Hard to find Badges




Just wanted to chime in.

The other day I received the mission to speak to "Alexander." I was joyed that I found the mission before I hit level 30, so I invited a bunch of 30+ people to join me on a team to get the badge. Well, after completing all of Alexander's "trials" -- which amounted to defeating 3 ambushes, doing 2 patrols, and 3 door missions (maybe it was 4...), I received the badge.

However none of my teammates who had been teamed with me received the badge. I invited them after I recevied the mission but before I spoke with alexander the first time. Once the team was full I "reset" the mission by clicking on another misison and then clicking on the alexander mission. Only after resetting the mission once did I speak with Alexander.

Maybe this badge is bugged for teammates, or maybe I shouldn't have reset the misison, but we all got the "mission complete" at the end of the final mission and all members did all of the missions with me...

anyone else have similar problems with this badge?



The Alexander mission is bugged, just like how you described. Happened to my teammates too. Positron found the bug (see Dev Digest) and I'm gonna guess that there is probably a fix percolating towards or on the test server now.

It would be good to inform everyone not to do this in the meantime if you're trying to get your friends this particular badge, though...



Pos, I think this one may be bugged. I spent about 2 hours under the influence of freeze-ray sleep yesterday and got no badge (or progress bar)

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Yeah, I've sat in front of various stunning/sleeping/holding mobs for a long time, that I've calculated at well over half an hour under the influence, and I haven't seen any progress bar or badge either.



The mez badge doesn't show a progress bar. You just recieve it once you've been held/stunned/sleeping long enough. Also note that immobilize does not count (any time you can't move but can attack and leave up toggles).



It is currently bugged and the fix is working its way through internal testing. As far as I know the fix hasn't even hit the testing server yet.



HI all...just wanted to say i have killed babbage 2 times and NO badge ummm is it bugged or what? Was not easy to take that bugger down nether lol..



i cant get anything to show up for the rikti monkey badge either, can anyone confirm actually getting the zookeeper badge at all?

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I got it.

I was told its 10,000 monkeys not 1,000. Either way it took a very very very long time to get it.

Ignorance is being untaught. Stupidity is being unwilling to learn.



i cant get anything to show up for the rikti monkey badge either, can anyone confirm actually getting the zookeeper badge at all?

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I have this on both my 50's. It just takes forever!!

Ignorance is being untaught. Stupidity is being unwilling to learn.



HI all...just wanted to say i have killed babbage 2 times and NO badge ummm is it bugged or what? Was not easy to take that bugger down nether lol..

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Only the hero/team that inflicted the most damage to Babbage when it goes down will get the badge. Everyone else is boned.

Regarding Gearsmasher, I discovered the best place to earn that badge is to get the "recover clockwork piece" mission. There's a box of parts that makes this very easy.

Cats are independent, they don't listen, they don't come in when you call, they like to stay out all night, and when they're home they like to be left alone and sleep. In other words, every quality that women hate in a man, they love in a cat. - Jay Leno



Why on Earth would you ever bump a nine-month-old topic just to ask that question?



i cant get anything to show up for the rikti monkey badge either, can anyone confirm actually getting the zookeeper badge at all?

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Some of my SGmates have it. You need something like ten thousand monkeys for it.



Why on Earth would you ever bump a nine-month-old topic just to ask that question?

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I'm wondering the same thing... I was going to post that all of those badge bugs have been fixed, what are you all talking about? But then I read the date.



ummmm..maby to much wacky weed? Who knows . but the 10,000 Rikti monkey thing is just F$#@!*& insane..but...im 1/3 the way there.so i guess 2 more months of strait monkey herding ill have it .



YAY just need 1000 now!