Send Us Your Fan Art & Fiction!




Heroic Scribes Wanted!

Time to dust off your trusty word processor and spin a heroic tale of fan fiction for possible posting or publication in a future community project (including web and comic book). What we want to see is a story that chronicles your hero’s or team’s (in-game or original characters) villain-busting adventures. Be as creative as you want, but keep it at least PG-rated. Doc or .txt format preferred. 1000-1500 words max, please! Special word limit consideration (within reason) will be given to exceptional work to be posted on the website. Please send all submissions to Heroic Fiction, with the subject heading Fan Fiction Submission. The by-line can be your real name or a character name (or both).

Heroes of Art!

We aren’t leaving you artists out of the fun either, so here’s the deal. Send us your best City of Heroes-inspired artwork. Any original medium is acceptable (pen & ink, digital, oils, etc.) as long as you keep it on a family-friendly level. Do not send us nudity or other objectionable images. Let us know if you want credit under your real name or a character name. Selected artwork will appear in a future City of Heroes community project (including site gallery or comic book). Images should be in JPG format. The full image should be between 100 x 100 and 2000 x 2000 pixels and be less than 380KB in size. We may also ask for a higher resolution (300dpi) image in .tiff format – so make sure you save a high resolution version of your submission! Please send submissions to Heroic Art with the subject heading Fan Art Submission.

If you have any questions regarding these submissions, please drop a note to CoH Submissions.

We are looking forward to seeing your stories and art!



Request to have the Stories 2000 words please.



A bit of a clarification... there's no deadline since the art and fiction is for on-going projects. The 1000 word limit for stories is pretty firm, however we will consider longer pieces for exceptional work.



If your fan art has been previously accepted, can you submit additional work. Or should we let other folks have a shot?



Will work in the previous origins forum be used or should that be submitted again. Particularly Nightrunner, Solo, and Labeu's.



It should also be noted that the Devs have limited all artwork to the use of only five colors, no backgrounds, and only one subject for the drawing.

.. seems pretty silly, right? Well, that's what they're pretty much doing to the writers. I could see 10,000 words, or maybe even 5,000.. But 1,000? That's barely a page. I know a picture is worth a thousand words, but a thousand words aren't often worth a picture. Especially if you want us to write something on par with a good comic storyline.

So, how are the writers supposed to do anything really good when the 1,000 word limit barely fills a page? I know you're busy, and art is much easier to judge than writing.. But I'd almost rather see there be no writing category if we're going to be so limited. Last game I was in that had this, they treated writing with such disrespect and totally ruined the category for anyone that actually cared for it.

So, I'd really like to see this issue addressed.



Count yourself lucky. I could write something or make a great picture and never even know if my work was used since so many people dont get the comic.



So, how are the writers supposed to do anything really good when the 1,000 word limit barely fills a page?

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Poetry is fine.



You may submit again.



So, how are the writers supposed to do anything really good when the 1,000 word limit barely fills a page?

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[/ QUOTE ]

Heh. Kind of screws over those of us who suck at it, right? ::

Eh, it's not a super big deal. I just figure that a lot of people won't even bother with it if they know the limit is so small. Now, I know you could say, "Well, this just means the really good writers will come out ahead, 'cause they'll be able to get everything they need to in that short little thing." But eh.

Maybe if they gave us a few more limitations on what it is? I mean, if they want poetry or just little blurbs, then say so. But if you want people to put their heart into it, like so many artists do for their artwork, you need to give people a little more wiggle room.

EDIT: Man, I should check my private messages more often. I won't repeat the contents, but what was said really made me smile and appreciate the work everyone involved with this game is doing. Hats off, devs.



Artists who do put their heart into their work learn one lesson early on, less is more. That, and how to take criticism.



Can't believe I didn't see this before... Will get to work on something ASAP




1000 words would be more a Vignette.
Hard to meet the grammar and style requirements for a story in 1000 words.



So is this fan-art submission still available? I had tried to send one via the provided e-mail address, but recieved an undeliverable mail message from PlayNC saying that the user was unknown on the mail server.



Thank you, powers that be, for putting my girlfriend's fan art up!

I absolutely love that pic she made of her dark scrapper (Taeliac)!



Just a curiosity, I see the fan art is put in a section of the main page. What happens to the fan fiction?

Players' Choice Awards: Best Dual-Origin Level Range Arc!

It's a new era, the era of the Mission Architect. Can you save the Universe from...

The Invasion of the Bikini-clad Samurai Vampiresses from Outer Space? - Arc ID 61013



Here is something i made i think you should look at this is sumthing that would be...hung up on a refridgerator? this after worked for william hung.

[/ QUOTE ]

lol... I nearly fell out of my chair..



Heres my main char Tribal Steel with some primative color

enjoy, e-mail me with a screen of your char and shoudl be able to draw them for you my e-mail is



thanks glad you like it



Heh.. Submitted mine before I saw the word count restriction. Ahh well



theres a word restricition oops... hope I didnt break the rules