Official Noob Guide to Abbreviations and Jargon




wwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwssssssdddddddd = someone trying to run while stuck in chatmode.

That is Always me at least once a day. I just tell people I am practicing humming.



What's the origin of kk?

I know it means ok, but how did people come to start using kk instead of ok?

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started for me in eq about 3 years back - kk is the fast way to type ok thus becoming the new cool thing to do.

emp/dark defender



Lol yeah, for me it was typing too fast and hitting K instead of O . . . I just went with it, my fingers can't be bothered with a longitudianal shift.



Nope, sorry..99% of people i've seen in game use

SC: Steel Canyon
Sky : Skyway City

Only a noob doesn't know what SC is.

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For those who aren't schmucks, SC is too ambiguous. Use 'Steel' and 'Sky' instead.

[/ QUOTE ]

Who the hell cares. (Notice the lack of ? That was on purpose)



Meh, all I know is I use SC b/c its fater than Steel and then I use Sky. Never seen anyone say Steel. But I have only been playing for about a month.



what about woot?

Uncommon: lvl 100!! fire/stone tank Champion




Two I've seen lately:

rtp = ready to port
rfp = ready for port



A couple I havent seen on here or missed

cab or CaB - Catch a Breath (Blue) Inspiration
Wake - Awaken Inspiration
CW - Clockworks
Frqs or Freak - Freakshow
Trng or Gen - Training Enhancements



That's Mis-tell



what about woot?

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I was told that apparently it stands for We Owned the Other Team... and there was I thinking it was just like whoop, but I different sound.

Inspirations are also sometimes referred to by their colours ('Anyone got any reds?').

Greens: Respites and their derivatives.
Yellows: Insights and their derivatives.
Reds: Rages and their derivatives.
Blues: Catch a Breaths and their derivatives.
Purples: Lucks and their derivatives although with all the purplely ones, this can get confusing.



For zones, don't forget:

KR = King's Row
IP = Independence Port
PI = Peregrine Island
FF= Founders Falls
PDP = Paragon Dance Party
CF = Crey's Folly
TV = Terra Volta


Herd = gather weak monsters together to kill in one blow
Runner = monster than runs away from the fight. One participant in a drug deal will always do this whether or not you attack him
Farm = generating the maximum possible XP from an encounter, such as by allowing a boss or lieutenant to spawn more minions (or resurrect defeated enemies) instead of killing him before he can do this.

You might also add:

XP = experience points
inf = influence
PL = 1. power level, power levelling, 2. invitation to flame
mish = mission, door mission



Been hearing people call insps "pills" as well.

"had to pop a lot of pills in the last fight"



Throwing fire on the Steel Canyon, Skyway City flame fest

I've always used

SC-Steel Canyon
SW-Skyway City

Its only been in the last month or so that I've seen anyone confused with this, And they usually pick up on it and use it too right after



Not sure if these were mentioned, but as a reminder that defenders exist (even though I'm a scrapper):
AM= Accelerate Metabolism (radiation; does too many things)
SB= Speed Boost (kinetics; the thing that makes you attack faster); is sometimes called speed
RA= Recovery Aura/Regeneration Aura (empathy; the dinner bell for the starving)
AB= Adrenalin Boost (empathy; uberized version of speed boost and is usually given to the tanker of the team)
CM= Clear Mind (empathy; like a break free inspiration)
Fort= Fortitude, this should be obvious enough (empathy; buffs attacks)
FF= Force Field

Global - @Seigi no Akuma | Freedom mains:
Galvanized Justice - Electric Melee/Shield Scrapper
Overclocked Justice - Fire Blast/Traps Corrupter
Insanguinato - Fire Blast/Kinetics Corrupter
Insanguinata - Night Widow/Fortunata



Glowies or Blinkies for glowing objects that need to be clicked/searched/recovered.

This list is great btw. I think it needs a real full on update and made into a sticky.



Phone = Gotta convince the boss that I really AM sick

[/ QUOTE ] Heh, what about Dad=Be back in 30 mins, dads [Censored] at me for wasting my life.

[/ QUOTE ]
GF = girl friend same as above

the brick= bricktown
the row = kings row
octo= luska



wwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwssssssdddddddd = someone trying to run while stuck in chatmode.

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LOL! I thought I was the only one!

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Always thought the person had a stuttering problem....

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That dang blasted keyboard.... do you know how many times I died because I was trying to run while the chat window was still activated? Well I'm not going to tell you.
...... blasted keyboard.



