FArt Battle 2012 - June




Ladies and Gentlemen, welcome to the 6th round of the FArt Battle of 2012!!
Take a look at what went on in the earlier rounds:

June's theme:
Last year FArt Battle had a "Movie-poster" theme. This year it will be Comic Covers!
Create your own comic cover, involving one (or several) of your own CoH-heroes or villains and come up with a catchy title for it! (don't forget to place it on the cover )

Please keep discussions in this thread <- click it , thanks!

Pointing the following settings out:
The deadline of this theme is set on June 29th at midnight Eastern US time (UTC-05).

Early Bird Vote:
Every artist that submits his/her piece before the 15th of June at midnight Eastern US time (UTC-05), is granted a 3rd place vote.

Influence prizes for this month:
The winner of the month will win 85 million influence in-game.
The runner up of the month will win 50 million influence in-game.
3rd prize is 25 million influence in-game.

This month's bonus prizes for the winner and runnerup:
The winner gets to choose one of the following two prizes.
The runnerup wins a drawing of the artist not chosen by the winner.

- a digital coloured portrait drawing by DeeDee of a City of Heroes related character chosen by the winner.
- an inked and shaded drawing by the most talented Flame_Strike aka CDrysdale, of a City of Heroes related character chosen by the winner.
(mind that you will need to provide references to that character if needed)

Please read the full rules and settings:
FArt Battle 2012 Rules and Settings

If you have any questions, please contact me by PM or through Deviant Art

Let battle commence!

CoH Fan-Art Sale still several slots open!

Read my in-game stories and check out my DeviantART page.
- coXso - It was a memorable time filled with art!



so create a comic cover using one of your characters and a title
turn in by June 15 for bonus points
deadline June 29

got it



So.. here's my poor attempt on a Comic Cover of one of my characters *giggles*.

CoH Fan-Art Sale still several slots open!

Read my in-game stories and check out my DeviantART page.
- coXso - It was a memorable time filled with art!



One more day to earn an Early Bird Vote! -- just sayin'...--

CoH Fan-Art Sale still several slots open!

Read my in-game stories and check out my DeviantART page.
- coXso - It was a memorable time filled with art!



Awwww yours is nice! A pity we can't vote for you.



Thanks! Yeah, I find it quite sad that a can't actually join the battle *pouts*
I would utterly LOVE to win! DN is one of my favourite artists! But alas.
Guess I 'could' hope everyone will quit, then I can claim the prize. *giggles*. But I don't *shrugs*

I just realized.. only 2 months to go! (not counting this one). Two themes left. Time sure flies!

CoH Fan-Art Sale still several slots open!

Read my in-game stories and check out my DeviantART page.
- coXso - It was a memorable time filled with art!



June 29th as in the moment on june 28th that it turns 12 oclock or june 29th when it turns 30th?????

and I wanna use my points if its june 28th and turns june 29th..

...err.. 25 of my points that is..

(( kinna had a b-day partys and stuff going on..well sorta going on.... ok.. I just got drunk and depressed, but it was still sorta a b-day.. ))



Done! Tartyr gets 3 days extra. Your deadline is now: July 2nd, midnight! (that's the midnight from July 2 to 3 )
Points left for Tartyr: 26 .

Liz and Furry still have the original deadline. When June 29 turn into June 30. Soon!

CoH Fan-Art Sale still several slots open!

Read my in-game stories and check out my DeviantART page.
- coXso - It was a memorable time filled with art!



its done, AND on time.. so I want my points back.. GIMME GIMME GIMME!!



@Tartyr: Hahaha seems fair . *gives points back*
Good luck out there Liz!

Great stuff everyone! *looks proud*

Unfortunately we have to say our goodbyes to Furry_Jackal.
Thank you so much for an awesome contribution to this year's battle!

Three battlers left!

Voting thread will be up shortly!

CoH Fan-Art Sale still several slots open!

Read my in-game stories and check out my DeviantART page.
- coXso - It was a memorable time filled with art!



Originally Posted by DarthDelicious View Post
@Tartyr: Hahaha seems fair . *gives points back*
Good luck out there Liz!

Great stuff everyone! *looks proud*

Unfortunately we have to say our goodbyes to Furry_Jackal.
Thank you so much for an awesome contribution to this year's battle!

Three battlers left!

Voting thread will be up shortly!
three battlers left and we cant vote for ourselfs :*(



Originally Posted by DarthDelicious View Post
...Unfortunately we have to say our goodbyes to Furry_Jackal.
Thank you so much for an awesome contribution to this year's battle!

Three battlers left!...
Aww Furry J, :[

So I checked the rules and I see the only eliminations are for artists that drop/miss the deadline. Shouldn't the final month be one artist against another?

sketches on tumblr | finished pieces and resources on dA

Currently most active:
Shining Finger: 40 Elec/Titan][Summer's Son: 38 Fire/Fire/Pyre
Hyperion Tekk][Dark-stream
City of Heroes LiveJournal community.
Friendly, helpful and surprisingly light on the drama.

Save our game Master post.



Once the entering of the Battle was closed there were not a lot of participants to start with, so I decided to let it run till the end with what we had expecting a few to drop out along the way anyway.

I figured, those who actually make it till the end sure have earned themselves a good shot at a David Nakayama drawing. Endurance is being payed this way

Now there are three left. And each month has three prizes. Guess it's became a very friendly battle now. You simply can't lose! *giggles*.

CoH Fan-Art Sale still several slots open!

Read my in-game stories and check out my DeviantART page.
- coXso - It was a memorable time filled with art!



Sad to see you go, Furry_Jackal.
Your art has been amazing!