Blaster role




Blasters have better final powers in each powerset (Primary and Secondary) than Scraps do. Although I guess some of those perma-MoGers and perma-Unstoppablers might argue with me. But have you guys seen Nova? Wish I could do that with my Scrapper.

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I wish you could too so you would see the downside. You wouldn't like it much when your endurance all goes away and you defensive toggels drop. Oh wait you sill have more HP's so you'd still likely survive. We need to be in Melee. After it is done the survivors, now with perma-argo on us, will vindicate their downed brethern, and we have 0 End and 0 Defences with low HP's. If your scrapper had the same issues/problems when they used it then you would sing a different tune. Full Auto is the one truely outstanding level 32 power.

BTW: This comes from a level 43 Energy/Energy Blaster. I've been using Nova for 11 levels, so ya I've seen it. I've also seen about 50/50 odds I'll face plant after. I have to admit lately that has changed to be more like 30% instead, mainly because I have become quite adept at Nova -> run -> pop a blue Insp.

Be a hero!!



Guys, this isn't some magical mystery tour. We all know the numbers. It's been confirmed that Blaster and Scrapper base damage is the same.

Here's two single target damage sets. Both get Build Up, both set a low end single target, a medium AoE, and a high end single target.

Let's look!

Lightning Bolt - 4.5556 Brawls / Crane Kick - 4.5556 Brawls
Ball Lightning - 2.8333 Brawls / Dragon's Tail - 2.7778 Brawls
Zapp - 7.6667 Brawls / Eagle's Claw - 5.5556 Brawls

Taking into account Zapp's recharge rate and activation time, they sure look like equivalent damage to me....

This is not an arguable topic (although I'm sure someone will try ). The only difference between Blaster Ranged attacks and Scrapper Melee attacks is .... how they are slotted.

Blaster Melee attacks actually do more damage than Scrapper attacks do, which is one of the reasons I take and use actually do my job in a team, the job of Hurting Things More Than Most Other People.

Currently playing:
Infaerna Who knew Fire/Fire Brutes were fun to play?



Guys, this isn't some magical mystery tour. We all know the numbers. It's been confirmed that Blaster and Scrapper base damage is the same.

Here's two single target damage sets. Both get Build Up, both set a low end single target, a medium AoE, and a high end single target.

Let's look!

Lightning Bolt - 4.5556 Brawls / Crane Kick - 4.5556 Brawls
Ball Lightning - 2.8333 Brawls / Dragon's Tail - 2.7778 Brawls
Zapp - 7.6667 Brawls / Eagle's Claw - 5.5556 Brawls

Taking into account Zapp's recharge rate and activation time, they sure look like equivalent damage to me....

This is not an arguable topic (although I'm sure someone will try ). The only difference between Blaster Ranged attacks and Scrapper Melee attacks is .... how they are slotted.

Blaster Melee attacks actually do more damage than Scrapper attacks do, which is one of the reasons I take and use actually do my job in a team, the job of Hurting
Things More Than Most Other People.

[/ QUOTE ]

Odd how you considered the recharge and animation on Zapp, but ignored the fact that the other three attacks for MA also have faster animation and recharges (except BL which does DoT).

Your number show why people would think blasters do more damage, but leaves out the things that show they do less.



Odd how you considered the recharge and animation on Zapp, but ignored the fact that the other three attacks for MA also have faster animation and recharges (except BL which does DoT).

Your number show why people would think blasters do more damage, but leaves out the things that show they do less.

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You're correct; I could go on all day. I could talk about how Blaster attacks are more endurance efficient, I could talk about the fact that one set has Range, and Range is a (small) advantage. I could talk about how the secondaries affect the primarys, and so forth.

The only point I was trying to make is that the difference between Scrapper and Blaster attacks are very small, and that most of the differences balance out.

If you tell the average Blaster, "Hey, you've got no defenses, but at least you can do Scrapper damage from 80 yards away!" they'd get offended and scream bloody murder...

The numbers, though, say exactly that, loud and clear.

Currently playing:
Infaerna Who knew Fire/Fire Brutes were fun to play?




