5 Best Solo Controller Builds




Wanna solo? Want to Control? Annoyed that the Devs find these to be (nearly) mutually exclusive. Well never fear, here I will show you 5 sample builds that will allow you to make a good SOLO CONTROLLER.

Hope you like it. (Know some of you will hate it.)




CONTROLS: 8 of 9 possibles w/6 AEs
BUFFS/DeBUFFS: 9 of 11 possibles w/4 AEs
OFFENSE: 0 of 0 possibles w/0 AEs
NOTES: The MOST Controller-y controller. No damage focused attacks at all, but Fire's Side effect of DoT will make pre-32 soloing do-able. Post-32, your pet makes soloing a real possibility, and the Kinetics keeps them jumping for you.
<ul type="square">
lvl 1a) Ring of Fire CONTROL:ROOT (single,immob)
lvl 1b) Transfusion (de)BUFF:HEAL (ae,debuff)
lvl 2) Char CONTROL:MEZ (single,hold)
lvl 4) Fire Cages CONTROL:ROOT (ae,immob)
lvl 6) Smoke (de)BUFFEBUFF (ae,acc)
lvl 8) Hot Feet CONTROL:ROOT (ae,immob)
lvl 10) [pool] Hasten (de)BUFF:BUFF (self,speed)
lvl 12) Flash Fire CONTROL:ROOT (ae,disorient)
lvl 14) [pool] Super Speed MOVE (self,run)
lvl 16) Siphon Power (de)BUFF:BUFF (ae,debuff)
lvl 18) Cinders CONTROL:MEZ (ae,hold)
lvl 20) Speed Boost (de)BUFF:BUFF (single,speed)
lvl 22) [pool] Hurdle MOVE (self,jump)
lvl 24) [pool] Health (de)BUFF:HEAL (self,hp)
lvl 26) Bonfire CONTROL:KNOCK (ae,damage)
lvl 28) Transferrence (de)BUFF:BUFF (single,debuff)
lvl 30) [pool] Stamina (de)BUFF:HEAL (self,end)
lvl 32) Fire Imps CONTROL:PET (ae,damage)
lvl 35) Increase Density DEF (single,mez)
lvl 38) Fulcrum Shift (de)BUFF:BUFF (ae,debuff)
Not Taken) Inertial Reduction (de)BUFF:BUFF (ae,jump)
Not Taken) Repel CONTROL:KNOCK (single,damage)
Not Taken) Siphon Speed (de)BUFFEBUFF (single,buff)




CONTROLS: 8 of 9 possibles w/6 AEs
BUFFS/DeBUFFS: 7 of 9 possibles w/2 AEs
OFFENSE: 3 of 4 possibles w/2 AEs
NOTES: The "solo controller" according to the press. Why, because they get a few damage focused attacks and an extra pet. They trade a lot of control for those things though. Still they're easier to solo pre-32 and post-32 they're good.
<ul type="square">
lvl 1a) Spectral Wounds OFFENSEAMAGE (single,)
lvl 1b) Radiation Emission (de)BUFF:HEAL (ae,hp)
lvl 2) Blind CONTROL:MEZ (single,hold)
lvl 4) Flash CONTROL:MEZ (ae,hold)
lvl 6) Deceive CONTROL:STATUS (single,confused)
lvl 8) Radiation Infection OFFENSEAMAGE (ae,debuff)
lvl 10) [pool] Hover (de)BUFF:BUFF (self,move)
lvl 12) Group Invisibility (de)BUFF:BUFF (ae,def(invis))
lvl 14) [pool] Fly MOVE (self,fly)
lvl 16) Enervating Field OFFENSEAMAGE (ae,debuff)
lvl 18) Phantom Army CONTROL:PET (ae,tank)
lvl 20) Lingering Radiation CONTROL:SLOW (ae,speed)
lvl 22) [pool] Swift MOVE (self,run)
lvl 24) [pool] Health (de)BUFF:HEAL (self,hp)
lvl 26) Acclerate Metabolism (de)BUFF:BUFF (single,speed)
lvl 28) Choking Cloud CONTROL:MEZ (ae,hold)
lvl 30) [pool] Stamina (de)BUFF:HEAL (self,end)
lvl 32) Phantasm CONTROL:PET (ae,damage)
lvl 35) [pool] Hasten (de)BUFF:BUFF (self,speed)
lvl 38) EM Pulse CONTROL:MEZ (ae,hold)
Not Taken) Superior Invisibility (de)BUFF:BUFF (self,def(invis))
Not Taken) Spectral Terror CONTROL:STATUS (ae,fear)
Not Taken) Mutation (de)BUFF:HEAL (single,rez)
Not Taken) Fallout OFFENSEAMAGE (ae,)[/list]
EDIT: After input found below trading ACCELERATE METABOLISM for SPECTRAL TERROR. WHY? Buff to Pets post-32 is strong, meanwhile TERROR is still set to scatter mobs instead of cower them. If the MC changes trickle down to the illusion set, prepare to make a hard choice!




