Statesman, issue with your position on blasters




I have Fly,hover,hasten,super speed,fitness,and concealment. you act as If I took NO pools in protest to having to take them.

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Sorry, perhaps I misunderstood. There were so many interesting posts going both ways I guess I lost track.

So, in light of the changes to the game, you will be doing a respec and changing your pool powers to help augment your defense to increase your ability to survive and solo? Possibly by removing Fly and putting in Leap or maybe the fighting line for Tough and Weave? Or maybe the Speed line? How important is Hasten anyway?

Sorry, I'm sure you know how best to make changes. I know it sucks having to carefully consider the pool powers when planning a respec, and it is something we shouldn't HAVE to do, but it's something we have all had to endure.

I would like to know what your final decisions are. I have a Blaster alt coming up thru the ranks and always appreciate learning from those who have already made it.



geez you're dense. A fireball, firebreath combo is the very heart of multi tasking. Because I'm hitting multiple targets. a blaster who's running around trying to sucker punch mobs when a salvo of ranged attacks is faster, more effiencent and come with a 40% base to hit bonus needs a room in a very special place for people like you.

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All functions you just mentioned, plus Build-up and Aim, are exactly why we are faced with having all Minion HP's boosted. They are allowing some Blaster Builds who were meant to be Team-Players, to actually Solo faster than the Blaster builds who WERE designed to Solo...albeit at a more moderate pace. You are out-of-step with the original Vision of this game's design.

and btw they have this class who specializes in keeping mobs off that defensless healer off to the side. They're called tanker I think. I'm not sure.... so maybe you should look it up.

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A Tanker's Provoke was Nerfed, in case you forgot, for the exact purposes of putting a limit on just how many Mobs they can prevent from breaking through the Front lines. Scrappers fight Bosses and provide Offense for the Tanks right on the Front Lines. Blasters and Defenders MultiTask by Sniping a single target who refuses to come into the Tanks&Scrapper's Melee Range and they also tend to any threats that who break through the Front Lines. And Lastly but not Leastly, Controllers Mez those Ranged attackers and Break-Throughs so that a Blaster can take them out without a threat of returned fire...and any other support niches not already filled in.

...This certainly doesn't apply to AT builds who are designed to solo but it does apply to the vast majority of RTS games as well as fast-paced Team-Combat games. And you can see this in this game as well if you follow the changes made to it and see the "holes in our Armor" that the Devs intended to Create. They create these weaknesses on us so that other less-used AT's can step up and act as that missing ***** in the armor and make Team-Play as exciting and rewarding as possible for ALL involved, not just for the AoE Nukers who are currently using bad tactics fueled by imbalanced Power Stats.
You are once-again out-of-step with the original Vision of this game's design.



Taking away the blaster damage when that's all he brings is a path frought with account cancellations.

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And that's exactly what Increased Minion HP's would do, is take away a Blaster's Superior Rate of "Arresting" however it will NOT reduce the ammount of agro they draw... Don't you see the direct link between Superior-AoE damage and Mass Agro? Wouldn't you prefer to Throw in AoE's that didn't draw mass Agro? Just giving Tanker AT's more options to grab agro isn't going to mean they will all take it and FORCING them to sacrifice slotting if they want to play with Blasters just to take those new options is even worse than imposing a slight nerf against Alpha-Striking. I see you can relate to his situation but I don't see where you're going with it?



So out of curosity, has any dev posted yet on this thread or blaster board since Issue 2?



Your credibility is shot here melee boy.

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And your strongest points can be summed up as: "@ss, a$$, moron, f***ing, stupid, moron, a**, a**, (_|_), pee pee, (_|_), (_|_), followed by one last humongous (_|_).

Quit grasping at straws. There is no One-Liner that will bring this argument to a beneficial conclusion. ...Not even "You're Right." because bioth of us are "right" in different areas of the Over-all fun of the Game. And there's nothing more beneficial than Fun for a game.



Mob increase of hp is exactly how they are proposing to fix AoE. It's a terrible idea and will negatively affect every AT across the board.

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I'm willing to try it. With other additions it may make damage beside AOE more viable, and other AT's have more to do in combat. As it stands now, 10-15 seconds, next mob, is too quick for most people to ever really do anything in a group.



This will make it worse for pretty much everyone in my opinion. I think the developers need to brainstorm for a different solution that willl not affect all of the classes negatively.

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It may make it more like the lower level game. Before SO's scale damage way over the mobs. At anyrate, I'd welcome any other suggestion if it'd seem viable. A cap on the number of mobs than can be hit by a single aoe or cone might work.



So out of curosity, has any dev posted yet on this thread or blaster board since Issue 2?

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Anyone's who been reading the other AT boards enough knows that Statesman's Focus on "the larger problems of End-Game or 30+ game" were not going to be focussed on until Issue #3. And so here he is, dipping his toe in the "larger problem"... or as he's described it several times, "Battles ending before any other AT can be of use". Ranged AlphaStrike AoE's are his named chief culprit in this.

