Post Your Sexy Base Pics!!!!




Base Pics Here!

Heres the pics from BaseBuildersInc.'s first cross server base tour which I hope will be the start for many base tours too come. Thank @BCP for these photos, gj overall.

My Lego Models lemur lad: God you can't be that stupid... I'm on at the same time as you for once, and not 20 minutes into it you give me something worth petitioning?
Lady-Dee: Hey my fat keeps me warm in the winter and shady in the summer.



Hey folks. I've been doing more work on my mini-base lately, mostly to fill out some of the details that lacked and cover over some of the blatant eyesores. Here are some pics of the results, with commentary:

The Entry Hall(2) has gotten a lot of work, mostly in the addition of a skylight (frame top right), and the filling of the wallspace below it, which before was a visual annoyance. The two colors on my banners have been lightened to make them more visible in the low light of the base.

The addition of the skylight slightly altered the lighting in the Laboratory.

The Main Hall (viewed HERE from the infirmary and HERE from the entry hall) has had many major additions. One, seen in the view from the infirmary) is the addition of banners labeling the entryway to the infirmary. The other is the addition of a few decorative pieces to the Leader's Office, some additional work rearranging the Study, and an as-yet incomplete museum in the future traversal hall from the main hub to what will be the meeting hall (not pictured).

The most work has gone into The Infirmary, which has been well overhauled recently. New are the banners for the officers of the supergroup (frame right) used to cover up difficult wall-space, the waiting room (frame bottom left), the supply counter and reception desk (frame center right), and many many details in the newly-equipped Operating Room.

That about covers the tour. Pics from before the changes can be seen HERE.

Final Note: Yes, I posted this to two boards. Yes, I know I'm not supposed to do that. I apologize.

Scrappers, GET TOUGH!

"I'm pretty sure it's deliberate. All they did was change the names and give the african americans super powers."



Well my base is finally semi-functional and underwent a lot of redecorating. Here's a little tour of the Smash Ops lair on Virtue villainside.

You can see quite a bit of it from the Entry Way. (1)(2)

The base has a rather open layout and you can reach many of the rooms from the Oversight Center. (1)(2)(3) Here we have the meeting table and some chairs for lounging about with plenty of books and a computer. Over to the side is where the combo power-control unit is. Someday that spot will probably hold the inspiration collector.

Next to the Oversight Center and Entry Way is the Control Room, (1) which has the mainframe, mission computer, and a small medical area for show.

Continuing around the base in a clockwise direction we come to the Power Room (1). This lab room contains the inspiration collector for now, but some day it will hold a regular generator when we can more easily afford it. I wish the devs would put in a cheaper generator to go between the regular one and the combo unit, because 125 power is barely enough but 1000 power is overkill for our needs.

The raised area there in the Workshop (1) is where the worktable would go. Right now there isn't one in place as there was not enough power to keep the telepad and mission computer running. Over in the corner is an empowerment station.

Lastly we arrive at the Teleport Chamber, (1) which contains one telepad linked to Mercy Island and St. Martial. Since Mercy Island is the only zone not connected to the main ferry and has no Pocket D access then it was a logical choice. St. Martial is there since Grandville would be too dangerous to teleport into much of the time.

It's small but it's cozy. Here's an overhead view of the entire base.



One of my sg members went ahead and made a video tour of our base. I think he did a pretty good job. Take a look here.

"...freedom isn't a commodity to compromise." -- Captain America, New Avengers #21

Guide to Base Teleporters



One of my sg member went ahead and made a video tour of our base. I think he did a pretty good job. Take a look here.

[/ QUOTE ]

Wowsers. Great to have the tour, as the still images only whet my appetite. The "moat" room is spectacular, and this is one of the prettiest bases I've ever seen. Super grats!

Minor peeve: in your TP room, you have some display cases scattered around...they are all very dark. Maybe add one of the small, round wall lights directly behind the case? It gives a slight illumination, enough to highlight but not so much as to throw the mood of the room out of whack.

Again, a masterful base.



Hey, thanks for the comments. It's nice to get some good feedback. I see what you are saying about the display cases. In that room, they are meant to be more like weapon racks rather than trophies. However, I think I will drop a few lights in there.

If you ever want a real tour, let me know. The global is @Dr. Feedback - the base is on Freedom server.

"...freedom isn't a commodity to compromise." -- Captain America, New Avengers #21

Guide to Base Teleporters




If you ever want a real tour, let me know. The global is @Dr. Feedback - the base is on Freedom server.

