Blaster role




There's also the frustrating effect of getting them to a sliver and missing with the final followup... That's mainly bad luck, though.

[/ QUOTE ]
Accuracy has not been nerfed! ... It's just been coded by Murphy.



There's also the frustrating effect of getting them to a sliver and missing with the final followup... That's mainly bad luck, though.

[/ QUOTE ]
Accuracy has not been nerfed! ... It's just been coded by Murphy.

[/ QUOTE ]

I believe you're right.

It seems to me, often, that if my characters are going to miss, that miss is most likely to happen when exactly one more attack will finish the villain...and then it'll be a miss streak. Or...every attack but one would finish the villain, they all miss, and the one that wouldn't defeat him anyway, takes him to a smaller sliver.

It's bad enough for my scrapper, and she can take ~6 times the damage a blaster could.

Elsegame: Champions Online: @BellaStrega ||| Ashleigh#1834 ||| Bioware Social Network: BellaStrega ||| EA Origin: Bella_Strega ||| Steam: BellaStrega ||| The first Guild Wars: Kali Magdalene ||| The Secret World: BelleStarr (Arcadia)



for me its area-effects... I'll hit all except 1 or sometimes 2 for perhaps 10-20 times in a row [this is over a LONG time since I'm only using E.torrent and Tripmine]... Just as you'd expect from 95% accuracy.

And then, bam. complete miss [accompanied by a total and utter lack of aggro if its the mines]. Not "missed 4 and hit 1 even though 95 means I should be hitting all except 1 or 2 ALL the time", but an actual total whiff. NO damage to anything, sea of 'MISS'es if it was nova and/or E.torrent that went off.

But its never the slivers for me. those always end up dying [their existance is bad enough]. Getting'em to there though...



great post overall, however there is just one thing that needs to be said. All over the boards there seems to be a misconception of melee powers. I'll make this short. You do NOT need melee powers when baddies are in melee range. That's like saying I have to put my pistol down when the person I want to shot is close enough to kick me. It's called point blank range people, and I think we should get an acc and dmg bonus for using ranged powers close up. Well that's my rant for the day.



great post overall, however there is just one thing that needs to be said. All over the boards there seems to be a misconception of melee powers. I'll make this short. You do NOT need melee powers when baddies are in melee range. That's like saying I have to put my pistol down when the person I want to shot is close enough to kick me. It's called point blank range people, and I think we should get an acc and dmg bonus for using ranged powers close up. Well that's my rant for the day.

[/ QUOTE ]

It is not a misconception but merely useing the tools at hand. When ranged damage gets as good as melee damage then I will go with an all range character. Until that time, if I worry about a mob in melee I will use my melee attack to drop it or knock it back so that my ranged attack can drop it.

If you want to do the most damage to the mob in melee that you can then you NEED melee from your secondary. If you don't care about doing the most damage to the mob then you don't need melee. There is no misconception of melee powers except by the people that refuse to take them in my opinion.



I know I stated that my rant was done earlier, but I just got back from drill and I'm on an emotional high :-)

If blasters are not going to get new powers - let's face it the dev's are never going to give it to us.
If blasters are not going to get more HP or Def - dev's might give it to us and I hope and pray that they do, but I'm not being very optomistic
If blasters are not going to get more damage - just don't wanna see us beat scrappers in the late game do they
We should get more secondary effects or enhanced secondary effects

Let me explain:
1) Elec (my favorite - and the only character I play regularly) should get a DoT effect to their end drain on all powers and increased end drain on all powers.
- The only set with elec as primary and secondary should be able to rule the end drain game.
2) Fire should deal an acc debuff to all enemies hit by all powers and I think that the effects should stack
- If my clothes are on fire and smoke is all up in my face I shouldn't be able to see very well now should I?
3) Ice should deal a -recharge rate to all enemies hit with all powers. Again I think the effect should stack
- Hypothermia anyone?
4) Devices (the ******* child of secondary effects - even though they never ever miss anything they shoot at) should give their targets a -resist damage debuff.
- Hey they're using armor piercing bullets and freakin grenades for goodness sake. If these projectiles are strong enough to hurt they must be strong enough to damage their armor. Call it shrapnel and give them a woody as their attacks start hitting progressively harder.
5)Energy should give a -dmg to enemies. Again with all powers and effects should stack. Or increase the amount of end required for each enemy attack.
- When I'm in the sun all day I can't fight to well. When they baddies are under the heat of their attacks they shouldn't either. (sidenote. I know they'll just love the fact that they would actually live after a Nova - considering that Nova has a large dmg debuff associated with it)

