Midnighter badge in Night Ward
I just had a character spend a week in the Midnighter Mansion in Night Ward, yet it did not gain any progress on the badge even though the day job icon shows up while there. Can anyone else verify this?
http://boards.cityofheroes.com/showthread.php?t=288064 (Thread I started about a similar bug)
The auction house in Imperial City and the underground Imperial Resistance base also has a day job icon when you go there but no progress toward the badge is made. Not even a progress bar shows up in your badge list. Same situation as you: I left a character there logged out for several days and no progress bar period.
I sent in a support ticket back in February regarding the Imperial City auction house bug and it's been that way some time since before February.
I suspect the issues are related and can both be fixed at the same time, but like I said: THEY DON'T CARE.

Honestly. What is the point in having a day job icon show up if the badge progress isn't being awarded? If they don't want to fix it so you can earn the badges, then maybe they could just remove the icon from showing up.
Edited for typos.
Edit 2: http://paragonwiki.com/wiki/Imperial_City#Day_Jobs
The wiki doesn't list an auction house day job badge for Imperial City or Underground Imperial City (Day job badges in Underground are inside the Resistance base in each city and you need to be Resistance alignment to access them)
The wiki DOES list the Midnighter day job badge for Night Ward though.
For Imperial City, my guess is the wiki doesn't list the Auction day job badge because it hasn't been awarded for quite some time and/or the badge was never meant to reward it in the first place and the icon showing up has been a mistake that was never addressed.
I did go to Night Ward to do the Trilogy and Fireball missions finally. I noticed the day job badge icon for Midnighter shows up in the status tray outside the mansion as well as inside the first room of the mansion (does not appear in the cave-like area in the back).
I tested this as well (to be safe, logged out two toons for 21 days); noticed the Midnighter Day job icon shows up in the main area of the house and outside the door but no progress was awarded toward the badge when parked in either location. It's exactly like the Day Trader/Marketeer badge in Imperial/Underground Imperial. And just as with Imperial I don't expect them to ever fix it.
Would be nice if they addressed both.
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Strange. The wiki no longer lists the Midnighter day job badge.
At the time of my last post it did list it and that's why I pointed it out then.
I wish they would fix the Midnighter's day job in Night Ward and the auction day job in Imperial City. If anything they can just prevent the icons from showing up to avoid confusion.
To quote myself: "I sent in a support ticket back in February regarding the Imperial City auction house bug and it's been that way some time since before February."
Probably a very low priority, almost not even on their to-do list of things to fix I imagine.
Edit: It would be nice to get a red name response as to whether or not this is working as intended. It seems they are completely flat out ignoring the problem all together.
Strange. The wiki no longer lists the Midnighter day job badge.
http://paragonwiki.com/wiki/Night_Ward#Day_Jobs |
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Not strange at all. After syrusbLiz's post verifying that it doesn't award at all after 21 days, I went ahead and fixed it. Then Blondeshell was nice enough to clean up my note and use the bug template.
Remember, *anyone* can edit the wiki. |

I see it now right under the Pain Specialist part. Must not have noticed it when I checked before my last post here.
Although there is no mention of the auction house day job icon showing up in Imperial City and underground Imperial on the wiki and indicating there is no progress awarded toward the badge. I have no idea how to edit the wiki. Never done anything like that before. I'm a bit technically challenged. ![]() |
"{{Bug|Although the Midnighter Day Job badge appears on your character while near and inside the Midnighter Mansion, no progress is earned and the badge is not awarded.}}"
I copied that, popped over to the Imperial City page and altered it to be specific to this problem.
{{Bug|Although the Day Trader/Marketeer Day Job badge appears on your character while inside the Trading House, no progress is earned and the badge is not awarded.}}
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I just logged into a couple Praetorians I left in the Mansion in Nightward... they got the day job badge.
So... it got fixed at some point. Or you have to log off for 70+ days there. I dunno. So I moved my Praetorians to their respective auction houses and we'll see what happens.
Not that it matters so much at this point. :/
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Yep, fixed in the July 31st patch along with the Auctioneer dayjob badge in Imperial City.
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Ahh I was on the road, missed that patch.
Well my few remaining Praetorians can finally get the market day job badges. Yay. :[
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I just had a character spend a week in the Midnighter Mansion in Night Ward, yet it did not gain any progress on the badge even though the day job icon shows up while there. Can anyone else verify this?
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