Slash Command List (CMDLIST output)




When Obsidius gets bored at work...

[u]Issue 12 Revision[u]

fullscreen - Sets video mode to fullscreen.
maximize - Maximizes the window.
disable2D - Disables 2D sprite drawing.
screen - Sets X and Y screen dimensions. Should be constrained to 640x480,1024x768, 1280x1024, 1600x1200, etc
quit - Quits game.
cmdlist - Prints out all commands available.
bind - Binds a key to a command - 'bind k ++forward' will set k to toggle running forward.
unbind - Unbinds a bound key (sets it to default). If the default action is not desired, use: /bind <keyname> "nop"
bind_load_file - Reads a list of keybinds from a file.
bind_load_file_silent - Reads a list of keybinds from a file.
bind_load - Reads a list of keybinds from <INSTALL DIR>/keybinds.txt.
bind_save - Saves all keybinds to <INSTALL DIR>/keybinds.txt.
bind_save_file - Saves all keybinds to specified file.
bind_save_file_silent - Saves all keybinds to specified file.
wdw_load_file - Reads window configuration file.
wdw_load - Reads window configuration from <INSTALL DIR>/wdw.txt.
wdw_save - Saves window configuration to <INSTALL DIR>/wdw.txt.
wdw_save_file - Saves window configuration to specified file.
option_load_file - Reads option configuration file.
option_load - Reads option configuration from <INSTALL DIR>/options.txt.
option_save - Saves window configuration to <INSTALL DIR>/options.txt.
option_save_file - Saves option configuration to specified file.
chat_load_file - Reads chat configuration file.
chat_load - Reads chat configuration from <INSTALL DIR>/chat.txt.
chat_save - Saves chat configuration to <INSTALL DIR>/chat.txt.
chat_save_file - Saves chat configuration to specified file.
netgraph - Displays network connection information.
maxfps - Limits max frames per second.
maxInactiveFps - Limits max frames per second while the game is not in the foreground.
showfps - Show current framerate (1 = on, 0 = off).
camdist - Sets the distance in feet that the third person camera pulls back behind the player.
camreset - Camreset is bound to the PageDown key (default) to reset the camera behind the player.
demorecord - Record a demo to the given name
demostop - Stop demo record/play
texAniso - Sets the amount of anisotropic filtering to use, reloads textures
fsaa - Sets the amount of full screen antialiasing
vis_scale - Controls world detail 1.0=default
shaderDetail - Changes the shader detail level
useHDR - Use HDR lighting effects (Bloom/tonemapping) if available
useDOF - Use Depth of Field effects if available
useBumpmaps - Use bumpmaps
useFP - Use a floating point render target for HDR lighting effects if available
useWater - Use fancy water effects if available
noSunFlare - Disables sun flare for performance debugging
renderScaleX - Changes the horizontal scale at which the 3D world is rendered relative to your screen size
renderScaleY - Changes the vertical scale at which the 3D world is rendered relative to your screen size
renderScale - Changes the scale at which the 3D world is rendered relative to your screen size
renderSize - Changes the size at which the 3D world is rendered
useRenderScale - Enables/disables render scaling feature
renderScaleFilter - Changes method of filtering used in renderscaling
bloomWeight - Sets bloom scale, valid values 0.0 - 2.0
bloomScale - Sets bloom blur size, valid values of 2 or 4
dofWeight - Sets DOF scale, valid values 0.0 - 2.0
compatibleCursors - Enables useage of basic Windows mouse cursors instead of graphical cursors (command line option)
shadowvol - Controls whether or not shadow volumes are drawn.
ss - Controls whether or not simple shadows are drawn.
suppressCloseFx - Hide all personal FX when the camera is closer than the suppressCloseFxDist
suppressCloseFxDist - Within this camera distance, personal FX will be suppressed.
follow - set follow mode, 1 = follow selected target, 0 = stop following
stopinactivedisplay - Stops rendering when the game is not the foreground application.
mouse_look - Command key for mouselook
info - Opens the info window for the current target (yourself if you have no target).
info_tab - Opens the specified tab of the info window for the current target (yourself if you have no target).
info_self - Opens the info window for yourself.
info_self_tab - Opens the specified tab of the info window for yourself.
toggle_enemy - Cycles through targetable enemies.
toggle_enemy_prev - Cycles through targetable enemies (in reverse).
target_enemy_near - Targets the nearest enemy.
target_enemy_far - Targets the farthest enemy.
target_enemy_next - Cycles through visible targetable enemies in near to far order.
target_enemy_prev - Cycles through visible targetable enemies in far to near order.
target_friend_near - Targets the nearest friend.
target_friend_far - Targets the farthest friend.
target_friend_next - Cycles through visible targetable friends in near to far order.
target_friend_prev - Cycles through visible targetable friends in far to near order.
target_custom_near - Targets the nearest match.
• enemy - Hostile enemies
• friend - Friendlies (including pets)
• defeated - 0 HP targets
• alive - Living targets
• mypet - Inlcude only your pets
• notmypet - Exclude your pets
• base - Include only passive base items
• notbase - Exlude passive base items
• teammate - Include only teammates
• notteammate - Exclude teammates
• Other token will be matched against name for specific targeting
target_custom_far - Targets the farthest match.
• enemy - Hostile enemies
• friend - Friendlies (including pets)
• defeated - 0 HP targets
• alive - Living targets
• mypet - Inlcude only your pets
• notmypet - Exclude your pets
• base - Include only passive base items
• notbase - Exlude passive base items
• teammate - Include only teammates
• notteammate - Exclude teammates
• Other token will be matched against name for specific targeting
target_custom_next - Cycles through matching targets in near to far order.
• enemy - Hostile enemies
• friend - Friendlies (including pets)
• defeated - 0 HP targets
• alive - Living targets
• mypet - Inlcude only your pets
• notmypet - Exclude your pets
• base - Include only passive base items
• notbase - Exlude passive base items
• teammate - Include only teammates
• notteammate - Exclude teammates
• Other token will be matched against name for specific targeting
target_custom_prev - Cycles through matching targets in far to near order.
• enemy - Hostile enemies
• friend - Friendlies (including pets)
• defeated - 0 HP targets
• alive - Living targets