CONTROLS: 8 of 9 possibles w/3 AEs
BUFFS/DeBUFFS: 5 of 7 possibles w/2 AEs
OFFENSE: 4 of 4 possibles w/1 AEs
NOTES: THIS IS NOT A CONTROLLER! Really? Why? Because the manual says so? This build has as many controls available as the first two builds AND has a pet. Even mind control doesn't get a pet! Plus the build has a very controller-like feel. Bad news, this pet ain't like the controller pets, soloing gets not so much easier after 32. This is more the slow and steady soloer, where the other two start of really slow and sprint at the end.
<ul type="square">
lvl 1a) Twilight Grasp (de)BUFF:HEAL (ae,debuff)
lvl 1b) Mental Blast OFFENSEAMAGE (single,)
lvl 2) Subdue CONTROL:ROOT (single,immob)
lvl 4) Psionic Lance OFFENSEAMAGE (single,)
lvl 6) Tar Patch CONTROL:SLOW (ae,)
lvl 8) [pool] Hasten (de)BUFF:BUFF (self,speed)
lvl 10) Psychic Scream OFFENSEAMAGE (cone,)
lvl 12) [pool] Hurdle MOVE (self,jump)
lvl 14) [pool] Super Speed MOVE (self,run)
lvl 16) [pool] Health (de)BUFF:HEAL (self,hp)
lvl 18) Petrifying Gaze CONTROL:MEZ (single,hold)
lvl 20) [pool] Stamina (de)BUFF:HEAL (self,end)
lvl 22) Will Domination HOLD (single,sleep)
lvl 24) Telekenetic Blast CONTROL:KNOCK (single,damage)
lvl 26) Darkest Night (de)BUFFEBUFF (ae,acc/dmg)
lvl 28) Psionic Tornado CONTROL:KNOCK (ae,damage)
lvl 30) Fearsome Stare CONTROL:STATUS (cone,fear)
lvl 32) Dark Servant CONTROL:PET (ae,damage)
lvl 35) Scramble Thoughts CONTROL:ROOT (single,immob)
lvl 38) Psychic Wail OFFENSEAMAGE (ae,)
Not Taken) Shadow Fall (de)BUFF:BUFF (ae,def(invis))
Not Taken) Howling Twilight (de)BUFF:HEAL (single,rez)
Not Taken) Black Hole CONTROL:MEZ (ae,phase)




CONTROLS: 7 of 7 possibles w/3 AEs
BUFFS/DeBUFFS: 5 of 5 possibles w/0 AEs
OFFENSE: 7 of 9 possibles w/2 AEs
NOTES: A BLASTER! Now I know you've lost it! Really? We downshift from 8 CONTROL powers to 7 and look what we get in return: 7 damage focused powers. AND we get a pet (at level 38).
<ul type="square">
lvl 1a) Ice Blast OFFENSEAMAGE (single,)
lvl 1b) Chilblain CONTROL:ROOT (single,immob)
lvl 2) Frost Breath OFFENSEAMAGE (cone,slow)
lvl 4) Ice Bolt OFFENSEAMAGE (single,slow)
lvl 6) [pool] Hover (de)BUFF:BUFF (self,move)
lvl 8) [pool] Stealth (de)BUFF:BUFF (self,def(invis))
lvl 10) Chilling Embrace CONTROL:SLOW (ae,)
lvl 12) Ice Storm OFFENSEAMAGE (ae,slow)
lvl 14) [pool] Fly MOVE (self,fly)
lvl 16) Aim (de)BUFF:BUFF (self,acc/dmg)
lvl 18) Bitter Ice Blast OFFENSEAMAGE (single,slow)
lvl 20) [pool] Hasten (de)BUFF:BUFF (self,speed)
lvl 22) Build Up (de)BUFF:BUFF (self,dmg)
lvl 24) Ice Patch CONTROL:KNOCK (ae,)
lvl 26) Bitter Freeze ray OFFENSEAMAGE (single,slow)
lvl 28) Shiver CONTROL:SLOW (cone,)
lvl 30) Freeze Ray CONTROL:MEZ (single,hold)
lvl 32) Blizzard OFFENSEAMAGE (ae,slow)
lvl 35) Freezing Touch CONTROL:MEZ (single,hold)
lvl 38) Frozen Aura CONTROL:MEZ (ae,hold)
Not Taken) Frozen Fists OFFENSEAMAGE (single,melee)
Not Taken) FrozenSword OFFENSEAMAGE (single,melee)





