HUGE TV outside Arena
How about a Huge Screen that Updated with a still shot of a random fight going on in the arena.. Have it update once every minute. or once every 30 seconds.
The Mule Vs. Razorleaf!
<-My face
I suddenly got visions of the Running Man. Anyone want to place a bet on this match? Complete with Richard Dawson!!
EDIT: You COULD do something like a TV view, something like the info booths, opens a full screen view of a first person perspective, with someone as the camera. Now that is possible, but not much like a HUGE TV screen displaying the action :P.
This technically isn't possible with our engine. It would have to be a huge animated texture refreshing at 20+ frames per second.
We did think of it, but the engineers' eyeballs popped out of their sockets when we suggested it.
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Haha! I thought of that and my eye balls almost popped out of my head (engineer here too).
Here's another thought, a flat texture that updates every 20 seconds or so. Perhaps with <heroname> Vs <heroname> scrawled on it.
How about a Huge Screen that Updated with a still shot of a random fight going on in the arena.. Have it update once every minute. or once every 30 seconds.
The Mule Vs. Razorleaf!
<-My face <-Razorleaf's
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Guess I should'a finished reading the thread.
In my organization, this is called a non-trivial programming issue. Non-trivial as in "Mommy, why is that programmer up there on that window sill?"
My arcs are constantly shifting, just search for GadgetDon for the latest.
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This technically isn't possible with our engine. It would have to be a huge animated texture refreshing at 20+ frames per second.
We did think of it, but the engineers' eyeballs popped out of their sockets when we suggested it.
[/ QUOTE ]
reminds me of the looks some army engineers in my old unit gave the soon to be canned butter bars when he said we could put together a 100 ft wide radar dish and 4 semi's of electronic gear to gether with nothing but leathermans . the LT had forgotten the tools trailer about 1000 miles away.
funny thing is we did pull it off
This post is pointless due to redundancy in suggesting the addition of a feature already mentioned as part of the update. Obviously I was suffering from a deficiency of kill skuls.
My Motto: "Debt is merely another Goal."
"Wow Abalest--you manage to start a discussion even when you ain't given a topic" -Ghostman
Abalests on Infinity:
Miss Fulcrum
Dark Soul Golem
Power Drain
This technically isn't possible with our engine. It would have to be a huge animated texture refreshing at 20+ frames per second.
We did think of it, but the engineers' eyeballs popped out of their sockets when we suggested it.
[/ QUOTE ]
You wouldn't need a 20fps texture if you guys just did a slide show of fight highlights. Just give us some screen shots of the good stuff, maybe 3 or 4 pics per fight displayed on a giant screen outside the arena for fun :-)
just a thought,
This technically isn't possible with our engine. It would have to be a huge animated texture refreshing at 20+ frames per second.
We did think of it, but the engineers' eyeballs popped out of their sockets when we suggested it.
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Well, could we at least have a giant animated texture of eyeballs popping, then?
WELL if the TV idea isnt good they should still HAVe THE POPCORN EMote of you eating Popcorn
This technically isn't possible with our engine. It would have to be a huge animated texture refreshing at 20+ frames per second.
We did think of it, but the engineers' eyeballs popped out of their sockets when we suggested it.
[/ QUOTE ]
Could we just have a huge monitor with stats? Examples would be like amount of damage taken, recieved, etc. Possibly who the champs of the arena are?
This technically isn't possible with our engine. It would have to be a huge animated texture refreshing at 20+ frames per second.
We did think of it, but the engineers' eyeballs popped out of their sockets when we suggested it.
[/ QUOTE ]
Which is an impressive effect in and of itself.
I will not rest until we have in-game throwable pies!
How about entering a booth that turns your character into a flying camera so the player can watch the fight as it happens w/o generating much (if any) lag.. since not much (if anything)extra will be rendering and the combatants/spectators wont need to recieve the extra camera position info.
You just click on a booth choose the fight, and boom your a floating/flying camera watching the action from whatever angle you want... then you can do demo captures of the fight and post them on your SG website for others to download and view.
We did think of it, but the engineers' eyeballs popped out of their sockets when we suggested it.
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And were replaced with laser beams.
In my organization, this is called a non-trivial programming issue. Non-trivial as in "Mommy, why is that programmer up there on that window sill?"
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5 stars. I loved that!
