Statesman, issue with your position on blasters




no thanks [censored] hole.

Build like what? Ignore offense and self gimp? There are blasters already doing that. combat jumping, fighting, manuevers, 6 slotted smoke grenade... stealth.... cloaking devices...hover. guess what? you're still flat on your [censored] dead. still stunned and one shotted. Change the way you play? there's absolutely nothing wrong with the way I play. How would you know anyways? Ever team with me? hell no.

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I think you need to calm down, there's no reason to be insulting.

The things you're listing are issues that scrappers have delt with for some time. We, if we wish to solo, often need to partake of power pools and heavily slot our defenses at the expense of offense to survive. My Blaster no longer solos better than my scrapper, but my blaster certainly still dishes out a hell of a lot more damage in a group. Seems like the way the the AT's were meant to be.

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theres also no need for eratdick to be "fixing my statements" That is condescending and insulting. And what you don't understand is that a heavily defensive build becomes pointless to a blaster after a certain point. we're not scrappers.... defensively there is no comparison. our defense is offense and staying out of melee range by all means neccesary. we survive by keeping battles short and sweet. not by lowering ourselves to powder poof offense and praying we don't get hit. i play a scrapper.... They have a hard time of it in the early game... but by the late game they are unstoppable juggernauts. some capable of out tanking a tanker. most capable of out damaging a blaster simply by living longer.

Everyone get's tied up into the anti alpha strike mentality that they forget the risk involved in it.

Theres a reason whay the dev's gave us attacks like that....

Because all we are is damage. If the dev's had wanted to they could have given us lowered offense.... and medium defense. but they gave us high damage and low defense for a reason. "OFFENSIVE JUGGERNAUT." Now everyone seems to want us to do minimal damage while retaining our fragility.

That's pure [censored].



theres also no need for Erratic to be "fixing my statements" That is condescending and insulting, even though he was right on the money.

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There, fixed that for you.

Under construction



IF the purpose was to slow down the Dev blasters from solo they failed miserable. All they did was make it infinitely more boring thus lowering the time their going to get people to stay here in preference to other, now more fun games. With phase shift and trip mines I can take out the same group of even-+1 mobs that I did before...sure takes a bit longer but still taking them out just the same.



IF the purpose was to slow down the Dev blasters from solo they failed miserable. All they did was make it infinitely more boring thus lowering the time their going to get people to stay here in preference to other, now more fun games. With phase shift and trip mines I can take out the same group of even-+1 mobs that I did before...sure takes a bit longer but still taking them out just the same.

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Sneaky *******....

Of course you know what this means?




Statesman, I've noticed that you've been talking about making mobs tougher (although increasing their xp), and also making changes (making them weaker, I am assuming) to blaster AOEs, all because you believe that the game post 30 is too easy.

Is this the correct way to fix the issue at large? Making mobs tougher and making our AOE weaker will only make our job as blasters more tough. Some will call it challenging, but I don't see it as challenging in a fun way, rather more frustrating to gain xp. This is especially true since most of our attacks rely heavily on alpha strike. We really can't survive long term engagements. You must know this, yet you seem set on this course.

The larger issue - making the game more challenging post 30 - cannot be solved by making the same mobs that we've been fighting all this time suddenly tougher. In fact, even though I like what you did with update 2, introducing different types of mobs is only a short term solution. People will soon get bored with doing the same thing over and over again. Instead, if you want to make the game challenging, you should really focus on pvp and SG-specific issues like HQs.

ANy way, this is my 2 cents. This is not intended as a whine.. just a concern from a dedicated blaster who hopes to see the game grow into a more enjoyable form

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The fights after L25 are simply to short. This will most certainly be changed, and a side effect will be solo AoE blasting will all but disappear because you can’t have alpha strike AoE kills and longer fights. The two are mutually exclusive. Blaster soloing should never have been about alpha strike AoE’s to begin with, so removing it from the game is not a big problem.

The simple fact is, three whole AT’s, and even a large part of the blaster AT, become pointless if you can kill stuff with alpha strike AoE’s. The devs would be irresponsible to keep this in the game so people using two primary sets won’t have their feeling hurt.

