Wrong game client message after update??
Ditto for me.
The game did a small update, then complained about my game version after I tried to log in.
DM/Elec brute, 50
Ice/Psi dom, 50
Crab, 50
Elec/WP Scrapper, 50
TW/WP Scrapper, 50
Robot/Trap MM, 50
Fire/Earth dom, 50
Ive got exactly the same thing .........
I think they broke something important!
DM/Elec brute, 50
Ice/Psi dom, 50
Crab, 50
Elec/WP Scrapper, 50
TW/WP Scrapper, 50
Robot/Trap MM, 50
Fire/Earth dom, 50
maybe something to do with this afternoons planned outage
Well, I guess I will find out when I get up in the morning.
DM/Elec brute, 50
Ice/Psi dom, 50
Crab, 50
Elec/WP Scrapper, 50
TW/WP Scrapper, 50
Robot/Trap MM, 50
Fire/Earth dom, 50
Same thing happened to me. Glad it's not just me, not so much that it happened at all.

Same here. I figured that I'd managed to break something again..... I've had several strange issues pop up with CoX over the past couple of years.
I had the same happen as well so I ran the "repair Concistency check" and now it shows all the servers are down.
I also had the message about the versions being different. Just tried again and it's also telling me the servers are down. Guess they're tweaking that part now. =)
"The Sky is not the limit to Mastery, for (as any science fiction enthusiast can tell you) there are infinite worlds left to explore once the sky is left behind." From "Role Playing Mastery", by Gary Gygax.

The wife had problems yesterday as well,not being much of a computer tech I spoke to my son,who got me to go to the administer bit and click yes after that no problem loaded a dream don,t know if this will help you .
Prof Radburn controller,Celtic Ice Maiden,blaster,Miss Knockout scrapper,Mistress Davina controller,Stone Hart,tank Split Personality PB.Queen Lostris controller,Fridgid Mary blaster,Shocking Fire blaster Future Elfling defender, Little Weed controller,Capo Angelo MM, Commander Buzzsaw MM, Justice Tank tank all 50,s
I was prompted to run an update on the launcher just now and after I applied it, logged in and selected a server it gave me this message: " Wrong game version, run patcher and reconnect, server 2240.201204160439.1, client 2240.201205190417.1".
I exited the launcher and retried but got the same message. I tried different servers also. What's going on??
"Live every week like it's Shark Week" - Tracy Jordan