Cape Mission Tips (Spoilers, from Training Room)




I thought it might be helpful to have a post detailing the contents of the cape mission series, since some of it is a little unconventional, and, for some builds, downright difficult. Here is what I found on my quest for a cape.

Step 1: Visit the city representative in City Hall in Atlas Park. She is your contact for the missions. If you are over 30, the first mission she offers you unlocks the auras. I assume that, if you are between 20 and 30, she just offers the cape mission. She tells you to talk to people who were touched by Hero 1.

Step 2: You now visit three NPCs in succession. For me, they were in King's Row, Skyway City, and Independence Port. This is very straightforward-- Just follow your waypoints and read their stories. When you finish, return to the city representative.

Step 3: Now comes the tricky part. The city representative asks you to go see a time capsule left behind by the Omega Team. You will get a mission that assigns you to defeat all the villains in the area, and protect the capsule.

The "Protect the capsule" part is the twist. You can do the first two floors normally, but on the third level of the mission, the Ritki will begin to attack the capsule as soon as you encounter them. Watch for them to say something like, "Destroy the capsule!"

You will need to keep them from destroying the capsule by killing them first. To make matters more difficult, they will open a portal in the room and port more Ritki in.

Clearly, this will be rough on a slow-killing build. So, my first reccomendation is that non-solo friendly builds group up for this mission.

My second reccomendation is not to make the group too big, so that the number of Ritki doesn't get too high to control. With a full team, they could do significant damage to the capsule with their alpha strike before you could lock them all down. Two or three should be good.

If you have a tanker or scrapper in the group, it will be helpful for them to try to grab aggro from as many Ritki as possible before beginning to killing them. The Ritki aren't that focused on the capsule, and it will help greatly if you can limit the damage it takes.

Then, concentrate on taking down the portal. Once it's down, you're ready to mop up the remaining Ritki.

With my Katana/Regen Scrapper, I had a few tense moments, but got through by myself without too much trouble.

Once the mission is over, return to the city representative. You will get a yellow message saying, "Capes Available," and can now go to Icon and pick one out.

That's my experience with the mission. I found it exciting to have a new sort of goal, and a mission that presented more challenge than usual, but I didn't want people to be taken by surprise by the new objective.

If anyone wants to add their thoughts, or post a walkthrough for what happens if you fail this mission, please feel free.



The type of enemy depends on your level. At 29, I fought Lost - who don't open a portal as far as I can tell, but Anathema psychic blasts are QUITE annoying.



For lower level guys, grab a high level char with an aoe skill, and you should be able to mop up the entire mission Very quickly.

I hired a level 40 claw scrapper. Finished off the mission in about 5 minutes (was a level 20 or so enemies.).



This is outdated I believe. I just did the mish and there was no 3 rd floor. 4 of us lvl 20 and below took it out very quick



The map is random, so you might have a 3rd floor, you might not. You might even have two 3rd floors I've done it with the capsule in the middle of the room, other times its been behind a door.

You just have to be careful while going through all the time, and make sure you keep an eye out for the capsule while going through the mission.



Aha, random maps and enemies... That could explain why I soloed it easily on the test server with a level 20 fire/ice blaster. I expected it to be really tough but I only found Mutates and Anathemas in a two level bunker. They never even really attacked the capsule that was just sitting on one side of the room... Oh well, time to try it on a live server!

"If the cause is just, it would not matter if there were a million and one foes." - Gishin Funakoshi



I'm level 21. I've just tried to get the cape mission from my city hall rep, but he tells me he hasn't got anything from me.

Do you have to be specifically level 20 to get the mission? Anyone else had problems with this?



Any level past 20 is fine to unlock the cape mission....BUT you have to have an empty mission slot available. If you already have 3 missions in your que (including completed missions but haven't talked to the contact for them yet) then you cannot get the cape mission.

Clear up a mission slot (can only have 3 at any time) and then talk to the city rep. You should be good to go then.

And the first contact was in Galaxy City near the Tram for the 8 times I've done this mission. Anyone else had differently?

I've already forgotten about most of you



The contacts leading up to the mission are always in the same place, but the actual mission location is not. I've seen Talos and Perez, and I'm sure there's more locations it can show up at.



