermal corrupter. No heals, no buffs. And even then, I've played with thermals who will heal, but for some goofball reason, won't buff.
One thing in defense of stalkers--that is my primary toon in CoV, and I have been known to run ahead and click all the glowies. I always ask first before doing it. If the team wants to fight through the mission, great. I'll fight. Otherwise, I'll click all the glowies. What drives me nuts is the team that decides to go the glowie route, then gets bored and decides they can take a mob. On a large team, not a problem. On a small team of 3 or 4 people, I have seen folks die because they decided they were tired of waiting on me...
The Boy Scout: His motto is to be prepared. So once he enters a mission, he will proceed to spending a seemingly endless period of time getting his pets set up just right, then waiting for all his pet powers to finish recharging, and then doing even more unknown stuff. This process can take 10 or more minutes. He will do all of this siliently and even if the party begins fighting, he'll still be at the mission door. When confronted about this, he'll blame Cryptic for forcing him to resummon all his pets everytime he zones in. You can often complete a mission without ever seeing this MM or his pets.
Weatherman: This guy saves his Domination inherent for a rainy day. Strangely, despite multiple team wipes, that rainy day never comes. You can be grouped for hours and never once see him use it. Then suddenly, this same player will often pop Domination at the very end of a mission when your team of 8 has only 2 even-con minions to kill. Much like real like, the Weatherman and the weather are not in the least related. Oh, and if you're fighting an EB or AV, you can be positive this guy won't be using Domination, because he might need it later.
And that is the reason my level 9 MM will likely remain level 9. I have two bots, and it is already a major pain setting them up--I can't imagine what it will be like with even more of them. And nothing is more aggravating then going through all of that only to have them dead 5 minutes later. At that point, as someone else in this thread has pointed out, I'm usually too busy trying to save my own bacon to resummon them, let alone tinker with them some more. Too much responsibility and time commitment for me. Though I have come to respect MM's more now that I see what they have to put up with.
Much of what you say is true. I play a Bot/FF MM on Virtue Curently Lvl 30 and I dont play the way you do. Infact, I personally take the alpha hits, not my pets. What I do is throw up personal FF with dispersion field and drop a purple. Im not sure of the numbers, but it is extremely rare for me to take a hit, even from AV's and Heroes. Bots on follow to position them behind me. Then I click attack target and my Assault Bot is in a good place to use flamethower and hit multiple targets stealing aggro. The alpha hit did not hurt me and my bots are taking second hits, then I drop Personal FF and hover above out of melee with my dispersion field helping the team and my Assault and Tactics running. With this method, I can preserve my bots and protect my teammates. I bub my teammates also. Now one thing to remember, after the pet dies, the defenseless MM takes the aggro, so give some of the guys a break for keeping their pets alive. MM wont last very long melee. I do have personal FF and Aid self, so I am pretty much unstoppable and usually if the whole team dies, I am left alive alone after bots are dead and can run away monloguing.
Why am I writing this? Two reason. First, a MM can develop a method to protect team and pets. My teammates rarely die and my pets rarely die, even the minions. So if you want to play with a good MM on Virtue, Androidia lvl 30 LFT.
Second, if my team does die because we are taking on +5's the brute aggroed an extra mob and the shields all just happened to drop (hey sh*t happens), as a MM the ultimate villian, I use my escape pod (Personal FF and Aid Self) to escape while I monologue the entire way. I am a villian. I will help the team, but I'm not dying for em either. The other secondaries wont offer the escape or tanking that FF allows. I recognize that as a problem for this strategy. But hey, its not my fault you did not choose the correct secondary. Nah, Im just kidding. I agree the pets are expendible, but if I am going to sacrafice them, I need the team to back me up immediately. One problem is that the MM is requested to send in the pet and the team watches as the group of Longbow run to the MM, load their guns, take aim, stop to reload , check the barrel and then shoot the MM dropping all the pets. I generally do not practice pet sacrifice for this reason unless I am playing with people I have played with before. If it is a pick up group, I tank it myself if my brute is too squishie or no one else can handle it.
No for the doms, Agree wholeheartedly. My lvl 34 plant dom does not have these problems. To all the DOMS, do NOT take AOE immobilize foe any reason. If you do, you are the sacrificial lamb and will eat dirt quite often. The other powers however should prevent AOE and keep you quite useful.
I wont even comment on the other AT's as they usually do not have problems as a whole. A good player can make any AT play well. A bad player can make a well chosen uber AT die and get teammates die too. Here is an idea. If you play with someone who plays poorly or that you don't like, quit or kick the player.
Nuff said
Night Sable DM/Regen lvl 50 Freedom
Edenfire Plant/Fire Dom lvl 34 Virtue
Androidia MM/Bots MM lvl 30 Virtue
OK, a bunch of damn alts all over the place, lvl range 1-50
The Boy Scout: His motto is to be prepared. So once he enters a mission, he will proceed to spending a seemingly endless period of time getting his pets set up just right, then waiting for all his pet powers to finish recharging, and then doing even more unknown stuff. This process can take 10 or more minutes. He will do all of this siliently and even if the party begins fighting, he'll still be at the mission door. When confronted about this, he'll blame Cryptic for forcing him to resummon all his pets everytime he zones in. You can often complete a mission without ever seeing this MM or his pets.