Just be thankful that we all have until Issue#3's completion to plead our cases on this while in reality he could have put the Minion HP increase into Issue#2 at the last second and REALLY made a mess. ...It's really a very simple-albeit tedious change because it's more of a Spreadsheet change than a Coding Change. But we have the opportunity to offer more creative solutions for the next few months so long as we're respectful of eachother and don't remind the Developers of WHY every other company in the industry chooses to ignore it's forums.



A cap on the number of mobs than can be hit by a single aoe or cone might work.

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Yeah they could Copy EverQuest and do that, but I fear it would suspend the belief of being a Super-Hero too much and not mesh with the Focus on Tactics-over-Stats that this game pulls off so nicely. ...wheras Overpowered AoE's curently suspend the belief that other Support AT's need. I agree with the last poster, There is better and more creative "MiddleGrounds" between these two.



I find the post 30 game very different and tough compared to how it was in the 20's (much less earlier) and then there’s issue 2. I REALLY don't want to see any more nerfs or mob adjustments - PLEASE Statesman???

The additional content aspects such as badges were great additions. Might I suggest that Statesman and his team take a very much earned vacation and let the game settle for a while we all try to get a handle on the new aspects of the game? Not all of us AOE types are power gamers, and I for one would like a chance to play without wondering what possible nerf might be preparing to pull the rug out from under me for just a little while longer.



I honestly don't understand why aoe damage is flat. Why not make it scale off as distance from the "target" increases?



Support classes are classes not directly involved in the killing of enemies. The Blaster is directly involved in the killing of enemies.

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In the Millitary, Artillary units are categorized as Support,

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righhhhht. and you send the altillary in close combat for hand to hand....



geez you're dense. A fireball, firebreath combo is the very heart of multi tasking. Because I'm hitting multiple targets. a blaster who's running around trying to sucker punch mobs when a salvo of ranged attacks is faster, more effiencent and come with a 40% base to hit bonus needs a room in a very special place for people like you.

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All functions you just mentioned, plus Build-up and Aim, are exactly why we are faced with having all Minion HP's boosted.

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Good deal then. I'm glad I had an impact. You go right a head and be one shot melee range bait. maybe they'll nerf boss damage.




Your credibility is shot here melee boy.

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And your strongest points can be summed up as: "@ss, a$$, moron, f***ing, stupid, moron, a**, a**, (_|_), pee pee, (_|_), (_|_), followed by one last humongous (_|_).

Quit grasping at straws. There is no One-Liner that will bring this argument to a beneficial conclusion. ...Not even "You're Right." because bioth of us are "right" in different areas of the Over-all fun of the Game. And there's nothing more beneficial than Fun for a game.

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this discussion came to a conclusion the second you suggested we shift to melee attacks to become "hallmark" blasters.

You're just too much of a dunce to see that.



This will make it worse for pretty much everyone in my opinion. I think the developers need to brainstorm for a different solution that willl not affect all of the classes negatively.

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It may make it more like the lower level game. Before SO's scale damage way over the mobs. At anyrate, I'd welcome any other suggestion if it'd seem viable. A cap on the number of mobs than can be hit by a single aoe or cone might work.

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You don't even play a blaster so who cares what you'd welcome? What If I said I'd welcome an adjustment to Scrapper defense that didn't let them reach the same defense cap that Tankers hit. Then you'd be screaming bloody murder.

-------> Scrapper board. Buhbye





You killed yourself with that statement..

Even before Issue 2 would I even dare be in melee range

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That's only an opinion. Meanwhile I backed up my case with facts by Citing proven Team strategies that DO allow a Blaster to make Melee Attacks without drawing mass damage, or even minor aggro for that matter. Obviously a Mob that is knocked down has to get back up before it can attack you. And a Mob that is Mezzed will not attack you at all until that Mez wears off. Build-Aim with well slotted Melee attacks will allow you to finish a single target before the hold on them even wears off. Even my Scraptroller can defeat a single minion before my first Blind wears off...and I use PowerPool Melee Attacks....Yech! And further, a Mob that is Debuffed can't inflict nearly as much damage on you. A Mob that is Provoked won't even notice you coming into Melee Range. A mob that tries to hit you while you're Damage Resistant or Bubbled will also fail to inflict damage consistantly enough to be a real threat. It's ONLY bosses who still have a chance of taking you out in a 2-hit combo after any of all the above are present. And I guarantee that atleast one of these is ALWAYS present in ANY team you play on. All that remains is Considering a good matchup and a BadMatchup. Obviously a Blaster is not meant to be a Boss Killer and this Secures the Scrapper a place on the Team in the original Vision of the game.