BTW, you will likely see a few other things removed as well. Tanks that can survive +7 level mobs without a healer will likely be gone, as will tanks and scrappers that can survive in crowds of hundreds of mobs.



theres also no need for Erratic to be "fixing my statements" That is condescending and insulting, even though he was right on the money.

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There, fixed that for you.

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Deliberately misquoting people is a highly reprehensible activity that will get you labeled, correctly I might add, as a troll in most internet forums. If you are interested in real discussion you should avoid it, because it will cause people to completely disregard anything you may say, and rightly so.



Come on, could we keep this civil?



theres also no need for eratdick to be "fixing my statements" That is condescending and insulting.

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Agreed. But you come off poorly when you resort to stuff like eratdick. Just tell him he's being condescending.

And what you don't understand is that a heavily defensive build becomes pointless to a blaster after a certain point. we're not scrappers.... defensively there is no comparison. our defense is offense

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I understand quite well that the best defense is offense.

we survive by keeping battles short and sweet. not by lowering ourselves to powder poof offense and praying we don't get hit.

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Right, you'd have to be a MA/SR scrapper pre-patch for that to be true. Listen, god forbid you need to do intelligent slotting like the ENTIRE scrapper AT has had to do to not be gimp. I'm not debating that a well made scrapper is awesome, but it's certainly been true for a long time that it was easier to make an ok blaster than scrapper. And harder to gimp a blaster than a scrapper. Most good scrappers don't take more than 5 powers from their primary because they need to 6-slot PP and their secondary so heavily. If you wish to solo like a scrapper, you might need to do the same thing. If you wish to team (where my blaster still completely owns my scrapper for damage, over time or anyway you'd slice it) you probably don't need to be as particular.

but by the late game they are unstoppable juggernauts. some capable of out tanking a tanker. most capable of out damaging a blaster simply by living longer.

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Post 40 scrappers get much better. Post 40 defense matters so little that scrappers can tank as much as is needed. I'd hesitate to call them unstoppable though. Just last night I saw my friend grouping with 4 other 41-45 blasters in PI. They absolutely chewed through mobs before anything could happen to them.

Because all we are is damage. If the dev's had wanted to they could have given us lowered offense.... and medium defense. but they gave us high damage and low defense for a reason. "OFFENSIVE JUGGERNAUT." Now everyone seems to want us to do minimal damage while retaining our fragility.

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Minimum damage? Where did the devs say they're reducing Blaster damage?



My main question is in regards to how you are hunting or doing missions. Are you Teaming...or are you trying to take on 10-15 +1 MoBs?

Having made my build...and respec'ing it...i have always centered around the idea that a game of this caliber is made for grps of individuals to work together in...thats why there are multiple AT's..each one fills in the weakness's of another.

I am not trying to say this is HOW you play the game...i am a firm believer in "to each his own" but...and this is especially true after the update2...the days of alpha strike blasters has sadly come to an end.

For alt is a lvl26AR/Dev blaster...i respec'd her to have almost all AoE attacks...she was my solo'in blaster and though the xp gain was nice....i personally found solo'n boring...anyways after the respec i went to DA and with a six slotted flamethrower...SG...Stealth....CloakingDevice....2 slot M30....and Buckshot.....I was creamed by 10 even con Banished Pantheon....I didnt even have time to turn on my Phase Shift it happended so a result....I have stopped playing as my AR blaster....btw Flame is was 2 slotted and so on and so respec build was an alpha strike AoE build....i expected to get hit once or twice....however...BAM im dead.

It's a good thing it happened too...I much prefer to team up...but I do miss my multiple MoB xp gain now and then and hope the devs do change their opinions on a few issues concerning blasters...till then i'll keep on teamin with my SG mates and keep on blasting anything that moves.



Aren't you supposed to get creamed by 10 even cons all aggroed at once? I think at 26 it works that way for almost every archetype.