• mypet - Inlcude only your pets
• notmypet - Exclude your pets
• base - Include only passive base items
• notbase - Exlude passive base items
• teammate - Include only teammates
• notteammate - Exclude teammates
• Other token will be matched against name for specific targeting
unselect - unselects currently selected thing
profiler_record - Record client profiler information to specified file.
profiler_stop - Stop recording profiler information.
reloadgfx - unloads all textures (causing them to be reloaded dynamically)
texwordeditor - edit the text layout for translatable textures
whereami - Tells the name of the shard/map you are on.
loc - Get current position.
getpos - Get current position.
autoreply - Start a reply for client.
cursorcache - enable cursor cache for smoother cursor changes
ctm_toggle - click-to-move toggle
clicktomove - enables click-to-move
ctm - enables click-to-move
beginchat - Starts chat-entry mode with given string.
startchat - Starts chat-entry mode.
slashchat - Starts chat-entry mode with slash.
say - Sends the given text on the current chat channel.
s - Sends the given text on the current chat channel.
chat_set - Sets the channel to the given string.
chat_cycle - Cycles through the default chat channels.
hideprimarychat - Hide/unhide primary chat window text messages.
tabtoggle - Make the previously active chat tab the new active tab. Used to flip between two tabs.
tabnext - Cycle forward through all chat tabs in indicated chat window (0-4)
tabprev - Cycle backward through all chat tabs in indicated chat window (0-4)
tabglobalnext - Cycle forward through all chat tabs in all windows. Will open the corresponding chat window if necessary.
tabglobalprev - Cycle backward through all chat tabs in all windows. Will open the corresponding chat window if necessary.
tabselect - Select the given chat tab. Will open the corresponding chat window if necessary.
change_handle - Change your global user name, if allowed
• Syntax: change_handle <HANDLE>
chan_create - Create a new chat channel
• Syntax: chan_create <CHANNEL NAME>
chan_join - Join an existing chat channel
• Syntax: chan_join <CHANNEL NAME>
chan_leave - Leave a chat channel
• Syntax: chan_leave <CHANNEL NAME>
chan_invite_team - Invite your entire team or taskforce to a chat channel
• Syntax: chan_invite_team <CHANNEL NAME>
chan_invite_gf - Invite your entire global friends list to a chat channel
• Syntax: chan_invite_gf <CHANNEL NAME>
chan_user_mode - Sets user permissions for specified user on channel.
• You must have operator status to set permissions.
• Syntax: chan_user_mode <CHANNEL NAME> <PLAYER_NAME>
Valid Options:
• -join kicks user from channel
• +send / -send gives/removes user ability to send messages to channel
• +operator / -operator gives/removes operator status from another user in the channel
chan_mode - Changes default access rights for new user who joins the channel. If you set -join, no one can join.
• Syntax: chan_mode <CHANNEL NAME>
Valid Options:
• -join kicks user from channel
• +send / -send gives/removes user ability to send messages to channel
• +operator / -operator gives/removes operator status from another user in the channel
chan_members - List all members of channel
• Syntax: chan_members <CHANNEL NAME>
chan_motd - Set the channel's Message Of The Day, which is sent to everyone that joins the channel
• Syntax: chan_motd <CHANNEL NAME> <MESSAGE>
chan_desc - Set the channel's description
• Syntax: chan_desc <CHANNEL NAME> <DESCRIPTION>
watching - List all channels that you belong to.
gfriends - Display all members of your global friends list.
gignoring - Lists the players on your global chat ignore list
myhandle - Display your chat handle.
get_local_name - Get Server / Local Character name from globalname
get_local_invite - Invite to team from globalname
quickchat - Pops up the quickchat menu.
window_resetall - Resets all window locations, sizes, and visibility to their defaults.
window_toggle - Show a window if hidden, hide a window if shown. (Synonym: toggle)
toggle - Show a window if hidden, hide a window if shown. (Synonym: window_toggle)
window_show - Forces the given window to be shown. (Synonym: show)
show - Forces the given window to be shown. (Synonym: window_show)
window_hide - Forces the given window to be hidden.
window_names - Lists the names of windows for window_show, window_toggle, window_hide, and window_scale commands
window_color - Changes the window colors.
windowcolor - Changes the window colors.
chat - Toggles the chat window.
tray - Toggles the tray window
target Toggles the target window.
nav - Toggles the navigation window.
map - Toggles the map window.
menu - Toggles the menu.
chatoptions - Toggles chat options for specified window (0-4)
petoptions - Displays pet option context menu.
powers - Toggles the power inventory.
alttray - Toggle the secondary tray while a key is being pressed. (for keybinds)
alt2tray - Toggle the secondary tray while a key is being pressed. (for keybinds)
alttraysticky - Toggle the secondary tray.
tray_sticky - Set the sticky-state of the specified tray.
• Syntax: tray_sticky <SHOWING TRAY NUM> <0 for non sticky, sticky otherwise>
tray_sticky_alt2 - Toggle the sticky-state of the alt2 tray.
next_tray - Go to next tray.
prev_tray - Go to previous tray.
next_tray_alt - Go to next secondary tray.
prev_tray_alt - Go to previous secondary tray.
next_tray_alt2 - Go to next tertiary tray.
prev_tray_alt2 - Go to previous tertiary tray.
next_trays_tray - Go to next trays tray slot.
prev_trays_tray - Go to previous trays tray slot.
goto_tray - Go to specified tray number.
goto_tray_alt - Go to specified tray number.
goto_tray_alt2 - Go to specified tray number.
goto_trays_tray - Go to specified tray number in the specified tray.
• Syntax: goto_trays_tray <SHOWING TRAY NUM> <TRAY NUM between 1 and 10>
clear_tray - Clear all trays (excepting macros)
team_select - Select Team member.
pet_select - Select Pet.
pet_select_name - Select Pet.
powexec_name - Executes a power with the given name.
powexec_slot - Executes the given power slot from the current tray.
powexec_toggleon - Toggles a given power on. If its already on, does nothing.
powexec_toggleoff - Toggles a given power off. If its already off, does nothing.
powexec_altslo - Executes the given power slot from the alternate tray.
powexec_alt2slot - Executes the given power slot from the second alternate tray.
powexec_tray - Executes a power in the given tray and slot.
powexec_abort - Cancels the auto-attack power and the queued power.