CONTROLS: 5 of 5 possibles w/3 AEs
BUFFS/DeBUFFS: 7 of 7 possibles w/1 AEs
OFFENSE: 6 of 9 possibles w/2 AEs
NOTES: I knew it! Another blaster! This one is the mirror image of the ICE/ICE. We traded 2 controls for 2 buffs. Both have the same number of "support" powers. This one is just heavier in the Controller Secondary.
<ul type="square">
lvl 1a) Ice Bolt OFFENSEAMAGE (single,slow)
lvl 1b) Web Grenade CONTROL:ROOT (single,immob)
lvl 2) Frost Breath OFFENSEAMAGE (cone,slow)
lvl 4) Caltrops CONTROL:SLOW (ae,)
lvl 6) [pool] Hurdle MOVE (self,jump)
lvl 8) Freeze Ray CONTROL:MEZ (single,hold)
lvl 10) [pool] Hasten (de)BUFF:BUFF (self,speed)
lvl 12) Ice Storm OFFENSEAMAGE (ae,slow)
lvl 14) [pool] Super Speed MOVE (self,run)
lvl 16) [pool] Health (de)BUFF:HEAL (self,hp)
lvl 18) Bitter Ice Blast OFFENSEAMAGE (single,slow)
lvl 20) Cloaking Device (de)BUFF:BUFF (self,def(invis))
lvl 22) [pool] Stamina (de)BUFF:HEAL (self,end)
lvl 24) Targeting Drone (de)BUFF:BUFF (self,acc)
lvl 26) Bitter Freeze ray OFFENSEAMAGE (single,slow)
lvl 28) Smoke Grenade (de)BUFFEBUFF (ae,acc)
lvl 30) Aim (de)BUFF:BUFF (self,acc/dmg)
lvl 32) Blizzard OFFENSEAMAGE (ae,slow)
lvl 35) [pool] Whirlwind CONTROL:KNOCK (ae,)
lvl 38) Auto Turret CONTROL:PET (ae,dmg)
Not Taken) Ice Blast OFFENSEAMAGE (single,)
Not Taken) Trip Mine OFFENSEAMAGE (ae,)
Not Taken) Time Bomb OFFENSEAMAGE (ae,)
EDIT: Just wanted to say about this build, look at all the offense we left on the table for control. Trip Mine is a Mainstay of the */DEV set and Ice Blast ain't bad. Now that we can level to 50 and get 4 more power slots - this set has lots of depth left for you to play with. Most other builds would have to go to the pools after 40. If you're in for the long haul, give this one special consideration.




[EDIT] The builds themselves are meant to be viewed in totem rather than as individual builds, with each person kind of picking their favorite part of the spectrum from most controller-y to least. FIRE/RAD is a good build, so is ILL/KIN. The idea is to expose you to the best powersets, (and some of their quirks) for Solo Controlling. These are meant to be tweaked for individual taste. For example, I put hasten really late in one build to make it clear that you "could" do that. As you can see from the other builds I put up, I usually like it earlier.

What I hope people get out of the FAQ is that, regardless of the manual's gladhanding that controllers are the only ones who get to control, control is found throughout the ATs (with the possible exception of Scrappers). So, for those that want to solo and like to control, there are ways to make it happen. You can be a happy, rapidly advancing Pre-32 Solo Controller, if you're willing to ignore the label that will appear next to your name and look at the actual powers.

The FAQ is more about educating people about things they don't know than about making the perfect ILL/RAD or FIRE/KIN build (there are other posts for that). It's about giving you a running start on your build, sure. But most of all about looking both inside and outside the Controller AT to find a really good Controller to Solo with.


For starters, you might want to collect powers in different orders. I like to get Hasten and Stamina early on and took some of my lower level primary/secondary powers later to make that happen.

