Hard to find Badges




a good place to get that badge is in Eden. the purple Guardians drop emenators and can be found in large groups. i got the badge today after more than a couple hours work.



Head of Hydra Badge (Charmer) is not broken. I received it after completing the sewer trial about 1 1/2 wks. ago.



Its the ones that blow up...the large ones.



I just recently completed the preatorian story arc and defeated all of the archvillains (with help) and did not recieve any badge.

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The praetorian Arc for 45+ is missing 1 AV, Anti-Matter, you have to get him from your 40-45th lvl Arcs and you will get the badge

I had to go back and get him as well, as soon as he dropped, I got my badge ...



Haven't heard of anyone getting the rikti badge yet.

On another note, is the Hydra D Multidimensional badge actually in the game? I've got the mish right now (I assume it's the mish) but can't find it after standing everywhere.

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Do me a favor and copy your character over to Training Room, and do the mission there. It should be fixed there right now.

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What about badges that don't seem to start? Like the restrained one? I was on the Numina TF last night and the DE there were holding me left and right, but the holding badge never seemed to start for me. Another guy in my TF says the badge showed up as started and then he got it after the TF was finished.



Haven't heard of anyone getting the rikti badge yet.

On another note, is the Hydra D Multidimensional badge actually in the game? I've got the mish right now (I assume it's the mish) but can't find it after standing everywhere.

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Do me a favor and copy your character over to Training Room, and do the mission there. It should be fixed there right now.

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What about badges that don't seem to start? Like the restrained one? I was on the Numina TF last night and the DE there were holding me left and right, but the holding badge never seemed to start for me. Another guy in my TF says the badge showed up as started and then he got it after the TF was finished.

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How do you know you're on a mission that gives a badge that no one has gotten? Just wondering...

But more to the point, on the note of the Numina TF I competed this TF the other night and no one got the TF badge. One person had already not gotten the badge from a previous attempt. Everyone got the final XP chunk and enhancement, and the Jurassic badge as well when he went down, but no Numina TF badge.



Head of Hydra Badge (Charmer) is not broken. I received it after completing the sewer trial about 1 1/2 wks. ago.

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Head of the Hydra and Charmer are two different badges. Charmer is for beating the Hydra. Head of the Hydra is assumed to be for standing next to the Hydra, but nobody can get it if that's true.



The 'Head of the Hydra' exploration badge is broken on live. It has been fixed on test so should make it to live this coming week. Also the Babbage spawn for Boomtown is fixed on test so should show up on live soon.



Do me a favor and copy your character over to Training Room, and do the mission there. It should be fixed there right now.

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we transfered "Take samples from all hydra men" to test and 3 of us searched everything, even inside the forests, and didnt recieve it




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Where do you get that badge?



Do me a favor and copy your character over to Training Room, and do the mission there. It should be fixed there right now.

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Copied to test with another person's Hydra mission (Take samples from all Hydra men). Checked it over for badge, nothing. So he went off to do a respec on Test and I had a hunch you have to complete the mission. So I ran through the mission, completed it. No badge.

BUT, my friend who wasn't in mission the entire time, he said he got the message that he wasn't in mission long enough to get the badge/reward.

So..its still bugged basically.

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What about badges that don't seem to start? Like the restrained one? I was on the Numina TF last night and the DE there were holding me left and right, but the holding badge never seemed to start for me. Another guy in my TF says the badge showed up as started and then he got it after the TF was finished.

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Pos, I think this one may be bugged. I spent about 2 hours under the influence of freeze-ray sleep yesterday and got no badge (or progress bar)
I literally had 2 Crey Scientist guys hitting me nearly non-stop and I had the effect on pretty much constantly ( I was not actually asleep the entire time, as it seemed 2 had to stack for that) but I had the effect on me, and I read that that is what counts. And I'm pretty sure that with 2 hours of the effect on me I did have over half an hour of beinga ctually slept.

For those of you curious as to how I did it, I had Fast healing and Reconstruction slotted (and had health), and just put Reconstruction on auto. It was enough to survive the constant damage without instant healing



Only works with the little model embalmed, not the big.

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Wrong. I get bar movement for cadavers and abominations.

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I only got it for Cadavers

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I got this badge hunting the large-size embalmed in Faultline. I never saw a progress bar at all, but I got the badge after I had defeated 100 of them. The same happened for 3 people in my SG last night.



Only works with the little model embalmed, not the big.

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Wrong. I get bar movement for cadavers and abominations.

