Send Us Your Fan Art & Fiction!




I'll agree with Tech is right! Makes me wish we had anime-themed costume options....



I also have tried submitting... haven't received any reply, any confirmation, anything... Is this normal?



I dont really know. *growls*



They only reply if they like it but you sumbitted it wrong, like a version that's too small or something. When I submitted my DS pics he replied back asking if I had any bigger versions, which I did. After that I didn't hear from'em, not even telling me that Red Bee's comission for my characters made it into the comic. So yes, it's normal. You submit it once every 3-4 weeks and if after say 2-3 times you don't see it you can take that as a rejection. It does take a month at the least to get your pic into the comic though so you have to stay patient. They also miss pics, because I sent my pics in at beta and they completely missed it, so the guy said. So since he was glad I re-sent them, you guys should resend them at least a 2nd or 3rd time every 3 weeks, but no need for more than that as I doubt they'd miss'em that many times.



yeah, I submitted a pic a little while ago, and never heard a peep from the CoH people. so i figured it must have not gotten picked and went on with life. then i started getting emails about the picture (i had included my homepage URL on the picture, so people would know how to contact me if they wanted to) saying they had found it on the website. looked today, and lo and behold, there it was, top of the list.

I think what it is, is that they get a fair number of submissions, and they just don't have time to be responding to everyone, and you sending them your picture is taken as you granting them permission to display it as they see fit, so there is no need to write you back to get permission, either.



Brief doodle I made of some teammates.

Compared to most of the art I see here it's not that great. I never have any patience to actually see things through the right way when I pick up my pencil and a fresh sheet. But for what it is it turned out ok. How do you guys keep up your focus until you've finished the last layer of polish? It seems like I can only hold it together a half hour or so before I give up.



An earlier mouse-drawn mini-comic. No Heroes here-o....
View From the Ziggurat
What can I say? The Banished Pantheon is funny!

A Widowed .GIF I made from splicing together several smaller .GIF's (of Lucia, from Final Fight 3) and editing the features, colors and such with Paint Shop Pro:
Kickin' Widdy

Still working on this Widowed drawing....

...and a few cards (all drawn from scratch with Paint Shop Pro) from some imaginary City of Heroes collectible card game I had dreamed up on the other forums where I usually hang out:

My very own Heroine, The Widowed.

And cards for a bunch of my friends:


Sonic Star

Dog Fight




Poison (I still have to draw his hair, it seems....)




Cactus Man

I really should doodle up more of those.



Well, went ahead and made a fan-art submission. I'll go ahead and post a link to where it's kept on Imageshack. The subject is my mutation controller on Liberty, Mariko-chan, and the title is "And what are you looking at?"



Here is a picture I submitted....enjoy!

COH Character Submission

Go Lyta!

On Various Servers:
Maiden Victory 50 MASD Scrapper
Brazen Prime 41 Fireenergy tank
Lady Stratega 50 FireSS tank
& Tons of other Alts



ah dang i misplaced my sketch book at the wrong time =/ crud

CoH: Vortize lvl 50 Assult/Electricity Blaster
Siegfried lvl 23 Peacebringer
CoV: Galith Beetle lvl 40 Super Strength/ Rock Armor Brute
Mercenary 501 lvl 19 Martial Arts/Super reflexes Stalker




Electronigirl Art

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I like this one. She looks so happy.

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Well, sure she's happy. She's got that stickum glue to keep her boobs in place. She likes that costume a lot.



I'm not sure if it would pass muster as proper fan-art, but here's a pic I drew of two of my alts, Cyborilla and Ghecko from Triumph server: Get your own damn gum



1000 word limit is fine...good writers can imply a story 8000 words long with 1000 words. That is, if you subscribe to Hemingway's notions.




The obligatory "cheesecake" hero.

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Yep...that about sums it up... great work DrGraham!!

"It's hard for you to be yourself, if you don't know who you really are."