Solo-able, not solo
If you truly intend to solo, these builds are great. But if you just want to be soloable but still attractive to groups, you might want to look at a couple of things.
<ul type="square">[*]#1) The Not Taken powers: These may be less useful solo, but many are a big draw in a group. Good example: Rez powers. You can't rez yourself, but teams love a person who can Rez. [*]#2) Supplement via pool powers: Sometimes the pool powers are BETTER than the primary/secondary. A good example of this for CONTROLLER/DEFENDER types is the Leadership Pool. Why buy Shadow Fall or Group Invisibility when you can get the defense buff from the leadership pool. Or get both for a double defense buff on your team. This is a BAD idea for the two Blaster builds - who will suffer from weaker leadership (Defenders get 10% buff, Controller 8%, others 5%). Perhaps the medicine pool will work better for Blaster types since it gives you the missing HEAL and REZ that so many teams want in their "support" characters.[*]#3) Consider Switching Secondaries: Rad and Kin are the best two for Pet folk, but why not a Fire/rad. Just avoid empathy - nothing good for a control minded person there. [/list]
Other Tweaks
<ul type="square">[*]#1) I want MORE control: Want to trade Hasten/Stamina for even MORE control. Don't forget the two fear powers in the Presence Pool! Whirlwind and Air superiority give you some extra KNOCK powers, too.[*]#2) DEFENSE! DEFENSE! DEFENSE!: I tried to gice all the builds a little defense. Hasten and Health help, of course, as do stealth powers and accuracy deBuffs. But if you need more, trade some powers for any of the following from the shared pools: Hover, Combat Jumping, Tough, Weave, Acrobatics and Stealth. For the first three builds remember that the leadership buffs apply to you, too. So Manuvers is a doubly good choice.[/list]
One Final Note

Like control, but also like melee? Look at an Ice/Ice tanker. Not terribly solo-able, but it might fit your character concept.



I disagree with some of your power choices for soloability, I'll name the build and explain why.

ILL/RAD controller

For one, opting for group invis over superior invis in a solo build doesn't make sense to me. I do not know the specific numbers on the Defense bonus from each, but i would assume superior invis would be much more useful on a solo level. Second Going for the hover-Fly path in a pet controller build is do-able, but pet builds are always dramatically better with hasten. Also i noticed Accelerate Metabolism is missing. While it is not as good as Stamina in end recovery, and hasten beats it by far in recharge reduction, Acc Metab gives a decent bonus to both. You can increase the effectiveness of both stamina and hasten with one power, always felt that wasa pretty good deal. Not to mention, 6 slotted, the difference is quite noticable. Especially when you are trying to pump out as many pets as you can.

ICE/DEV blaster

Already, the absence of trip mine, the second most prized posession of the device set, already hinders this builds soloability. Especially picking up Auto Turret. Even 6 slotted with dmg SOs, auto turret isn't that useful compared to trip mine. Trip Mine is a massive AE attack that any device build, no matter what style yur going for, should pick up.

Dark/Psy Defender

While i don't doubt their control potential, I heavily doubt their soloability. Psy blast is hands down the worse defender secondary, and i can vouch for that as i play a defender with a psy secondary. It does absolute minimal damage. And when i make that statement i don't look at per hit, i look at damage per second (DPS). Reason why DPS is so horrible is for the fact that everything in the psy blasts set takes a really long time to execute, all really long recharges, and cost alot of endurance. While the powerset offers several control type powers, none are effective enough to consider a control power, with the exception of scramble thoughts. That is still however, single target mez, with again minimal dmg. This build could probably group well with the control powers it has, however soloing would be painfully slow, and not worth it at all. It could be my huge bias against psy blasts, but in all honesty, the powerset is horrible, I wish I never picked it.



Thanks for the input. Some good points. Here are my replies:
ILL/RAD controller

For one, opting for group invis over superior invis in a solo build doesn't make sense to me. I do not know the specific numbers on the Defense bonus from each, but i would assume superior invis would be much more useful on a solo level.

[/ QUOTE ]
They both offer the same defense numbers. Superior invisibility has a longer "distance" to it, which means you're hard to detect, but once detected you are equally shielded.

I choose Group Invisibility over Superior Invisibility because you CANNOT USE ANY POWERS EXCEPT THOSE THAT EFFECT YOURELF on Superior Invisibility. Meanwhile Group Invisibility offers you defense WHILE YOU ATTACK.

Hope that clarifies why I chose as I did, but let me know if you think I have a fact wrong.

Second Going for the hover-Fly path in a pet controller build is do-able, but pet builds are always dramatically better with hasten.

[/ QUOTE ]
Hasten is in the build

Also i noticed Accelerate Metabolism is missing. While it is not as good as Stamina in end recovery, and hasten beats it by far in recharge reduction, Acc Metab gives a decent bonus to both. You can increase the effectiveness of both stamina and hasten with one power, always felt that wasa pretty good deal. Not to mention, 6 slotted, the difference is quite noticable. Especially when you are trying to pump out as many pets as you can.

