224 -
Quote:Apologies if this part is actually true. It's not mentioned at all on the overview page.I pointed this out in another thread, but:
Defenders (and Corruptors) blast sets are getting all the changes blasters blast sets are getting. Defenders (and Corruptors) are capable of very easily acquiring the necessary To-Hit required for the new "Fast-Snipe" function through Tactics + Kismet. -
Hmm... Let's see...
Blasters receive a substantial increase to their damage and toughness. All Blaster secondary power sets now include a new element: Sustain. The Sustain attribute grants increased regeneration and recovery to upgrade to the following Blaster secondary powers; Touch of Fear, Blazing Aura, Chilling Embrace, Cloaking Device, Lightning Clasp, and Conserve Power. Blasters who already have these powers do not need to respec in order to benefit from Sustain. The attack range of some powerful Blaster attacks has also been doubled, while all Snipe powers can now be instantly fired under certain conditions.
Defenders get? Oh, nothing mentioned here. They don't even get the ranged damaged set boosts as blasters - even if they have the same range damage powers. I suppose that they, at least, get some melee combat po... Oh, wait. That's blasters. You know, the guys who do massive ranged damage and have access to bone crusher, Ice fists, fire sword and about a dozen other melee powers?
The last boost defenders got gave them damage bonuses that dropped the more people they teamed with and endurance boosts that kicked in the closer their team-mates are to death. So they lost damage when with people and only compensated for that with a boost that's only worth it if they're actually bad at defending?
Yes, I'm totally joking, aren't I? -
Man, the Devs really don't care much for defenders, do they? Once again, Blasters get massive boosts and Defenders get nothing.
Clip for you. Warning:- Not for the squeamish but looks awesome. http://www.judgementiscoming.com/
Oh, the most touching 'reveal' he did was with a blind artist who had helped him on a case. As she lies dying after being involved in an accident, he removes the helmet so she can feel what he looks like before she dies. -
Different film being rebooted. Trailer here.
It's Darker. It's grittier.
http://snipurl.com/244m1xi -
Or she could easily be Romana who, after all, was left in another universe so, by the logic of 'The Doctor's wife' she should still be alive.
Personally, I think they could find a way to satisfy both. Perhaps the dying timelord has to CHOOSE to change sex or something. After all, they DID offer the Master a 'whole new regeneration cycle' in The Five Doctors and done it by 'utopia' So things have chances.
But I'd like to see Romandadevoratalundar (A.K.A. Fred) again. -
Skyway Sentinel
A change in the rules?
<Picture is of a one day old child. It has Red Fur and Rat ears bent at the tips.>
Ordinarily the birth of a child is not news. I mean, they're born all the time in Paragon as they are in every city, town and village around the planet and we don't cover them. But what makes this child different and newsworthy should be obvious. The question I find myself being asked is this. What does the birth mean for humanity? Is it a sign that humanity will flourish and has an amazing ability to adapt or is the child a sign that humanity as we know it is coming to an end?
The child, Victoria Blackfur, was born on Monday in the maternity ward of Skyways' LaGrange medical centre and her parentage is extremely unusual. You see, she is the daughter of Jessie Blackfur, an office manager at Anderson Construction and Miss Blackfur is a Rat. I don’t mean that harshly, just matter-of-factly. She has admitted that she was not born human but as one of those four legged, little scurrying things that are so often blamed for society's ills. The girls’ father is noted Mu rebel and hero Sullivan – which perhaps explains the red fur that scientists and veterinarians are at a loss to explain. Rats don't have fur when born.
After we received this picture, we spoke to Pastor Michael Galloway of Skyway's St Martins' church and asked his opinion on the child and what she meant. “Speaking as a member of the church,” he said, “I feel it would be a mistake to comment on the spirituality of the child of the child without gaining further direction from Rome. Certainly the situation is unusual but, taking into account the number of aliens, god-impersonators, angels and demons we seem to have around us today, it was almost inevitable it was to happen sooner or later. And it may have done prior to this. In fact the only basis objection the church can have is that the child was conceived and born out of wedlock and that is hardly Victoria's fault now, is it?”
