Statesman, issue with your position on blasters




I apologize. I did not realize that this would not be in order to what I was reading. My previous argument was directed against someone else that stated blasters could use AE after a controller held a group.



NO BUILD should be dependant on pool powers.

Secondaries should do the trick. Pool powers should be neat little additions. And utililities like travel powers. they shouldn't be all to be damned must haves.

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And I agree, but that is NOT the reality for the majority of builds. So your refusal to work with the reality of what is ... Sorry, I am at a loss for words hear. What does one say to a person who knows that the sky is blue, yet is determined to act as if it were pink?

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Since when is displeasure any evidence of not working with what is?

Super strenght as a power set was garbage. Did tankers remain silent? Hell no. they were very vocal.

Same thing with martial arts, dark miasma, tanker damage and endurance. If I think my secondary set sucks [censored] I'm going to be vocal about it. If you have a problem with that simply ignore every thing I write. Reading is after all a voluntary function. If I think that weighting endurance use to the point where people have to take fitness in the late game to survive I'm also going to speak up.... Once again you have the option of ignoring me.

I have Fly,hover,hasten,super speed,fitness,and concealment. you act as If I took NO pools in protest to having to take them.



You said that blasters should wait for a few seconds and let the tanker draw the aggro or let the controller set off some sort of hold for the group, and then blasters could AE? I am only arguing this point because as soon as the blaster uses an area effect power, it undoes the hold that the controller had on the mob. I play a blaster and use these powers infrequently because I would like the mob to remain immobile for as long as possible. Also, as damage dealers, blasters tend to draw more aggro than some of the other classes.

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hi zephyra, that's only mind controllers using the sleep power. Normal controller holds will not come undone from damage. It's generally recognized that the mind controller is gimped because of this.



Dude we gotta leave this thread alone, it's turned into majority idiots from other ATs who have no clue how blasters are played. I am saddened by the amount of supposed blaster expertise I have witnessed in this thread.

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Congrats, you're both Awarded the AssU&Me Badge because I DID take a Blaster up to 44. I've even been PM'd multiple times by people just like you screaming at me not to talk about blasters just because I now prefer to play a different AT.

... Admit that you only know a few ways to play this game and stop jumping anyone who plays it differently than you. That won't solve anything, just like quitting this thread because you're losing the battle of logic and getting frustrated...That won't accomplish much for yourselves because when logic prevails and changes are made, your closed minds will prevent you from staying on top of the gameplay alternatives and you won't know how to play effectively. Doubt me? Just look at any **/Dev blaster these days still spamming Smoke Grenade and then wondering why they die now to huge groups. ...come on back to Mainstream guys, please, we need you.

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If the mainstream is composed of morons like you I'll pass. If you were on my team and I saw your rushing into every fight with melee attacks instead of providing ranged fire support like you're supposed to I'd fire your [censored] outta there so fast You'd forget you were even invited in the first place.



I apologize. I did not realize that this would not be in order to what I was reading. My previous argument was directed against someone else that stated blasters could use AE after a controller held a group.

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sure we can. providing that AoE flattens the held group. If it dosen't here comes teh debt.... heh just kidding. I've seen Grav controllers lock down groups on a massive scale. Then I make them dead on a massive scale. That's why I love teaming with controllers.



Thank you. I was not aware of this. I play mainly with a mind control controller, so I know what his strengths are and put away the AE while I am playing with him. I find that my single target powers work well enough in those fights(although my single target powers are not as powerful as some other blasters I know as I am an electric blaster).
I appreciate the insight



Thank you. I was not aware of this. I play mainly with a mind control controller, so I know what his strengths are and put away the AE while I am playing with him. I find that my single target powers work well enough in those fights(although my single target powers are not as powerful as some other blasters I know as I am an electric blaster).
I appreciate the insight

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Oh definitely! A single target attacker and a mind controller make a great pair. But if you throw any kind of AoE blaster and a Mind Controller together there are some terrible conflicts with that synergy as you probably already realize.



Erratic If that is what you want to use as your out then whatever. Doensnt change anything.

In terms of the melee attacks, I dont care toss em and replace em with stuff that is actually good.

On AoE, i still dont see why this is a problem. Blasters fall dead from a gentle breeze. But they can kill a group of mobs with a single massive salvo. I see that as balanced. Ultimate offense and zero defense. You ask me, i think AoEs should be more prevalent not less. Eng, Ice, and Elec should have just as many as Fire and AR do. Ranged AoEs, massive uber pbaoes, and are what a Blaster is all about. Leave the single target dmg to the Scrappers.