[/ QUOTE ]

You make a good case for trading Hover for Acc Metabolism given that pets are on the way. I felt we had shown a "defenseless" Controller with the FIRE build and that it was important to show a Controller with some defense. Your build is covered in my tweaks page, but I see why you prefer it

ICE/DEV blaster

Already, the absence of trip mine, the second most prized posession of the device set, already hinders this builds soloability. Especially picking up Auto Turret. Even 6 slotted with dmg SOs, auto turret isn't that useful compared to trip mine. Trip Mine is a massive AE attack that any device build, no matter what style yur going for, should pick up.

[/ QUOTE ]

Prized by people who primarily want to do damage, this is a control focused build. I dropped trip mine because Smoke Grenade is now much less effective, so dropping trip mines is much more dangerous. Still, with cloaking device you have a good tactic available in trip mines. Users might want to trade in AIM to free up a slot for trip mine, but surrendering the "pet" isn't a good option in a control focused build.

Dark/Psy Defender

While i don't doubt their control potential, I heavily doubt their soloability. Psy blast is hands down the worse defender secondary, and i can vouch for that as i play a defender with a psy secondary. It does absolute minimal damage. And when i make that statement i don't look at per hit, i look at damage per second (DPS). Reason why DPS is so horrible is for the fact that everything in the psy blasts set takes a really long time to execute, all really long recharges, and cost alot of endurance. While the powerset offers several control type powers, none are effective enough to consider a control power, with the exception of scramble thoughts. That is still however, single target mez, with again minimal dmg. This build could probably group well with the control powers it has, however soloing would be painfully slow, and not worth it at all. It could be my huge bias against psy blasts, but in all honesty, the powerset is horrible, I wish I never picked it.

[/ QUOTE ]

Well, nice to see a vet's opinion on the set. Perhaps the "in the field" issues like animation times gimp it. Still there is a strong set in the controller community that thinks of their character as a MENTALIST. Here's a way to scratch that itch and get some damage. Even gimped defender damage is HEAVEN to a Controller - just as any non-controller would kill for any of the Controller Pets, even Jack Frost.

At first thought, the obvious alternative is Dark/Dark. That secondary has 2 ROOTs and 1 KNOCK. Meanwhile MENTAL has 1 HOLD, 2 ROOTs and 2 KNOCKs. That's 2 CONTROLS you're throwing away to get away from PSYCHIC, which gives you 1 LESS CONTROL than the ICE/ICE Blaster. So, if you think PSYCHIC stinks for damage reasons, why not just make the leap to ICE/ICE Blaster instead of picking up DARK/DARK?

Again, the goal here isn't to maximize damage. It's to maximize control while offering enough damage to solo. If you want to do more damage, but still control - move towards the blaster end of the spectrum, and maybe even dump a control or two for a few more offenses.

But the focus of this list is to give people who like CONTROL powers the ability to CONTROL a lot, while being better able to solo than most CONTROLLER AT builds are able to.

Not UBER soloers. UBER controllers, who can solo well.



I gotta post my "mini-Scrapper" Controller with the attacks from the Power Pool. But until I get him to at least level 30, I don't feel I have anything definate to contribute.

I like your suggestions, though. I wish I'd known you could attack out of Group Invisibility. I almost got it, but went with Superior Invisibility instead. Now I regret that I did.



(Got this feedback in another forum)

Funny you should ask, I added this guide today: 5 best Solo Controller builds

Let me know what you think.

[/ QUOTE ]

I thought your Ill/Rad build was...well...kind of bizarre. Hasten appears far later in the build than it ought to, IMO, particularly for solo purposes. The omission of Accelerate Metabolism strikes me as quite peculiar to say the least. In fact, if you don't use AM, I'd go with Storm instead ( I see AM as one of the two major advantages of rad over that set, the other being EMP).

One other note: You list radiation infection as an offense: damage ability. I suppose this is on the basis of debuffing defense. Still this seems like an odd classification.

Just my 2 inf.

[/ QUOTE ]

Thanks for your input.

I'm really suprised at the reactions I got. I expected to get haymakered for having non-controller ATs in the list, and instead people are focuses on the details about the builds. Pleasant suprise that.

The builds themselves are meant to be viewed in totem rather than as individual builds, with each person kind of picking their favorite part of the spectrum from most controller-y to least. As I noted in the addendum, these are meant to be tweaked for individual taste. So I put hasten really late in one build to make it clear that you "could" do that. As you can see from the other builds I put up, I usually like it earlier.