And there you have it boys and girls. Remember all of these changes are for PvE only. I have no idea how balance issues would work out for the arena. Now that kid in the classroom who could leave that ever present crack on the chalkboard with his spitwad would have a reason to continue the pursuit of blaster-hood. As well has giving people more to think about when selecting a blaster AT and giving the blaster more survivability in the late game. These changes would also make blaster's very valuable to teams IMO.

I believe there should also be an additional type of enhancement. The enhancement should have to be hunted for and hard to acquire. AO's or Archetype enhancements. These enhancements do not affect everything, but rather the areas that each archetype is supposed to be good at. Blaster AO's would enhance range significantly as well as others to enhance damage, and one for each secondary effect for the blaster AT's. Tank AO's would concentrate on tank secondaries and defense. Scrapper AO's would be more about defense, attack and resist. Controller AO's would be more about holds and the like. Defender AO's of course would be about buffs. While Khelds would have an amalgamation of the above AO's.
AO Archetype Origin Enhancements



Well, I know I wasn't being very clear in my statement. Let me clarify my position for you.

A blaster should have better ranged attacks than melee attacks for the simple fact that he is suppossed to be an expert in the ranged area of the battlefield. Just like artillery units are not good a killing a squad of infantry that has made it inside of their perimeter because that is not their specialty. However, they can destroy a tank division at long range because, again, range is their specialty.

Now, that being said, if they could actually get that tube pointed at that pesky infantry platoon that has managed to out flank them, well you can say bye bye to that platoon. Additionally, the closer you are to the barrell of any weapon the more destructive that weapon should be.

Therefore, I conclude that since a blasters long ranged attacks should be more powerful than the melee (a shot from a 45 hurts more than being pistol whipped by one) a blaster should not have to use melee or even want to use melee.

However, I would like to change one statement that I made. ranged attacks made in melee range should get a -acc not a +acc but still recieve a +dmg. This will balance out how things should be and give the blaster more to think about in a fight.

"Should I go for the 1 hitter quitter, or be more conservitive and go for the melee."

If you read some of my other posts in the forum you would also see that I am an advocate of leaving the melee in the blaster's secondary, but adding additional secondaries that have ranged attacks in them to better give blasters who want to be a fully ranged monster more variey in the attacks that they can choose from.

I hope this clears up any miscommunication.



Yes, we need perks. Perks like more immobalize effects. Having more Immob will keep trollers quiet about us becomming another controlling AT - as compared to giving us holds. AND if I've got Mr. Badass baddie in immob I can run around the corner and have a coke and a smile while I rethink my plan. It still keeps us in danger from the long range attacks. However, since range is defense (HAHA) we will be able to stay out of melee range. Unless we want to use ANY of our secondary powers - then we're screwed.



Yes, blasters, could use some mechanical benefits to support them as ranged damage dealers - the higher cap, for instance, and perhaps a boost in overall damage (scales up in level, but I wouldn't expect it to be large). I still think putting blaster hate generation lower than it is now (say, attacks generate 75% of the aggro they do now) might be helpful, or giving blasters a kind of "anti-taunt" power.

Just some general ideas - I don't really have any new ones, though. It just seems to me (still) that blasters don't have the right tools to do what they're intended to do in all of the situations they're expected to do it in. They can do it, and they can solo - they're not gimped, at least. It is clear that quite a few players are frustrated with them, though.

Elsegame: Champions Online: @BellaStrega ||| Ashleigh#1834 ||| Bioware Social Network: BellaStrega ||| EA Origin: Bella_Strega ||| Steam: BellaStrega ||| The first Guild Wars: Kali Magdalene ||| The Secret World: BelleStarr (Arcadia)



Just some general ideas - I don't really have any new ones, though. It just seems to me (still) that blasters don't have the right tools to do what they're intended to do in all of the situations they're expected to do it in. They can do it, and they can solo - they're not gimped, at least. It is clear that quite a few players are frustrated with them, though.

