Statesman, issue with your position on blasters





Hell no. You may as well but the last nail in the coffin after a move like that. most of can't even "afford" those worthless melee attacks that you want to FORCE us to use.

Tankers/Scrappers= Melee attacks.

And since when does a 6 slotted fire ball mean I don't let the tanker wade in swinging first? since when does it mean I don't wait for the controller to hold, the defencder to buff, the scrapper to scrap.

This is bar none the dumbest [censored] post I've ever read on this forum. and that's saying a lot.

[/ QUOTE ]

Case in point, Yet another Blaster who sees no fun in Strategical Melee Attacks, turns a blind Eye to Alpha-Strike soloing, and loathes the idea of being "Fire Support" as demonstrated by his Ego, Generalizations, and malicious comments on a creative/strategic soultion. News for him, only 4 Secondaries have Build-Up and New Changes coming to Tankers will ensure that Blasters can safely wade in and Melee side-by-side with a Tanker. It's called Synergy folks, look it up.




Hell no. You may as well but the last nail in the coffin after a move like that. most of can't even "afford" those worthless melee attacks that you want to FORCE us to use.

Tankers/Scrappers= Melee attacks.

And since when does a 6 slotted fire ball mean I don't let the tanker wade in swinging first? since when does it mean I don't wait for the controller to hold, the defencder to buff, the scrapper to scrap.

This is bar none the dumbest [censored] post I've ever read on this forum. and that's saying a lot.

[/ QUOTE ]

Case in point, Yet another Blaster who sees no fun in Strategical Melee Attacks, turns a blind Eye to Alpha-Strike soloing, and loathes the idea of being "Fire Support" as demonstrated by his Ego, Generalizations, and malicious comments on a creative/strategic soultion. News for him, only 4 Secondaries have Build-Up and New Changes coming to Tankers will ensure that Blasters can safely wade in and Melee side-by-side with a Tanker. It's called Synergy folks, look it up.

[/ QUOTE ]

Great now tell me again why a blaster would WANT to melee in the first place? Stupidity folks, look it up.



When the ATs are balanced (it will never happen, but I can hope they get close) then every build will be able to solo

[/ QUOTE ]

I have to disagree with you there. Balance does /not/ = Equality. People need to realize this. After the first few levels, a Defender in all actuality, should never be ablet to solo. Their not a class meant to do damage. Or perhaps I should say solo effectively.

Controllers (All but Mind, who get screwed continually) can't solo for poo, until 32. Point is, people need to watch and not confuse Balance with Equality. This topic in general illustrates people need to learn that every AT has it's advantage and disadvantage. That's how life is. If everyone had the same capabilities, it would be pretty damn boring.



And where did you see that streak breakers apply to the mobs?

Last I heard, geko said that only human players get streak breakers cause the mobs don't get frustrated by long strings of misses.



However it is you who are on the lark Erratic. You. It is really sad that you cant see that. You are sitting here telling Blasters what there experiences should be and claiming that the experience of the Blaster is of no consequence compared to the "world view" where Blasters are concerned.

I claim emphatically that YOU ARE WRONG! The experiences of Blasters are what is relevant here. Not the "world view".

And again, the undefined flaws can't impact anyone else and somehow are flaws that slip past competent players. Again, nuking before the Controller lands his Hold is not good play. Not letting the Tanker Provoke is not good play. Not taking an AT designed to buff your defenses or weaken the opponent is your choice, but don't come crying when you get burnt for it.

[/ QUOTE ]

Have you ever went back and read some of the things you write. I doubt you can imagine what this sounds like to a Blaster becuase you arent one but i will try to translate.

"stupid blaster whenever you die its your fault for being to stupid to allow my omnipotent powers to protect you"

I never said that slips on the parties behalf (his teammates and the blaster himself) couldnt effect other players. I said overwhelmingly more often, they effect the blaster first and foremost.

I expect the Blaster to be nerfed more (or more incentives to group whatever you wish to call it) becuase there are people like you all over the boards to make all sorts of wild claims of how blasters are basing them on your second hand accounts and ignoring the accounts of the actual blasters. My reprieve is that i am also confident that by the time it gets bad enough that i no longer like the AT anymore, Prestige classes will be out and i can roll up one of those.

Its really sad that the Devs make so many decisions based on datamining. Datamining can tell you how many blasters are soloing vs grouping, but unfortunately Datamining can't tell you why.



He's addressing it to you because in the context of your post, that sentence is "We [blasters] shouldn't have to..." He's pointing out that in the scheme of things, Blasters have more flexibility in the PP choices compared to other AT's.

Perhaps you meant general player population, but it's not what you said, and as such not clear.