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I only got it for Cadavers

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I got this badge hunting the large-size embalmed in Faultline. I never saw a progress bar at all, but I got the badge after I had defeated 100 of them. The same happened for 3 people in my SG last night.

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I was killing both cadavers and abominations, until I noticed that the abominations didn't make the bar move. I concentrated solely on the cadavers and got the badge when it was only ¾ of the way over. So, apparently you get credit for both, even though the bar seems to be broken for abominations.



i've killed a ton of the blue clockwork and white clockworks of all type, bosses, luiets, minions with no badge yet. Had to kill at least 100 of the bosses so far.....nada.
Are these maybe not working right either?

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You have to kill the lil buggers that pop out of the clockwork bosses. After 100 Gears, you get the Gearsmasher badge.

As for the embalmed, the cadavers worked for me. Went to the sewers, found a small group with 4 morts and 2 cadavers. I let the morts keep rezzing the cadavers until I got the badge



with regard to the embalmed i got the badge purely off of abominations in faultline, no cadavers whatsoever. didn't take very long either.



Took me 30 mins to do the DE badge in Eden. Just get yourself a scrapper or tank with provoke/AoE that aggros, and just have em run around a bit and herd LTs. You just go around and pick off the emantors they drop, and all is good.



Embalmed - its either the Embalmed Cadavers or Embalmed Abominations, the ones that like to explode, the non-exploding (the ones who spit vomit) don't count, that's why the badge says the Embalmed ones.

As for Gearsmasher you have to take out the gears that spawn from Clockwork bosses and the Praetorian and Psychic Clockwork versions don't count as they are a different faction. Faultline is a good place to find Clockwork Princes to get gears. The Praetorian badges are from AVs for one and not sure on the other one.





What about badges that don't seem to start? Like the restrained one? I was on the Numina TF last night and the DE there were holding me left and right, but the holding badge never seemed to start for me. Another guy in my TF says the badge showed up as started and then he got it after the TF was finished.

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Pos, I think this one may be bugged. I spent about 2 hours under the influence of freeze-ray sleep yesterday and got no badge (or progress bar)
I literally had 2 Crey Scientist guys hitting me nearly non-stop and I had the effect on pretty much constantly ( I was not actually asleep the entire time, as it seemed 2 had to stack for that) but I had the effect on me, and I read that that is what counts. And I'm pretty sure that with 2 hours of the effect on me I did have over half an hour of beinga ctually slept.

For those of you curious as to how I did it, I had Fast healing and Reconstruction slotted (and had health), and just put Reconstruction on auto. It was enough to survive the constant damage without instant healing

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I have had the same experience. I had three Avalanche Shamans immobilizing me in rock prisons for about six hours last night. I typically had the rock prison stacked on me three or four times and no badge after six hours.



Rock Prison doesn't count as it only does immobilize. The status effect comes from stun, hold, and sleep only. Immobilize doesn't work because you could then earn the badge from using Unyielding Stance and Rest (which people on test were doing).



has anyone else taken a swing at the DE emenators? .

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i soloed about 3-4 bubs in 38 on nothing but DE's, even let them drop
the plants everytime almost, my bar is about 40% if that

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I've wondered what these are. Are they the Herders and Fungus and stuff that drop the Tree of Life and Fungi? (Maybe I have the Fun--- names reversed.)



The emenators are the quan (or something like that), the cairns, the fungus, and the tree of life. This is like the Illusionist badge where you get credit off the pets and not the summoner.



Personally, I'd love to see a couple more badges:

The "Who do you think you're fooling?" badge, for 1000 grey kills.
The "Chatty Kathy" badge, for more than 10000 lines of text spoken or who've hit the limit of their chat buffer more than 1000 times.
The "Disco Bandit" badge for more than 1000 minutes in the dance club.
The "Street Cred" badge for having the boombox emote deployed for 1000 minutes.
The "Give it up already!" badge for more than 10 deaths against a single AV.
The "Run like a Scared Little Bunny" badge for using elevators and mission doors to recouperate safely.
The "Smoked!" badge, for surviving no more than 1 second against a particular foe (i.e. killed in alpha strike).
The "Lacks any sense of Judgement" badge whenever your average debt burden over all your in-game time is more than 30% of your hp.

Any others?



Only works with the little model embalmed, not the big.

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Wrong. I get bar movement for cadavers and abominations.

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I only got it for Cadavers

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I got it only killing abominations in faultline.