490 -
New skulls looks good. They still have the same old feeling and soul but with better graphics.
Different secondaries have different purposes. That should be clear when people are choosing powersets. More dot or defence debuff kills enemies faster but hold, endudrain, knockbac, to hit debuffs protects you and your friends. So naturally fireblaster kills (arrests) faster than electric or ice. But it is meant to be that way in the first place. Small adjusting is ok but it's wrong to put elec blasters dps to same level like fire for example.
Actually endu drain is very handy most of times. I'm played elec blaster about 5 years now and this is the first time I heard it's bad powerset. Only really bad blaster primary is dual pistols and they are fixing that right now.
edit. of course I would like to do slightly more damage but that's never been any problem. -
Ok 4 seconds then. 2 seconds more. 2+2 and maybe with proper hover.
edit. I'll fix that in opening post. -
Yes that was in my mind too. Like you can drop to ground instantly after TP.
edit. Slow computer is not only reason but sometimes you need slightly more time for taking a new direction. -
I'm sure this is suggested many times but anyway
Perhaps we all know that teleport travel power is very hard for many people. Actually I'm ok with it but still it's slightly annoying sometimes. I have one very old character with some cool macro and I can instantly shift+click TP with that but not even slightest chance to remember that pretty long thingy. Well it's not help new players anyway.
Perhaps this is new... or not... well necroposting is bad bad thing here anyway. So adding 2 seconds hover after teleport would help people with slower computers and give some time to make new TP. It would make teleporting more flexible and useful if you don't fall down after every single TP. I think 2 seconds more will not break immersion and is balanced enough. It could be easy fix enough.
Does this sound good? I have deja vu feeling about TP fix ideas but I'm not sure if they were little bit different.
edit. I meant 2 seconds more and with proper hover like you can move a little bit. Maybe with the good old slow hovering speed -
Robes would work fine with any other but martial arts so maybe they can not be available for that one power set. Locking/unlocking system is already used in game anyway.
Lusca head with and without a fishbowl helmet.
Damn you ForbinI have almost similar waterdude.
Shapeshifting is classic material from comics and movies and it could be fun. It not necessarily need a new archtype but if they are making new EAT I'll support the idea of shapeshifting.
I made account there but I'm probably just listening and not making lot or any comments.
Can't see anything in that link. Am I early or late? Putting GMT would be so helpful. Also european summertime and wintertime causes some confusion. I think I have to add +6 hours to ETC to get GMT and +2 to get my timezone...
Oh or maybe I'm printing this and but to the wall over my computer
edit. looks like my calculatings were accurate..or I was just lucky
Like this against that armour (0:30).
Furious and fast karate attackPure killers instinct. That is the real karate like I learned at school.
Actually I don't care a lot of death of Statesman but loss of Sister Psyche made me sad. Penelope is annoying brat. I don't like her but Sister Psyche was my favourite female npc. Maybe I'll start to build resurrection machine for Sister Psyche
Present system is good. I would hate to see duplicate names. Sometimes you have to think slightly longer but that's not any big problem. Just avoid some most common words like slasher, ripper, blade, sharp etc. Even I with crappy english can name new characters easily. And please don't use xXcoolnameXx style. It's childish and ugly.
Using foreing languages could be sometimes slightly confusing if you meet people from those countries. Other languages are not just funny looking words. People are using those languages in their everyday life and english is foreing for them. So... When I saw one hero with finnish name I naturally greeted him finnish of course. He said he just liked words but he was english. Not any big problem but if you choose french name you will get whispers in french. Or any other languages. We are there in game
edit. If you have some cool idea and then you noticed that all good names are already taken you could change the way of thinking. For example one of my characters is dual blade brute. I tried all names with blade, sword, sharp, edge etc. They were all gone. Then I startet to think what will this character do... Well he is tough so maybe "Adamant" could work and then Adamant Avenger was available. Not very original I know but it's ok. So you could use dictionary and try to found rare synonyms. -
Very nice. I have one friend who plays like you. Turning without mouse. It's interesting how different playing styles people likes. Your UI looks so different than mine. Well maybe I'll start new topic of that...
Thanks for video. -
Very good point. I'm not sure if this is "must to get" but I would use it.
Sister Psyches post was in IP so her statue could be there. Statesman needs really big statue... Something like statue of judgement in Judge Dredd. Top of statue on maximum height of the game and new superhero command center inside his head
edit. oh oh and lasercannons in his eyes -
Oh when zones were locked from too low levels and get first time in new zone. I remember when I was looking those mysterious Shadow shard maps in Vidiot maps and wondering like what are those "islands" and big round shaping areas. Maybe they are caves... RWZ changed before I got enough levels to see the old one :/
I tried it in beta. It's so fun
I sent my whole updatet nclauncher.exe file to my friend and that helped her. Now the game is updating.