This is not an arguable topic (although I'm sure someone will try ). The only difference between Blaster Ranged attacks and Scrapper Melee attacks is .... how they are slotted.

[/ QUOTE ]

Actually there are a few other important differences. One of those blaster attacks is interruptible which can make it problematic to use. Scrappers entry level attacks typically have a shorter activation then the blaster equivalent, blasters typically have one less single target attack, and finally scrappers can supplement their attacks by taking attacks from the power pool, an option that isn’t open to blasters who wish to remain at range.

The end result is that even though scrapper and blaster attacks are very comparable on a one for one basis (as they should be IMO) once you get to higher levels and can slot up those extra attacks scrappers end up with a superior attack chain and do more damage as a result. This is true even before critical hits and damage caps some into play.




I say give all the blaster powers a good range increase across the board, ESPECIALY the Snipe powers. This way a good blaster could get in a few good hits at long range, and have that range actually mean something.

And I don't see why blasters can't have that %500 damage cap as well. First of all to really use that cap pre Hami O you would need the help of Fulcrum Shift, which you need to be point blank on your enemies anyways. Second off, Blasters are supposed to be the "kings of dps". They get no defense other then range, no buffs, no heals. All they have going for them are their nukes. Finally, Blasters are THE most squishy things in the game, period. Its pretty piss weak to see scrappers and even fire tanks out mowing blasters when blasters should be the ones nuking everything.

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I agree, adding more damage would be the easiest fix and true to what the game actually says we {blasters} are about.

"if I am guilty for what goes on in my mind, than give me the electric chair for all my future crimes"



The end result is that even though scrapper and blaster attacks are very comparable on a one for one basis (as they should be IMO) once you get to higher levels and can slot up those extra attacks scrappers end up with a superior attack chain and do more damage as a result. This is true even before critical hits and damage caps some into play.

[/ QUOTE ]

I guess this is where I disagree with you, a little. It's nice to get a reasonable debate going, but I thought that the numbers "spoke for themselves". I guess they didn't, so I'll speak for them...

The fact that Scrapper attacks are directly comparable to Blaster attacks show that something is desperately wrong.

Blasters sacrifice all protection for offense! There should not be many cases where thier base damage is the same as another AT's attack.

For example, if Zapp did 9.889 Brawls of damage, it would be doing about the same damage as Total Focus......but it doesn't. It should! I'm not even going to get into the fact that we're comparing a Blaster set to MA, which many players believe to be "gimp"...

Currently playing:
Infaerna Who knew Fire/Fire Brutes were fun to play?



Well the main disadvantage that Blasters have is that their primary attacks don't allow them to have continuous attack chain with single target damage. Take for example that Electric primary. Two attacks, Charged Bolts and Lightning Bolt. No Sniper attack gives good DPS with a 6 second delay, interruptable to boot.

Best you have is Ice, and it doesn't have a sniper attack - the only Blaster primary to be without. What does it have in it's slot? A hold that does minor damage - 1/4th the damage of Brawl.

So what do Blasters have to do in order to have remotely comparable DPS to Scrappers? Get in melee range and use secondary attacks or power pool attacks. And even then (as shown by some highly detailed posts recently) the DPS trails behind even Martial Arts scrappers for single target damage.

Going into melee range makes us lose any defensive advantage we might have being in range.

We have to deal with PBAoE's now like Foot Stomp, Siesmic Smash and Spin, and melee cones like Slash and Eviscerate, and even short range cones like Energy Torrent and Psi Scream which are often aimed at tankers or scrappers in melee range.

We have much less risk of skirting that stuff merely to sustain an attack chain.



Blasters have better final powers in each powerset (Primary and Secondary) than Scraps do. Although I guess some of those perma-MoGers and perma-Unstoppablers might argue with me. But have you guys seen Nova? Wish I could do that with my Scrapper.

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I wish you could too so you would see the downside. You wouldn't like it much when your endurance all goes away and you defensive toggels drop. Oh wait you sill have more HP's so you'd still likely survive. . .