Hate to burst your bubble, fei...... but "intelligent slotting?" slotting what? If you mean attacks there is only one optimal scheme. Damage, and lot of it. Yeah spare a slot for accuracy...... but post stamina that's it. You max damage on everything else. And if the attack has an inherent accuracy factor you forgo that too. just pure damage.... You get hasten to wipe out the need for recharger... and replace that with sweet, sweet damage. Why? because as a blaster optimal damage out put is a must. do you see invincible tankers and scrappers slotting for accuracy or endurance post invincitbility and stamina? hell no. Because they know what I know. the more damage the better. Back to defense. A non dev blaster has only a few defensive options open to him... all of them in the form of pool powers. Of which you can only have 4. Fitness is a given... show me a post thirty build without stamina and I'll show you a broken toon. 6 slotting stamina is a huge investment. Next travel.... A MUST. 2 pools down.... if you slot combat jumping or hover that's 6 more slots toasted. If you took super speed then sadly you're going to need verticality. that means 2 travel powers. The best defense for blasters is tough weave.... 3 powers used to get weave and possibly
12 slots gone.

A non dev blaster built for defense would need


he'd lose 8 powers for that, and possibly 36 slots. so he could reach an awesome 36% defense bonus against even conned minions.... that he won't be able to kill having screwed up his offensive punch.... and endurance trying to run all those toggles and fight.

Personally I'll stick to inspirations.



Aren't you supposed to get creamed by 10 even cons all aggroed at once? I think at 26 it works that way for almost every archetype.

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A tanker can go to sleep while 10 +2minions are beating on him....

A scrapper would skewer 10 +2 minions.

A controller with pets can destroy +2 minions with one hold and a swarm of pets.

and no one cares. it's all good. light one thunderous blast under said minions and suddenly everyone has a problem.



theres also no need for Erratic to be "fixing my statements" That is condescending and insulting, even though he was right on the money.

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There, fixed that for you.

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Deliberately misquoting people is a highly reprehensible activity that will get you labeled, correctly I might add, as a troll in most internet forums.

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When I clearly indicate "fixed that" then it isn't misquoting, and indeed the bolded sections indicate what was fixed.

Call it a shorthand way of putting my differences with what is being said up while noting where I differ with what the original poster is saying.

Under construction



Come on, could we keep this civil?

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I've been quite civil, unlike the name calling and accusation of misquoting some have been tossing about.

Under construction



Aren't you supposed to get creamed by 10 even cons all aggroed at once? I think at 26 it works that way for almost every archetype.

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A tanker can go to sleep while 10 +2minions are beating on him....

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And also takes a small eternity to drop anything by himself, unlike say a Blaster.

A scrapper would skewer 10 +2 minions.

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And risk being skewered in turn by melee attacks, which hit far harder than do NPC ranged attacks.

A controller with pets can destroy +2 minions with one hold and a swarm of pets.

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Again, takes time and comes with risks.

and no one cares. it's all good. light one thunderous blast under said minions and suddenly everyone has a problem.

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More like casually run from spawn to spawn faster than any of the above ATs with Flamethrower and Full Auto and people take notice. Though I admit that with perma-Hasten and a level 32 power more typical of Blasters than Full Auto that quite a bit can suddenly find itself dead on a pretty regular basis.

There is a reason, oddly enough ignored by you, that there are a sea of level 50 Blasters in comparison to what else has made it to 50.

Under construction



3 points

1. A scrapper has FAR less a risk of being "skewered" then a blaster. It really tickles me when your friendly neighborhood regen scrapper who is practically invicible to the same groups that cut a blaster in half in a matter of seconds tries to say that he takes such great risks.

2. Controller same. I see Fire Controllers barreling through group after group without breaking a sweat. Fire Controller soloing is neither time consuming nor dangerous.

3. Device blasters can still solo without smoke grenade. Not quite at Scrapper level safety (and yes Smoke Grenade provided nothing more then the level of Protection that an SR scrapper enjoys) but still good.




And also takes a small eternity to drop anything by himself, unlike say a Blaster.