But i think what a lot of Blasters are expressing in this thread is that if the Balance of "you can kill lots of mobs real fast but one screwup and you die" isnt good enough, Then taking the "kill lots of mobs real fast" part out is not going to result in Balance. Its going to result in Brokenness.

What do i think? I think that AlphaStriking could be considered a problem. But its not just a problem of AlphaStriking making other classes useless. Its a problem of AlphaStriking being the only way a Blaster can stay alive.

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Two exaggerations in your post here...

1> You make it sound like Blasters die from one Hit. That's not true. However ANY support class and even Scrappers CAN die in one Salvo against Hazard-Zone sized groups that are +1 above them. The Manual ansd Statesman make remarks and gameplay suggestions about this being the way it is designed to work and for the most part it is functioning as intended.

2> Blaster Melee attacks aren't just good, they're Great. Unfortunately most Blasters never play any other support Class so they don't realize just how weak and exhausting all the other Melee attacks available to most Support classes really are.

Some Blasters, like Elec, Ice, and Dev are instended to Solo moderately. ...Most others with Melee Attacks are intended to be Group Blasters. Just like how not all Controllers are intended to solo quickly, not all Blasters are intended to Solo quickly either. ...So with their high-damage Melee attacks they become empowered to do a Finishing-Combo against any minions who strays into the middle of a group of heroes. It was never intended to be a Boss killer, but a Blaster who avoids mass agro can survive 1-3 hits from most LTs and infact will never be hit in the first place if they charge-up and time their 1-2 punch wisely.



You make it sound like Blasters die from one Hit. That's not true.

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It sure as hell is true, especially if they are "hallmark great blasters who wade into melee". LOL.



Blasters are only given "a few ways" to play this game. Btw, I still have my smoke grenade. Apparently you think it's useless now. But when you told me the hallmark of a great blaster is one who wades into melee, damn man I just can't regard you as an authority on this subject any longer. As far as I'm concerned your point of view is null and void after a statement like that. That might have been pre update 2 buddy, but that crap doesn't cut it in this brave new world of blasters. So great you leveled your 44 Ar/Dev back in the SG godmode days. Want a cookie? You still don't have a clue what high level blasters are facing in the game at this very point in time. Otherwise you wouldn't have made such a stupidly ludicrous statement like "the hallmark of a great blaster is one who wades in and melees". Oh Lord have mercy.

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You killed yourself with that statement..

Even before Issue 2 would I even dare be in melee range



When I say I don't want AOE damage to scale with the HP of mobs, that doesn't mean I think Blasters should then just be left alone. My Fire/Fire would certainly fall by the wayside if there was no response to the dramatic change mob HP increases would have on his playability.

Honestly, nobody that has posted so far has indicated that they think that mob hp increase + no changes to blasters = ok.

I think changes to mobs will have big impact on all AT's. Blasters are just one of many.

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THANK YOU! If there's any point I'm trying to get across here, it's exactly that... I think everyone is beginning to recognize that there's a problem, but forcing everyone to suffer for a few flaws in a small number of Blaster Builds is something that will hurt EVERYONE equally and THAT would put the final nail in the coffin of most other AT Builds who DREAM for the exicetment of hitting so hard that they Draw agro. ...As they are now, it aklready takes them several minutes to defeat even LT's... Making Minions take just as long would have them running to play Chess just because it was "faster paced".



Well one, Blasters do die from one hit in some cases, but overall that is not what i meant to convey. Blasters die extremely quickly. Death in 2 hits is very normal for a Blaster. It doesnt have to be a salvo from the entire group. One Lt or a few minions is enough to take down a Blaster in seconds.

2 - Blaster attacks overall are great not just melee attacks (damage wise anyway) as well they should be. Damage is all a Blaster has. Take that away and a Blaster's got nothing left.

2a - I disagree with your characterization of the Blaster as a support class. Support classes are classes not directly involved in the killing of enemies. The Blaster is directly involved in the killing of enemies.

I would also counter this by saying that most of those other people dont play Blasters so they dont realize how frustrating it is to be dead before you realize what happened.



Mob increase of hp is exactly how they are proposing to fix AoE. It's a terrible idea and will negatively affect every AT across the board.



Well one, Blasters do die from one hit in some cases, but overall that is not what i meant to convey. Blasters die extremely quickly. Death in 2 hits is very normal for a Blaster. It doesnt have to be a salvo from the entire group. One Lt or a few minions is enough to take down a Blaster in seconds.

2 - Blaster attacks overall are great not just melee attacks (damage wise anyway) as well they should be. Damage is all a Blaster has. Take that away and a Blaster's got nothing left.

2a - I disagree with your characterization of the Blaster as a support class. Support classes are classes not directly involved in the killing of enemies. The Blaster is directly involved in the killing of enemies.