And where did you see that streak breakers apply to the mobs?

Last I heard, geko said that only human players get streak breakers cause the mobs don't get frustrated by long strings of misses.

[/ QUOTE ]

I specifically recall him saying otherwise, but of course didn't think it important to note where at the time (guess I should use the Favorite thread thing next time geko posts).

Under construction



However it is you who are on the lark Erratic. You. It is really sad that you cant see that.

[/ QUOTE ]

You are the one who continually makes it into a personal matter. You did it in the Hasten thread and you're doing it here. Until you behave better, I'm done with discussing the matter with you.

Under construction




Hell no. You may as well but the last nail in the coffin after a move like that. most of can't even "afford" those worthless melee attacks that you want to FORCE us to use.

Tankers/Scrappers= Melee attacks.

And since when does a 6 slotted fire ball mean I don't let the tanker wade in swinging first? since when does it mean I don't wait for the controller to hold, the defencder to buff, the scrapper to scrap.

This is bar none the dumbest [censored] post I've ever read on this forum. and that's saying a lot.

[/ QUOTE ]

Case in point, Yet another Blaster who sees no fun in Strategical Melee Attacks, turns a blind Eye to Alpha-Strike soloing, and loathes the idea of being "Fire Support" as demonstrated by his Ego, Generalizations, and malicious comments on a creative/strategic soultion. News for him, only 4 Secondaries have Build-Up and New Changes coming to Tankers will ensure that Blasters can safely wade in and Melee side-by-side with a Tanker. It's called Synergy folks, look it up.

[/ QUOTE ]

No it's called knowing your role.....MASSIVE DAMAGE AT RANGE.

Synergy my [censored]. a blaster that charges into battle like a scrapper or tanker is a dead blaster... and deservedly so.



Geko said mobs get the streak breaker as well. It just happens so rarely that it's a non-issue.



Another piece of something I want to throw in here. I also have a Blaster, level 31. And I gotta say, myself, other Kinetic's, most Tankers and Scrapers I know, dont like Blasters, and dont like teaming with them, but it's not because of a dislike of the AT..

Edit: That, and energy Blasters and Illusion controllers had the whole knockback thing, which Scrappers and Kinetics really hate, hehe

It's becaue on the general average from out experience, after 32, Blasters become arrogant, wreckless, and have gotten us all killed more times than I can count, and then when they get us all killed becaue of their wrecklessness .. they blame the Defender for not doing their job.

So, because of that, i can count on one hand how many Blasters I like and trust, to play with, aside from the fact Kinetic's as an AT can't do poo for Blasters, it has to do with more than (And I dont mean this directed at anyone personally on this board, just speaking from my own personal experience and those of my friends):

"Blasters are generally arrogant, unthoughtful, wreckless pricks who tend to get everyone killed more than they do help a team."



Great now tell me again why a blaster would WANT to melee in the first place? Stupidity folks, look it up.

[/ QUOTE ]

I play with many blasters and defenders all over 29 who have their Melee attacks slotted up in many different ways. Putting some of them on Auto-attack is even better. They use them because they are quick, powerful, and low END cost compared to many of their ranged attacks. They are also a hallmark of a great player when used properly. Would you rather instead that Buildup gets Nerfed to the point that it doesn't work well enough with ANYTHING? ...Because that's exactly what will happen if you people FORCE the developers to make a Stealth-Nerf against your AlphaStrikes Vis a Minion HP increase. I don't want to see that either because it already takes my Scrapper and Controller too long as it is to deal with High Level minions... Both of my Avatars are Boss and LT killers, minions are a droll challengeless waste of Endurance for each of them as it is.



we have more choices in the primary pool?

I'd argue the point but why bother.

Scrappers have excellent attacks and the defense needed to use them. Here we have synergy of primary secondary sets.

tankers have godly defense and soon they'll have the damage to make them really awesome damage dealers in long battles.
Theres that synergy again...

Defender blasts in many cases accentuate the defenders primary. Rad and dark debuff.... and have you seen what a force fielder can do with energy blast? Synergy.

A fire blaster gets dick. PBAoE/melee heavy abilities do not accentuate a blasters powers.

For my utility I have damage.... which you wouldn't mind seeing nerfed.

this conversation is over.



Great now tell me again why a blaster would WANT to melee in the first place? Stupidity folks, look it up.