[/ QUOTE ]
The issue isn't so much that Blasters are 'gimped'; they're alright from 1-20 or so, and on par with everyone else until 30-something. The real problem is that, once SOs factor into the equation, there's really nowhere to go but down. At that point, you're just keeping pace with mob scaling, in terms of raw damage. The single-target melee attack sets get more attacks that allow them to fill out attack chains and do more damage, while the single-target blaster sets are still stick with the bolt/blast combo they've been using since day one. The endgame mobs are balanced around scrapper/tanker defenses, because they'd have no challenge otherwise, but that leaves Blasters (and Defenders, and Controllers who mess up) in deep trouble. There's a few things I'd like to see done with the game that go beyond just rebalancing blasters; they're more a symptom, not the cause.

1) Decide whether Blasters should be area-effect or single-target, and adjust their power sets accordingly. If they're really supposed to be the MMORPG 'mages', then all Blasters need to be able to do excellent area-effect damage; the Nova powers are nice, but they're not as useful as having several focused lower-damage but more-frequently-used powers. If Blasters, or certain blasters, are supposed to be single-target, then make their powersets more like certain scrapper primaries. Up the range on the burst-style attacks to be comparable to the rest (or even just give one at all, in Elec's case), swap the sniper blast for a hold/disorient (Ice has it right, here), and add an additional ~7 BI ranged attack on the level of Head Splitter or the other end-game single-target scrapper powers. Being able to cycle through at least four single-target attacks at range will guarantee a continuous chain of pain; not even has (or is supposed to take) Hasten, after all.

2) Range is mostly a tactical advantage, not a defensive one. This isn't so much a problem as a dev perception that was once true, but is no longer valid. When the game was originally released, mob ranges were a lot shorter than they currently are, several types of enemies didn't have ranged attacks, and the AI was set up that mobs would only shuffle about a bit if they were sniped from long range, rather than run. All these have since been changed, and that means a Blaster is just about guaranteed a counterattack, no matter how far out he may be when he attacks. There's still advantages to range, of course - the ability to select targets with a button press, and most enemies do tend to cause %30 less damage or so at range - but it's nowhere near an increase in survivability that the devs think it is.

3) Status effects, as they are now, are horribly broken. Almost every status effect in the game is a binary proposition; either nothing happens, or you're unable to act and have your toggles dropped. The intent of the toggle-dropping is obvious, it's the dev's way to try and get through defensive powersets... but, and this is the big but... all the defensive sets are immune to status effects. This means that they hurt the 'squishy' ATs far more than they hurt hard-target ATs; every time they try to increase the number of status effects, blasters and defenders die en masse, and yet for some reason they seem utterly baffled as to why this happens. The only thing that can be done here is reducing the prevalence of the high-end status effects across the board, and adding lesser debuffs that circumvent status protection while not completely crippling those sets in the process. -Resistance debuffs are an obvious one, and there's already a fair amount of -Defense debuffs. How about -damage, though? Or more examples of slow that don't come with the caltrop ping damage? Maybe more examples of Immobilize, since at least you can use inspirations and attack while stuck? Regardless, something needs to be done; status effects are just salt on squishy wounds, instead of the defense-equalizers they're obviously intended to be.




3) Status effects, as they are now, are horribly broken. Almost every status effect in the game is a binary proposition; either nothing happens, or you're unable to act and have your toggles dropped. The intent of the toggle-dropping is obvious, it's the dev's way to try and get through defensive powersets... but, and this is the big but... all the defensive sets are immune to status effects. This means that they hurt the 'squishy' ATs far more than they hurt hard-target ATs; every time they try to increase the number of status effects, blasters and defenders die en masse, and yet for some reason they seem utterly baffled as to why this happens. The only thing that can be done here is reducing the prevalence of the high-end status effects across the board, and adding lesser debuffs that circumvent status protection while not completely crippling those sets in the process. -Resistance debuffs are an obvious one, and there's already a fair amount of -Defense debuffs. How about -damage, though? Or more examples of slow that don't come with the caltrop ping damage? Maybe more examples of Immobilize, since at least you can use inspirations and attack while stuck? Regardless, something needs to be done; status effects are just salt on squishy wounds, instead of the defense-equalizers they're obviously intended to be.

[/ QUOTE ]

I've PM'd Statesman and CuppaJo about this specific issue, and presented the case to CuppaJo in a bit more depth - she said it made sense and she'd pass my elaboration along to the devs.

No response from Statesman, though.