[/ QUOTE ]

. . .Have YOU seen the downside on Unstoppable?

I'll see your "zero endurance, toggles drop" and raise you a "hit points drop to TEN PERCENT."

And of course what I get for this is. . . in my specific build, 12% more resistance to Energy/Elements, and more Endurance, for 200 seconds.

Oh, and Unstoppable can no longer be perma'd.

Nothing out there does as much damage to me as my OWN NINTH TIER POWER.

Mini-guides: Force Field Defenders, Blasters, Market Self-Defense, Frankenslotting.

So you think you're a hero, huh.
@Boltcutter in game.



about flight level endurance cost i'd say. 3 endos make it tolerable.



. . .Have YOU seen the downside on Unstoppable?

[/ QUOTE ]

Uh huh. Which is why I found the screaming hissyfit thrown when the EPPs were first announced so damn funny.



He can two-shot white-con minions only with his best attacks. Maybe yellow-con minions if they aren't smashing resistant and his enhancements are ++'d out. It's not like he can do it with Thunder Kick and Storm Kick. Not without a crit. This is a Crane Kick/Storm Kick/Eagle's Claw duo, similar to using Power Burst and Power Blast back to back. But, yeah, scrappers can definitely two-shot regular minions. Most all damage-dealers can. My EM tanker can one-shot a red-con under the right conditions (Build-Up, Energy Transfer, damage-vulnerable mob).

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He didn't specify that I had to two shot with Thunder Kick and Storm, or just Two shot, so yes, I can two shot a minion as a scrapper.

More importantly, the only reason he can one shot an orange-con Fungi is because he critted with Eagle's Claw that has a Lethal Damage crit which Fungi are highly vulnerable to. If you were to watch him fight that thing with his other smashing attacks, which those are very resistant to, you'd probably feel sorry for him.

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It's still half smashing, and I've one shotted orange Nemi minions with it too. Stop trying to act like a total [censored] for a couple seconds and go play an MA scrapper at high levels.

And why would he fell sorry for my scrapper when fighting Fungi, I may take a while, but it's not like they're going to kill me in any time soon. As compaired to a blaster, where two fungi can pose a serious challenge.

Don't let him get you down. He's exaggerating and leaving info out.
All Orochi is doing is puposefully inflating his information to make it sound like scrappers are massively better than they really are. Crits typically only occur 1 out of every 20 hits (1 in 6.67 for Eagles' Claw, our slow-recharging heavy-hitter attack). Don't get mystified whenever a scrapper says, "I can one-shot God with a crit!" That typically means, "Holy crap, I got really lucky and it would take X more tries to do that again!" :P

Like I said, don't let him upset you. He's trying to do it on purpose.

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What info did I leave out or exaggerate? I said I "one shotted an orange Fungi minion with an Eagle's claws crit", it's not like I said something like "I one shotted God!" Would you like Slots, it's one ACC/five damage, my secondary is Invince.

He asked if I could two shot a minion, he used a white minions as an example along with saying his highest damaging attacks, I said yes I can two shot a white minion without crits, and if I use my highest damaging attacks or not is irrelevent, and you're also a fool if you think that I'm going to use my weakest attacks when he uses his strongest.

Here's what he said:

As a blaster, I can one shot a white con minion with my snipe, most of the time. Any minion I can one shot with snipe, I can two shot with my other heavy hitting powers. A scrapper (without a crit) can not two shot a minion.

[/ QUOTE ]



I was spoiled playing an Energy Blaster. I had Power Bolt and Blast which shared the same range. I also had a third attack option with Power Burst, something that has no equivilent in Electric. Add to that, I had a snipe that has no equivilent in Ice. I can lead off with that in small groups, then switch to the other attacks to finish off the remainder.

Basically I had my snipe AND a good attack chain, and even with perma-Hasten I still couldn't stay at range and fire non-stop. I can't stay in my element, and be an effective single target damage dealer.