powexec_unqueue - Cancels the queued power.
powexec_auto - Sets the auto-attack power to given named power (or blank to shut it off, or toggles if it's on already).
inspirationSlot - Activate an inspiration slot in the first row.
inspexec_slot - Activate an inspiration slot in the first row.
inspexec_tray - Activate an inspiration slot in the given row and column.
inspexec_name - Activate an inspiration by name.
inspexec_pet_name - Activate an inspiration on a pet by name. Inspiration Name then Pet Name
inspexec_pet_target - Activate an inspiration on a pet by name. Takes Inspiration Name
macro - Add a macro to first empty slot.
• <name> <command
macroslot - Add a macro to provided slot.
• <slot> <name> <command>
manage - Go to the enhancement management screen
screenshot - Save a .jpg format screenshot.
screenshottitle - Save a .jpg format screenshot with the given title.
screenshottga - Save a .tga format screenshot.
screenshotui - Enables or disables the ui for screenshots (1=ui on, 0=ui off)
copychat - Copy the entire chat history from specified chat Tab into the clipboard.
bug - Report a bug. Enter a short description of any length.
release - Activate medicom unit fot emergency medical transport.
petition - add user petition (stuck, cheated, etc) to the database
cc - Change costume.
costume_change - Change costume.
window_scale - Change a single window scale.
logchat - Toggle chat logging
assist - Change your current target to selected allies target.
assist_name - Change your current target to a specified allies target.
target_name - Change your current target to any entity matching name specified.
dialog_yes - Answer OK, Yes, or Accept to current dialog
dialog_no - Answer OK, No, or Cancel to current dialog
dialog_answer - Answer dialog with button matching provided text
renderthread (0/1) – Enables multicore processing (command line only)[/color][/b] -
norenderthread - Disables multicore processing (command line only)
e3screenshot - Enables special e3 2004 screenshot mode
localtime - Prints local time (on your computer)
autoperf - Automatically change world detail for performance.
petcom - Set the stance or action of current pet.
• Syntax: petcom_name "<pet name>" <stance, action, or both>
petcom_name - Set the stance or action of a specific pet.
• Syntax: petcom_name "<pet name>" <stance, action, or both>
petcom_pow - Set the stance or action of a all pets cast by power.
• Syntax: petcom_name "<power name>" <stance, action, or both>
petcom_all - Set the stance or action of a specific pet.
• Syntax: petcom_name <stance, action, or both>
petsay - Make your current pet say something or emote.
petsay_name - Make the named pet say something or emote.
petsay_pow - Make all pets created by given power say something or emote.
petsay_all - Make the named pet say something or emote.
petrename - Rename your current pet.
petrename_name - Rename the named pet.
lightmapLODscale - Set lightmap LOD scale
camturn - Turn camera to match player
playerturn - Turn player to match camera
face - Turn player to face target
windowcloseextra - Leave fullscreen, close dialogs, and close non-essential windows
gamereturn - Leave fullscreen, close dialogs, and close non-essential windows
clearchat - Clear all chat buffers
keybind_reset - Reset keybinds.
unbind_all - Reset keybinds.
buy_coh - open the buy coh dialog box
monitor_attribute - Adds attribute to Attribute Monitor
stop_monitor_attribute - Removes attribute from the Attribute Monitor
insp_combine - Combines 3 of same type inspiration into one new type
insp_delete - Removes and inspiration
link_interact - Activates Context Menu for link name
link_info - Provides info window on matching link name
link_interact_global - Activates Context Menu for link global name
link_channel - Activates Context Menu for link channel name
showNewTray - Opens another Tray Window
hide - Opens Hide Options
ghide - Opens Hide Options
hide_search - Hides from search
hide_sg - Hides from Supergroup
hide_friends - Hides from Friends
hide_gfriends - Hides from Global Friends
hide_gchannels - Hides from Global Channels
unhide - Opens Hide Options
gunhide - Opens Hide Options
unhide_search - unHides from search
unhide_sg - unHides from Supergroup
unhide_friends - unHides from Friends
unhide_gfriends - unHides from Global Friends
unhide_gchannels - unHides from Global Channels
hide_tell - Hides from tells
unhide_tell - unHides from tells
hide_invite - Hides from invites
unhide_invite - unHides from invites
hide_all - Sets all hide setting on
unhide_all - Sets all hide settings off
sgk - Kicks player from supergroup
sgkick - Kicks player from supergroup
mouse_speed - Sets the mouse speed
mouse_invert - Inverts the mouse
speed_turn - Sets the turning speed
option_list - Lists option names.
option_set - Sets an Option
option_toggle - Toggles an Option
playernote - Opens note window for a given global playername
playernotelocal - Opens note window for a given local playername. (requires a valid name)
canlook - Whether the player can use the mouse to look around.
camrotate - Camrotate is bound to the PageUp key to allow controlled camera rotation around the player.
• This command should not be invoked through the console.
forward_mouse - Move forward. Enable autorun after 2 seconds.
forward - Move forward.
backward - Move backwards.
left - Strafe left.
right - Strafe right.
up - Jump or fly up.
down - Move down (if flying).
turnleft - Rotate left a fixed number of degrees.
turnright - Rotate right a fixed number of degrees.
zoomin - Zoom camera in.
zoomout - Zoom camera out.
lookup - Pitch camera up.
lookdown - Pitch camera down.
third - Toggles between first and third person camera.
first - Toggles between first and third person camera.
autorun - Toggles autorun.
who -[/color][/b] - get info on <player>
whoall - Print who's on this map.
ignore - Ignore Character
ignore_spammer - Ignore As Spammer
unignore - Unignore User
ignorelist - Displays a list of ignored users
newspaper - Open up the newspaper.
emaildelete - Delete message <message num>
emailsend - Send message <player names> <subject> <body>
stuck - Try to get unstuck.
afk - Marks the player as Away From Keyboard (with given message)
kiosk - Pop up the kiosk info for the nearest kiosk. (Assuming you're close enough.)
nojumprepeat - Disable jump auto-repeat
sgraid_window - Set your supergroup raid window <daybits> <hour>
gignore - Adds a player to your global chat ignore list
• Syntax: gignore <HANDLE>
gunignore - Removes a player from your global chat ignore list