Another person we spoke to on the street had a different opinion. “It's disgusting” she said, declining to be named. “Obviously this Sullivan was unable to find a real, human, woman so chose a filthy creature of the sewer to be his pet. As for the child? Well, that's his fault for not making sure she was sterilized first. But we give them the rights, don't we? Rights that should be reserved for humans are being given to every Tom, Dick and Harriet that arrives. It's disgusting. We've sounded the death knell for us humans.”
Anderson Construction were unable to comment but one anonymous source stated that the company would be giving the family every support.
Victoria Blackfur is already, it seems, splitting opinion. Her parents have both accrued plaudits for their endeavours - Sullivan in the heroic nature and Jessie in the business world – and the one thing we can, seemingly, hope for is that they will raise their girl to the better but the path will not be easy and only years down the line will we know if the arrival of this child is a hope for the future or a warning.
Owain O'James -
((I'm posting this as Selina's player isn't V.I.P. I have not altered it in any way except for one grammar point I noted. There may be others I didn't..))
Do Meta-Humans think they are above oridinary citizens? Are Meta-Humans above the law? Are Meta-Humans a threat to humanity? Are we better off without the Meta's? These are just some of the questions that are on the minds of us non-powered civillians. To find the answer to these questions I ventured with a somewhat negative perception to the Meta's favourite social area, Pocket D. A Pocket Dimension where heroes and villains alike can soicalize without the fear of violence breaking out. I admit, I was a little nervous being the only "proper" human to be in the club but I put on a brave face to further my investigation.
First I spoke with a woman who I over heard someone call Evrin. I asked her thoughts on other Meta's, aliens and the potential threat of an invasion however Evrin was dismissive towards my questions so I gave up. I then spoke with a hero who went by the name Stingirl. An alien from the planet Horuzz. She was humanoid but had the likeness of a bee. I asked about how she ended up on Earth, she told me she was teleported here and now wishes to become a citizen. As usual, I spoke my mind and told her that I do not believe that aliens have a place on Earth because it could lead to a possible invasion. This seemed to offend her and she refused to answer any more of my questions.
By this point, most of the club's attendees took offence to my thoughts and beliefs. I was given plenty of verbal abuse, threats and it was known I was not welcome at Pocket D. Just when I was about to give up, Jennifer Packer, agreed to let me conduct an interview with her.
Jennifer Packer or Jenny, stood out from most of the heroes and villains in the club. She is a woman who has the appearance of a rat. Because of her rat features, the way she spoke was peculiar, yet understandable. Jenny told me the reason behind her odd appearance. Apparently, Jenny got hold of a wishing stone and instead of wishing for powers her mind wandered when she saw a rat. The wish got crossed and Jenny transformed into a humanoid rat. Jenny told me that she gained the power of fire and wind. However, the fire does no lasting damage but can somehow light wood.
After Jenny's transformation, homeless people helped her adapt to street life since she could no longer live at home. Even though Jenny is a hero, she told me that her brother is not a nice person. When trying to sort her relationship with her brother she caught her brother and his friends abusing mutants for sport and fun. At this point in the interview, Jenny began to cry. Not wanting to continue with this subject for the sake of Jenny, I asked her her view on meta's and aliens. Jenny had a balanced view and it all depends on what they do, she reminded me that we should not judge those we know nothing about. "If you need us, you cheer us!," Jenny answered when I asked what she thought on civilians and police who rely on the heroes.
Not everything is all downhill and dark in the life of Jenny, despite her appearance she is romantically involved with a prince named Loxas. She described him as heroic, brave caring and noble. Jenny told me that she does not plan on getting too intimate with the prince and refuses to have sex with him until marriage. "Even rats (h)'ave honour," she joked.
To conclude our interview I asked her if she is happy with where she is at in life, Jenny did not answer with a simple yes or no, however, she responded by telling me that she is more comfortable with where she is now.