Elsegame: Champions Online: @BellaStrega ||| Ashleigh#1834 ||| Bioware Social Network: BellaStrega ||| EA Origin: Bella_Strega ||| Steam: BellaStrega ||| The first Guild Wars: Kali Magdalene ||| The Secret World: BelleStarr (Arcadia)



I hope you at least checked the "read receipt" for Statesman, he takes alot of PMs, but he rarely responds, he does at least read them though.



I hope you at least checked the "read receipt" for Statesman, he takes alot of PMs, but he rarely responds, he does at least read them though.

[/ QUOTE ]

I forgot to that time, but...every time I have requested a read receipt, it's been read. I can only trust this one was as well.

Elsegame: Champions Online: @BellaStrega ||| Ashleigh#1834 ||| Bioware Social Network: BellaStrega ||| EA Origin: Bella_Strega ||| Steam: BellaStrega ||| The first Guild Wars: Kali Magdalene ||| The Secret World: BelleStarr (Arcadia)



A good equaliser is actually those -res and -def attacks.

I can easily imagine more sets like 'sonic' and 'rad'. If every attack that hit whittled down your defense, or had a chance of debuffing resistance by 2-3%/hit, that would handle herding better than mezzes. These could easily be capped so as to not cause negative resistance, unlike specialised debuffs [sonic or tar-patch for example]. In other words it works as an overbearing system of sorts, where too many additional attackers mean even your stone armor starts chipping. Bosses probably would contribute a slightly larger percentage, meaning taking on those 4 +3 chief soldiers might be a little risky.

Alternatively, perhaps a short 0.5mag chance (5-10 seconds, 25% chance?) could be tacked onto various 'standard' minion attacks later in the game versus the tankers and scrappers only [same as how voids only stun kheldians to my knowledge]. This creates an 'overbearing' effect, where standing up to THAT MANY targets for too long starts being hazardous to even a tanker.

Spend a little too long facing this kind of assault and enough dents get made in your armor that some lucky sleep-dart finally finds its way to your skin...

Obviously these would be relatively mild so that you don't feel it against a standard-sized group, and don't really risk it unless really unlucky against a 'large-team' mob, though more than this starts stacking up dangerously.

Keep in mind this is probably far less heavy of a nerf than what could happen, and pretty much only punishes standing there to eat lunch or herding entire floors at once. Tanks and scrappers would still be far, far more survivable than blasters, and ranged-mezzes themselves would probably be reduced in frequency/number, helping all non tankers/scrappers.



Well, I can tell you from experience that herding blue clocks past a certain point is almost suicidal, or at least extremely dangerous. The DE are difficult to round up for the same reason - I've been tanking an 8-person DE spawn when a second arrives, everything drops emanators, and we're dishing out all the damage in the world and barely holding even until we can get them off the emanators - and even then, it's tricky.

I feel that adding buffs and debuffs would make more challenging fights, make defenses and status protection less of a trump card. Naturally, status effects should remain so that protection against them is worthwhile, but there really shouldn't be as many as there are now.

Elsegame: Champions Online: @BellaStrega ||| Ashleigh#1834 ||| Bioware Social Network: BellaStrega ||| EA Origin: Bella_Strega ||| Steam: BellaStrega ||| The first Guild Wars: Kali Magdalene ||| The Secret World: BelleStarr (Arcadia)



3) Status effects, as they are now, are horribly broken***The intent of the toggle-dropping is obvious, it's the dev's way to try and get through defensive powersets...

[/ QUOTE ] I think that's quite literally backwards. The intent of the status effects is not to get through the defensive AT's. Why would they have status protection if it was? The point of Status effects is to force Controllers and Blasters do take defenders and tankers and scrappers on their team. The status effects are specifically put there to affect the squishies. Their very existence also supports the defender employement. The only reason I have Inertial Density is because someone can status a blaster or controller. I don't have it for the scrapper.

Scrappers are by design the solo AT. All other classes are intended to have a glaring weakness or weaknesses, countered by another AT.

Status effects are not "horribly" broken. They are specifically what makes scrappers are the true solo AT. It's by design. Kinetics, Storm, Empath, Dark, and Rad all provide some form of Status Protection. Force Field protects you from getting hit in the first place, which is often tantamount to status protection.



so what you're saying is that status effects are NOT meant to affect tankers and scrappers?