• Syntax: gunignore <HANDLE>
gfriend - Add a player to your global friends list.
gunfriend - Remove a player from your global friends list.
chan_invite - Invite player or chat handle to a chat channel
• Syntax: chan_invite <CHANNEL NAME> <USER NAME>
ginvite - Invite player or chat handle to a chat channel
• Syntax: ginvite <CHANNEL NAME> <USER NAME>
chan_invite_sg - Invite your entire supergroup to a chat channel. Only leaders may use this command.
• You must specify the minimum rank to invite:
• 0 - invite entire supergroup (members, captains and leaders)
• 1 - invite captains and leaders only
• 2 - invite leaders only
• Syntax: chan_invite_sg <CHANNEL NAME> <RANK>
ginvite_sg - Invite your entire supergroup to a chat channel. Only leaders may use this command.
• You must specify the minimum rank to invite:
• 0 - invite entire supergroup (members, captains and leaders)
• 1 - invite captains and leaders only
• 2 - invite leaders only
• Syntax: ginvite_sg <CHANNEL NAME> <RANK>
chan_send - Send message to chat channel. You must be in the channel and have Send priviledges.
• (alias is "/send")
• Syntax: chan_send <CHANNEL NAME> <MESSAGE>
send - Send message to chat channel. You must be in the channel and have Send priviledges
• Syntax: send <CHANNEL NAME> <MESSAGE>
gmotd - View the global message again.
get_global_name - Gets the global name from character name.
get_global_silent - Gets the global name without reporting results to chat window
clearAttributeView - Clear the attribute target
respec - Go to respec screen if you have recieved a free holiday respec
getarenastats - Get your arena stats.
servertime - Print the current server time
show_petnames - Displays the names of all your named pets
clear_petnames - Clear the names of all your named pets
release_pets - Release your current pets
tell - Send a message to only one player.
t - Send a message to only one player.
private - Send a message to only one player.
p - Send a message to only one player.
whisper - Send a message to only one player.
friendlist - Display friend list.
fl - Display friend list.
group - Send message to group channel.
g - Send message to group channel.
team - Send message to group channel.
yell - Send message to entire map.
y - Send message to entire map.
broadcast - Send message to entire map.
b - Send message to entire map.
r - Reply to last person that sent you a tell.
reply - Reply to last person that sent you a tell.
say - Send message to your area.
local - Send message to your area.
l - Send message to your area.
s - Send message to your area.
request - Send message to request channel.
req - Send message to request channel.
sell - Send message to request channel.
auction - Send message to request channel.
supergroup - Send message to super group channel.
sg - Send message to super group channel.
coalition - Send message to coalition channel.
c - Send message to coalition channel.
ac - Arena chat channel
arena - Arena chat channel
h - Help/guide chat channel
help - Help/guide chat channel
guide - Help/guide chat channel
e - Emotes a text string.
me - Emotes a text string.
em - Emotes a text string.
emote - Emotes a text string.
friend - Add player to friend list.
f - Talk to friends channel.
estrange - Remove player from friend list.
unfriend - Remove player from friend list.
sidekick - Invite player to be your sidekick.
sk - Invite player to be your sidekick.
lk - Invite player to be your lackey.
lackey - Invite player to be your lackey.
unsk - No longer mentor (or be a sidekick).
unsidekick - No longer mentor (or be a sidekick).
unlk - No longer be a lackey.
unlackey - No longer be a lackey.
exemplar - Invite player to be your exemplar.
ex - Invite player to be your exemplar.
malefactor - Invite player to be your malefactor.
mal - Invite player to be your malefactor.
rsk - Invite player to be your exemplar.
unexemplar - No longer be an aspirant (or be an exemplar).
unex - No longer be an aspirant (or be an exemplar).
unrsk - No longer be an aspirant (or be an exemplar).
unmal - No longer be an a malefactor.
unmalefactor - No longer be an a malefactor.
invite - Invite player to join team.
i - Invite player to join team.
kick - Kick player from team.
k - Kick player from team.
leaveTeam - Leave your current team up.
lfg - Toggle looking for group status.
lfgset - Set looking for group status
buffs - Toggle team buff display.
makeleader - Change the team leader.
ml - Change the team leader.
sginvite - Invite player to join supergroup.
sgi - Invite player to join supergroup.
sg_kick_yes - Kick player from supergroup.
sgleave - Leave your current supergroup.
sgstats - Display supergroup info in chat window.
promote - Promote supergroup member one rank.
demote - Demote supergroup member one rank.
nameLeader - Renames the 'Leader' supergroup rank.
nameOverlord - Renames the 'Overlord' supergroup rank.
nameCommander - Renames the 'Commander' supergroup rank.
nameRingleader - Renames the 'Ringleader' supergroup rank.
nameCaptain - Renames the 'Captain' supergroup rank.
nameTaskmaster - Renames the 'TaskMaster' supergroup rank.
nameLieutenant - Renames the 'Lieutenant' supergroup rank.
nameEnforcer - Renames the 'Enforcer' supergroup rank.
nameMember - Renames the 'Member' supergroup rank.
nameFlunky - Renames the 'Flunky' supergroup rank.
sgSetMOTD - Sets supergroup MOTD.
sgSetMotto - Sets supergroup motto.
sgSetDescription - Sets supergroup description.
sgSetDemoteTimeout - Sets supergroup demote timeout.
sgmode - Toggle supergroup mode.
sgmodeset - Setsupergroup mode.
coalition_invite - Invite player's supergroup to join coalition.
ci - Invite player's supergroup to join coalition.
coalition_cancel - Cancel coalition with a supergroup.
coalition_sg_mintalkrank - Set the minimum rank of members of your Supergroup who can use coalition chat.
coalition_mintalkrank - Set the minimum rank of members of a coalition Supergroup who your Supergroup can hear.
coalition_nosend - Stop your Supergroup from sending coalition chat to an ally Supergroup.
trade - Invite player to trade.
costume_change - Change current costume.
cc - Change current costume.
search - Find a player.
sea - Find a player.
findmember - Find a player.
get_comment - Get search comment.
comment - Set search comment.
arenainvite - Invite player to join your arena event.
ai - Invite player to join your arena event.
sgraid_invite - Invite player's supergroup to an instant raid.
raid_invite - Invite player's supergroup to an instant raid.
clearRewardChoice - Choose no item in your current reward choice