After my interview with Jenny, I realized that my perspective on meta's and aliens were those of an ignorant person who made a judgement without doing proper research. I learned that meta's and humans both have their problems and fighting each other won't make our problems go away. Instead of being ignorant towards someone, I was reminded that sometimes we should put ourselves in their shoes.
-Selina Carter
Paragon Times -
Talos Tattler
Mystery attack on hospital.
Police today revealed that the disturbance last night at Talos General Hospital was a successful attempt by mercenaries of an unknown group to eliminate a target undergoing surgery at the centre. It is believed their attempts to kill the other occupants of the operating room was curtailed by Hero Surgeon Marshall Mouse of the Forge supergroup and hospital security staff.
A major revision of security procedures that may well see all weapons refused entry by the police sentry drones is now underway. -
Mystery regifting.
Police in our section of the city are appealing for witnesses to identify the mystery person who left a small sack of items outside Skyway's Police Station on Monday Morning. It has been confirmed that all the items had been stolen over the last ten years or so and efforts are being made to reunite the items with their owners. -
Quote:Actually, the Carnival mask is a good example of how these things can work. Because it's 'worthless', people tend to throw it away rather than try to sell it. thus the numbers in the auctionhouse selling it goes DOWN and the number of people needing it goes UP. Thus so does the price.Ok, I was hasty about the auction house. Some things haven't changed. Other things went to crazytown. It doesn't compute to me that I have to shove out a hundred grand for a Carnival of Shadows mask. That's vendor trash, people!
You all have too much inf. You're irresposible with it. The inflation is insane. Go to the nearest email station and launch your inf into oblivion, you're not allowed it anymore. -
Something that's not really a bug but is really getting annoying to me is the incredible amount of 'random door' missions that land in Echo: Dark Astoria at the moment. When it was a 21-29 zone, I was going there maybe once a week. Now it's an Echo - therefore DOES NOT EXIST - I'm getting sent there four or five times a day. This is ridiculous.
In order:-
Not on Union (EU)
Not on Union (E) - I don't think.
There's a disable option in the options. -
With regards to the situation you mention there, that's probably my bigger fear for the film. Dredd is a Black Comedy. To interpret it correctly, that element needs to be maintained.
IDW might do him justice. I mean, I HOPE they get the British sensibilities considering the OTHER Icon they're taking on from this sceptered isle:- http://snipurl.com/22s7cpn
Sometimes there are no words that justify or satisfy the need to speak, Marshall told himself as he looked on the twisted Visage of Dark Astoria. It was not the first time he'd been in here since the awakening, of course. He'd been one of the people assigned to rescue squads in the early days and he was thankful the creature hadn't been so strong then. The awakened abomination of death fed on the fears and doubts of those in its' domain and he'd been ready to give up in those first few fraught days. Not from what he'd seen here but from what he'd been part of. He'd had his doubts once. Then. Probably had them still now. But he was in a better place to deal with them. He stopped above the lit darkness below and looked for the precious signs of hope, whilst considering that those who needed hope could perhaps see him up there; hear the fighting of other -more pro-active - heroes, see the midnighters hunting the streets, and take hope from that. Escape through the portals. Be safe.
ThEY wilL NeVEr Be SAfe.
I WiLL CoNSuMe All.
The words were ones that would have dropped him from the stars like a stone had he not been halfway expecting them. As it was, he managed to right himself before a devastating impact with a roof-top. He focussed his thoughts, and repelled the ground, landing awkwardly on the roof top. He didn’t bother replying to the voice. To speak aloud would be to acknowledge it. To acknowledge it would let it further in. Let it get more grip on him. Besides, it could just be his doubts talking to him – in which case the voice was internal and didn’t need him to talk back. It would know how he felt. Tempting a doctor with threats of death is like trying to encourage people to lower cholesterol by offering them free Cheese and Bacon paninis. Pointless. He’d heard heroes say this thing made them think of the worst horrors they had experienced. It made them dream of death and despair. Well, he’d dreamt of those he’d failed to save for months now, years even. Those dreams didn’t make him despair in his waking hours anymore. They made him fight all the harder to stop the next addition to the dream wall. Doctors knew that death had to be held to be inevitable. Their job wasn’t, as many assume, to deny death as that was akin to insanity. Rather it was to extend life. To give things to stay alive for. To keep hope breathing in those under the knife and those in the waiting room.
