Hard to find Badges




So i have killed over 1000 rikit monkeys at least(not even exaggerating) and still no Zookeeper Badge.
I understand that some of the badges don't give a kill counter. That you must get the actual badge before anything shows up. But is the Rikti badge bugged maybe or not operational? Also the Praetorian badges show no counter either. Does anyone know which Praetorians you have to kill for these cuzi've killed a ton of the blue clockwork and white clockworks of all type, bosses, luiets, minions with no badge yet. Had to kill at least 100 of the bosses so far.....nada.
Are these maybe not working right either? Maybe there is a timer on the Rikti Monkey kill counter so people don't mass farm them in PI? ANY information would be cool.

Also on another note, Shrouded Badge? MultiDimensional?
And is the head of the Hydra Badge in the Sewer trial not working cuz walked all around and no badge?



Still looking into some of these. The Praetorian badge is for taking out the AVs apparently.

No word on the Rikti/Zookeeper badge.

Shrouded and Mutlidimensional should be working but that means hunting the Black Shroud and Hydra zones which are instanced portal missions.

Head of Hydra appears to be broken.



Still looking into some of these. The Praetorian badge is for taking out the AVs apparently.

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I've helped take down 3 Praetorian AV's in the past couple of days and, as a blaster, I've done a good amount of damage to each one to count, but I still don't have a bar showing my progress toward the badge for them.



Just read in another thread, the Praetorian badges don't show progress like most villain badges do. You just suddnely receive it and apparently the person who said its the AVs had to take out ALL of the AVs (except Tyrant).



I haven't tried the Rikti monkeys yet, but I know I've killed around 40 embalmed and the bar for that badge hasn't budged.



I just recently completed the preatorian story arc and defeated all of the archvillains (with help) and did not recieve any badge.



There's a bug on some of the badges where the bar doesn't always update. This usually occurs on badges where more than one enemy type will work (embalmed cadavers and embalmed abominations are two types technically). The defeats count but the bar isn't udpating properly to reflect this. You will still get the badge when you are supposed to (some have had the bar as low as 1/3 full when getting the badge).



There is supposedly one AV not on that mission that also has to be taken out. I think it was Storm something... (my highest is only 24 so I've not seen any of them yet).



I just recently completed the preatorian story arc and defeated all of the archvillains (with help) and did not recieve any badge.

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Is that the level 40 - 45 arc, or the 45 - 50 arc?



There's a bug on some of the badges where the bar doesn't always update. This usually occurs on badges where more than one enemy type will work (embalmed cadavers and embalmed abominations are two types technically). The defeats count but the bar isn't udpating properly to reflect this. You will still get the badge when you are supposed to (some have had the bar as low as 1/3 full when getting the badge).

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Regarding the embalmed ones. Level 33 character had the description show up, but no progress bar for attacking abominations. Decided to go into the sewers and go after the cadavers down there. First one resulted in the bar showing. Am now about 75% down with that bar going after the cadavers...I know I had defeated easily 50 abominations before that bar ever showed. Those abominations just simply didn't count for anything for me on this guy. Either you have to have at least the bar showing before either mob would count, or abominations just don't count in general?

I've already forgotten about most of you



Only works with the little model embalmed, not the big.



Incorrect. I've gotten credit and had the bar move with the large model/abominations. If anything theres a bug in the display and perhaps a bug with the defeat system in general that's preventing certain enemies from crediting proper for some people.



Incorrect. I've gotten credit and had the bar move with the large model/abominations. If anything theres a bug in the display and perhaps a bug with the defeat system in general that's preventing certain enemies from crediting proper for some people.

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I think it is just a display bug, I got my badge when my progress bar was only about 60% filled.



Only works with the little model embalmed, not the big.

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Wrong. I get bar movement for cadavers and abominations.

Great Wall of Prophecy, reveal to us God's will that we may blindly obey.
Free us from thought and responsibility
We shall read things off of you.
Then do them
Your words guide us.
We're dumb



I did the L45-50 Praetorian mission and beat Tyrant and got bupkiss.



Only works with the little model embalmed, not the big.

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Wrong. I get bar movement for cadavers and abominations.

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I only got it for Cadavers



The 45-50 Praetorian Arc does not have Anti-Matter. Find someone 40-45 and get that kill. If you did the 45-50 Arc, you will get the badge. Myself and Mechatron have both done this, and we both have the badge(along with a few friends of ours).
That will get you Dimensional Warder.

As for Statesman's Pal. I really thought killing Tyrant would get this badge. We have fought him a few times at this point. No badge. There is however an issue of him warping out of the fight at about 20% HP. So you really don't get to finish the kill. Anyone know how to stop him from doing that??



i cant get anything to show up for the rikti monkey badge either, can anyone confirm actually getting the zookeeper badge at all?



Haven't heard of anyone getting the rikti badge yet.

On another note, is the Hydra D Multidimensional badge actually in the game? I've got the mish right now (I assume it's the mish) but can't find it after standing everywhere.



Haven't heard of anyone getting the rikti badge yet.

On another note, is the Hydra D Multidimensional badge actually in the game? I've got the mish right now (I assume it's the mish) but can't find it after standing everywhere.

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Do me a favor and copy your character over to Training Room, and do the mission there. It should be fixed there right now.

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Since MultiDimensional is based on a mission, will it be retroactive?



similar to the cadaver bar, has anyone else taken a swing at the DE emenators? Seems you actually have to make the lieutenants plant them now instead of being everywhere. Anyhow, I spent a good chunk of time circling the rocky area around TV ent getting them to drop and kill. After looking at the bar, that thing was sitting at about a half inch in.



has anyone else taken a swing at the DE emenators? .

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i soloed about 3-4 bubs in 38 on nothing but DE's, even let them drop
the plants everytime almost, my bar is about 40% if that



You gotta hit 300 or 400 DE emanators/beacons/trees/whatever-you-want-to-call-them

I was hunting DE in Founder's with some friends last night and got it to move to about 1/5th of the way.



yeah, I was guessing it took a long time since they don't really fight back.