I'd like to stay in range and attack non stop at least with perma hasten



I Could not agree more. My first was a Blaster did fine up until level 30 then kept dieing. At level 38 Bosses that were blue would kill me if i did not keep shooting and running. Even then would take masive amounts of damage. Thats when I noticed that Tanks were taking on large groups of enemies several orders higher than their level, and winning without a problem. That’s when I started my tank. My Tank is now level 40. I have always had my missions set at invincible (my blaster would never dream of setting his missions that high). Lately have been inviting lower levels to my team w/o SK so they get great XP and I have bigger and higher groups to play with.

Blaster = If it’s blue (and a boss) it can kill me.
Invulnerable Tank = Blue?? Why bother.

My Tank has taken on multiple bosses 5 levels higher and won. Sure it takes a while but it is possible I shudder to think of my blaster even trying anything that was purple. My blaster Maxed out on debt more times than I care to count. Finally ended up deleting him, and starting over with devices. Oh and I never went melee the word squishy comes to mind.

Also my blaster died many times per level, as for my tank my record is going 7 levels without debt. Oh and on a side note if a tank does not have Taunt dont team with him. He / She cannot protect you.

OH hey here's an Idea. Since blasters accumulate debt 10 times faster than others why not make blaster debt 1/10th of what everyone else gets. LOL

[color=gold][b][size=5]♪ Sometimes you feel like a Tank, Sometimes you don't! ♪[/size][/color][/b]

[url=][color=black][b][size=5]Moon [color=red]Hazard [color=black]Zone![/size][/color][/color][/color][/b][/url]



I am a bit curious. When the AT were created did you work from powers in the power sets or did you think I like Green Lantern and He has these powers so a blaster has these powers. Right now it seems the easist AT to run and solo thru the game is a tank everyone else has to pick and choose their battles. I say read a few more comic books. A spider-man or batman could not live in the city of heroes.

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For the love of Buda, pls don't put Spiderman and Batman in the same sentence. Danm now I did it.

Batman has no powers and is therefor not a SUPERhero, he is just a hero. So naturaly he couldn't make it in a town where everyone else is SUPER. But Spidey can make it anywhere, he's proven it many times.



batman is a superhero, he wears the tights and cape :P he's just from the "natural" origin. his "super power" is honestly his available resources. He has superhuman wealth.



Answer - Ranged damage. Now, the issue is more specifically - what does a Blaster do that a Scrapper can't already do? Or, even worse, is a Scrapper inherently "stronger" than a Blaster. We want each Archetype to have a well defined role, and part of our Scrapper testing is aimed directly at this.

Secondly, I have no intention of removing melee attacks - it's just a "perception" by some Blasters that some of the Secondary Sets aren't as useful as Devices or Energy Manipulation. This is a rather frequent refrain in PM's (and the occasional forum post). This is something that we should also explore...we want all the Secondary sets to be fun.

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Please note that most of these ideas I have seen on the boards already and they are good ones. I am not taking credit, I am just trying to wrap everything into one neat package.

This turned into a loooong post....

I agree with Statesman in his comment that the role of the Blaster is to attack targets from range. Statesmans comment about range being an advantage to blasters can be realized I think by some fairly simple changes I think.

So what needs to be done is to emphasise the ranged attacks while downplaying the melee attacks without reducing their support functions. How do we do this?

  1. Increase the damage of Ranged attacks, reduce the damage of melee
  2. Increase the status effects of the melee attacks in secondaries, i.e. stuns, knockback etc.
  3. Gradually increase the range of ranged attacks in the same manner that Fly increases in speed.
  4. Tweak some of the specific powers.
  5. Leave Defense, damage resistance, mez resistance alone

Now here we go with the details.

1. Increase the Damage of Ranged Attacks, Reduce the Damage of Melee

We want to emphasise damage at range and to make the Blaster the King/Queen of Damage since they are a combat AT with a range specialization. With Fire having it's DOT, they should be Emperor/Empress of Damage. As it stands right now the damages the melee secondaries can produce far outstrips the ranged attacks. Looking at Elec/Elec (since that is what I am familiar with), Charged Brawl does more damage than Lightning Bolt and Havoc Punch does more damage than Zapp.

