Send Us Your Fan Art & Fiction!




these people dont know good art when they see it....sigh everyone should look at my masterpeice...yo lazy to get the link so just hit page 2 in this thread wait a minute in the time it took me to write that i could have had that link on damn im bad at this



I tried to submit it via the e-mail listed, but Firebird said that it isnt in the list of blah blah. (Outlook just doesnt send it...) If by some fluke I get this lass in the fanart section could her name be written "C O N D U I T" if it's possible as it's part of her story. ( SUBMITTED BY: MacDaddyTatsu

Thank you for looking over my girl. Have a good one!



Ok There is no Fan Fiction in this Thread so you know what here it goes:
The Origin Of EagleEye-Part 1-

Dr. Garret Park, a researcher at the AORC(Advanced Optical Research Center) was currently working on a project to enhance the human eye to see more than its maximum potential. After six months of hard work Dr.Park was nearing the testing phase. His explanation on how it worked was that he would gather Kremnite Crystals for the source of the laser, Kremnite Dr.Park explained is how he would make the eye see past its potential. Kremnite has Carmintion Carbons that when touching the eye it makes your brain send signals to your eye to make it see ten times of what it already sees. What Dr.Park explains is Kremnite only contains a small amount of Carmintion Carbons so he can reconstruct the eye structure how he thinks what increases your vision but is safe. The only problem with his project is that no one will be test subject so Dr.Park's only choice was to do it on himself. To make sure his project would be 100% successful is he would have to spend at least a month programing a mechanical arm to do all the operating for him. So after a month and a half he was finished programming and ready to test. So he laid down exactly according to where the arm would operate when he was set he pressed enter on the keyboard he was holding to initiate the process, all was going well, and Dr.Park tryed hard to hold in his exctiment. Until the laser moved to his other eye it didnt turn off when moving to the other eye and Dr.Park felt extreme pain and his skin started to feel extremely hot and he blacked out and fell to the floor. When he woke up he remebered what happend, and when he opened his left, he could see his lab like he was holding a microscope and looking at it, but when he opened his right eye he couldnt see anything. Dr.Park paniced and when he looked at the mirror he saw that his skin had turned the color of the Karlamite and his all around the left eye his skin was burnt, cut and muscle tissue was showing, so he quickly bandaged all around his left eye and put a plate around the bandaging. Dr.Park after many hours of thinking about his condition, came to the conclusion since he couldnt use his eye for science anymore, he thought it would be better if he used it for the good of Paragon City. So he tracked down a superhero by the name of the Statezman, and he told him his conditon, and the Statezman trained Dr.Park to use his powers to his potential. Then Dr.Park learned how to use a multi-purpose assult rifle, then he would help the SuperHeros with any evil doers who caused trouble in Paragon. About three years later was the Rikti war, and Dr.Park fought in it with the other SuperHeros. After the war the Statezman thanked Dr.Park for his help and told him to now watch after the city with all the other heros and told Dr.Park that his SuperHero name would be EagleEye because of the potential of his left eye.
So thats part one of EagleEyes story hope you liked it and by the way that is my Hero i use for COH, right now hes Lvl 13 Science Blaster.



The Origin of EagleEye-Part-2-
The Hellion/The Lost Column War
About three days after being sent to Atlas Park, EagleEye went to go talk to the security chief. The Security Chief said that he heard rumors of a war between the Hellion and a small army of The Fifth Column and The Lost that was going to start, so the Security chief wanted EagleEye to patrol three of the suspected locations as soon as possible.

So EagleEye instantly flew away to the first location an abandoned Apartment, he investigated ,but without violence. He saw no trace of the Fifth Column or The Lost so he moved on to the next location. While flying to the next location, he saw a couple of Fifth Column gang members being finished off, too late. So EagleEye moved to the last location where he saw thirteen cars pull up and a whole lot of Fifth Column and The Lost. While flying EagleEye shot ten M-30 Grenades down at the cars most of the Gang members were killed. Then EagleEye went down and finished them off then he went inside the old warehouse that The Lost and The Fifth Column pulled up to. He saw massive amounts of Hellions everywhere. They were producing artificial Kremnite , the crystal that ruined his normal life. EagleEye knew he had to stop them ,but how? So EagleEye formed a SuperGroup with ten people and called them The Abril Family. Then he told them of what the Hellions were doing and he has a good idea of what they are going to do with the Kremnite. So The Abril Family ran over to the warehouse and EagleEye broke one of the windows and fired ten M-30 Grenades then everyone ran in and started killing Hellions,about thirteen minutes into the fight the tide was turning and about six of The Abril Family fell to the floor unconcious. Then about sixteen minutes into the fight EagleEye was the only one standing, then they knocked him out with bats. EagleEye woke up extremely sore.

Mysterious Voice: Hello EagleEye, you were right on time.


Mysterious Voice: Oh them, they will be sent to the Hospital if you cooperate.

EagleEye:Who are you.?

Mysterious Voice: I am Blood Raven one of the Hellion Generals.

EagleEye: What do you want?!

Blood Raven:Simple I want Dr.Park.