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Not with the right choices in powers. Whirring hands will make short work of 10 +2 minions. For that matter grab 90 more then jump in a dumpster and start spamming an AoE and all 100 will die pretty fast.


And risk being skewered in turn by melee attacks

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10 +2 minions pose no threat to a well built scrapper.


And risk being skewered in turn by melee attacks

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Against 10 2+ minions? I can guarantee you that my fire controller will go through groups like this like crazy with no risk to me whatsoever. The only problem is finding enough of them to satisfy my apatite. If I can find a second group I will likely have that dead before a blaster using TB is even up and hunting again after willing the first one.


There is a reason, oddly enough ignored by you, that there are a sea of level 50 Blasters in comparison to what else has made it to 50.

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If we discount people who were PL’d I know more controllers, tanks and scrappers then blasters.



Now here is an complete idiot in his natural habitat


Congrats Erratic, you win the complete Noob award for a complete stupid comment that basically says.. "change your tactics"

Good for you.. Hey next time tell them to go after mobs of 1 to 3 .. (even though you may run around and hour to find one)

Or better yet (giggle) tell them to team..


your an AOE Blaster.. instead of running up and using AOEs.. you should use.. .. uh....wait.. uh.. brawl?



WHAT!!!! NO WAY....I have rolled many blaster AT' the update i could roast 10-15 1+ MoBs with just my blaster 6slotted flamethrower...

I got to lvl16 with a fire/dev blaster before i realized i wasnt having fun...again my tastes.....two words......firebreath...fireball....

hooowheee....not tryin to be uncivil...but plz know what ur talkin bout before you try to make me sound like an idiot....and fyi WE ARE SUPER HEROES....could you imagine Superman being killed by 10 thugs on the street?????



1. A scrapper has FAR less a risk of eing "skewered" then a blaster.

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A Scrapper is going straight into the spawn himself. He generally doesn't get to attempt to snipe one who has wandered away from the group for an easy kill and reduction in the size of the spawn. Everything will be turning to face him immediately. Scrappers are also notoriously poor at ranged AT attacks so even the AE attacks they get are delivered up close and personal. Nobody is saying that a Blaster won't be slaughtered if he tries to run up into melee with a spawn, but a Blaster doesn't operate that way anyway, a Scrapper does and that means it entails risks that the Blaster isn't taking.

2. Controller same. I see Fire Controllers barreling through group after group without breaking a sweat. Fire Controller soloing is neither time consuming nor dangerous.

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Seen one doing so after the update? I tend to agree that they have a level of safety that Blasters don't have, but on the other hand pets can get into their own routines that are sometimes not beneficial to the Controller, say when they are fixating on something while another thing is laying a hurting on their master. In any event, Fire Imps don't kill as quickly as before, generally doing about half the damage they used to do and that translates into roughly twice as long for a Controller to get a kill and twice as long for something to go wrong.

3. Device blasters can still solo without smoke grenade. Not quite at Scrapper level safety (and yes Smoke Grenade provided nothing more then the level of Protection that an SR scrapper enjoys) but still good.

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One day running to the tram in IP I heard gunfire and turned to see if I was being fired on. Nope, was some single guy who had drawn the wrath of the 5th Column. Checking him out it turned out to be a Blaster of the same level as my Scrapper. I figured the guy was about to be in serious trouble, and then I noticed that he was at full health and remained there. Then I thought he must have someone healing him, but looking revealed no such help. At that point my brain turned on as I noticed the dark cloud around each of the 5th. He was untouched against mobs that, yes my Defender would have taken down, but he wouldn't have done so without a scratch. Sorry, I can't call that about the same level of protection.

Under construction



Now here is an complete idiot in his natural habitat


Congrats Erratic, you win the complete Noob award for a complete stupid comment that basically says.. "change your tactics"

Good for you.. Hey next time tell them to go after mobs of 1 to 3 .. (even though you may run around and hour to find one)

Or better yet (giggle) tell them to team..


your an AOE Blaster.. instead of running up and using AOEs.. you should use.. .. uh....wait.. uh.. brawl?