YouR HOpE shaLl Be ExTinGUished.
YoU ShaLl belong To Me
Marshall hoped now that it was an external voice talking. He didn’t want to think of his inner voice sounding like a cheesy villain from a 50’s sci-fi film. He realised something then. Something that made him smile. Whatever this thing was, he’d heard that it spoke to heroes in their native language. And why not? After all, an all knowing god of death would know these things. But then an all knowing god would also know that hope can never be totally extinguished for, as light needs dark to remind people of its’ power, so despair needs hope. It always exists, even in despair. The deeper the pit of despair the more the higher levels of the pit resembled hope. Even here, he thought to himself as he looked from the rooftop down onto an old church, still standing after all this time and punishment, hope lingered. He needed it to as an old poem he’d once been given by a patient appeared in his head.
My son was killed whilst laughing at some jest. I wish I knew
What it was, and it might serve me in a time when jests are few.
Recalling Kiplings’ words, Marshall pushed himself up, off the roof as the door to the roof broke and its corrupted denizens flooded through for him.
YoU CAnnOT EsCApe Me.
YOu CaNNoT escaPE wHaT You’VE DonE.
YOu will be CLAiMeD
If you’re a god, I can hardly stop you, Marshall thought as he headed towards the nearest portal he knew of. Same for if you’re my doubts. But know this, whatever you are. He stopped near the protected area and turned to see the fallen cityscape and its’ looming towers. “I’ll be coming back.” He said. -
Gotta say, the film will have to go some to beat the current Mega-epic in the comic. Day of Chaos rocks - and it's not even reached the main event yet after over thirty parts.
Sov agents, chemical plagues, P.J. Maybe in hiding, the Statue of Judgement down, Dredd barely surviving an assassination attempt... I just hope the main event keeps it rocking. -
The BBC Book 'War of the Daleks' (One of the first Eighth Doctor Novels) was commissioned by Terrance Dicks and the BBC to explain that the 7th Doctor somehow destroyed a duplicate Skaro. I suppose this was done to explain how the hell the Master was tried by Squeaky Daleks at the beginning of the movie ON Skaro despite the fact it was destroyed in a supernova.
Of which Darth is one of the best. *Hint, hint, prob, hug, whine, hint*
Marcus Cole ruled.
"If you don't tell me what I want to know in two minutes I'll be the only one at this table still standing. Five minutes after that, I'll be the only one in the ROOM still standing." <Seven minutes later> "Bugger! Now I've got to wait for one to wake up!" -
Quote:Dalek continuity is unbelievably complex but, the Official BBC book 'The Dalek Handbook' states that the fourth Doctors' attempts to interfere in their creation - at the timelords behest - created a new time-line. The Doctor remembers the previous ones as he was there but those events no longer ever occured in the future.Daleks were originally imprisoned in a single building on rails more or less...
Davros had the hover capability in 'Revelation of the Daleks' and the Daleks visibly manifested it in McCoys 'Rememberance of the Daleks'. -
Here's a link to the cover.
Q is more akin to 'Light', the character from McCoy's 'Ghost Light' in my opinion. -
To chippeth in, the Docotr Who DVDS released by the BBC officially list the Sylvester McCoy years as being 1987-1989. He's only classed as a gues star in McCanns film.
He's not related to her dad Peter Moffett (Davison) either. Which is kinda confusing as it means Georgia really is the Doctor's daughter in RL and in the show and she's married to her show father... Which means the Doctor is kind of his own father in law...