[/ QUOTE ]

Screw the tour, I have a few alts without SG's on Freedom, maybe you guys are hiring?



Most definitely! Let me know your global and we'll make it happen.

"...freedom isn't a commodity to compromise." -- Captain America, New Avengers #21

Guide to Base Teleporters



Thanks for the compliment, General Hospital. Wish I could take credit for the Skylight idea, but more creative minds thought of that.

Branche... the way you spelled out your SGs name in base is hysterical. Great job!

[/ QUOTE ]

Thanks.... like the skylight idea... i wish i could say it was original... but ... alas.. the first base i saw with the name spelled out like that was 'The Malevolent' VG on Infinity... :-) No idea who came up with it first... but it is very cool...:-)

My personal SG now has an awesome skylight to help my garden grow...:-) Lots of great ideas coming from this..:-)

GL and Great basebuilding..:-)




Hey folks. I've been doing more work on my mini-base lately, mostly to fill out some of the details that lacked and cover over some of the blatant eyesores. Here are some pics of the results, with commentary:

The Entry Hall(2) has gotten a lot of work, mostly in the addition of a skylight (frame top right), and the filling of the wallspace below it, which before was a visual annoyance. The two colors on my banners have been lightened to make them more visible in the low light of the base.

The addition of the skylight slightly altered the lighting in the Laboratory.

The Main Hall (viewed HERE from the infirmary and HERE from the entry hall) has had many major additions. One, seen in the view from the infirmary) is the addition of banners labeling the entryway to the infirmary. The other is the addition of a few decorative pieces to the Leader's Office, some additional work rearranging the Study, and an as-yet incomplete museum in the future traversal hall from the main hub to what will be the meeting hall (not pictured).

The most work has gone into The Infirmary, which has been well overhauled recently. New are the banners for the officers of the supergroup (frame right) used to cover up difficult wall-space, the waiting room (frame bottom left), the supply counter and reception desk (frame center right), and many many details in the newly-equipped Operating Room.

That about covers the tour. Pics from before the changes can be seen HERE.

Final Note: Yes, I posted this to two boards. Yes, I know I'm not supposed to do that. I apologize.

[/ QUOTE ]

AWESOME work BCP....:-) Love it..:-)

I finally finished ravens... just made a post about it here... i made a bunch of pics too..:-)
Ravens of Black post

GREAT JOB once again..:-)

GL and GREAT basebuilding all..:-)




Well, I finally got a SG base up and running. The cost was around 800K or so (I think). It's for a one-man SG. Mostly decorative, but it does have some functionality.

Tell me what you folks think?

LINK to album page.



Well, I finally got a SG base up and running. The cost was around 800K or so (I think). It's for a one-man SG. Mostly decorative, but it does have some functionality.

Tell me what you folks think?

LINK to album page.

[/ QUOTE ]

Nice job! Very impressive for a one man SG. I especially like the meeting room (with the big SG boardroom table) and the secret entrance way. I even saw a couple ideas that I may have to steal for my own base .



Thanks, and by all means, go for it. I did tweak a few things here and there, but overall, it remains the same.

The only thing I'm upset about is not being able to place crafted items since I've got the "start-up" generator. It's like we have to sacrifice decorative rooms for functionality rooms. Certainly, we can decorate the function rooms, but the cost is dramatically more than I can afford.

I spent a few hours just laying out the rooms before I placed any items. I knew that I wanted an extremely large meeting room with a podium and the largest SG tech table I could find. I wish we could do more with wall items, though.




My one man SG - took me ages to find a style I was happy with that could mix tech and arcane furnishings. I'm not one for overdoing the decor, as you can see, but I will probably add to it over time.

Originally Posted by Psychoti View Post
" I headbutted the blind chick."
I used to have superhuman powers, but my therapist took them away...

[ cruise / / / / / quantam sufficit ]



ok so my base is updated now so i thought i would throw it up for you guys and gals to see

Overview of base
base Entrance 1

Base Entrance 2

Control room



Energy Room

telport room 1/1

teleport room 1/2

teleport room 2/1

teleport room 2/2

teleport room 2/3



That looks really good Sev



One of my sg members went ahead and made a video tour of our base. I think he did a pretty good job. Take a look here.

[/ QUOTE ]

Your base is nice. How did your SG mate make the video?