EagleEye:What do you mean?

Blood Raven:We know who you are and we want you to perform a Kremnite Optical Enhancement surgery on all of our gang members. If you do not cooperate your friends will be killed.

EagleEye:You dirty piece of filth.

Blood Raven: So do you accept or decline.

EagleEye:I'll do it.

Blood Raven:good.

Then EagleEye was knocked out again. When he woke up he was in a laboratory with a Kremnite Laser Projector in his hand. There was a list of two hundred people for Atlas Park.
After one week EagleEye was finished and he had a full beard and looked extremely tired. Then Blood Raven came to EagleEye again.

Blood Raven: Outstanding job EagleEye now you die.

EagleEye:I thought you said you would let me go when i was done.

Blood Raven:No I said I would let your friends go. Hmm. I seemed to have changed my mine on that one they are better at making crystals than prancing around Atlas Park so you die and they work good plan huh. Okay kill him.

-------------------To Be Continued---------------------------------



I have a question about the fan fiction and I'm entirely too lazy to read this entire thread to see if it's been asked already.

Is there somewhere we can post fan fiction instead of emailing it? Say we want to do some work without the limitations where it can be read by people no matter whether it's chosen for the comic or not. I suck enough to not get mine accepted and posted but would still like to share something. Somehow I don't think this forum would suffice since the stories would sort of interrupt the discussions going on, yes?



I've seen some good looking hero art in this forum. I bet there are alot more artists out there with sketches, drawings, paintings of superheroes/villains. Show me more!

I'll be submitting a couple of things by email, but in the meantime, here are some things for this thread:

1) partners...
2) Withered Husk
3) Cover of a comic book I'm working on
(and my avatar)

Custom Fan Art!
Lions Tigers and Bears Volume 3 now available!
Timothy & the Transgalactic Towel
The Gimoles graphic Novel



The last two dont display properly. The first one is bloody genious!



thats my 8 hour edited pic of our good buddy atlas
well most of my time was spent making all those strokes with the smudge tool and most of atlas and the sheil wall are burnt using the burn tool and i glad to say the only filter i used is blur!!!



Wow, Laser Bean turned out shweet, Psi!



Dragons of Time

Part 1: Introduction

Have you ever wondered how it all began? I don’t mean the misery and suffering that accompanies life with every turn, or the pain and loss of life and sanity… though, They are responsible for that as well. Eternal beings of infinite power. The Dragons of Time.

I’ve recently learned of their existence. *chuckle* I still have trouble believing I was actually awake to witness nightmares they showed me. All my past victims, as one, tormenting me for years, or at least that’s what it seemed. I suppose I should introduce myself, and tell my story from the beginning, or from where I think it begins.

My name is BlackDragon. That is not my birth name, but it is the name I was called all my life. I was born somewhere in Japan, though I still do not know exactly where, nor do I care. I was raised by one man, whom I called Master. He taught me how to survive in this wretched world. How to hunt. How to kill. When I turned thirteen, he sent me on my first assignment. I still remember the look of horror on the woman’s face as my blade plunged into her chest.

It continued like that until I turned 19. That is when my last test came before me. Master came to me on my birthday and requested a final sparring match. I was confused, but could not refuse. We fought with our real blades, for I was no longer a child. During the first series of attacks, I could sense that Master was more violent than usual. I almost missed a block, and received the reward of a deep cut on my left arm. He remarked that I was better than this, and pressed on. Our match continued for almost an hour. I was tired, my breathing, heavy. He sheathed his blade, took a step back and commended me, which surprised me because he has never done so in the past. Then, he vanished.

I was on guard immediately. I knew this technique. I’ve used it often. I closed my eyes and listened. I heard the air move to my right, and faced that way. I’ve felt a tremor on the ground behind me, marking the pressure of landing from a jump. I turned to face Master once more. I’ve heard the sound of the blade being drawn to my left, and vanished as well. What happened in the next couple of moments surprised me more than my speed at that time. I felt myself moving faster than light that bent around me, as I found myself behind where Master hid. I struck thinking he would block. He appeared with his back to me, a deep wound between his shoulders. “I’ve taught you well. The art now belongs to you.” I stepped back, unsure as to what he meant by that, and surprised to see Master hurt from my attack. He stood there for a few moments. Then, his lifeless body fell to the ground.

After his death, I was immediately contacted by a person claiming to be my “guide.” In the business that I am in, a guide is someone who finds you jobs, and makes sure you don’t have to do another job to get the payment from the client… if you know what I mean.

I continued doing what I grew up training for. I’ve killed. Oh, did I kill. You’d be surprised how many people hate someone enough to pay a few mil to remove them forever. I’ve stole. Probably enough to make Solomon blush, for greed of people knows no boundaries. All for money, the system which humanity itself put in place to separate each other into hated groups.

And, thus, it continued for years. Six, to be exact. Until I got a message from my guide about a group called “Dragons of Time.” I did not think much of that. Many groups give themselves names to hide their true identity. It is a common practice in my line of work. What was not common about that message was their request to meet in me person.