I used Ice Slick and Freezing Rain around the capsule. This kept it nice and safe from all those that would want to do it harm. I also used Gail for extra measure. There were too of us, Fire / Fire Tank and myself, Ice / Storm Controller. We finished in about 10 minutes. We had Lost at lvl 20.

Demonfest - 50 - Demon / Thermal Mastermind
Covered Shadow - 50 - Dark Melee / Shield Scrapper



Cheesey tactic #1-Recruit one(or more) high level (at least 5 levels higher than you) damage dealer to basically do it for you. Not fun in the least, but if you've failed it 3 times in a row, you may be frustrated enough to go this route.
Pros : Almost a guaranteed success. As long as the highbie has any clue of how to do it, they shouldn't have any problem locating the capsule and dispatching the bad guys in the immediate area, and then clearing the rest of the mission.

Cons : Some people in the 30+ levels have an inflated sense of self-importance and may charge for their services or even flat out refuse. They may also ridicule you for even asking. It's just one mission and can be very difficult for certain archetypes and builds.

Cheesey tactic #2-Get the time capsule mission, enter the mission to set the number of bad guys, then recruit help, thus increasing your firepower without increasing the amount of opposition. Reduced for reduced reward, not an entirely bad way to go about it. This can also be combined with cheesey tactic 1 for compound cheesiness.
Pros :Just adding one person after the mission start is like dialing down the difficulty by half a notch. As long as they're still close to you in level, they will still face the same basic threat from the bad guys, there just won't be quite as many bad guys to face. You will still gain some experience.
Cons : In the past there have been bugs where the attackers began assaulting the the time capsule immediately after the mission was started. IE: 2 minutes into the first room when you are nowhere near the capsule you'd get kicked with a mission failure announcement. This method increases your susceptability to this type of bug. While this bug was fixed some time ago, it keeps rearing it's head in similar tped missions. And considering the amount of regressive bugs that popped up in issue 3 this method should always be undertaken with these facts in mind. Nothing is guaranteeed.

General Strategies-Whether you've chosen to use the cheesey tactics above or just want to go at it the way the devs intended, here are some things to think about when attempting it and/or recruiting assistance. One of my favorite rules of combat and it's quickly becoming my mantra is "knockback has some very good uses; an enemy on it's back is an enemy that can't attack you." Meditate on this. Headsplitter, force bolt, the battle axe powerset, shockwave, air superiority, Energy Blasters in their entirety are all granted increased usefullness on this mission.

In all my attempts on this mission (at least 6 successful and 1 failure, maybe more of each) I have never been killed. Well, ok, on one successful one, but that was a fluke on both counts. Drawing aggro to yourself to keep it off the capsule can be a good way of managing things. I shouldn't have to tell tanks to taunt but for some reason there are a lot of scrappers who don't take confront (taunt's new name) or just don't use it. In protect missions like this (and also the terra volta trial, the war wall badge mission, etc.) managing aggro is not a bad way to achieve your objective of keeping the enemy from destroying the target. The best way of course being to reduce their hit points to zero as fast as possible thus preventing them from doing anything. Holds and sleeps from conrollers should again be a no brainer, so let me just re-emphasize that point.

Debatable powers. There are some powers out htere that have situational uses. Some people say these powers suck. I say these people are not very creative or imaginitive. Maybe even just plain ignorant. These powers include Spectral Terror (Illusion control), never a bad power in the latest update it was made even better, slap it down right on top of the capsule and none of the bad guys will want to go near it, no tto mention the new tremble in fear effect. Force bubble for Force Field controllers, turn it on, stand next to the casule and minimize the potential damage it can take. Last I heard you could also put deflection and insulation shield as well as pretty much any other buff on the capsule as well. Repel/Repulsion field/repulsion bomb. Kinetics/FF/FF respectively. Similar to force bubble, accept that anything that closes to melee range is then subjected to knockback, and all the rules that that entails. Unfortunately, once knocked back, they can still use ranged attacks on the capsule. Those are all of my thoughts at the moment, I may add more later.



Cheesy Tactic #2 no longer works as mob sizes now scale up when you go up an elevator/leave the immediate area where you were when you added more people.



Cheesy Tactic #2 no longer works as mob sizes now scale up when you go up an elevator/leave the immediate area where you were when you added more people.