Parameters:This is the list of allowed parameters that some of the commands require to properly execute.
<ul type="square">[*] enemy - Hostile enemies[*] friend - Friendlies (including pets)[*] defeated - 0 HP targets[*] alive - Living targets[*] mypet - Inlcude only your pets[*] notmypet - Exclude your pets[*] base - Include only passive base items[*] notbase - Exlude passive base items[*] teammate - Include only teammates[*] notteammate - Exclude teammates[*] Other token will be matched against name for specific targeting[/list]
Valid Channel Options: This list is associated with in game global channels and the variable options available to the channel commands.
<ul type="square">[*] -join: kicks user from channel[*] +send / -send: gives/removes user ability to send messages to channel[*] +operator / -operator: gives/removes operator status from another user in the channel[/list]
Minimum Rank to invite: Rank listing, minimum must be referenced for Rank commands.
<ul type="square">[*] 0 - invite entire supergroup (members, captains and leaders)[*] 1 - invite captains and leaders only[*] 2 - invite leaders only[/list]
This post was hi-jacked to keep the ever growing CMD resource list manageable. Thank you TJ for being so kind as to relinquish this spot. Your post contents have been preserved below Ex Libris

Well done. Thanks Grotus, Colder, and AnotherDeadHero. Also, thanks Dev's for finally including this option. Now if we could just get a /cmdlist type of option for all available emotes (not just the ones on the little emote button either). ~Texas Justice