Brawl Indices's from the CoH Planner (v1.5a)
Lightning Bolt = 4.5556
Charged Brawl = 5.4445

Zapp = 7.6667
Havoc Punch = 8.2223

This is very backwards!

With Charged Brawl and Havoc Punch I can two shot +2 minions with ease. I should be doing this with my ranged attacks, we have two melee specialists in the game already we don't need a third. With my ranged attacks I cannot repeat this feat. Thus, as it stands, melee is emphasised over ranged. Reverse the damages and ranged attacks become the emphasis again.

2. Increase the Status Effects of the Melee Attacks in Secondaries

If I am in melee, and I am a Blaster with no to little defenses to speak of I want to get out of melee as soon as possible! With the secondary Melee powers reduced in damage this reduces their effectiveness dramatically. How do we accommodate this? With improving the status effects that the Secondary melees produce. Here is what I propose as the ideal candidates for the Blaster secondaries:

Devices: Being what it is, devices is pretty balanced except for the fact that Trip Mine will not detonate unless the blaster is near it. Why? Yes it reduces the risk / reward ratio. So increase it's recharge rate to 1 minute thus reducing it's effectiveness as a primary attack tactic and put it into the realm of support where it belongs. Use Trip Mines to setup Bosses or AV's or a large mob of bad guys for a rude awakening!

Energy Manipulation: Disorient of course. It's there already just play it up. Make Energy Punch and Bone Smasher 100% MAG 1 disorients with some damage and thus you have the tools to turn minions into Drunken Fools or a Lieutenant if you chain both attacks. Stun should be the Lieutenant Killer as a no damage 100% MAG 2 Disorient like Cobra Strike from MA. Leave Total Focus as is.

Electricity Manipulation: The one that I am familiar with and love to death. Two words: ENDURANCE DRAIN. The melee's should be low damage but high END drain and by high I mean if they are slotted for 5 or more END drain SO's (even level) two hits should drop a bosses Endurance to half. Thus they cannot be used to make boss fights trivial unless chained with some other endurance drain like Short Circuit or Power Sink, which are excellent melee range powers.

Ice Manipulation: Obviously the effect should be a greatly reduced speed and more importantly, reduce recharge rate. The king of this should be Chilling Embrace of course. Slow Enhancements should buff the Recharge Reduction effect as well. The results of course is that opponents cannot attack you effectively in melee thus supporting the ranged attacks. The effects are there, just increase them more.

Fire Manipulation: And here is what I think is going to be the most controversial suggestion I can make given the PvP implications but it fits thematically. Give Fire Manipulation melee attacks Fear. Fear of Fire is a primal survival instinct in every living thing on Earth. Fear naturally induces panic and thus the Fear that Fire Manipulation should invoke is the old version that causes mobs to run like headless chickens. The melees should light the target on fire and thus invoke the Fear effect for a short time. This makes Combustion, Fire Sword Circle, Blazing Aura, and Burn useful for a Fire blaster. Keep in mind I am suggesting the effect extend after they are out of range for a short amount of time. Thus giving the blaster a chance to unload with their ranged attacks.

3. Increase the Range of Ranged Attacks Every Level like Fly and its Speed

This goes hand in hand with increasing the damage of ranged attacks and furthers solidifies the Blaster as a Ranged Attacker. A Blaster should NEVER be out ranged except by bosses or AV's or Monsters. This also gives the blaster the Role of first strike specialist which is what I am guessing Statesman was implying but doesn't exist in the game as it stands now. Rikti, Malta, Crey snipers and Nemesis can all out range Blasters right now. Blasters don't have a chance to really release their attacks before something closes to range. With increased range as an advantage a Blaster can perform it's role as ranged attacker, launching artillery the whole time while Scrappers and Tankers have to close to melee range, taking incoming fire the entire time. This makes range an advantage for Blasters and a disadvantage for the melee ATs which is what I believe was intended. Defender ranged attacks should be static as they are now to preserve the advantage for Blasters, further separate the two ATs and keep the Defender emphasis on their primaries.

