What's ur Battlecry?




My battlecry is "Damn Lag!"



For my main Eng/Eng blaster "Core Tap" it's-Crank it to 11 baby!
I'm also planing a an Ice/Ice blaster called The Curler. his battlecry will be "Hurry. Hurry Hard. SWEEP!" i just wish there was a toque in the Image.



Invul/SS Tanker:
"Here comes the Pain Snapperhead!"
Claws/Invul Scrapper:
"Pain fades, Shame does not"
Invul/Fire Tanker:
"The day of the ****** Warrior is now, and is hearlded by the sound of your snapping bones!"
Dark/Dark Defender:
"The pain you feel is your dark soul twisting back on you."



Paravespula (Spines/Regen): "Feel my sting!"
If I choose to get MoG, he might say: "Hiiiii-YAH! For the Royalty!" (Five bucks on who can guess where that is from)

Fulmino (Elec/Ener Blast): "Power...Overwhelming!"

Legion-001 (Broad/Invuln): "For the Emperor, Maximus VII!"

Dark Mirror (Illusion/Storm): "Don't blink, you'll miss the trick."

Powersets I'd like to see:
Water or Wind-related powers (not just Storm Summoning)
More Minion-types
Demolitions Blast set (and maybe a Specialty Explosives Buff/Debuff) in tribute to the greatest explosives villain ever, Evil Midnight Bomber



MOUT (military-themed AR/Dev blaster): "Locked and loaded!"

Spirit Girl (a, umm, mutant cheerleader Mind/Empathy controller): "Go Team Go!"

Haven't come up with any for the other five characters (yet).

Forum Game: Lower the Rep



I have several, depending on what I'm about to do to the villain.

The one I use most often is: "Feel the mailed fist of justice, [Censored]!"

"A stupid criminal is one who doesn't know he's outmatched, and you my friend are a stupid criminal."

"At least once in every person's life you ask yourself 'Is that a huge fist heading toward my face?' Well, [Censored], today is your lucky day!"



Lotta great ones! I particularly liked "Pain fades, shame does not." and "I'm getting too old for this."

Doc Maningzhoue:
"Take your medicine!" (I use this as a victory cry, mostly.)

Oak Tree:
"No more fire, axes, or YOU!"

"I'm bigger than you!"

Wisp Outlaw:
"Your evil is weak! Rularuu!"

Choosing a Controller V2 | Splattrollers | Plant/Rad | Fire/Storm | Mind/Emp & Mind/Rad
Weird Controller Powers | Conf & XP/Time | Controller Damage
Being a Healer | The word Necessary | Natural Concept Characters



The Mighty Ohm (Elec/Eng Blaster) - Resistance is everything!
Death Panda (DM/Inv Scrapper) - The power of Panda compells you!
Flaftynaught (DM/SR Scrapper) - Death by law of averages!

Assault Ohm - Elec/Sonic Corruptor
Deadly Ohm - Elec/Will Brute
Invisible Ohm - Elec/Eng Stalker
Master Ohm - Elec/Elc Dominator



My new scrappers is

Bu7 Sekx 4 Teh Win



Some of mine...

Minion - Your Soul is Mine!
Alcatraz - Time to Rock Your World! (Stone/Stone Tank - groan )
Trouble Shooter - All Hail the Computer (10 points if you get the reference)
Vulcan Frost - Don't Run, You'll Die Tired!

I think that's all I've given battle cries to.



Wrecked um? Damn near killed um!



Neko-Man: Go my invisible Army! (cause he has gran invis you know)
Ice blue: Power of Water
Pink Neo Ranger: Go! Go! Neo Rangers!

AE # 67087: Journey through the Looking Glass - Save the World
LLX VirtueVerse! - Check out my crazy Toons
This is the size of group that we have balanced AVs for, 6.
-Positron 06/07/06 07:27 PM



So I just had to reply.
Auntie Social- "Why... Won't... You...Die?!" but i think i need to bring back for my power attack "GET AWAY FROM ME!"



Gaul's is "STOP IN THE NAME OF THE WATCH!" not too original i know, but he is the founder of the Nights Watch on pinnacle.

his sister, Eryn, has spent less time in Paragon and still has more of her highland accent, hers is "Ye'll burn, roight enuf!"

Silk Shadow - "You never saw me coming" mostly used after the fight is over.



My battlecry is "Damn Lag!"

[/ QUOTE ]

I love this battle cry.




Trouble Shooter - All Hail the Computer (10 points if you get the reference)

[/ QUOTE ]

I'd take your points but I'd be too 'PARANOID' that someone would hunt me down for them. Besides, if the computer isn't giving out the points they're probably not good for me. Where's my pills?!?

Craft your inventions in AE!!

Play "Crafter's Cafe" - Arc #487283. A 1 mission, NON-COMBAT AE arc with workable invention tables!



You can't fight City Hall!

(cheesy yes but I like it to)



Super Simian: "Have a face full of SHADDAP!"
As you may have guessed, he is a super-strength tanker.



Mesquito Bite--Martial Artist-- "I don't break boards, I break heads"

Nucleon--Energy Blaster-- "Here comes the boom"

Earthen Father--Earth Controller-- "Rock Crushes... You!"



FOR GREAT JUSTICE! In reference to Zero Wing. Not that I ever even remember to press F10 while playing.

[image]You CAN'T post images in sigs like they say you can in the forum FAQ.jpg[/image]



Mistress Ohm uses "Resistance is.... interesting!!!" (she gets 'into' playing with electricity, as you can tell).

Soullll Trainnn : "Hey $target! Ever get hit by a train?"

Doc Mayhem: "Unleash the MAYHEM!!!"

Multiball Bonus: "Get ready for Multiball!!!"

"City of Heroes. April 27, 2004 - August 31, 2012. Obliterated not with a weapon of mass destruction, not by an all-powerful supervillain... but by a cold-hearted and cowardly corporate suck-up."



Mine are “Go Stuff your self!” and “Stop snooging the monitor!”



For my ice/energy blaster, Peppermint Cat: "Peppermint Justice!"

For my tanker: "For Justice! And tuna!"

For my Rad/Rad defender: "Nuke 'em till they glow!"

For my "scary" dark/dark scrapper: "Booga Booga!"

And lovely bumpage there, ImpactHound!

Dungeoncleaners! (ID#125715): Slay the Adventurers! Rescue the Monsters! Return the Treasure!
Peppermint Cat-- Lv50 Mewtant Ice/Eng Bls



From the True Natural who's unlucky enough to not be a rich pretty boy...

"Fall over, willya? I'm on a budget!"