What I hope people get out of the FAQ is that, regardless of the manual's gladhanding that controllers are the only ones who get to control, control is found throughout the ATs (with the possible exception of Scrappers). So, for those that want to solo and prefer control, there are ways to make it happen. You can be a happy, rapidly advancing Pre-32 Solo Controller, if you're willing to ignore the label that will appear next to your name and look at the actual powers.

Anyhow, some people really like Accelerate Metabolism, others really like Trip Mine, some feel they don't need Hasten or Stimina. The addendum was meant to show these alternatives if people want to use them.

The FAQ is more about educating people about things they don't know than about making the perfect ILL/RAD or FIRE/KIN build (there are other posts for that). It's about making sure people know about to Group vs. Superior Invisibility even solo, how leadership is good for DEF/CONT and bad for Blasters, etc. But most of all about looking outside the Controller AT to find a really good Controller to Solo with.

Hopefully as I level these toons up I'll learn more and update the FAQ. (Lord knows it will have scrolled off these boards by then.)

(off to post a copy of this in the FAQ).



I like your suggestions, though. I wish I'd known you could attack out of Group Invisibility. I almost got it, but went with Superior Invisibility instead. Now I regret that I did.

[/ QUOTE ]

Ah....Respec. It will be great once they finish it.



I just have one suggestion with your illusion build. Group invisibility is a great stealth power but the other thing it has is a substantial defense. One ++ recharge SO plus perma-hasten gives you perma-invisibility. If you were to use the extra five slots as defense SO's that would be 15% def. That plus the 5% def bonus from hasten is 20% def total just from those two. Add that to hover with 1 def so and you get 26% defense. Minions equal to your level have a 50% chance to hit. With a 26% def you cut your chances of getting hit in more than half.



I have gone through the books (manual &amp; Prima Game Guide) and I have been trying different ideas. I like this one with the Fire/Kin controller. One questions, why the super speed powers and not the fly powers? It makes him harder to control and gives very little ability for roof top missions until Hurdle at lvl 22? Thanks for the insight !

PS, Ice/Ice is working great ! I had already used the exact same setup. "Great minds think alike !"

Demonfest - 50 - Demon / Thermal Mastermind
Covered Shadow - 50 - Dark Melee / Shield Scrapper



you forgot fire/rad, which many would say is the top combo, and as a fire/rad I can tell you I can still solo through anything. 2 debuffs, a slow, smoke, three aoe holds (ff+fc is aoe hold), accel metab, group heal for imps etc etc



I have gone through the books (manual &amp; Prima Game Guide) and I have been trying different ideas. I like this one with the Fire/Kin controller. One questions, why the super speed powers and not the fly powers? It makes him harder to control and gives very little ability for roof top missions until Hurdle at lvl 22? Thanks for the insight !

PS, Ice/Ice is working great ! I had already used the exact same setup. "Great minds think alike !"

[/ QUOTE ]

I went with SS as the movement power because I had to choose between getting hasten/super speed and hover/fly. Fire and rad have so much good stuff, you hate to surrender more than the minimum possible slots to the shared pools.

If you're going all the way to 50 you get 3-4 more power slots (reports differ and I don't havea post 40 guy yet), so by all means do both in that case.



you forgot fire/rad, which many would say is the top combo, and as a fire/rad I can tell you I can still solo through anything. 2 debuffs, a slow, smoke, three aoe holds (ff+fc is aoe hold), accel metab, group heal for imps etc etc

[/ QUOTE ]

Didn't forget it, I simply put it in the addendum. Fire/rad and ill/kin are both good builds as well.



Dark/Psy Defender

While i don't doubt their control potential, I heavily doubt their soloability. Psy blast is hands down the worse defender secondary, and i can vouch for that as i play a defender with a psy secondary. It does absolute minimal damage. And when i make that statement i don't look at per hit, i look at damage per second (DPS). Reason why DPS is so horrible is for the fact that everything in the psy blasts set takes a really long time to execute, all really long recharges, and cost alot of endurance. While the powerset offers several control type powers, none are effective enough to consider a control power, with the exception of scramble thoughts. That is still however, single target mez, with again minimal dmg. This build could probably group well with the control powers it has, however soloing would be painfully slow, and not worth it at all. It could be my huge bias against psy blasts, but in all honesty, the powerset is horrible, I wish I never picked it.

[/ QUOTE ]

It's the early psy blasts that are the slow ones. Telekinetic blast, and will domination are quick attacks. Psy scream is pretty fast, and does decent damage with a really nice cone. Mental blast, subdue, and psi lance, the first three attacks, are slow, so psi can't get a fast single target until level 16...
Psi tornado gets mixed reviews, but I'm going to get it.