Oh... and I almost forgot to ask... how about the Abbrev.'s for the other games. WoW was the easiest for me to figure out, but I have not palyed many of the others. I usually just do one game at a time. I know EQ and L2... but there are a bunch more, I know. I can never figure them out.



One I didn't see mention was ADD or additional mob spawn. Seems like those only occur out doors, the mission mobs thats i've seen so far don't respawn unless you reset the mission.




puppies = wolves on 40+ portal missions (not farmed like they used to be due to a timer).
kora = another 40+ portal mission that used to be farmed loads but no longer is
CWK = clockwork king, again usually the 40+ psionic version
AV = archvillain
FN/fake nem = fake nemesis, a villain type needed for a badge required for one of the accolades
RM = ring mistress, one of the carnie boss types
BP = banished pantheon
Bridge = an intermediate level toon used to sidekick a lower level one when power levelling
Anchor = the target of a debuff which then affects stuff around it. As in "don't kill my anchor". The debuff goes when the anchor dies.
PA = phantom army

Toxic Texan lvl 44 DM/regen scrapper Infinity
Mr Minotaur lvl 50 stone/axe tank freedom

It's true. This game is NOT rocket surgery. - BillZBubba



PA = phantom army

[/ QUOTE ]
AKA, Da Decoys, The Mafia, The Boys, Bodyguards, etc.



Some more that may or may not have been posted. But i don't have time to read through the entire topic now. So forgive me if i missed it .

These are a few I posted at the forum of my SG:

Ack!: "I just got killed by that second mob our stupid [insert AT] aggroed while the rest of our team was still getting buffed/fighting the previous mob/typing 'ack!' from the previous encounter."

AFK: Feeding the baby / my boss walked by / rescueing my store / Shouting at the wife / walking the dog.

Aggro: Good for Tankers, bad for blasters, field day for Trollers, overtime for Defenders, ignored by Scrappers.

Alt: Alternative character. Not the one you use the often, but one of the many other ones. See 'Main'.

Altitis: Severe case of having all your serverslots filled with characters.

Bridge: the character between the PL-ing Hero and the PLed n00b. Usually a difference of 7 or 8 levels below the PL-ing hero. Also 'Middle-bie'.

Bug: Small critters who bite you in your sleep or sting you with their poisonous fangs. Really scary if they'd been 10 times bigger. Annoying at their present size.

Bug II: Small flaws in the game, usually unnoticed by the Dev Team. Really scary if they'd been 10 times bigger. Annoying at their present size.

CoH: City of Heroes: DUH!

CoV: City of Villains, guess you didn't see that one coming.

Char: Character, avatar. The Hero which you are playing.

Enh: Enhancements.

Exemp / Exmp / XMP: Exemplar. Seen being typed in a lot of different ways.

GC: Global Chat.

Inf / Infl: Influence.

Insps: Inspirations.

kk: okay, gotcha.

Main: The char you are playing on CoH the most ATM

Middle-bie: See 'Bridge'

MT: Mis Tell: uses when you typed a message in the wrong chatwindow.

Nerf!: the local language spoken at the COH Boards.

OMW: "I'll be there after i refilled Insps / lvled / restocked my Enhancements / respeced my Alt / all of the above."

PvE: Player versus Enemy. AKA Human vs AI

PvP: Player versus Player. AKA Unhuman Brutality vs Unhuman Brutality.

RTM: "You might find the obvious answer to that unnecessary question in the rather accessible manual."

SG: Supergroup

SK: Sidekick

"Could you please be more quiet."

Troller: Controller

XP: Experience



you forgot qqqqqqqqqqqqqqwwwwwwwwweeeeeeeeeeeeee



WOOOT! = someone who just leveled
Teh suck. = something sucks
TeH PwXxNoRz! = invinicble or god
j00 = you
IMO = in my opinion
imho= in my honest opinion
FTW! = for the win
FOTM! = fad of the month
IDK= i dont know or i dont care
d/c =dissconnect
also, l33t does not stand for "elite" if it did it would be 31it3.
l33t stands for "leet speak", or replacing leters with numbers when typing.
PWN = beaten or beaten up or killed
oh yeah,
ROTFLMAO!! rolling on the floor laughing my [censored] off
ROTFLMAP! rollinh on the floor laughing my [censored] purple
oh yeah, i invented the last one.




Steel Canyon: Better known as "StC"
Skyway: "SkC"
Siren's Call: "SiC"

Least, that's what almost everyone I know used, including myself.

This game needs Guitar Blast.