[/ QUOTE ]
I would like to add that this person will then laugh and say see you should have waited for me If there is a team wipe.
Whats a Lackey?
This one spans all ATs but effects brutes and MMs the most.
Weve all been there, you just bit off more then you can chew but there is no one on in your level range and that mission timer is counting down. So you invite a lower level person to your group and the highest member lackys him (after several requests). All goes well for a while until the Lackeyer (non-sense word meaning the Boss) dies and proceeds to go to the hospital right away.
I think its so funny when boy scout looses his lackey and goes ballistic or worse if a brute has waded in and the dominator (face planter) heads to the hospital. You can almost see the brute crap there pants as those yellows become purple.
Hospital where is that?
This is any player who knows that there is no rezer in the group and has no awakens and refuses to go to hospital until either entire team is wiped or he stops getting exp. Even if the hospital is right next to mission. My favorite is if there is a rezzer in the group this person will wait in line for rez to recharge rather then head to the hospital.
Gotta add 1.
Mastermind. Spammermind. This person feels sorry that only he gets to see his pets verbally respond to his orders and wants to share the joy. So when he writes his own petcom macros he has his pets ennuciate every time an order is given. Oh and it won't be a short response either as that would deprive the world of priceless wit every time the same order is issued. No it will be whatever he can cram into field limits. Sure teammates might complain when they tab and attack a minion in the next mob rather than the AV in front of them because they can't see anything but white text bubbles, but depriving the world of his wit would be a greater crime.
It's not how many times you get knocked down that count. It's how many times you get up.
Great thread! I got a good chuckle out of a few of these.
Fury-lock? Bah, a brute can do a lot of good things with blinking red health. Try to keep up...
My CoX characters
Much like real like
[/ QUOTE ]
I think you meant "life". Its ok, many people get those two words confused. I am just here to inform and educate.
I would like to point out that this thread is gold to an inexperienced player like myself. Sure, mistakes are made and hopefully can be forgiven. Like many have said before....stuff happens. This is a good way to learn what NOT to do in a group battle. If you don't have a good reference, you have to go the trial and error route.
There's my $.02 and thanks for the posts.
Going to add one myself
We need h34l0rz guy (most often a dom for somereason)
We need h34l0rz guy is the one who sets his old mission from 2 or 3 levels back, then demands we get a healer. After the team convinces him other wise, he runs through the entire mission and agro's everything and dies. He then proceeds with "Dont you see why we need healr!?!?!?!1111!!?!?oneoneone" (the following part im writing from expirence) Leader makes his way back from hospital, recruting a healer along the way. He jumps into the nearest +4 mob to him and yells at the healer for not keeping him alive. What usally follows in my global tab is this, (Healerx was kicked from the team) (teamates 1,2,3,4, have quit the team) (Leaderx has quit the team) and about 2-5 minutes later, mission complete
Gotta add 1.
Mastermind. Spammermind. This person feels sorry that only he gets to see his pets verbally respond to his orders and wants to share the joy. So when he writes his own petcom macros he has his pets ennuciate every time an order is given. Oh and it won't be a short response either as that would deprive the world of priceless wit every time the same order is issued. No it will be whatever he can cram into field limits. Sure teammates might complain when they tab and attack a minion in the next mob rather than the AV in front of them because they can't see anything but white text bubbles, but depriving the world of his wit would be a greater crime.
[/ QUOTE ]
I teamed with some guy like this once who thought he was the King Of Macros or some crap like that and spammed one PARAGRAPH per buff/attack/pull/whatever. We promptly scooted off the team after half an hour in and left him to die.
I play a lot of PuG's (shift work, weird play times...) and I've seen some hellish examples of bad team play, but these stick out in my mind even months later:
the "Random Herding" tank:
I find herding to be pretty boring in general, but that's just my opinion; I can put up with it if the team's still working together. What I can't stand though is a tank who runs off toward a un-aggroed spawn-group unannounced, and proceeds to lead them away from the team with no plan of where they'll end up. No "herding to here" or anything so that the rest of the team can prepare and contribute, as if we're just around to heal him after he's done and pick off any runners that get away, if we even manage to find them in time. The answer to a polite (the first time...) "where are you herding to?" came back as "wherever I end up". Big dummy ended up looking for another team, that's where...
the "Glowie Chaser" MM:
Can't say this is a MM failing in particular, but the offender was playing that AT so that's how it stuck in my mind. Immediately after hearing the sound, this winner would charge off yelling "I HEAR A GLOWIE" with all pets in tow, regardless of whether there were any baddies around. I'll admit I laughed the first time, since his was the only death that came of it, but when he repeated this several times even after EVERYONE else on the team (5 or 6 others?) pointed out how stupid it was, and eventually succeeded in wiping a few teammates out, I polished off the BIG BOOT OF JUSTICE and kicked him through the uprights.