[/ QUOTE ]

If the game spit out 20 dollar bills people would complain that they weren't sequentially numbered. If they were sequentially numbered people would complain that they weren't random enough.

Black Pebble is my new hero.



Nice, that'll definately help when I suddenly forget how to do something so simple like invite someone to a supergroup (it really has happened before ). Thanks for posting it here, as it really is kind of a guide (sorta).



Sweet - thanks!



yay !!! 5 stars for everyone involved =)



Wouldn't you know, totally found this post randomly. Thanks for the footnote ADH.



Great job, all !!!
Now, if someone savvey in the ways of I-3 could make a simmilar list for all of the Emotes... Hint, hint



Very nice and very appreciated.



Great job, all !!!
Now, if someone savvey in the ways of I-3 could make a simmilar list for all of the Emotes... Hint, hint

[/ QUOTE ]
Looking through the piggs I came up with this list for I3 emotes (those seperated by a slash are aliases for the same emote):

Wave / Hi
BigWave / OverHere
RaiseHand / Stop
Akimbo / Wings
RollDice / Dice
FlipCoin / CoinToss / Coin
Flex / FlexB / Flex2
FlexA / Flex1
FlexC / Flex3
What / Huh / Shrug
MartialArts / Kata
BeatChest / Tarzan
Taunt / TauntB / Taunt2
TauntA / Taunt1
AFK / Newspaper
Lotus / Yoga
Rooting / WaveFist
Thanks / ThankYou
Bow / Sorry
FancyBow / ElegantBow
Champion / Winner
DropBoombox / Boombox / BB
PaladinAwaken (Don't expect this to stay forever, it seems broken when used by a player)
None (/em none cancels your current emote)



release - Activate medicom unit fot emergency medical transport.