4. Tweak Some of the Specific Powers

This is more of a potluck category for what powers IMHO should be slightly tweaked from Primaries or Secondaries. There is not a lot here as I haven't played any blaster past level 10 other than TESELA so I may be way off on some suggestions on powers.

Assault Rifle: Since above I am basically saying that fire should cause fear, that would naturally extend to Flamethrower and Ignite. However, this should only last while the DOT is happening. After that the target is no longer in flames and should proceed to attack. Only Fire/Fire should get the sustained Fear effect as suggested above.

Fire Blast: Rain of Fire is such a cool looking power but it is also so situational as to prove useless. Change it so that it has the same fear as the Secondaries and thus you have a power that allows the blaster an escape route while they run way from the Rain. They move out of the rain they stop taking damage but are still feared a little while (like 5 seconds) so that they can escape or setup more damaging attacks.

Electricity Manipulation: Thunder Strike is worthless other than the knockdown. Havoc Punch is better as a damage attack in every conceivable measure. The AOE component is cool but unreliable. My idea would be to make the AOE "explosion" 100% with no damage or severely minor damage and 100% knockdown and no disorient. Similarly Lightning Clap should be 100% Knockdown 100% MAG 1 Disorient no damage. Thus Thunder Strike becomes useful against Lieutenants or Bosses surrounded by minions and Lightning Clap is useful against minions trying to crowd you.

5. Leave Defense, Damage Resistance, Mez Resistance Alone

Blasters defense is gained through Superior firepower at range. A cliché to be sure but that's the philosophy. This MUST be a blasters weakness. They must be able to be taken out if there is effort made by the mobs to do so. This is the third thing that keeps Blaster at range, in the back ranks firing away, as I think we ALL pictured them. Having said that we should have tools for solo and those tools are inspirations. Why do I get the feeling when people complain about mez they aren't using Disciplines (to be Break Frees in I4)? I can take down +2 Rikti Mentalist Bosses laughing the whole way. People say that after Nova is used they are sitting ducks. Why? If my Thunderous Blast leaves a minion or two alive because of a miss I pop a CaB or two and then Cage them and beat them down. Yes it means you have to be proactive about your Inspiration selection and not just allow them to come randomly. There is a reason you can buy them from contacts.

That sounds alot harsher than I indended.

I totally overlooked Disciplines when fighting the Tsoo and the damned Yellow Ink Men!

My point was more of, if you know it's coming, plan for it. Don't leave it to chance or luck (Lucks are okay though!).

Cheers and good luck fellow blasters!

As always, Thoughts?



I agree with Statesman in his comment that the role of the Blaster is to attack targets from range. Statesmans comment about range being an advantage to blasters can be realized I think by some fairly simple changes I think.

So what needs to be done is to emphasise the ranged attacks while downplaying the melee attacks without reducing their support functions. How do we do this?

Increase the damage of Ranged attacks, reduce the damage of melee

Increase the status effects of the melee attacks in secondaries, i.e. stuns, knockback etc.

Gradually increase the range of ranged attacks in the same manner that Fly increases in speed.

Tweak some of the specific powers.

Leave Defense, damage resistance, mez resistance alone

[/ QUOTE ]

I agree with a lot of this. I think you missed the reason that Melee attacks do so much damage, though. I definitely disagree that they should be reduced.

Here's the formula that you're missing: Risk (should) Equal Reward.
Melee is a Risk for Blasters, so the Reward is Awesome Melee Damage.

I agree with everything else, I still believe that all that is wrong with the Blaster AT is about 2 brawls of extra damage per attack.

Currently playing:
Infaerna Who knew Fire/Fire Brutes were fun to play?



Here's the formula that you're missing: Risk (should) Equal Reward.
Melee is a Risk for Blasters, so the Reward is Awesome Melee Damage.

[/ QUOTE ]

I agree with you 100%, and I understood why the melee's were so deadly. I just think the reward for melee range should be status effects as opposed to more damage.

Blasters are pure offence.
Tankers are pure defence.
Scrappers are in between.