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Hmmm... that does make it a lot more difficult as well as risky to try, but its' still possible. Go through the first floor (or two) solo until you figure out where the capsule is. Begin recruiting while taking great care not to aggro the bad guys. With the enhanced seek team feature this is still possible "/t $target, I'm having trouble with the last room of my cape mission can you come help?". They've made it quite abit more challenging, but not entirely impossible. Powers that have stealth/invisibility components can make this easier. Just makes CT #1 tha tmuch more attractive.



OK, I ran the cape mission on a live server with my level 20 MA/SR scrapper partnered with a level 21 Ill/Emp controller. The contacts were in GC, Skyway and IP (the IP contact was a looooong run from the train). The capsule mission was in a corner of PP near the Boneyard.

It was a two level bunker with level 20 to 22 Lost, mostly Mutates with a few Anathemas. None of them even attempted to hit the capsule so the mission was a breeze.

I'm sure that the mission must scale up according to the size of the group but is it this easy for everyone? Heck, I would suggest soloing or duoing this mission if you are level 20 or so as it seems to scale down.

"If the cause is just, it would not matter if there were a million and one foes." - Gishin Funakoshi



I'm level 21. I've just tried to get the cape mission from my city hall rep, but he tells me he hasn't got anything from me.

Do you have to be specifically level 20 to get the mission? Anyone else had problems with this?

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You have to see the city hall rep in Atlas Park. Its a she not a he so you must be talking to the wrong contact.



My experience with the cape mission was almost the same as Kime_Waza's. There were many mutates with a few annoying Anethemas, but nothing was too hard. The capsule was behind a wall and I didn't even notice it until I had already finished the mission. Nothing had even tried to attack it.



IMHO when it comes to this mission it boils down to one thing: Aggro. The mobs near the capsule do not start attacking until they're aware of your presence. So that means as long as you've any form of stealth, you can thin out the room at your own pace, provided you can handle a single spawn of 2-3 even level mobs yourself. Just keep in mind that mobs of different spawns do not alert each other of a hero's presence.



I dont know if it was suppose to happen but here is what happened to me.
Did the three contacts, went to the mission. No mass amounts of mobs, about 10-15 guys just standing around, easy kills. Mission complete, got cape
Was it suppose to be that easy?



it's not always that easy.. my scrapper had no problems, but my emp/elec def died 3 times trying to do it (mind you that was within 3 days of when it started), finally some lvl 45 scrapper assisted me ( read killed everything for me!). and as you can see from my sig, i havent gotten anyone else over 19 so... *sigh* soo many alts soo little time... ALMOST make me want to give into the darkside and PL a few of them



I've done this mish multiple times for other people (soloed easily for my own)...

If you have 8 people, especially if they have upped their reputation at all, it can be a bit difficult, just because of Pariah and Anathema spawn #s and the statuses they can cause.

"A good Defender is the battle hardened Corpsman who will kill a Nazi with a tongue depressor while putting a splint on your leg, then hand you a fresh clip of ammo." ~Jock_Thompson
Repeat Offenders, TNT Profile, My little hero



The mission has always had the same layout every time I (or someone in my sg) has done the mission.
there are a lot of scrappers who don't take confront (taunt's new name) or just don't use it

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Perhaps because most scrappers can't take more than a few hits from +1/+2 guys without dying? Especially regen scrappers. Pulling a group of guys onto yourself, as a scrapper, is a quick fast way of committing suicide.

Taunt is only useful if you have gobs of hitpoints or some great armour or something like that. All of which, scrappers don't really have.



I am wondering about the cape mission. I know that before i have to fight everyone, I have to talk to the contacts. My question is should i talk to the contacts first and then recruit a team to fight with? Or should I just recruit a team to come with me to the contacts and to fight?


50- Fire Kinnnnn (Fire/Kin Controller)
50- Shielded Deity (Elec/Shield Scrapper)
50- Doomaster (Invuln/Fire Tanker)

50- Farm (SS/SD Brute)




Welcome to the forums. It shouldnt matter, I have done it both ways. Most of the time, I will solo it though. Depends on your comfort with that. If you do want a team, it might be easer to get a team going after you have done the legwork so they dont have to wait.

Badging in a PvP zone?

If you are treasure hunting on a battlefield wearing an enemy uniform, there is a high probability that you will be attacked.

This is an enjoy-the-ride game. "50" is only a number, not the goal of the game. - Noxilicious