I would also counter this by saying that most of those other people dont play Blasters so they dont realize how frustrating it is to be dead before you realize what happened.

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Punisher I told Statesman that the upper level blaster game is flawed already and his proposed "fix" of upping mob hp would make it 10x worse not only for blasters but for all classes. It looks like you agree. It has alot to do with drawing the most agro, yet being able to protect the least from it. Now I wasn't necessarily in favor of more defense for a blaster nor more offense. I think that is balanced. What I would like is for him to take a serious look at allowing the higher hp classes ways to control aggro more. Provoke being in a power pool is some silly nonsense. It should be in every Tanker primary. I want the tank classes to have more ways to draw the ire of the mobs away from a high damage character like the blaster. Taking away the blaster damage when that's all he brings is a path frought with account cancellations.



Erratic If that is what you want to use as your out then whatever. Doensnt change anything.

In terms of the melee attacks, I dont care toss em and replace em with stuff that is actually good.

On AoE, i still dont see why this is a problem. Blasters fall dead from a gentle breeze. But they can kill a group of mobs with a single massive salvo. I see that as balanced. Ultimate offense and zero defense. You ask me, i think AoEs should be more prevalent not less. Eng, Ice, and Elec should have just as many as Fire and AR do. Ranged AoEs, massive uber pbaoes, and are what a Blaster is all about. Leave the single target dmg to the Scrappers.

But i think what a lot of Blasters are expressing in this thread is that if the Balance of "you can kill lots of mobs real fast but one screwup and you die" isnt good enough, Then taking the "kill lots of mobs real fast" part out is not going to result in Balance. Its going to result in Brokenness.

What do i think? I think that AlphaStriking could be considered a problem. But its not just a problem of AlphaStriking making other classes useless. Its a problem of AlphaStriking being the only way a Blaster can stay alive.

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Two exaggerations in your post here...

1> You make it sound like Blasters die from one Hit. That's not true. However ANY support class and even Scrappers CAN die in one Salvo against Hazard-Zone sized groups that are +1 above them. The Manual ansd Statesman make remarks and gameplay suggestions about this being the way it is designed to work and for the most part it is functioning as intended.

2> Blaster Melee attacks aren't just good, they're Great. Unfortunately most Blasters never play any other support Class so they don't realize just how weak and exhausting all the other Melee attacks available to most Support classes really are.

Some Blasters, like Elec, Ice, and Dev are instended to Solo moderately. ...Most others with Melee Attacks are intended to be Group Blasters. Just like how not all Controllers are intended to solo quickly, not all Blasters are intended to Solo quickly either. ...So with their high-damage Melee attacks they become empowered to do a Finishing-Combo against any minions who strays into the middle of a group of heroes. It was never intended to be a Boss killer, but a Blaster who avoids mass agro can survive 1-3 hits from most LTs and infact will never be hit in the first place if they charge-up and time their 1-2 punch wisely.

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Your credibility is shot here melee boy.



You make it sound like Blasters die from one Hit. That's not true.

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It sure as hell is true, especially if they are "hallmark great blasters who wade into melee". LOL.

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Mob increase of hp is exactly how they are proposing to fix AoE. It's a terrible idea and will negatively affect every AT across the board.

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I absolutely agree with this statement. That is what I was thinking. If controllers and defenders think it takes a long time for them to kill mobs now, then it will take even longer if the mobs' hit points are increased. As it stands now, sometimes the defenders and controllers run out of endurance before killing what they need to kill. This will make it worse for pretty much everyone in my opinion. I think the developers need to brainstorm for a different solution that willl not affect all of the classes negatively.



Blasters are only given "a few ways" to play this game. Btw, I still have my smoke grenade. Apparently you think it's useless now. But when you told me the hallmark of a great blaster is one who wades into melee, damn man I just can't regard you as an authority on this subject any longer. As far as I'm concerned your point of view is null and void after a statement like that. That might have been pre update 2 buddy, but that crap doesn't cut it in this brave new world of blasters. So great you leveled your 44 Ar/Dev back in the SG godmode days. Want a cookie? You still don't have a clue what high level blasters are facing in the game at this very point in time. Otherwise you wouldn't have made such a stupidly ludicrous statement like "the hallmark of a great blaster is one who wades in and melees". Oh Lord have mercy.

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"A blaster who Wades into Melee" is a connotation of someone who doesn't understand Body-Positioning and Melee-Range as well as having no attention to Peripheral threats. I very specifically said that they should reserve Melee Attacks for "any minions/Lt's who strays into the middle of a group of heroes." AND also use any Cone-Range Melee against Groups of minions who are kept busy by a Tank, Pet, or well-suited Scrapper.