One of my sg members went ahead and made a video tour of our base. I think he did a pretty good job. Take a look here.

[/ QUOTE ]

Your base is nice. How did your SG mate make the video?

[/ QUOTE ]

Thanks! I think he used demorecord maybe? I can ask.

"...freedom isn't a commodity to compromise." -- Captain America, New Avengers #21

Guide to Base Teleporters



Here are some pics from the Peacekeepers of Paragon (Virtue).


[/ QUOTE ]

/e drool

Oh, to have that much prestige!. I *love* that teleport room!
(/is still grinding prestige to move from oversight to a proper control room)



Here's one of the bases I've managed to get my hands into. I'm the architect of 2 or 3 now

The biggest, the A.S.P.C.A. of Virtue. Its an anthromorphic rp group, however we do like to play, we managed to worm our way onto the top 100 list, somehow.. (Though, pretty much on the bottom, haha )






Since its an RP group, several of us have personal rooms in the base. Midnight Paw (The doctor of the group, she also decorated this room) has her room/office behind the lateral files (Lateral files is being used as a wall, fyi) and bookshelf.


Reading/study room

Just to the right of Midnight's Infirmary is a small reading room, which also has some teleports going to hazard zones.



This is the teleport room just to the right of the entrance, all the teleport pads lead to low level zones. It serves as a library/classroom.


Storage alcove
Recreational Room 1
Recreational Room 2

Here's a few screenshots of the 3x4 workshop. First pic is the hallway leading into it from the library. The second is of the small alcove leading from the hallway, which contains a tech storage and empowerment station. Behind the lateral files (Again, just used as make shift walls) are a few safes and cabinets.

Then, finally there's the large part of the workshop with was turned into a rec room. There's a magic workbench (basic), magic storage, and magic empowerment.


Poolhall 1
Poolhall 2

This is our pool hall, complete with a full-sized pool and hot tub attached. And, of course the hot tub has a wide-screen tv and a small bar. Oh yeah, there's teleporters in there too.

This room I also didn't decorate. .Charlie did, he was the previous base architect, in fact, I was the decorating monkey.


Back Room
This back room contains telelports to some higher level zones, but also contains several personal rooms as well.

Medical Recovery
This is a medical recovery room, for those that need extended medical care over a long period of time.

Terra/Fel's Room
Terra Silver Spar and Fel Fox's room. Fel doesn't sleep, she mediates on the couch. Fel made their room, I let everyone furnish their own rooms ^_^

Sanders Pad
This is Sander's room, he's one of the leaders.. even though he isn't around a lot ^^; We still love 'im though!

Melissa's room/study
My room! With more books and alchemic supplies then you can shake a stick at



Here's the back energy room, one empty/unused personal room and a bunch of weapon trophies.


Tech workshop
Control 1
Control 2

Here's the main tech area of the base, a simple workshop and control room just above it.


And finally the main meeting room of the base, again .Charlie decorated this room, I haven't really touched it since he left the group, he did an awesome job on it. There's also several personal rooms here as well.

Meeting Room 1

This is from the doorway from the entrance room.

Meeting Room 2
Meeting Room 3
Meeting Room 4

Here's the member rooms, starting from the top then going clockwise around.

Miss Mephit's

Mephit and Ferretgal are the other two leaders of the group.

Duj/Yami's room

Spare room

Then on the west side of the meeting room...

Frost Katt's

KitZune's office

O-Shi's room...*sigh*


And that's it, I hope you enjoyed the little tour!

P.S. Sorry it was so long



One of my sg members went ahead and made a video tour of our base. I think he did a pretty good job. Take a look here.

[/ QUOTE ]

Your base is nice. How did your SG mate make the video?

[/ QUOTE ]

Thanks! I think he used demorecord maybe? I can ask.

[/ QUOTE ]

I would appreciate if you could. Thank you. If you need to contact me in game, feel free. @Anique.



One of my sg members went ahead and made a video tour of our base. I think he did a pretty good job. Take a look here.

[/ QUOTE ]

Your base is nice. How did your SG mate make the video?

[/ QUOTE ]

Thanks! I think he used demorecord maybe? I can ask.

[/ QUOTE ]

I would appreciate if you could. Thank you. If you need to contact me in game, feel free. @Anique.

[/ QUOTE ]

I made that video by first taking a long demorecord. Then I play the demo back and take smaller clips with Fraps( I use windows movie maker to edit it all together and add titles and music.