Before you make anymore statements along this line about how I don't know what I'm talking about, you must in turn provide specific situations that contradict my claims just as I have continually provideed not only situations in this game, but in Major History infact, that contradict this Blaster Choir's refusals to take full advantage of the Melee Offense that was tailored just for them and their inclusion in Team Play. No Doubt some of your Melee powrs are not up to Snuff. Well that's what issue#3 is all about, changing stuff like that. Issue#3 however is NOT ABOUT clinging doggedly to broken and breaking compensations that hurt every other AT in the game. Thank you.



rigggght.... so I'm supposed to run up to mobs with my blazing light saber and get sent to the hospital to so I don't hurt other AT's.

Oh silly me.... Using the tools the game developer gave me....

I think this a plot to get the rest of us to stop using our powers correctly so you can out level us in days.

Know your role blapper.



rigggght.... so I'm supposed to run up to mobs with my blazing light saber and get sent to the hospital to so I don't hurt other AT's.

Oh silly me.... Using the tools the game developer gave me....

I think this a plot to get the rest of us to stop using our powers correctly so you can out level us in days.

Know your role blapper.

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"Debt man can never die!"

"Only his dignity, and logic can!"

"Oh yeah!"

Blappers are fun though, till you die horribly and become a debt hero.



this discussion came to a conclusion the second you suggested we shift to melee attacks to become "hallmark" blasters.

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This is my last comment on this topic as I can't stay on the forums all night like some people....

The ONLY shift I suggested was for Build-Up and Aim to be made not to Effect AoE Powers. This would only force blasters to attack single targets or utilize the rest of their Secondary if and when they chose to use Build-Up and Aim. They could still pop Enrages coupled with Defender Buffs to achieve Group-Annihilating AlphaStrikes when it was necessary. The ONLY tactic this suggestion will EVER PREVENT is to keep Blasters from Solo-Alpha Striking from Range every time their Aim and Buildup is Ready. Hell they could even Melee Alpha-Strike every battle without the help of Buffs OR Inpirations if the right conditions and timing for a precise Cone-Damage were met.

I sincerely hope you take a little longer to fully consider and absorb this because firing back at your current quality of rebuttle won't secure a victory for you in this argument and I won't be here to weaken and grant you a victory through attrition either.

( may also want to visit a dictionary website to fully understand that last sentance, which I encourage you to do. Learning is your Friend )



this discussion came to a conclusion the second you suggested we shift to melee attacks to become "hallmark" blasters.

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This is my last comment on this topic as I can't stay on the forums all night like some people....

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Thank god......

And really I'm Hope you're not in the military.... you're the kind of jack [censored] who'd send archers into the frey against knights on horse back.

Later fool.



Maybe so Ilhulbert but this is not the military. This is an rpg. The object is to destroy the enemy. In an rpg the guy that kills people is not the support. The guys that keep that guy alive are the support.

The reason that killing elements are support in the military is becuase the object of war is not to destroy the enemy. It is to gain control of land. Therefore ground troops, which actually sieze and control land, are the main element, and support units like artillery exist to assist them in doing that.

However if one breaks the military down into sub-elements (which is actually how it is, I am in the Navy) then each sub element has a particular mission. The personel who directly accomplish that mission are the primary element. The personel who assist them are the support.

Take the flight deck of an aircraft carrier for instance. The pilots would be the primary becuase they actually accomplish the mission. Then there is a vast amount of other people who maintain and arm the planes as well as providing intelligence. Those are the support.



you're preaching to the converted. If the above post was intended for me.



You don't even play a blaster so who cares what you'd welcome?

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Zip it chuckle head. I do play a blaster, an aoe one at that. Scrappers also have aoe and cones, I don't doubt the devs are looking into... Say spines... Maybe burn tankers. But please, keep being cantankerous. You haven't had anything solid to argue or say in 30 pages except Blasters need utility/defense powers in the 2nds not damage, which pretty much everyone agrees on.

What If I said I'd welcome an adjustment to Scrapper defense that didn't let them reach the same defense cap that Tankers hit. Then you'd be screaming bloody murder.

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No, you twit, I'd agree to res caps, I'd agree to an Invicibility nerf, and would point out that when stacking armors for ice and stone come about you wouldn't need to worry about def caps in the case of sr. But, even that I would accept with the qualifier that sr get some form of res, or heal, or utility.

-------> Scrapper board. Buhbye

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-----> Smack-tard board with you. Buhbye.



Some of you guys seem to be in a world of your own, arguing about things that only you three or four care about...

Can you just all agree that you will never convince the other guy? That you will never "win"?

The point of this thread is to let Statesman know of our concerns. I consider it a success since he has responded on this thread, as well as on several other threads concerning AOE and mob HP. Hopfully, we can convince him loud enough that he will ditch his plan about these issues.

Outside of that point... honestly like I said before, you will never convince the other guy, so what's the point arguing on the net?



Apologies, Panzer.