This technically isn't possible with our engine. It would have to be a huge animated texture refreshing at 20+ frames per second.
We did think of it, but the engineers' eyeballs popped out of their sockets when we suggested it.
[/ QUOTE ]
I do hope you got some pictures.... That would be very intersting to see.
I think the technological issue is this:
All the textures currently in the game are already on the player's hard disk. Nothing is 'dynamically created'.
In order to have a texture (tv screen) in the game world that changes based on what happens on another zone ('server taking screenshots of a fight'), you would have to send that picture - as an image - to all clients who need to render it. That would, in the first place, require the server to actually render the fight (something the servers dont do). Hard, but not impossible.
However, currently the game sends VERY little data (positions of objects, movement vectors, status information) to the players. Client does all the 'hard work'. Adding even one small image of 20-30kb, updated every few seconds so client could plaster it onto a TV-screen in-game, would add greatly to the bandwidth budget of the game. Realtime is totally out of the question - you would be talking of a 'live video stream' to every client.
And the other way to do it is Non-Trivial(tm) - a true 3D-'portal' that shows something that happens elsewhere in the same zone. And that would rule out separate arena zones. I can understand why the programmer would be jumping around the room screaming for mommy... Basically the game would render everything around your character, PLUS another piece of gameworld (the arena), and then create a viewport to that 'second room' it's rendering and create that single texture from that. Somewhat computationally intesive to the lowbie computers, and definitely non-trivial to implement.
Considering how the client is probably done, it would require a huge reworking of the very basic bits of the client, and would require a hefty upgrade of the minimum requirements of the game. All for a nice TV-Screen. Don't think we'll get one. At best we could get a 'fake' TV-screen - a screen that cycles thru few dozen pre-rendered images of generic heroes fighting. Images, that have nothing to do with the actual fights inside. Would still, IMHO, be nice for atmosphere, but...
This technically isn't possible with our engine. It would have to be a huge animated texture refreshing at 20+ frames per second.
We did think of it, but the engineers' eyeballs popped out of their sockets when we suggested it.
[/ QUOTE ]
What about a new TV-themed arch-villain nemesis for Positron: Jumbotron!
I'm not a programmer so i'm here jsut to ask, since i loved the idea of the Hologram, if it's possible to make or is hard like the TV Screen ?
With an Hlogram you don't have to show everything but just the information of the heroes fighting.
Instead of a huge TV, how about live demo feeds available to those that want to "plug in" to one? Think of it like a "VR Feed" that people could tap into, available at the Arena, that would put them into demo-mode, watching whatever somebody in the Arena is seeing. Doesn't solve the problem of using a third-party chat program (TS) to feed data to friends, but it sure would be cool....
This technically isn't possible with our engine. It would have to be a huge animated texture refreshing at 20+ frames per second.
We did think of it, but the engineers' eyeballs popped out of their sockets when we suggested it.
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Did you get any mocap of that?
The Alt Alphabet ~ OPC: Other People's Characters ~ Terrific Screenshots of Cool ~ Superhero Fiction
This technically isn't possible with our engine. It would have to be a huge animated texture refreshing at 20+ frames per second.
We did think of it, but the engineers' eyeballs popped out of their sockets when we suggested it.
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How about a TV that cycles shots from different cameras?
Could we incorporate influence gambling with this, ya know bet on the matches and win influence
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this is the best idea i've herd all night!!!
if there was ingame video it would be on some sort of delay coh dosent have capbilities for video or the missions with compiters would have them instead of roataing textures.
"Never attempt to balance mechanics through Role Playing."
This technically isn't possible with our engine. It would have to be a huge animated texture refreshing at 20+ frames per second.
We did think of it, but the engineers' eyeballs popped out of their sockets when we suggested it.
[/ QUOTE ]
Tell your engineers JUST TO LINK SCREENSHOTS 1 EVERY 3 minutes or so to the TV. And use visine for their eyes
View the story of W.A.R.F.A.C.E. and Septimus Bane here:
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This technically isn't possible with our engine. It would have to be a huge animated texture refreshing at 20+ frames per second.
We did think of it, but the engineers' eyeballs popped out of their sockets when we suggested it.
[/ QUOTE ]
That's why you carry cold rags, a small ice chest, and lots of guaze when you approach engineers with new things you want to do!!