What the heck is that for?



release - Activate medicom unit fot emergency medical transport.

What the heck is that for?

[/ QUOTE ]
You can use it when you're defeated to go to a hospital instead of clicking the big red button.



Thank You, verrrry much, WingedKagouti
This Emote list was exactly what I was hoping for



Command list in alphabetical order, along with a additional formatting for items with syntax or options descriptions:

afk - Marks the player as Away From Keyboard (with given message)
alttray - Toggle the secondary tray while a key is being pressed. (for keybinds)
alttraysticky - Toggle the secondary tray.
assist - Change your current target to selected allies target
auction - Send message to request channel.
autoreply - Start a reply for client.
autorun - Toggles autorun.
b - Send message to entire map.
backward - Move backwards.
beginchat - Starts chat-entry mode with given string.
bind - Binds a key to a command - 'bind k ++forward' will set k to toggle running forward.
bind_load - Reads a list of keybinds from &lt;INSTALL DIR&gt;/keybinds.txt.
bind_load_file - Reads a list of keybinds from a file.
bind_save - Saves all keybinds to &lt;INSTALL DIR&gt;/keybinds.txt.
bind_save_file - Saves all keybinds to specified file.
broadcast - Send message to entire map.
buffs - Toggle team buff display.
bug - Report a bug. Enter a short description of any length.
camdist - Sets the distance in feet that the third person camera pulls back behind the player.
camreset - Camreset is bound to the PageDown key (default) to reset the camera behind the player.
camrotate - Camrotate is bound to the PageUp key to allow controlled camera rotation around the player. This command should not be invoked through the console.
canlook - Whether the player can use the mouse to look around.
cc - Change costume.
cc - Change current costume.
chan_create - Create a new chat channel
-- Syntax: create &lt;CHANNEL NAME&gt;
chan_desc Set the channel's description
-- Syntax: chan_desc &lt;CHANNEL NAME&gt; &lt;DESCRIPTION&gt;
chan_invite - Invite player or chat handle to a chat channel
-- Syntax: leave &lt;CHANNEL NAME&gt; &lt;USER NAME&gt;
chan_join - Join an existing chat channel
-- Syntax: join &lt;CHANNEL NAME&gt;
chan_leave - Leave a chat channel
-- Syntax: leave &lt;CHANNEL NAME&gt;
chan_members - List all members of channel
-- Syntax: chan_list &lt;CHANNEL NAME&gt;
chan_mode - Changes default access rights for new user who joins the channel. If you set -join, no one can join.
-- Syntax: user_mode &lt;CHANNEL NAME&gt; &lt;OPTIONS...&gt;
-- Valid Options:<ul type="square">[*]-join - kicks user from channel[*]+send / -send - gives/removes user ability to send messages to channel[*]+operator / -operator - gives/removes operator status from another user in the channel[/list]chan_motd - Set the channel's Message Of The Day, which is sent to everyone that joins the channel
-- Syntax: chan_motd &lt;CHANNEL NAME&gt; &lt;MESSAGE&gt;
chan_send - Send message to chat channel. You must be in the channel and have Send priviledges. (alias is "/send")
-- Syntax: send &lt;CHANNEL NAME&gt; &lt;MESSAGE&gt;
chan_user_mode - Sets user permissions for specified user on channel. You must have operator status to set permissions.
-- Syntax: user_mode &lt;CHANNEL NAME&gt; &lt;PLAYER_NAME&gt; &lt;OPTIONS...&gt;
-- Valid Options:<ul type="square">[*]-join - kicks user from channel[*]+send / -send - gives/removes user ability to send messages to channel[*]+operator / -operator - gives/removes operator status from another user in the channel[/list]change_handle - Change your global user name, if allowed
chat - Toggles the chat window.
chat_cycle - Cycles through the default chat channels.
chat_set Sets - the channel to the given string.
chatbeta - Allow your client to participate in the Chat Server Beta Testing. Specify '1' to allow, '0' to disable
chatoptions - Toggles chat options for specified window (0-4)
cmdlist - Prints out all commands available.
copychat - Copy the entire chat history from specified chat Tab into the clipboard.
costume_change - Change costume.
costume_change - Change current costume.
cursorcache - enable cursor cache for smoother cursor changes
demostop - Stop demo record/play
demote - Demote supergroup member one rank.
dialog_answer - Answer dialog with button matching provided text
dialog_no - Answer OK, No, or Cancel to current dialog
dialog_yes - Answer OK, Yes, or Accept to current dialog
disable2D - Disables 2D sprite drawing.
down - Move down (if flying).
e3screenshot - Enables special e3 2004 screenshot mode
e - Emotes a text string.
em - Emotes a text string.
emaildelete - Delete message &lt;message num&gt;
emailsend - Send message &lt;player names&gt; &lt;subject&gt; &lt;body&gt;
emote - Emotes a text string.
estrange - Remove player from friend list.
ex - Invite player to be your exemplar.
exemplar - Invite player to be your exemplar.
f - Talk to friends channel.
first - Toggles between first and third person camera.
fl - Display friend list.
follow - set follow mode, 1 = follow selected target, 0 = stop following
forward - Move forward.
friend - Add player to friend list.
friendlist - Display friend list.
fullscreen - Sets video mode to fullscreen.
g - Send message to group channel.
getpos - Get current position.
gfriend - Add a player to your global friends list.
gfriend_player - Add player to global friends list via their player name.
gfriends - Display all members of your global friends list.
ghide - Make yourself invisible to your global friends.
goto_tray - Go to specified tray number.
group - Send message to group channel.
gunfriend - Remove a player from your global friends list.
gunfriend_player - Remove player from global friends list via player name.
gunhide - Make yourself visible to your global friends.
hide - Hide from other users.
hideprimarychat - Hide/unhide primary chat window text messages.
i - Invite player to join team.
ignore - Ignore User
ignorelist - Displays a list of ignored users
inspexec_name - Activate an inspiration by name.
inspexec_slot - Activate an inspiration slot in the first row.
inspexec_tray - Activate an inspiration slot in the given row and column.
inspirationSlot - Activate an inspiration slot in the first row.
invite - Invite player to join team.
k - Kick player from team.
kick - Kick player from team.
kiosk - Pop up the kiosk info for the nearest kiosk. (Assuming you're close enough.)
l - Send message to your area.
leaveTeam - Leave your current team up.
left - Strafe left.
lfg - Toggle looking for group status.
lfgset - Set looking for group status
loc - Get current position.
local - Send message to your area.
logchat - Toggle chat logging
lookdown - Pitch camera down.
lookup - Pitch camera up.
macro - Add a macro to first empty slot. (macro &lt;name&gt; &lt;command&gt
macroslot - Add a macro to provided slot. (macro &lt;slot&gt; &lt;name&gt; &lt;command&gt
makeleader - Change the team leader.
manage - Go to the enhancement management screen
map - Toggles the map window.
maximize - Maximizes the window.
me - Emotes a text string.
menu - Toggles the menu.
ml - Change the team leader.
mouse_invert - Invert meaning of mouseY for mouselook.
mouse_look - Command key for mouselook
mouse_speed - Scale factor for mouse look.
mousepitchmode - Set mouse pitch mode.
myhandle - Display your chat handle.
nameCaptain - Renames the 'Captain' supergroup rank.
nameLeader - Renames the 'Leader' supergroup rank.
nameMember - Renames the 'Member' supergroup rank.
nav - Toggles the navigation window.
netgraph - Displays network connection information.
next_tray - Go to next tray.
next_tray_alt - Go to next secondary tray.
nojumprepeat - Disable jump auto-repeat
p - Send a message to only one player.
petition - add user petition (stuck, cheated, etc) to the database
powers - Toggles the power inventory.
powexec_abort - Cancels the auto-attack power and the queued power.
powexec_altslot - Executes the given power slot from the alternate tray.
powexec_auto - Sets the auto-attack power to given named power (or blank to shut it off, or toggles if it's on already).
powexec_name - Executes a power with the given name.
powexec_slot - Executes the given power slot from the current tray.
powexec_toggleoff - Toggles a given power off. If its already off, does nothing.
powexec_toggleon - Toggles a given power on. If its already on, does nothing.
powexec_tray - Executes a power in the given tray and slot.
powexec_unqueue - Cancels the queued power.
prev_tray - Go to previous tray.
prev_tray_alt - Go to previous secondary tray.
private - Send a message to only one player.
promote - Promote supergroup member one rank.
quickchat - Pops up the quickchat menu.
quit - Quits game.
release - Activate medicom unit fot emergency medical transport.
req - Send message to request channel.
request - Send message to request channel.
right - Strafe right.
rsk - Invite player to be your exemplar.
s - Send message to your area.
s - Sends the given text on the current chat channel.
say - Send message to your area.
say - Sends the given text on the current chat channel.
screen - Sets X and Y screen dimensions. Should be constrained to 640x480,1024x768, 1280x1024, 1600x1200, etc
screenshot - Save a .jpg format screenshot.
screenshottga - Save a .tga format screenshot.
screenshotui - Enables or disables the ui for screenshots (1=ui on, 0=ui off)
sea - Find a player.
search - Find a player.
sell - Send message to request channel.
send - Send message to chat channel. You must be in the channel and have Send priviledges
-- Syntax: send &lt;CHANNEL NAME&gt; &lt;MESSAGE&gt;
set_title - Set badge title.
sgSetMOTD - Sets supergroup MOTD.
sgSetMotto - Sets supergroup motto.
sg - Send message to super group channel.
sgi - Invite player to join supergroup.
sginvite - Invite player to join supergroup.
sgk - Kick player from supergroup.
sgkick - Kick player from supergroup.
sgleave - Leave your current supergroup.
sgmode - Toggle supergroup mode.
sgmodeset - Setsupergroup mode.
sgstats - Display supergroup info in chat window.
shadowvol - Controls whether or not shadow volumes are drawn.
show - Forces the given window to be shown. (Synonym: window_show)
showfps - Show current framerate (1 = on, 0 = off).
sidekick - Invite player to be your sidekick.
sk - Invite player to be your sidekick.
slashchat - Starts chat-entry mode with slash.
speed_turn - Set the number of degrees for rotateleft/right
ss - Controls whether or not simple shadows are drawn.
startchat - Starts chat-entry mode.
stopinactivedisplay - Stops rendering when the game is not the foreground application.
stuck - Try to get unstuck.
supergroup - Send message to super group channel.
t - Send a message to only one player.
tabglobalnext - Cycle forward through all chat tabs in all windows. Will open the corresponding chat window if necessary.
tabglobalprev - Cycle backward through all chat tabs in all windows. Will open the corresponding chat window if necessary.
tabnext - Cycle forward through all chat tabs in indicated chat window (0-4)
tabprev - Cycle backward through all chat tabs in indicated chat window (0-4)
tabselect - Select the given chat tab. Will open the corresponding chat window if necessary.
tabtoggle - Make the previously active chat tab the new active tab. Used to flip between two tabs.
target - Toggles the target window.
target_enemy_far - Targets the farthest enemy.
target_enemy_near - Targets the nearest enemy.
target_enemy_next - Cycles through visible targetable enemies in near to far order.
target_enemy_prev - Cycles through visible targetable enemies in far to near order.
target_friend_far - Targets the farthest friend.
target_friend_near - Targets the nearest friend.
target_friend_next - Cycles through visible targetable friends in near to far order.
target_friend_prev - Cycles through visible targetable friends in far to near order.
team - Send message to group channel.
team_select - Select Team member.
tell - Send a message to only one player.
texwordeditor - edit the text layout for translatable textures
third - Toggles between first and third person camera.
toggle - Show a window if hidden, hide a window if shown. (Synonym: window_toggle)
toggle_enemy - Cycles through targetable enemies.
toggle_enemy_prev - Cycles through targetable enemies (in reverse).
trade - Invite player to trade.
tray - Toggles the tray window
turnleft - Rotate left a fixed number of degrees.
turnright - Rotate right a fixed number of degrees.
unex - No longer be an aspirant (or be an exemplar).
unexemplar - No longer be an aspirant (or be an exemplar).
unfriend - Remove player from friend list.
unhide - Stop hiding from other users.
unignore - Unignore User
unrsk - No longer be an aspirant (or be an exemplar).
unselect - unselects currently selected thing
unsidekick - No longer mentor (or be a sidekick).
unsk - No longer mentor (or be a sidekick).
up - Jump or fly up.
vis_scale - Controls draw distance 1.0=default
watching - List all channels that you belong to.
whereami - Tells the name of the shard/map you are on.
whisper - Send a message to only one player.
whoall - Print who's on this map.
window_color - Changes the window colors.
window_hide - Forces the given window to be hidden. (Synonym: hide)
window_resetall - Resets all window locations, sizes, and visibility to their defaults.
window_scale - Change a single window scale.
window_show - Forces the given window to be shown. (Synonym: show)
window_toggle - Show a window if hidden, hide a window if shown. (Synonym: toggle)
windowcolor - Changes the window colors.
y - Send message to entire map.
yell - Send message to entire map.
zoomin - Zoom camera in.
zoomout - Zoom camera out.