The secondaries should be offensive support, just not pure damage only.





My DA scrapper can 1 shot a yellow minion. Crits can 1 shot a red minion. This is without using Soul Drain. With, enemies fear, as Smite 1 shots whites.

[/ QUOTE ]

Smite doesn't one-shot white minions. Shadow Maul might with HOs, and Midnight Grasp can, but it's not really a one-shot as it takes several seconds.

Elsegame: Champions Online: @BellaStrega ||| Ashleigh#1834 ||| Bioware Social Network: BellaStrega ||| EA Origin: Bella_Strega ||| Steam: BellaStrega ||| The first Guild Wars: Kali Magdalene ||| The Secret World: BelleStarr (Arcadia)




rememeber, way back before smoke grenades got nerfed, and everybody was whining about how */dev blasters were tankmages, because they had awesome defense and awesome damage?

[/ QUOTE ]

Wow, still bitter?

The distinction (one I don't really agree with, but it's there) is awesome damage at range.

Elsegame: Champions Online: @BellaStrega ||| Ashleigh#1834 ||| Bioware Social Network: BellaStrega ||| EA Origin: Bella_Strega ||| Steam: BellaStrega ||| The first Guild Wars: Kali Magdalene ||| The Secret World: BelleStarr (Arcadia)



I still maintain that, say, %80 of the aggrivation with Blasters could be dealt with by the following two changes:

1) Ranged attacks in the primary power sets no longer root while activating. Don't even need to change the actual activation times, simply make it so you can continue to dodge/run while firing. This can't be impossible to implement, as you can already do so with a proper leap-joust. And even Ice, with its fast animations, needs to hold still for the second they take to fire. With this, you'd actually be able to keep enemies at range, and thus have range be a viable defense.

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Several toggle and click powers already have non-rooted animations. Surely it can't be that hard to do it for attacks.

It'd make a nice perk for blasters, too.

2) Scale Blaster damage upwards as they level so that net effectiveness remains the same. Post SOs, Blasters actually decrease in effectiveness, as mob HP and resistances continue to rise, while there's no further way to self-improve damage. This leads to being able to obliterate yellows with a snipe at 22, but only being able to one-shot whites with a snipe at 50. Since offense=defense for blasters (more or less), this steady decrease in objective effectiveness is a big harm.

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This, on the other hand, is true for everyone - it's probably just more noticeable with blasters.

That said, I agree that giving better post-30 damage scaling to blasters would help.

Elsegame: Champions Online: @BellaStrega ||| Ashleigh#1834 ||| Bioware Social Network: BellaStrega ||| EA Origin: Bella_Strega ||| Steam: BellaStrega ||| The first Guild Wars: Kali Magdalene ||| The Secret World: BelleStarr (Arcadia)



Smite doesn't one-shot white minions. Shadow Maul might with HOs, and Midnight Grasp can, but it's not really a one-shot as it takes several seconds.

[/ QUOTE ]

Your experience meshes with mine but I would add that Full-Auto and Flamethrower both take several seconds to "one shot". Several Seconds that can lead to death.



Here's the formula that you're missing: Risk (should) Equal Reward.
Melee is a Risk for Blasters, so the Reward is Awesome Melee Damage.

[/ QUOTE ]

I agree with you 100%, and I understood why the melee's were so deadly. I just think the reward for melee range should be status effects as opposed to more damage.

Blasters are pure offence.
Tankers are pure defence.
Scrappers are in between.

The secondaries should be offensive support, just not pure damage only.


[/ QUOTE ]

So the risk of melee is that you might not get the first punch off fast enough to keep them controlled while you melee them?

Doesn't seem like a lot of a risk. Unless you're talking about adding these statuses to single target attacks only and they have very short durations - which isn't far removed what Blasters have already in the secondaries.



And guess what, folks! Check the current training room patch notes. Super Speed and Super Leap have a -%50 accuracy, in PvP and PvE, the same as Flight.

Apparently Blasters just weren't dying enough. And so much for any future hope of actually keeping enemies at range!

(At least I still have my six-slotted hover...)