On a side note, the dark pet should be a great thing. It's a control pet, kinda like the gravity singularity. Except.....it gets a sort of AoE control too. Tenebrous tentacles roots things, and each of them can cast darkest night which debuffs damage and accuracy on enemies. They can also heal, and hold. Mostly control, with some minor damage (I won't be able to see the actual damage they do for a bit, but it can't hurt.). Mainly it frees up the dark miasma from needing to use the defender powers as much, and lets them use more blasts (and focus control anywhere that it's lacking).

Culex's resistance guide



ummm... i thought this was about "controllers"

Try soloing with a Grav/Rad... that should be in the top 5 for sure.



ummm... i thought this was about "controllers"

[/ QUOTE ]

Knew I'd see this sooner or later. The Controller AT is the WORST soloing AT. Some other ATs that are better at soloing hav some lesser, but still decent controls.

So, if you really want a solo controller, you shuold consider two paths - the path of AT Controllers with OK soloing powers and the path of AT non-controllers with OK controlling powers.

Both types are in here. In the controller AT, I chose fire because of it's DoT and illusion because of it's "solo-focus". While RAD is a great solo secondary, grav doesn't compare to Fire or Ill for a pure soloer.

Now, if you want to make a Controller that CAN solo, but would like to group, too. GRAV starts to look a lot better.



I've restarted my controller a few times now. I just can't seem to get the right balance of powers. I think I'll go set myself with illusion/kinetics. Maybe illusion/radiation. Nah, Illusion/kinetics. I think.



I have an illusion kinetics I really like, but he duos a lot. Rad draws less aggro, which is why I gave it to the less "controll-y" illusionist in my samples.

Still, Kinetics is just so much fun and will serve you well. Good luck.



OP: While I have seen your posts about the meaning of the post versus the actual builds, I would like to stress again... for anyone reading this for starting a new hero... do not follow the order of powers obtained in the examples. Consult the proper boards and look for advice on power ordering.

Anyways... in doing something like this again, my suggestion would be to focus more on the attributes, theory, and key powers, but only if you know those builds well. You will open yourself up for less friction.

Other than that, I could argue some other builds that should be included. First one that comes to mind is fire/ice/provoke tank, as it's built for soloability while controlling the mobs. Another option would be an inv/ice tank, which using invincibility and ice patch is about as much control as a group could ask for... although slow in the solo dept. I guess it all depends on what you consider control. An almost invincible tank with mobs stuck to him like glue is pretty solid control... just because hitting you doesn't mean much. Anyways... I am off on a tangent.



Funny you should mention that. I've been working this up!

Let's expand this as appropriate, the best Non-Controller AT Contollers (basics only)

CONTENDER (Controlling Defender)

See above

Someone reminded me of storm today. It is very knock heavy, but there's a lot of them.
<ul type="square">[*]Must Haves, Storm: Gale (Cone, Knock), Snow Storm (AE, Slow), Steamy Mist (AE, Stealth), Freezing Rain (AE, SLOW/KNOCK), Hurricane (PBAE, Knock), Thunder Clap (PBAE, Disorient), Tornado (AE,Knock), Lightning Storm (AE, Knock/Fear)[*]Must Haves, Dark: Dark Pit (AE, Disorient), Tentacles (Cone, Immobilize), Torrent (Cone, Knock) [*]Don't Forget: Hasten, [Travel Power], Health, Hurdle, Stamina[*]Slots Left: 4, so you could get Hover &amp; Fly and leave 3 slots for Dark Blasts to round out the build for soloing or get super-speed and take a 4th offense[*]Results: 10 controls, 2 MEZ, 1 ROOT, 2 SLOW, 5 KNOCK, 7 AE, 3 CONE +3-4 offense[*]Analysis: Too many knocks to be the BEST contender, but very, very nice[/list]

CONTRASTER (Controlling Blaster)

Ice/Ice Blaster
See Above

Ice/Dev Blaster
See above

CONTRANKER (Controlling Tanker)
Ice/Ice Tanker
<ul type="square">[*]Must Haves, Primary: Chilling Embrace (AE, slow), Energy Absorbption (AE buff/debuff), Frozen Armor, Hoarfrost, Wet Ice, Glacial Armor[*]Must Haves, Secondary: Taunt, Ice Patch (AE, Knock), Freezing Touch (Single, Hold), Frozen Aura (AE, Hold), Ice Sword, Frost, Greater Ice sword[*]Don't Forget: Provoke, Hasten, [Travel Power], Health, Hurdle, Stamina[*]Slots Left: 4, so you could get the one fear powers you have access to in the Preence Pool, but do it for fun, they CAUSE runners and melee-ers ain't too fond of runners. Icicles and Hibernate ain't bad either.[*]Results: 4 Controls, 2 MEZ, 1 Immobilize, 1 Knock, 3 AE + 3 offense[*]Analysis: I knew it, you want more control than this. Still, pretty good for a melee-er.[/list]