It would mean they get the damage, the defense, AND don't have to deal with mezzing like all the squishies?

So in other words...

Scrappers: high damage, high defense, med.hp, supposed to be immune to mezzing.

Tankers: med-high damage, top defense, high HP, supposed to be immune to mezzing.

Defenders: Low damage, low HP, moderate defense(affects team though), vulnerable to mezzing.

Blasters: Moderate-high damage [moderate at range, high in melee], low HP, low-nil defense, vulnerable to mezzing.

Controllers: low damage (moderate-high in APP), low HP, defense/mezzing: indirect [has mezzes, which mitigates damage, has pets, which mitigate damage and mezzing, but has relatively low defense himself]

so uh... what'll blasters be getting? because I've no trouble selecting my targets at range or melee with my scrapper [its called a mouse cursor and/or the 'follow' button]



I think that's quite literally backwards. The intent of the status effects is not to get through the defensive AT's. Why would they have status protection if it was?

[/ QUOTE ]
Yes... except... most of the defensive sets didn't have complete status protection, or it was given with severe drawbacks. Unyielding Stance used to root; Rooted used to, well, root; Wet Ice was exclusive and didn't protect against sleep. Fire armor had to use healing flames(!?) and burn(!?!) for status protection, and they still don't have innate knockback resistance. And so on. Integration and Practiced Brawler were the only status resistances that had no real drawbacks, and there were included in the (then-considered and still-considered) weakest defensive sets. Thus, the original intent behind status effects were to force the AT to chose between maximum protection that could be blown through, or having to give up something to keep their protection. Squishies suffered then, but so did everyone else.

Naturally, this changed over time, because it just wasn't fun. It took a few issues, but all the defense sets now have pretty damn good levels of innate status protection, even if several defensive sets still need work on other fronts. However, in doing so, the devs made two mistakes. However, in the process, the defensive sets became too strong. Or, rather, they always were too strong overall, but getting the maximum potential out of them was taxing work, and strategies for achieving it took time to develop. Teleport-Unyielding, Perma-Unstoppable, and so on; now all you need to do is click on a few toggles and not worry about it. As a consequence, the endgame (30+) is overly biased towards blowing through the defensive sets. It doesn't take a genius to figure it out; a decently-built scrapper can pretty much have no difficulty at all while soloing even-con missions, and tankers are only worse from there. See how many people flippantly mention how they blow through Invincible missions. Don't believe me that the devs are balancing things around the defense sets? Then why are there so many psionic-using foes in the endgame? My oldest character may be a Blaster, but I play every AT, and it doesn't take a genius to figure out which is harder.

The prevalence of status effects and other defense-mangling tricks (see: Sappers) is the devs flailing attempt to try and get the game balanced; even status resistances can eventually be overwhelmed. But... and this is the big but... anything that can do that will completely blow undefended ATs. Again, see how they buffed bosses a few patches back, and look at the carnage that resulted. Adding more status effects and more damage just isn't doing the trick, and I'm positive the devs know it, but they still persist on it.

I guarantee any villain group in I5 will have numerous foes with -Resistance and/or -Regeneration attacks. I'd put money on it. There's already signs of it in I3/I4, with the sonic-using council mobs; only the somewhat limited (arena-focused) scope of I4 kept there from being further changes, IMHO.



great post overall, however there is just one thing that needs to be said. All over the boards there seems to be a misconception of melee powers. I'll make this short. You do NOT need melee powers when baddies are in melee range. That's like saying I have to put my pistol down when the person I want to shot is close enough to kick me. It's called point blank range people, and I think we should get an acc and dmg bonus for using ranged powers close up. Well that's my rant for the day.

[/ QUOTE ]
I don't think that is the misconception...
You are right... shooting someone at no range is something you can still shoot them...

But someone might want to be able to pistol whip the dude too... Pistol Whipping is fun or pistol whip them and then shoot them



3) Status effects, as they are now, are horribly broken***The intent of the toggle-dropping is obvious, it's the dev's way to try and get through defensive powersets...

[/ QUOTE ] I think that's quite literally backwards. The intent of the status effects is not to get through the defensive AT's. Why would they have status protection if it was? The point of Status effects is to force Controllers and Blasters do take defenders and tankers and scrappers on their team. The status effects are specifically put there to affect the squishies. Their very existence also supports the defender employement. The only reason I have Inertial Density is because someone can status a blaster or controller. I don't have it for the scrapper.