At first, I was tempted to turn down the job. It has been six years since my “customers” have physically seen me, especially since that last “customer” died by my hands. Then, I looked at the pay. Five million dollars, which was standard pay for my skills, and a scroll of an ancient technique from my style of “art”, which was not standard in any way. I was very curious, and accepted.

To this day, I still do not know if it was a wise choice or a foolish act, but I do know that my life has changed in many ways.

Part 2: The Meeting

If you liked it, gimme a yell, and I'll write more. If it's as bad as I think it is, I won't waste my time on trying to better my skills as a writer-wannabe.



The 1000-1500 word limit is what's considered "flash fiction" and it's the preferred format for stories on the 'net nowadays. A typical short shory is about 2500-5000 words long, though there are some notable shorter and long exceptions out there. Stories in excess of 25K words, up to 50K words are considered "Novelettes" as it is much longer than a short story, but not as long as a novel (50K words).

Writing? yes, I uh...write a little bit... Heh, but the flash fiction limitation doesn't surprise me. It's pretty common for the 'net now. Generally, flash fiction is the culmination "chapter" of several unseen chapters, the climax of the story, short, sweet, and to the point.

Depending on what size font you use and what your page borders are set as, 1000 words will fill one and a half to two pages single-spaced, or about 3 to 4 doublespaced.

Quick Q while I'm posting here: Although you prefer "combat" orientated fiction, I assume you take all kinds? Because, well, I'm difficult. Tell me I have to write a Western, and I'll write a space, tell me it has to be combat-orientated, and I'll write humor or a character piece. :P I was just wondering if my efforts were wasted though, if there's no chance you'll take them.

"Looks like we arrived in the nick of time. What does that make us?"
"Big damn heroes, sir."
"Ain't we just."
-Mal & Zoe, "Firefly"



[Edited] Some twit at my work posted a flame against us all.. Sorry to anyone who was a victom of his "Practical Joke"






[/ QUOTE ]

don't " ", it is great ! I love your drawings.



thank you!! I was just getting a little wierded out cuz nobody posts (often)



I see... so no one posts here...



Hah! Those are GREAT! And I love your avatar over there <- .

Great job!



I see... so no one posts here...

[/ QUOTE ]
You will probably have more luck posting in the UNOFFICIAL Fanart Thread. Lots of great stuff there and it's much more active than this thread :} Artwork like yours should be seen by the masses!



** Warning. The next passage may contain violent images not suitable for people with vivid imaginations. **

Dragons of Time
Part 2: The Meeting

Darkness. Complete, still, choking. The feeling of falling into infinity, as well as rising into hell. The ballads of Sirens, and screeches of Harpies. The smell of fresh corpses and taste of dry blood. The pain of all living, and joys of all dead. This is how I was greeted when I arrived to the appointed place. This is how it started.

I saw myself a mere child. No more than four years old. Standing over a dead dog and looking at it with eyes of hunger. Then, I was nine. Twisting necks of pigeons flying past me, as Master remarked at my lack of speed. Then, I was twelve. Beating to the brink of death, a man who tried to rob me on the street. Then, I saw her face. I heard her voice. I smelled her blood. I was thirteen.

The horrors continued until I’ve seen every creature I’ve ever hurt. Images culminating in a collage of horror where every last one of them looked at me and laid their curse. Then, there was darkness, and They appeared before me. Six giant forms, whose bounds stretched beyond imagination, consuming what little sanity I had left.

They spoke as one, yet, each saying different things, in a language I never knew but understood. Their words became pictures flowing through my mind, showing sights I could not even imagine. I was alone, among the stars. I was freezing, yet my skin burned. I could not breathe, but it did not matter. I was looking in at what I wanted all my life to escape: this wretched existence. It was so beautiful. The galaxies spinning around me, in a dance of eternal despair. Suns going nova, destroying everything their power can reach. Black holes moving through space, devouring any hope they meet. This was life, as seen by eyes of madmen.

Then, I saw it. Darkness. First, as a minor dot obscuring a small part of my view, then, as a beast that killed everything it touched while growing. Stars went dark. Galaxies stopped their dance of madness, as they were eaten from inside by utter darkness. And then, the screams…the screams of every living thing begging for mercy as silence overcame all.

“This is a future. A future we must stop from happening. The Dragons of Time have chosen sides in the upcoming battle, your pearl of oceans as the battle ground. You shall be our keeper.”



Here's an image I submitted:

American Blue

Created as a surprise Christmas present for a friend, it is his Ice/Empath controller in his absolutely stylin' all white outfit. Yes, yes, I took some liberties with the look of Ice Patch but the blaster version looks so much nicer.

(I did post this to the unofficial fan art thread, but that thread was promptly buried again. Oh well.)



here's a couple pics I've done of RAT-girl
comments greatly appreciated

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I'll comment, is 'WOW' an acceptable one?

TechDefender Rad/Ele Defender
D'20 Gladiator DM/SR Scrapper
Cyclonite Cat Fire/Fire Blaster
[url=""]Ferretgal Claw/Inv Scrapper[/url](Virtue)
@Cyclonite Cat
(Names changed at GM 'request')