504 -
Phew, I have those and won't be around that night.
Crossing my fingers for MoTPN and MoMagi soon™. Good luck on Saturday, badgers! -
Seasons of the Widow
Primavera: Sister Airlia
Estate: Belladonna Vetrano
Autunno: Night Widow Vetrano (my concept based on Arachnos rank structure)
Inverno: Ghost Widow
This idea actually sprung from what I was going for last month, and hope to expand upon at a later date. Art Nouveau inspired, done with Copic markers. -
Hi all,
Arwen sends warm regards and appreciation for the goodbyes. -
It was wonderful seeing all the Justice classics and greats turn out for Lucas' memorial Hami raid. Tho' the reason for the occasion was sad, I think it really shows how we are a community in how we react to the loss of an old friend.
Thank you, Zwillinger for showing up and playing the part. Thank you, Justice players for making the event a wonderful, enjoyable and bittersweet gathering. -
Hi cobie!
I use The Last Word (First Ward, history) on my A/TA Corrupter, Warden Edgewise.
It's a pun.
Since you can't have the badge title you want just yet, I would say pick a few of your favs and rotate them. My favs that have been listed: Hunter, Traveler, Alpha Ranger, Sharp-shooter -
I didn't know him well, but I well knew of him. I spoke to him several times, often about PvP and my curiosity with it. Tho' I don't remember much of what he said now, I do recall he was always polite and forthcoming with answers.
He had an infamous reputation on Justice that has been missed for some time now. I am sorry for his passing and send my best to his family. -
Try a split complementary combination. Pick your main focus color, find its complement and choose the two colors to its side. Perhaps desaturate the secondary colors a bit. (EX - start with an orange, pick a blue green and a blue violet. Adjust as necessary.)
I think it would help to start with a color that is not as prominent among the classic heroes and branch from there. -
I hope this is not necroposting, but I wanted to see if I could get some ideas for a better damage farm.
The top damage badge is 100mil taken and I'm currently working on rest damage farms on my Dominator. Once he's done I'll have to worry about it on my Defender.
Against a level 54 CoT Guide I'm averaging about 350k damage taken an hour. X_X
He drops me to about 10% HP on each hit and I don't quite heal to full before he hits again. (Which is fine, it bypasses some of the accolade HP.)
Is there a better way to do this? It's over 200hours at this rate to the badge if all I do is leave myself in rest at night, so I'm probably looking at a month of farming damage on this one toon. -
Haven't been at this point terribly long, this is the first time I've been able to post to one of the "you have a crazy amount of badges" threads. Both my badgers are sitting at over 1350 currently.
I promise I won't wait until the last minute to get the last month started.
Here's my homage to Captain Mako week (upcoming!)
Oooh, can't wait! I'll be standing by on my Dominator crossing my fingers for the badge.
I also have a Dark/Sonic Corr I can bring to help with the -res. -
Holy crap I wish I'd known this was happening. Hope to see another run happening that I can jump on.
Oh, and how awesome that you succeeded thrice! Excellent job! -
I peek in occasionally; I love seeing all the great, creative names available!
I noticed this happens occasionally, too. I haven't figured a rhyme or reason as of yet.
Holy crap I didn't have a clue. <3 you Tic/BaBs! Miss seeing you around and hope you are well.
If the light source is so strong, why don't you try a more extreme-contrast look. Take the darkest areas and make them black. Like ink. Except on the hair, 'cause that'll look odd.
Be simple with what you choose to highlight. You don't have to render everything, just the areas you want attention drawn to. For example, on the face, just highlight the edge of the cheek or chin to suggest facial features. The focus of your image isn't the face anyway.
Add a secondary light source elsewhere to pop the areas farthest away from the main light source so the body doesn't fad into the background at the top. You don't have to throw detail into that either, just suggest shapes and edges. -
I tested this as well (to be safe, logged out two toons for 21 days); noticed the Midnighter Day job icon shows up in the main area of the house and outside the door but no progress was awarded toward the badge when parked in either location. It's exactly like the Day Trader/Marketeer badge in Imperial/Underground Imperial. And just as with Imperial I don't expect them to ever fix it.
Would be nice if they addressed both. -
I reminded some people to have a look and vote if possible. Lazy bums!
I have no problem 'giving' myself a third place point if I stirs attention for others to vote. Alternatively, you could 'not count' the required 3rd place vote for participants who choose to vote. So they only give points for 1st and 2nd when voting for the other contestants. -
Quote:Aww Furry J, :[...Unfortunately we have to say our goodbyes to Furry_Jackal.
Thank you so much for an awesome contribution to this year's battle!
Three battlers left!...
So I checked the rules and I see the only eliminations are for artists that drop/miss the deadline. Shouldn't the final month be one artist against another? -
Count me in on Dark-stream, Dominator, hybrid unlocked.