I see demostop but where is the command for starting the recording?

Also, is there info on why I never see anything when trying the SG stats command.



The /cmdlist output isn't perfect. It apparently misses the /demorecord [demoname] command, and includes some slash commands that are not intended to be directly used by players (like /cursorcache).

At some point I (or someone with more time than I have) will have to go through all the various lists of slash commands and figure out what is and isn't there so that /cmdlist can be properly debugged.



I was wondering...

Is there a bind command that would automatically put you in the correct Chat channel in slash mode (i.e. Local, Broadcast, Team, Supergroup, etc...)

Basically I'm looking for a keybind that will do the same thing as clicking the little buttons right about the chat submission line. (since those buttons are pretty small and kinda hard to hit sometimes.)

Thanks in advance for your assistance.



/chat_set [channel]

You can abbreviate [channel] with just the first character - L for Local, etc.




chan_mode - Changes default access rights for new user who joins the channel. If you set -join, no one can join.
-- Syntax: user_mode &lt;CHANNEL NAME&gt; &lt;OPTIONS...&gt;
-- Valid Options:<ul type="square">[*]-join - kicks user from channel[*]+send / -send - gives/removes user ability to send messages to channel[*]+operator / -operator - gives/removes operator status from another user in the channel[/list]chan_user_mode - Sets user permissions for specified user on channel. You must have operator status to set permissions.
-- Syntax: user_mode &lt;CHANNEL NAME&gt; &lt;PLAYER_NAME&gt; &lt;OPTIONS...&gt;
-- Valid Options:<ul type="square">[*]-join - kicks user from channel[*]+send / -send - gives/removes user ability to send messages to channel[*]+operator / -operator - gives/removes operator status from another user in the channel[/list]'Wolf

[/ QUOTE ]

I would like to point out that when -join is used on the chan_mode command it sets the channel to a private one where only invited people can join. If you specify +join with this command it is set to a public channel where anyone who knows the name can join the channel. The -join will kick the user when used with the chan_user_mode command. I don't know of any function of the +join option for this command though.



Another problem is "/follow"

The list says it's /follow = 1 to follow the selected target and /follow = 0 to stop.

If you type /follow = 1 or /follow 1, the game returns a message saying /Follow only requires 0 arguments, you gave 1.

/Follow is now a toggle instead of argument driven. If I could always toggle it on when I execute a /bind or a /macro, it'd greatly make playing my scrapper easier.

All I'm trying to do with her is set it up such that when I have her attack a target, it queues the attack, and turns on follow. Obviously, there is no auto-attack. I also want to have it tied such that everytime I hit that button, it queues the attack and turn /follow ON.

The problem is, if /follow is ON, hitting any button with /follow will turn /follow OFF.

Virtue: multiple characters.

CoH/V: Woot! Maybe Fun is to be had once again.

Ack! RUN! Regen is glowing mean & green!

If it reduces you, it's a nerf.
If it buffs the mobs, it's challenge.
They are not the same.






Is there a way to get a list of SG mates like you can for your friends list?

Pillars of Might
Darc Ranger [Blas] / Darc Nebula [Cont]
The Bikini Patrol
Darc Lighter:51-[Blas] / Darc Lady:50-[Tank]
The Panty Raiders
Aegis Magnus [MM] / Atomic Spector [Cor] / Dominar Sefus [Dom]
-Darc Ranger [Def]



Thanks AnotherDeadHero and the others you mentioned in your first post. It is nice to have this information on the forums to easily work with.



Ya great post i needed to know some of these like the screenshot with ui. Thanks a bunch



Is there a slash command to delete the motd message on Global Chat?