[/ QUOTE ]

I play with many blasters and defenders all over 29 who have their Melee attacks slotted up in many different ways. Putting some of them on Auto-attack is even better. They use them because they are quick, powerful, and low END cost compared to many of their ranged attacks. They are also a hallmark of a great player when used properly. Would you rather instead that Buildup gets Nerfed to the point that it doesn't work well enough with ANYTHING? ...Because that's exactly what will happen if you people FORCE the developers to make a Stealth-Nerf against your AlphaStrikes Vis a Minion HP increase. I don't want to see that either because it already takes my Scrapper and Controller too long as it is to deal with High Level minions... Both of my Avatars are Boss and LT killers, minions are a droll challengeless waste of Endurance for each of them as it is.

[/ QUOTE ]

Dude you are talking nonsense. I'm sorry. You are saying the great blasters are the ones who wade into melee. God, this thread is making me ill. As someone who has experienced this game on the high end I can tell you a blaster in melee is paste. One melee hit from MOST mobs at the upper end will kill a blaster. Get some perspective on this issue or be gone!



Wow... you addressed this to me like I designed the game.

[/ QUOTE ]

Actually, I addressed it to you like you made the statement, which you did. And it was in the context of respeccing your build, which you said you won't do and shouldn't have to do because [ QUOTE ]
We shouldn't have to design our builds around pools. Pools should accentuate our builds.

[/ QUOTE ]

I was simply wondering why you think you are so special, since every build I have done save 2 does require the build to be designed around the pools.



we have more choices in the primary pool?

[/ QUOTE ]

Power pools.

For my utility I have damage.... which you wouldn't mind seeing nerfed.

[/ QUOTE ]

What dank recess of your bowels did you pull this out of? Find me nerf damage quote. Please.

this conversation is over.

[/ QUOTE ]




Great now tell me again why a blaster would WANT to melee in the first place? Stupidity folks, look it up.

[/ QUOTE ]

I play with many blasters and defenders all over 29 who have their Melee attacks slotted up in many different ways. Putting some of them on Auto-attack is even better. They use them because they are quick, powerful, and low END cost compared to many of their ranged attacks. They are also a hallmark of a great player when used properly. Would you rather instead that Buildup gets Nerfed to the point that it doesn't work well enough with ANYTHING? ...Because that's exactly what will happen if you people FORCE the developers to make a Stealth-Nerf against your AlphaStrikes Vis a Minion HP increase. I don't want to see that either because it already takes my Scrapper and Controller too long as it is to deal with High Level minions... Both of my Avatars are Boss and LT killers, minions are a droll challengeless waste of Endurance for each of them as it is.

[/ QUOTE ]

Dude you are talking nonsense. I'm sorry. You are saying the great blasters are the ones who wade into melee. God, this thread is making me ill. Trolls, the lot of ya.

[/ QUOTE ]not troll. he's the man with the plan for perma debt.




Wow... you addressed this to me like I designed the game.

[/ QUOTE ]

Actually, I addressed it to you like you made the statement, which you did. And it was in the context of respeccing your build, which you said you won't do and shouldn't have to do because [ QUOTE ]
We shouldn't have to design our builds around pools. Pools should accentuate our builds.

[/ QUOTE ]

I was simply wondering why you think you are so special, since every build I have done save 2 does require the build to be designed around the pools.

[/ QUOTE ]

NO BUILD should be dependant on pool powers.

Secondaries should do the trick. Pool powers should be neat little additions. And utililities like travel powers. they shouldn't be all to be damned must haves.



Great now tell me again why a blaster would WANT to melee in the first place? Stupidity folks, look it up.

[/ QUOTE ]

I play with many blasters and defenders all over 29 who have their Melee attacks slotted up in many different ways. Putting some of them on Auto-attack is even better. They use them because they are quick, powerful, and low END cost compared to many of their ranged attacks. They are also a hallmark of a great player when used properly. Would you rather instead that Buildup gets Nerfed to the point that it doesn't work well enough with ANYTHING? ...Because that's exactly what will happen if you people FORCE the developers to make a Stealth-Nerf against your AlphaStrikes Vis a Minion HP increase. I don't want to see that either because it already takes my Scrapper and Controller too long as it is to deal with High Level minions... Both of my Avatars are Boss and LT killers, minions are a droll challengeless waste of Endurance for each of them as it is.

[/ QUOTE ]

Dude you are talking nonsense. I'm sorry. You are saying the great blasters are the ones who wade into melee. God, this thread is making me ill. Trolls, the lot of ya.

[/ QUOTE ]not troll. he's the man with the plan for perma debt.


[/ QUOTE ]

Dude we gotta leave this thread alone, it's turned into majority idiots from other ATs who have no clue how blasters are played. I am saddened by the amount of supposed blaster expertise I have witnessed in this thread.



NO BUILD should be dependant on pool powers.

Secondaries should do the trick. Pool powers should be neat little additions. And utililities like travel powers. they shouldn't be all to be damned must haves.