[/ QUOTE ]

It also provides smashing resistance and knockback protection, so it's definitely useful to just about any scrapper or tanker without capped smashing resists, and to dark armor scrappers and fiery aura tankers for the knockback protection. Not quite so black and white as one might think...

Elsegame: Champions Online: @BellaStrega ||| Ashleigh#1834 ||| Bioware Social Network: BellaStrega ||| EA Origin: Bella_Strega ||| Steam: BellaStrega ||| The first Guild Wars: Kali Magdalene ||| The Secret World: BelleStarr (Arcadia)




I guarantee any villain group in I5 will have numerous foes with -Resistance and/or -Regeneration attacks. I'd put money on it. There's already signs of it in I3/I4, with the sonic-using council mobs; only the somewhat limited (arena-focused) scope of I4 kept there from being further changes, IMHO.

[/ QUOTE ]

Also, some of us are pushing for exactly this and a reduction to the overall presence of mezzing in the mid- to late-game.

And anyone who says that defenders are only wanted on teams for status protection for squishies needs to tell me why my DDD is needed.

Elsegame: Champions Online: @BellaStrega ||| Ashleigh#1834 ||| Bioware Social Network: BellaStrega ||| EA Origin: Bella_Strega ||| Steam: BellaStrega ||| The first Guild Wars: Kali Magdalene ||| The Secret World: BelleStarr (Arcadia)



Yes... except... most of the defensive sets didn't have complete status protection ***Wet Ice was exclusive and didn't protect against sleep

[/ QUOTE ] The sleep issue was a bug. I think even the scrappers sets didn't have sleep protection initially. Yes, some of the sets did have one or two weaknesses, but scrappers were by and large immune to status effects. The whole /Invul issue was a trade off for how powerful /invul was in general. The Taunt of Invincibility (or was that added later?) kept mobs close and both tankers and scrappers have a Taunt power. Inv/Inv's would just be more inclined to take it. The root in Root and Unyielding Stance was also thematic. I think the bottom line is that the mezzing is aimed at the squishies, not the tankers and certainly not the scrappers. You can't have tanks and scrappers dropping toggles in combat on team sized spawns. That's instant death. The blaster isn't going to run over and Taunt the mobs away from you.

The prevalence of status effects and other defense-mangling tricks

[/ QUOTE ] Status effects and defense-debuffs are too completely different animals. Quartz is not comparable to the Sleep of Yellow Ink Men. Eminators, sheild generators, Turrets, are clearly intended to make blasters and defenders ranged attacks more useful. Yes, all the powers off the mobs are aimed at counter acting the powers of the Heroes.

even status resistances can eventually be overwhelmed. But... and this is the big but... anything that can do that will completely blow undefended ATs.

[/ QUOTE ] Not really. You don't significantly hurt a blaster anymore if you increase the mag of a Hold to overcome Integration. The duration yes, the mag no.

I guarantee any villain group in I5 will have numerous foes with -Resistance and/or -Regeneration attacks.

[/ QUOTE ] Well, I think this was long long overdue, but may be overkill with the -Regen. Pre I4, /regen was still pretty, don't know that they need so much -Regen. -Res on the other hand yes. But I would argue that it should be untyped damage and not -Res. -Res will only hurt squishies even more. Untyped will only affect Invul/Invul.

in, see how they buffed bosses a few patches back, and look at the carnage that resulted.

[/ QUOTE ] Asa scrapper, I loved it. The problem for squishies is that it made the margin of error even smaller. Though luck can be a factor in every close battle, success should not depend on it. Bosses that can one-shot squishies opens the door to a lot of unlucky deaths. Teammates should have a chance of rescuing each other.



Actually, the Boss patch made a few fights impossible for Blasters without holds. Since you have to rely on alpha striking, running and regenerating your HP lossed from the return fire, then returning to do another. The Boss boost gave them so much HP that they easily regenned faster than you could whittle down.



Actually, the Boss patch made a few fights impossible for Blasters without holds.

[/ QUOTE ] Without inspirations or with inspirations against mezzing bosses, I can see that. But popping four Lucks before a fight is better defense than any non-Elude scrapper has inherently. And most secondaries have some sort of immobilize that will stop a boss when double stacked.