Captain Tactics: This person, being the team leader, believes he's the god of effective team micromanagement. Thus, he will yell at the stalker to scout, the brute and MM to tank, and the corruptor to heal and rez him, and blissfully ignore the fact that the entire team is going to pieces faster than a bus falling off a cliff.
His teams never include doms because Captain Tactics can't think of anything good to do with them.
The answer to a polite (the first time...) "where are you herding to?" came back as "wherever I end up". Big dummy ended up looking for another team, that's where...
[/ QUOTE ]
That is one of the best answers I've seen.
I wish I had a herd capable character just for the chance to use that.
(orginally posted in Archtypes and Powers section, but I thought it would make a good guide to)
Dead in .2 seconds.
I just feel like ranting, whining, and just generly being a sour-puss and decided that I would type up all the things that I hate CoV players doing. I have orginized this by AT, and have spared none. If you find yourself in this list... please stop...please?
Masterminds- Ah Masterminds, that wonderful class that was supposed to be the psuedo-tanker for CoV. But lets list the bad MM player traits.
1. The "Pets are made from gold" MM. This MM treats his/her pets like they are the most precious thing in the world. Nevermind that they can just be resummoned back up, the MM refuses to put their pets in anything that could be resembled as danger. They will NEVER take the alpha, and will instead insist that the Dominator or Corrupter do it, provided they have no Brute(and if their is a Brute, than they scream at them to tank).
2. The Linebacker. This is the MM that insists that whatever you do, their pets are going to be there to block it. Doorways, Bosses, it does not matter, their pets will swarm over the place and prevent you from going anywhere.
3. I don't use my secondary on teammates....EVER. This is the MM that refuses to ever use heals, debuffs, bubbles on their teammates. Doesen't matter if they have Alkoloid, Darkest Night, Tar Patch, they won't use it. They only bubble their pets and heal their pets.
Brutes- The big boys of the party, these Brutes tend to suffer major role-problems and are highly confused at what to do with themselves.
1. The "Girly-Men"(best pronounced with a strong austrian accent) These are the brutes that refuse to take aggro. They will never take an alpha strike, and will instead wait for the Dominator to alpha, die, be rezzed by a corrupter with Mutation and Fallout, use another AoE and die again. Only THAN will the brute go in and whack a few guys before the team suffers a wipe.
2. The Suicidal Sadists. These brutes have it out for both themselves and their team. They invariably rush from the last mob, halfway down on health and with a 1/4 a bar of end, straight into the next mob. Their teammates, just finishing up the +3 Carnie boss that 1-shotted the /Thermal(who is still dead), are than forced to run to the aid of the brute(now screaming H34L!!!11!) and than of course... are wiped out.
Dominators- AHAHA! Sorry, Dominators amuse me and yet I feel sorry for them at the same time.. Read on.
1. Ground Kisser- This dominator type is the most common Domintor there is.. Somehow, most dominators tend to end up like this, despite their best efforts. They use their AoE Imbolizes before the Brutes and MM's have gotten enough aggro and than turn 90% of the mob onto themselves and quickly bite it, despite the 2 sets of thermal shields on them and the 2 heals that came the split second after the dominator aggroed everything and went from green to black in under .2 seconds.
:: Disclaimer, this effect is practically part of Dominators. It happens to the best, and really should be exempt from the "Bad players" part. Poor poor dominators... I feel for you, I really do. ::
2. The Blaster(well 65% of one). .....1 Immobilze and 9 attacks... Need I say more?
Corrupters- Another class with a serious role problem.. They just don't know what they want!
1. Aggro Magnet- Think Dominator. This is the corrupter that alphas with Fireball than runs straight in to hit Fire Breath. And their a /thermal of course, but only cause it has a self heal.
2. 50% an AT. This is the corrupter that only uses 1 side of their class. They either go all Blasts, with only their first tier secondary(which of course, is unslotted), or they go all secondarys, and only keep their first tier primary(again, unslotted).
3. I don't use that Tool in my Belt. This is the corrupter, that although having a very benificial team power(Cauterize, Shields, Speed Boost, Darkest Night, etc) absolutly refuses to use it on anything less than an AV fight. And than only when you tell them to. It doesen't matter how many times the team dies, the corrupter will not use the power that could potentially prevent them from dieing.
Stalkers- Those guys who you just kinda want to punch in PvP, and sometimes in PvE, if you could only find them.
1. I have scrapper Hp right? These stalkers believe firmly that they can take an alpha. After all, their claws/regen in CoH could take an alpha no problem, why can't they just pop off AS on the boss before anyone else can interfere? Ends up very badly for the stalker, but luckly for the team, they generly have no clue what the stalker is doing and only look at their screens to see his bar go black suddenly.(which will prevent them from running in to save him and dieing themselves)
2. The Silent Scouter. This Stalker will run ahead of the team, not saying anything and will than proceed to scout out the ENTIRE 6 floor officer building map. While you are fighting and dieing to the +3 Longbow Ballista, the stalker is happily wandering around looking for glowies. Your only indication to this happening is 30 minutes into the mish, after many of the players are deep into debt you see "Mission Complete" pop unto the screen.
Well, thats it.. Thats all the whining for tonight... Now to study for finals that I have been putting off to post on this forum!