[/ QUOTE ]

And I agree, but that is NOT the reality for the majority of builds. So your refusal to work with the reality of what is ... Sorry, I am at a loss for words hear. What does one say to a person who knows that the sky is blue, yet is determined to act as if it were pink?



Erratic If that is what you want to use as your out then whatever. Doensnt change anything.

In terms of the melee attacks, I dont care toss em and replace em with stuff that is actually good.

On AoE, i still dont see why this is a problem. Blasters fall dead from a gentle breeze. But they can kill a group of mobs with a single massive salvo. I see that as balanced. Ultimate offense and zero defense. You ask me, i think AoEs should be more prevalent not less. Eng, Ice, and Elec should have just as many as Fire and AR do. Ranged AoEs, massive uber pbaoes, and are what a Blaster is all about. Leave the single target dmg to the Scrappers.

But i think what a lot of Blasters are expressing in this thread is that if the Balance of "you can kill lots of mobs real fast but one screwup and you die" isnt good enough, Then taking the "kill lots of mobs real fast" part out is not going to result in Balance. Its going to result in Brokenness.

What do i think? I think that AlphaStriking could be considered a problem. But its not just a problem of AlphaStriking making other classes useless. Its a problem of AlphaStriking being the only way a Blaster can stay alive.



Dude we gotta leave this thread alone, it's turned into majority idiots from other ATs who have no clue how blasters are played. I am saddened by the amount of supposed blaster expertise I have witnessed in this thread.

[/ QUOTE ]

Congrats, you're both Awarded the AssU&Me Badge because I DID take a Blaster up to 44. I've even been PM'd multiple times by people just like you screaming at me not to talk about blasters just because I now prefer to play a different AT.

... Admit that you only know a few ways to play this game and stop jumping anyone who plays it differently than you. That won't solve anything, just like quitting this thread because you're losing the battle of logic and getting frustrated...That won't accomplish much for yourselves because when logic prevails and changes are made, your closed minds will prevent you from staying on top of the gameplay alternatives and you won't know how to play effectively. Doubt me? Just look at any **/Dev blaster these days still spamming Smoke Grenade and then wondering why they die now to huge groups. ...come on back to Mainstream guys, please, we need you.



You said that blasters should wait for a few seconds and let the tanker draw the aggro or let the controller set off some sort of hold for the group, and then blasters could AE? I am only arguing this point because as soon as the blaster uses an area effect power, it undoes the hold that the controller had on the mob. I play a blaster and use these powers infrequently because I would like the mob to remain immobile for as long as possible. Also, as damage dealers, blasters tend to draw more aggro than some of the other classes.



When I say I don't want AOE damage to scale with the HP of mobs, that doesn't mean I think Blasters should then just be left alone. My Fire/Fire would certainly fall by the wayside if there was no response to the dramatic change mob HP increases would have on his playability.

Honestly, nobody that has posted so far has indicated that they think that mob hp increase + no changes to blasters = ok.

I think changes to mobs will have big impact on all AT's. Blasters are just one of many.



Dude we gotta leave this thread alone, it's turned into majority idiots from other ATs who have no clue how blasters are played. I am saddened by the amount of supposed blaster expertise I have witnessed in this thread.

[/ QUOTE ]

Congrats, you're both Awarded the AssU&Me Badge because I DID take a Blaster up to 44. I've even been PM'd multiple times by people just like you screaming at me not to talk about blasters just because I now prefer to play a different AT.

... Admit that you only know a few ways to play this game and stop jumping anyone who plays it differently than you. That won't solve anything, just like quitting this thread because you're losing the battle of logic and getting frustrated...That won't accomplish much for yourselves because when logic prevails and changes are made, your closed minds will prevent you from staying on top of the gameplay alternatives and you won't know how to play effectively. Doubt me? Just look at any **/Dev blaster these days still spamming Smoke Grenade and then wondering why they die now to huge groups. ...come on back to Mainstream guys, please, we need you.

[/ QUOTE ]

Blasters are only given "a few ways" to play this game. Btw, I still have my smoke grenade. Apparently you think it's useless now. But when you told me the hallmark of a great blaster is one who wades into melee, damn man I just can't regard you as an authority on this subject any longer. As far as I'm concerned your point of view is null and void after a statement like that. That might have been pre update 2 buddy, but that crap doesn't cut it in this brave new world of blasters. So great you leveled your 44 Ar/Dev back in the SG godmode days. Want a cookie? You still don't have a clue what high level blasters are facing in the game at this very point in time. Otherwise you wouldn't have made such a stupidly ludicrous statement like "the hallmark of a great blaster is one who wades in and melees". Oh Lord have mercy.