Invulnerability/Super Strength Tanker
<ul type="square">[*]Must Haves, Primary: Temp Invulnerability, Resist Physical, Resist Elements, Resist Energy, Unyielding Stance (no real losers in this pool though)[*]Must Haves, Secondary: Taunt, Hand Clap (PBAE, Disorient), Knockout Blow (single, Knock) Foot Stomp (PBAE, Knock), Jab (may disorient), Haymaker (may knock), Hurl (range!)[*]Don't Forget: Provoke, Hasten, [Travel Power], Health, Hurdle, Stamina[*]Slots Left: 2, so you could get the two fear powers you have access to in the Preence Pool, but do it for fun, they CAUSE runners and melee-ers ain't too fond of runners. Plenty of good stuff left in Invuln for you, so limit yourself to just one more attack from Super Strength, if any.[*]Results: 3 Controls, 1 MEZ, 2 Knock, 2 AE[*]Analysis: This is considered one of the best primaries and one of the WORST secondaries. But the Devs have said SS will get some love soon. And meanwhile you have some fun controls![/list]
CONTRAPPER (Controlling Scrapper)
Martial Arts/Dark Armor Scrapper
<ul type="square">[*]Must Haves, Primary: Cobra Strike (single, disorient), Crane Kick (single knock), Axe Kick (single, slow), Dragon Kick (AE, Knock), Thunder Kick (poss disorient), eagles claw (possible disorient)[*]Must Haves, Secondary: Dark Embrace, Murky Cloud, Obsidian Shield, Oppressive Gloom (PBAE, Disorient)[*]Don't Forget: Provoke, Hasten, [Travel Power], Health, Hurdle, Stamina[*]Slots Left: 2, how can you resist the cloaks. They're so controller-y. (But fear is bad for melee-ers)[*]Results: 5 Controls, 2 MEZ, 2 Knock, 1 Slow, 2 AE[*]Analysis: Better than the Ice Ice tanker! OK, maybe this is the right build if you want to solo - it is a scrapper after all! Still most scrappers would call you gimp-city.[/list]
SCRAPTROLLER (Scrapping Controller)
<ul type="square">[*]Must Haves, Primary: Spectral Wounds, Blind, Flash, Group Invisibility, Phantom Army, Phantasm[*]Must Haves, Secondary: Transfusion (think of it as regen), Siphon Power, Repel, Transferrence, Fulcrum Shift[*]Don't Forget: Flurry, Hasten, Super Speed, Manuvers, Assault, Tactics[*]Slots Left: 1, Stealth or combat jumpingwill stack with GI and Manuvers for more defense - you'll need it! But don't buy them too soon. If using brawl drives you nuts you'll use this for boxing instead.[*]Results: 2 Mez, 2 Pets, 1 Knock, Lots of buffs and debuff which you'll need to survive being in melee range and flurry to supplement brawl[*]Analysis: Peole will say you are a total gimp, my friend. But you're soloing, Who cares what they say![/list]



ummm... i thought this was about "controllers"

[/ QUOTE ]

Knew I'd see this sooner or later. The Controller AT is the WORST soloing AT. Some other ATs that are better at soloing hav some lesser, but still decent controls.

So, if you really want a solo controller, you shuold consider two paths - the path of AT Controllers with OK soloing powers and the path of AT non-controllers with OK controlling powers.

Both types are in here. In the controller AT, I chose fire because of it's DoT and illusion because of it's "solo-focus". While RAD is a great solo secondary, grav doesn't compare to Fire or Ill for a pure soloer.

Now, if you want to make a Controller that CAN solo, but would like to group, too. GRAV starts to look a lot better.

[/ QUOTE ]

I got what you were going for, I was just expecting something else, obviously. While Ill and Fire controllers can solo FASTER(i'm stopping just sort of better) than a good Grav controller, i would argue that they aren't far behind in overall solo effectiveness. I solo +2-3 mobs a lot with lvl 38 grav/Rad and never get hit. Does it take me a minute or two longer than a fire controller to defat all the baddies? yes, sure, but I don't drag 15 imps behind me KSing other peoples mobs when I move on to the next kill.

I'm biased anyway, so just let me ramble