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People will leap on me for what I write, but at least what I write has some bearing to the topic. I'll take such rants as indications that I've upset morons who evidently just want to cry and can't back up their wailing with anything substantive.

Do yourself a favor and put your brain dead self six feet under before the stench gets any worse.

Under construction



WHAT!!!! NO WAY....I have rolled many blaster AT' the update i could roast 10-15 1+ MoBs with just my blaster 6slotted flamethrower...

I got to lvl16 with a fire/dev blaster before i realized i wasnt having fun...again my tastes.....two words......firebreath...fireball....

hooowheee....not tryin to be uncivil...but plz know what ur talkin bout before you try to make me sound like an idiot....and fyi WE ARE SUPER HEROES....could you imagine Superman being killed by 10 thugs on the street?????

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If he did erratdork would be standing there saying "it wasn't the krypronite in their clubs... you need to change your tactics.




And also takes a small eternity to drop anything by himself, unlike say a Blaster.

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Not with the right choices in powers. Whirring hands will make short work of 10 +2 minions. For that matter grab 90 more then jump in a dumpster and start spamming an AoE and all 100 will die pretty fast.

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I'm not sure how quick the work will be using an Activation 3, Recharge 14, moderate damage (for a Tanker) power. Regularly when I play I get to take potshots at things the Tankers in the group are still wrestling with on my Defender or I get to leap over and go to town on them with my Scrapper. That doesn't happen to the Blasters in the group short of them literally having just started working on something.


And risk being skewered in turn by melee attacks

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10 +2 minions pose no threat to a well built scrapper.

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Depends on the minions really and what weaknesses the scrapper has. Sappers are nasty to everyone, and Daughter of Artemis. . .while not great dangers immediately can really build to some life threatening conclusions.


And risk being skewered in turn by melee attacks

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Against 10 2+ minions? I can guarantee you that my fire controller will go through groups like this like crazy with no risk to me whatsoever. The only problem is finding enough of them to satisfy my apatite. If I can find a second group I will likely have that dead before a blaster using TB is even up and hunting again after willing the first one.

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At the rate this is going, everyone else is immune to +2 level minions. Is this what you're saying? That I don't witness people dying to various things on a nightly basis? Last I looked a Controller remained quite vulnerable to status effects and still had attacks that could miss their targets. Of course one or two missed mobs doesn't mean instant death, but the door opens at that point to the possibility of all sorts of negative consequences.


There is a reason, oddly enough ignored by you, that there are a sea of level 50 Blasters in comparison to what else has made it to 50.

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If we discount people who were PL’d I know more controllers, tanks and scrappers then blasters.

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It is odd that PL'ing should favor one AT over all the others, but I do know what I see more of when 50s go by, at least on Justice.

Under construction




Well if blasters are meant to stay out of melee, why do we have so damn many melee range attacks, I can name 10 right off the top of my head.

energy has at least 4
fire has 2, and flame breath is damn close range
AR has buckshot, and flamethrower
etc etc.

I was fighting freakshow tanks last night, had one charging me so i hit slug, he is outta range but coming forward, slug activates and the tank is damn near on top of me now i kite just as he gets to melee, luckily i got away in time with SS.
Now I was lucky, usually they get a swipe and remove 90% of my health.

If blaster are meant to stay out of melee, give us more range with our attacks. Also as far as avoiding said groups well when you do missions like I do, and it say kill 30 freakshows in terra, my mob size choices are limited to groups that are 10 in size.



WHAT!!!! NO WAY....I have rolled many blaster AT' the update i could roast 10-15 1+ MoBs with just my blaster 6slotted flamethrower...

I got to lvl16 with a fire/dev blaster before i realized i wasnt having fun...again my tastes.....two words......firebreath...fireball....

hooowheee....not tryin to be uncivil...but plz know what ur talkin bout before you try to make me sound like an idiot....and fyi WE ARE SUPER HEROES....could you imagine Superman being killed by 10 thugs on the street?????

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If he did erratdork would be standing there saying "it wasn't the krypronite in their clubs... you need to change your tactics.?

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Hotairus still wagging his tongue?

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