Blasters are only given "a few ways" to play this game. Btw, I still have my smoke grenade. Apparently you think it's useless now. But when you told me the hallmark of a great blaster is one who wades into melee, damn man I just can't regard you as an authority on this subject any longer. As far as I'm concerned your point of view is null and void after a statement like that. That might have been pre update 2 buddy, but that crap doesn't cut it in this brave new world of blasters. So great you leveled your 44 Ar/Dev back in the SG godmode days. Want a cookie? You still don't have a clue what high level blasters are facing in the game at this very point in time. Otherwise you wouldn't have made such a stupidly ludicrous statement like "the hallmark of a great blaster is one who wades in and melees". Oh Lord have mercy.

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"A blaster who Wades into Melee" is a connotation of someone who doesn't understand Body-Positioning and Melee-Range as well as having no attention to Peripheral threats. I very specifically said that they should reserve Melee Attacks for "any minions/Lt's who strays into the middle of a group of heroes." AND also use any Cone-Range Melee against Groups of minions who are kept busy by a Tank, Pet, or well-suited Scrapper.

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Oh ****, you aren't weaseling out of this one. Even if the blaster is perfectly safe to go in and melee such as against a held or taunted mob or whatever it's so much more efficient to blast at range rather than take the time to run up to the mob and melee it. Leave the melee to the tanker and scrapper please. I've seen six slotted melee attacks on blappers when I copied over to test and respec'd, it isn't worth the trouble. It never even comes close to the efficiency of a range attack.



If I want to take out a LT. I cloak then I snipe him crapless with a built up aimed blazing bolt. If It dosen'tt kill him out right it leaves him many times at less than half life total. In which case one of my single target attacks will bring him to a stop. none of this involves me running up with a flaming sword only to have it stuffed up my [censored].



Such a stunning visual, heph



If you were on my team and I saw your rushing into every fight with melee attacks instead of providing ranged fire support like you're supposed to I'd fire your [censored] outta there so fast You'd forget you were even invited in the first place.

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...And whenever I'm a Team Leader, I "fire" any blasters who rush in or snipe to start a fight they can't survive. Meanwhile I PROMOTE-to-Leader, Blasters who stay in the middle of a Team and remove the threat of mobs who break through the front-lines. Because it demonstrates to me that they have the Team's wellfare in mind even more than the Healers and controllers do. It also demonstrates that they can Multi-Task. Any Blaster who only Attacks at range is NOT multi-tasking because 90% of them are shooting at random target in front of the "trenches" while ignoring the Mob who's Meleeing the Healer behind them.

Care to go 'round again?



Such a stunning visual, heph

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If you were on my team and I saw your rushing into every fight with melee attacks instead of providing ranged fire support like you're supposed to I'd fire your [censored] outta there so fast You'd forget you were even invited in the first place.

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...And whenever I'm a Team Leader, I "fire" any blasters who rush in or snipe to start a fight they can't survive. Meanwhile I PROMOTE-to-Leader, Blasters who stay in the middle of a Team and remove the threat of mobs who break through the front-lines. Because it demonstrates to me that they have the Team's wellfare in mind even more than the Healers and controllers do. It also demonstrates that they can Multi-Task. Any Blaster who only Attacks at range is NOT multi-tasking because 90% of them are shooting at random target in front of the "trenches" while ignoring the Mob who's Meleeing the Healer behind them.

Care to go 'round again?

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geez you're dense. A fireball, firebreath combo is the very heart of multi tasking. Because I'm hitting multiple targets. a blaster who's running around trying to sucker punch mobs when a salvo of ranged attacks is faster, more effiencent and come with a 40% base to hit bonus needs a room in a very special place for people like you.


and btw they have this class who specializes in keeping mobs off that defensless healer off to the side. They're called tanker I think. I'm not sure.... so maybe you should look it up.



Support classes are classes not directly involved in the killing of enemies. The Blaster is directly involved in the killing of enemies.

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In the Millitary, Artillary units are categorized as Support, and require Garrison units at their Flanks to protect them from counter-attacks. They lack the Mobility and Armor of a Special Forces unit but pack a harder punch. Some Blaster Builds are Intended to be Artillary. Others are intended as Special Forces, IE: soloing safely. However no one Ever took down a whole army with only one of those Components. Even the Vastly-Unblanced English Long-Bow teams in the middle ages required protection from Knights. Their esistance was so feared that any Bowman who were captured would immediately have their middle fingers cut off just in case they escaped and re-joined their battallion, thus preventing them from pulling the heavy bows.